Chapter One

Disclaimer: Basil, Dawson, Mrs. Judson, Ratigan, and all related characters are property of Disney. Basil of Baker Street, Dawson, and Ratigan are also the property of Eve Titus. All other characters belong to Megana.

On one unusually hot summer night in July, I decided to take the novel I had been reading downstairs in an attempt to escape the heat that had gathered in my room. Halfway down the stairs I heard low voices coming from the parlour. I paused and listened.

"Why can't Major Weldon go?" Dawson's voice asked. "It's his business."

"He's too old and handicapped," Basil replied. "The business at hand is much too private, and he would only draw attention."

"Then I'm going with you."


"Come now, Basil. I know nearly as much as you do about this whole affair."

Basil then muttered something unintelligible. I leaned forward in an attempt to catch his words.

"...Stay here, in case... It would be most invaluable," he finished.

"What could happen?" Dawson asked.

I heard Basil whisper something to Dawson. I gripped the railing and leaned forward to see around the corner of the stairs. Basil's back was to me, while Dawson's head was turned to the side, his ear next to Basil's mouth.

Dawson's head shot up. "Really?"

I drew back so violently that I slipped on the carpeted stair. I tumbled head over tail, coming to a stop at the foot of the stairs. I looked up at Basil. He raised an eyebrow. I blushed and rose to my feet.

"Meg," he said, shaking his head.

"You're talking about Major Kingsley Weldon of the Queen's Royal Navy, right?" I asked. "He was here?"

"Two days ago," Basil replied.


"Don't concern yourself about that," Dawson said.

Basil grabbed his Inverness and deerstalker and, despite the heat, donned the heavy clothing on. He headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Out," Basil stated.

"That's really specific," I said sarcastically.

"Be careful on the stairs next time, Mrs. Havers," he shot back with a grin. He opened the door and headed out.

When the door had closed behind him I threw my hands up in the air. "You're all impossible to live with!" I exclaimed.

Dawson smiled. "You have to get used to it."

Half an hour later there was a knock at the door. Dawson glanced up from his newspaper and cocked his head to the side while staring at the door. Mrs. Judson rushed up and opened it.

"Yes?" she said sweetly to the little boy standing at the door.

He wavered a bit and then collapsed at her feet.

"Dr. Dawson!" she shrieked. The doctor was there in an instant, carrying him to Basil's room, Mrs. Judson fussing after him

I went to the open door and looked outside. A few mice strolling about in the warm summer air stared curiously at Lower 221B. I walked towards the street, a middle-aged couple approaching me as I reached the sidewalk.

"I say miss, is the boy all right?" the man asked in concern.

"I don't know yet." I said. "Do you know him?"

"Oh no," he said. "He was just darting down the street as if the devil himself was after him. We thought he was a thief until he stopped at Mr. Basil's flat."

"Strange," I said. "Well, good evening."

"Good evening," husband and wife chorused.

As I turned back into the flat, I discovered an envelope on the ground. I bent down, picked it up and turned it over. The plain white envelope was not addressed to anyone in particular. I looked around to make sure no one was watching and then opened it.

Raleigh has an Esau. What is the number one reason for murder?

I ran inside, slamming the door behind me. "Dr. Dawson!" I yelled, running into Basil's bedroom. "Dr. Dawson, where did Basil go?"

Dawson held up his hand to shush me. "Be quiet Meg. And no, I can't tell you where he's going."

"Who's Raleigh?" I asked.

Dawson whipped his head in my direction. "How did you know about him?" he hissed.

"Who is he?"

"None of your business."

"Where's Basil?"

"That's also none of your business."

A pounding on the door interrupted us. Dawson, Mrs. Judson, and I raced to the parlour. The front door burst open, and two mice came into the room.

"Where's the boy?" the taller of the two barked.

"He's fainted," Dawson said calmly, slowly moving his hand into his inner coat pocket. I recalled that that was where he kept his pistol.

"He's taken something from me," the tall mouse said.

"What has he taken?" I asked.

"A message. This man here," he motioned to his comrade, "was handing it to me, when that little imp took it from me."

I stepped in front of Dawson with my hands behind my back. I waved the message back and forth for him to see. "Now why would a little boy steal a message?" I said coldly. I opened up the message for Dawson to read.

The tall mouse glared at me. "Perhaps he thought it was a wallet, miss."

"Missus," I corrected him.

Dawson put a hand on my shoulder and gently pushed his way past me. "I'll see if I can find it on him."

"We'll come with you," the tall mouse said quickly.

As they went into the bedroom, Dawson muttered to me, "Toby knows. Quick, before midnight."

I hurried to the passage to Upper 221B Baker Street, only to find that The Master was still awake. He was pacing the study, deep in thought. Toby was sleeping about five feet away. I slipped out of the mouse hole and darted across the floor to the dog.

"Toby," I whispered in his ear.

He opened one big eye and looked at me. He jumped up and wagged his tail.

I had only used Toby once, but that was with Basil there to show me how. I was not completely sure how to do this.

"Toby, Basil is in trouble, and we have to find him."

Toby began to growl. I tried to shush him, glancing at Sherlock Holmes. The Master, however, appeared too absorbed in his own thoughts to notice the dog.

"Toby! Quiet, boy. We have to find him. Can you take me to him?"

JWJ: 'THE MASTER?' That's ridiculous! You Sherlock Holmes fans are really weird.

Meg & Leigh: Get over it!

JWJ: And that whole 'Esau' stuff. What's with that?

Meg & Leigh: Read the Bible sometime!

JWJ: It's not my fault that I hate to read!

Sarah: Um, yeah it is.