A/N: I finally saw Raven and Rebecca's A support so I'm happy today. For that reason and for my reviews this chapter will be longer. Raven and Rebecca is probably my favorite pair now. It will change soon enough though. Also for any of you Heath fans he appears in this chapter.

Disclaimer-I do not own Fire Emblem or any of the Characters. I do own Mishima and the mysterious Lady lord (Sorry its a lady lord not lord) that will appear in chapters to come.


Chapter 2

Rebecca entered the room where everyone was planning their next move. They didn't stop to look at her like they usually did to anyone who entered the room when they were planning.

"I say we leave for Valor tomorrow," said Akiko.

"I don't agree we should leave now," Eliwood told her. She slammed her hand on the table.

"We need time to get ourselves ready," she shot back.

"Here they go again with their pointless fighting," said Hector. Lyn sighed. "Maybe we should leave them."

"I agree," Lyn replied.

"Eliwood Akiko please stop fighting we need to plan," Florina said in a higher pitched voice than usual. Akiko nodded in agreement. Then the tactian took out a bigger map of Valor and decided to place pins on where everyone should go.

"Hey I found one!" Rebecca said happily as she picked up a bow. Everyone looked at her for a second then turned away. With the bow in her hands she left the tent and walked outside. While walking she saw Priscilla packing up her stuff. Rebecca walked up to her.

"Oh hello Rebecca," she said as she put a bag by her horse.

"Why are you packing up so early?" Rebecca asked her.

"I decided I should pack up now and then not have to worry about rushing to do it tomorrow," she replied. Then she got on her horse and started to walk off. "I have to take my horse back to the stable now I'll talk to you later." Rebecca waved goodbye.

"I guess I should go too." She passed up Erk who seemed as he was sneaking off. "That seems suspicious I better follow him." She followed Erk a ways. She passed up many trees and bushes and even a lake. Then he went inside a house. She looked in the window and saw him sitting in a chair reading. "So that's where he goes." She turned around and saw someone that was very tall in front of her.

"Eeeeeeeek!" She screamed. Rebecca backed away to get a better look at the person standing in front of her.

"Sorry Rebecca" said the man. She looked at him blankly. "Don't you remember me I'm Heath?"

"Oh Sorry I didn't recognize you at first," she apologized. "Why are you here anyway?"

"I was hired to join your group earlier today," Heath replied. "I saw you and Raven talking so I didn't bother to interrupt epically when you were talking to Raven. He seems to hate me for some reason. I try to stay as far away from him as possible."

"He's not that mean he's pretty nice actually." Then she waved bye to Heath and went back to camp. "He's so nice why would anyone think he is mean?" Then she saw Raven practicing with his sword. "I wonder why he practices so much?" She walked up to him, which made him stop his training. He set his sword down.

He walked up to her and said "Your here because...?"

"Oh no reason in particular just saw you and decided to say hello," she replied back with a smile. "I noticed you have been practicing with your sword a lot lately, why?"

"If you must know I just fear I need to become stronger," he told her. He picked up his sword and started to walk away. Rebecca followed him.

"Why are you following me this time?" He asked with a smile forming. Rebecca laughed a little.

"I got nothing better to do." Raven seemed surprised at what she said. "Hey I got an idea how about you come hunting with me? It will be loads of fun. Raven nodded a yes. They walked to the forest when a voice called them. Heath was running up to them.

"Akiko says that we should get to our tents and rest as we are crossing the sea to Valor tomorrow," Heath told them. Raven and Rebecca nodded. Then Heath walked away.

"I guess we can go hunting some other time," Rebecca said in a cheery voice. Then she left for her tent.

"Hmm...." said Raven as he also went to his tent. When he entered his tent Heath was lying on his bed looking up. "So you're sharing a tent with me." Heath sat up in his bed and looked at Raven. Raven was looking around the room.

"Yep," Heath said back. "I have to ask you something, why are you traveling with this group anyway? It's a weird question to ask, but I never expected to see you." Raven looked at Heath then back at the ceiling.

"I feel like I have to and nothing more," he replied back.

* * *

"So has Raven bothered you about Erk yet," Rebecca asked Priscilla.

"No he hasn't said a word let alone talk to me," she replied back with sadness in her voice. I really would like to talk to him, but I fear that he will be mad at me."

"Why would he be mad at you," she asked.

"I was talking to him the other day about splitting up and going to Eturia with Erk, but only for a while. Then I decided to ask him if he wanted to come. His face was flooded with anger so I'm afraid to talk to him. I hate to be a burden to you, but could you ask him? I hate seeing him mad."

"I would be glad to," she said back. Your brother is so nice I can't imagine him angry especially with you. Everyone thinks he is so tough and has no heart, but he really is sweet. If I talk to him maybe I... Never mind I'm going to talk to him. She got up put her shoes on.

"Right now?"

"Why not?" She asked as she left the tent. Rebecca heard Priscilla mumble a thank you as she exited the tent. Arriving at Raven's tent door she opened the flap and looked around. Raven was sitting on his bed and Heath was looking at the ceiling to the tent. Then they noticed someone entered the tent and looked at her.

"Rebecca?" Said Raven.

"Um Raven I need to talk to you," she said with smile. He was confused as you could tell by the look on his face. Rebecca walked up to him. Priscilla wanted me to tell you that she is sorry. "She was too scared to come here herself as she didn't want to see you mad. I know she really wants to go with Erk, and... I think you should let her."

"Why should I listen to you?" He asked.

"Raven thinks of what's best for Priscilla." You have to let her live her life, and let her be her own women. If she wants to go I say let her go, and someday she will anyway so why not let her now?"

"I guess your right she needs to do what she wants I can't control what she does." If she goes I have no one left. See was the only one that cared for me."

"I care for you and so does everyone else just give them a chance open up a bit." Rebecca then waved goodbye and exited the tent.

"Maybe she is right," Raven said to himself. Heath just looked at Raven for a sec then decided to go to sleep.

* * *

Rebecca opened the flap to the tent she was staying in. Priscilla was still up. She then looked at her with a smile.

"He said that you could do as you please," Rebecca told her. Priscilla ran up to Rebecca and hugged her. Then she let go and backed away.

"Thank you so much for everything I thin that you are the nicest person." Raven has never been so nice before I think he has made a place for you in his heart, but is too much of himself to show it."

"Raven like me." Rebecca said to herself.

* * *

"Um Lyn what time are we leaving tomorrow?" Florina asked her.

"I say about when the sun rises," she told her.

"Yeah so we better get some shuteye," Akiko told them as she lay down.

* * *

"Hector wake up," said Eliwood shaking him.

"What?" He asked.

"I can't sleep as you snore to loud," he yelled at him.

"Yeah sorry whatever," he said as he went back to sleep. Eliwood sighed.


A/N: I hope you liked that chapter. Don't worry Raven will soon learn that he really does have feelings for Rebecca. Oh and now for the...

Review Responses

Priscilla-I'm glad you liked it and don't worry I don't plan on putting in cussing.

The Story Master 125-They do make a cute couple. I agree Raven is hot! Eliwood will always be cuter though. Thanks for reviewing Rebecca.

Ed, The Master Tactian-Sorry about my writing I'll try and make it less confusing. Thanks for saying it was a good fic all of you.

AmbieChan-Yeah this fic is kind of off but it will get better in later chapters. I'm glad you enjoyed It.^_^

Itzel-Yeah I'm glad you liked it!

Davis3-Yeah you're right about they're being so little Rebecca and Raven fics. I think Rebecca and Raven make the best couple too.^_^

A/N: I'll update soon! Review please!!