Disclaimer: I do not own anything except for this wonderful plot. The characters and canon situations in the following story belong solely to J.K. Rowling. I am not making any money for the publishing or writing of this story. No copyright infringement is intended.

Warning & A/N: This is my first Oliver/Hermione story and all I have to say is that I did my best to keep them in character. The dialogue for this chapter is from my own imagination and creation.

Keep in mind that flames will be laughed at and will only serve to increase my amusement. Although, I do accept constructive criticism because I know it will help me out in the long run.

Chapter 9: Study Hall

The inseparable trio ran inside the Gryffindor common room moments later. Hermione and Ron started to ask Harry what happened and Harry told them everything.

After Hermione and Ron discussed with Harry what had happened back at the Dueling Club, they were both left speechless. They didn't know what think or what to make of the situation. And Harry really didn't know what to think or what to make of the situation himself, either.

On top of being shocked, Hermione and Ron were also frightened. Not of their best friend, but more of what happened and was happening. Though despite their shock and fear, Hermione and Ron both vowed to stick by Harry no matter what and Harry reciprocated their feelings.

Days then a couple of weeks passed. December and the winter holidays was fast approaching and that meant that the Polyjuice Potion was almost ready. Nevertheless, this didn't comfort the ever growing worried Hermione.

First, she still wasn't able to find any information about the mysterious creature that Salazar Slytherin hid in the chamber. The book she had checked out weeks earlier called The Wizarding World's Deadliest Yet Mysterious Creatures wasn't of any help at all like she had first thought it would be. There were many creatures mentioned, but none that resembled or gave any hints of the monster the school was currently dealing with.

She returned the once promising yet now disappointing book back and checked out other books. This quickly became a pattern for her. She would find good leads in the beginning, but then she would just keep hitting a dead end towards the end every time. It was so bloody frustrating.

And second, she had not talked to or seen much of Oliver since the day he agreed to help her solve the said mystery of the monster and the chamber. Of course she had not expected him to help her with the research everyday. She knew he was probably occupied with schoolwork, assignments, and most of all Quidditch and so was she (minus Quidditch). But it was two weeks now since their last encounter and she was quite worried.

She hoped everything was all right. She also hoped she hadn't scared him off or bored him so much that he didn't want to have anything to do with her or even worse… angered him again.

Though unbeknownst to her, Oliver was occupied with more than what Hermione thought and assumed he was occupied with. Because on top of everything he had, he also had Prefect duties.

Hermione was now seated in her Study Hall class. She was sitting in a similar large classroom just like the Dueling Club was held in. Yet this classroom was a little smaller. And just like the Dueling Club, every student from first year to seventh year had Study Hall together. This particular hour long class was conducted by none other than her—and everyone else's—grueling Potions teacher: Professor Snape.

Hermione was sitting across the table from Harry and Ron, who were sitting next to each other. Ron was sitting at Harry's left hand side. Neville was sitting in between her and Lavender Brown. Lavender's best friend, Pavarti Patil, sat next to her. Dean and Seamus sat across from Neville, but next to Ron.

Ginny was sitting in between her and Angelina. George sat next to Angelina while Fred sat next to his twin. And Lee sat next to Fred.

Percy sat across from Lee. Katie sat in between Percy and Alicia. Alicia, meanwhile, was sitting next to Katie on Katie's left hand side. Finally, the person who Hermione needed to talk to was sitting almost in front of her while sitting in between Alicia and Harry; it was none other than Oliver himself.

While Hermione was busy doing the necessary assignment, she couldn't believe she forgot about Study Hall and that Oliver—not to mention everyone else included—had it with her.

She suddenly got a brilliant idea, even though she new it was going to be risky and she might get caught. She needed to talk to him about setting up a schedule for what days and times they could meet to do the research, so she had to get his attention right now somehow.

Because if she didn't, she didn't know when she was going to see him next!

After what happened that day at the Dueling Club, Oliver felt all sorts of emotions course inside him. He was curious, slightly fearful and nervous, worried, but most of all intrigued. He increased his guard; not because he was scared, but because he needed to stay alert, to be aware for everyone's safety. He wasn't a damn school Prefect for nothing, mind you.

Naturally, when Hermione had told him what she was researching, he had wanted to help. He had also wanted to keep her safe. That had been his main concern. But he had been genuine and sincere about it. The reason was simple really: he had wanted to get to know her better as well.

He stopped trying to deny his growing attraction towards her, but there were four things that kept him from crossing the line: the first obvious reason was the age barrier. Also, the fact that they were complete opposites was the second reason. The third reason was that he'd have to answer to Harry and Ron, not mention her parents too. The final reason, which was probably the major reason of them all, was of what people were going to say if he started flirting publicly with a second year student.

But not just flirting, people would have to take into count any kissing, hand holding, etc. that they would probably do. These public displays of affections were going to send him on a one way ticket to Azkaban without a trial and without any mercy for sure if he just threw all caution to the wind, not stopping think about the consequences of the said actions.

Besides, if he through all caution to the wind, he would definitely lose his position as a Prefect and as captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He would also be considered a bad role model and example to the younger students, he would be chastised by his professors and parents, but most of all he would hurt an intelligent and beautiful girl. He couldn't do that to her or to him.

So, he should just be happy to have her as his friend for now. Maybe if he felt this strongly for her, he could wait for her to mature and grow? If he did that, though, would she wait for him too? It was so bloody confusing and heart-wrenching.

Across the table, Oliver was replaying these thoughts in his mind over and over again. At the same time he was having a difficult time concentrating and focusing on the assignment. He also kept stealing glances at Hermione, but her head was always down while she was scribbling away with her quill on the parchment so she didn't catch any of his stares.

