Disclaimer:I don't own any DBZ characters, only Raven.

Hi! This story popped into my head when I was sitting on the couch doing my homework. (Mind you, I did finish that assignment...I think.) -Later!

Summary:The story starts off with Majin Buu (the fat one.) He meets a girl named Raven. Is there really a chance for Buu to fall in...love?


Chapter 1

"Hahahahaha!!!' Majin Buu was destroying yet another town. As Buu demolished the town's city hall, Babidi laughed. "Buu! Destroy that one!" he yelled, pointing to a building. I just a few seconds the grocery store was just a mess of rubble. Babidi cracked up again. "Let's go look at our work Buu," Buu gently flew down. Babidi attempted to make a clean jump off of Buu, but instead fell off with a soft thud. "Babidi fall off! Very funny!" Babidi scowled at Buu. Buu's chunky face filled with laughter. "Shut up!" Buu stopped but kept on smiling. Babidi went looking around the rubble while Buu went looking for candy. Buu wondered where the candy could be. Then he saw a box of chocolates. "Yahoo!" He ran over to the box and started eating some. "Yes yes!! Very good!" When he turned around he saw a young girl sprawled on the ground. She was very pretty. He dark-chocolate hair shined as the sunlight shown down on her. She wore a red tanktop that showed her slim figure. Some black boots and black bellbottoms. Buu shook her on the shoulder. "Hello?" The girl mumbled. Buu shook her again, seeing as it didn't work the last time. The girl opened her eyes. They were emerald green and filled with surprise. Buu waved and said, "Hi! Me Buu, who you?" "The girl sat up and had a dazed look. "Uhh, I'm Raven. Wait, did you say you were Buu?" Buu nodded. Raven's eyes widened. "Umm, I'm gonna leave k'?" She got up and started walking away but was stopped by Babidi. "Ahhh!" Babidi smiled. "Hello, who may I ask are you?" Buu chimed in,"She Raven! Pretty girl, yes?" Raven blushed. But soon came back to reality. "Out of my way," she said, calm but urgent. Babidi shook his head. "Buu!!! I thought we killed every human here! You stupid idiot!" Buu bowed his head. Raven looked at Buu then back at Babidi. "Well, looks as if I have to do it myself, goodbye Raven!" Babidi shot a ki blast at Raven. She flew back 20 feet. Buu looked up, his face filled with disgust. "You killed nice girl!" Babidi smiled, "That's what we're here for Buu," Buu seemed to be getting mad. "She was nice girl! You hurt her! Now I hurt you!" Babidi's face scrunched up. "NO!" "Bye Master Babidi!" There was a blinding pink flash. And where Babidi once stood, layed a pile of ash. Buu laughed and pranced over to Raven. He healed her in about 10 seconds. Raven sat up. "You saved me," Buu smiled. "Thanks," "Where's Babidi?" Raven asked, looking around. "Buu get rid of him," said Buu, pointing to the pile of ash. Raven looked at the ash and gasped. "Buu think funny! You?" Raven had a nervous look, "Oh it's so..funny,"

A/N: This is my first story so don't hate me if the first chapter stinks. I'm planning to go all the way to Kid Buu. If you want me to continue just send me reveiws. 3 reveiws = chapter 2. All you have to do is press the pretty button! See it! Hehehe!!! (