She awoke in a hospital bed with a very worried boss standing watch. "Wha...What happened?" she asked confused.

"You collapsed at practice, do you remember?" at her blank look he added "I brought you to the hospital. I'm worried about you Suzie. You've been looking ill all week, then this; and the doctor says he has something very important to tell you, but he won't give me any clue what it is." Suzie looked at him questioningly but was interrupted by the doctor before she could form her question.

"Ahh, the nightingale awakes. I must say miss, my wife and I caught your show last week, simply lovely my dear."

"Thank you" she whispered primly.

"Now I have some very important news for you, would you like Mr. McGill to leave?"

"He's my employer and my friend, I suppose he needs to know to" she looked frightened.

"Do you have any idea what I'm going to tell you?" the doctor asked, figuring she would have at least suspected.

"No," she said shakily, "Should I?"

Looking at her nervous large eyes he realized that she did in fact have no clue. He patted her hand reassuringly. "Susan, you are pregnant; you are going to be a mother."

At this her terrified eyes, thought still exhibiting fear, took on a light of joy and wonder, mingled with deep grief. She stared at the doctor as she touched her still flat stomach.

McGill gasped and stared at her "Pregnant?!"

Suzie was still lost in her thoughts and didn't seem to hear him.

"Suzie?" the doctor asked, "I don't mean to impugn your honor but I need to ask, do you know who the father is?"

She gazed up at him with wonder and breathed, "Cesar"