Although he didn't know it, but while she was writing her assignment, she was mostly thinking about how to get his attention.

Well, while Hermione was the center of his thoughts, so was Quidditch, his Prefect duties, and last but not the least the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets.

He was still feeling guilty about not talking to her about the said mystery since that one time in the library two weeks ago. However, he couldn't help it. His Prefect duties were the reason he hadn't gotten around to talking to her for the passed two weeks.

It had been fine for the first couple of weeks since school started again when he only had Quidditch practice, classes, homework, and other assignments as he didn't have many Prefect duties. However, they had gradually then really kicked in and he could definitely not ignore them.

Hardly anyone knew he was a Prefect. The only people that knew were the Headmaster, the other professors, and Percy. He had made Percy swear not to tell anyone and so far Percy had been true to his word.

Oliver didn't want everyone especially the female population at Hogwarts to know that on top of being captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team he was also a school Prefect.

He didn't need another reason for girls to go wild over and fall for him so that the Oliver Wood Fan Club at Hogwarts could expand its membership.

He mentally rolled his eyes and shuddered at the thought. It was bad enough they knew about his athletic abilities and physical appearance, but they didn't need to know about his brains as well. He wanted to keep his intellect and academic achievements to himself, thank you very much.

Now that's not to say he was ashamed of it, no. He just didn't want to give his idiotic club another reason for them to go gaga over him or to have them compare him to a rare but juicy steak they were thinking of having for dinner every night. He wasn't like a piece of meat. He was a human and a young man for bleeding sake's. He had feelings too, henceforth the reason for this particular secret.

Oliver sighed quietly to himself. He finally gave up on getting her to look back at him. Besides, he should follow her example by doing his assignment. He looked down at his parchment, smiling and smirking a little at the thought of Hermione being an example to him. It was quite endearing, as was everything she did. He knew without a doubt she would make a wonderful Prefect in three years from now.

Meanwhile, Hermione was visualizing every possible scenario in the book of how to get Oliver's attention and how she could casually tell him they needed talk and where they could talk.

However, for some reason, she couldn't decide which scenario she should pick. All of them ran through her mind, but she ultimately just decided to wing it. She couldn't believe she was going to just go with the flow, but she had to do something or this period would be going to a waste. She definitely couldn't afford that, even though she was getting extremely nervous.

She looked to see where Professor Snape was, to make sure she wasn't going to get caught. He was all the way across the room at the far left hand corner. He couldn't see her, even though his back wasn't towards her.

Good. It's now or never, Hermione, she thought nervously, her heart beating two notches faster than normal.

Hermione looked at Oliver. He was busy writing the assigned essay on his parchment in quite a fast yet elegant fashion, from what she could see.

She took breath, exhaling slowly. She whispered, "Oliver."

He continued to write. She thought he either didn't hear her, or he chose to ignore the greeting thus ignoring her in the process.

She tried again in the same tone of voice, "Psst; Oliver." He still didn't acknowledge her. She was getting slightly annoyed now.

She tried a little louder this time, but not too loud as to drawn attention to herself from students sitting at the other tables. "Oliver, I need to talk to you."

At the same time Ginny was tapping her left arm, trying to get her attention. However, Hermione gently turned to her, whispering, "Not now, Ginny."

Ginny had not stopped her constant tapping, though. Nevertheless, Hermione did the un-thinkable then. She turned back to Oliver, reached out with her right hand, and tapped her fingers quietly near the top of his parchment, whispering furiously, "Oliver, please. We need to talk. I—"

But she was interrupted by four things happening all at once. It was like a ridiculously slow, drawn out scene in a Muggle movie.

Ginny whispered timidly, "Hermione, I'm sorry, but I tried to warn you."

At the same time Oliver finally looked at Hermione and was about to say, "What," but the one word question died on his lips before he had a chance to get it out, as he looked up in surprise past and above Hermione's head at the person standing behind her.

Still at the same time the Muggle-born witch saw a dark, lean, and tall shadow loom over head, stopping to cover her small form at her particular spot at the table she sat with her surrounding housemates.

And lastly still at the same time whatever noise had been in the classroom completely ceased now. The only exception was Flint, Malfoy, and their band of Slytherins. Their chuckles started to echo and resound throughout the classroom. Everyone else looked at Professor Snape, as he stopped directly behind the bushy haired girl.

However, Snape quickly turned to his house, giving them a warning with narrowed eyes and a sneer on his face to shut their mouths, which they reluctantly did.

Hermione had closed her eyes briefly for a moment. She opened them while she slowly turned around to look at her Potions professor, as he quickly turned to look down at her. She was completely mortified at this point.

That's it. I am so screwed right now. She thought miserably.

He asked in an annoyed yet slightly cruel, clear, and rather loud voice for everyone to hear, "Ms. Granger, I know you take pride in being an annoying, insufferable know-it-all, but do you also take pride in being a bothersome and disrupting one as well?"

She stammered, her cheeks taking on a pink glow rather quickly, "Well, I-I—"

He interrupted her, "Silence. For the past few minutes you have bothered, hassled, and tried to distract Mr. Wood from his work. Henceforth, you have disrupted not only him, but also the entire class as well." He paused for just a moment.

Hermione could feel everyone's stares directed at her especially the stares from her best friends, her crush, and her housemates. She ignored them by continuing to look up at Professor Snape.

He continued, "Ten points well be taken from Gryffindor for your disregard of the rules in this classroom, for disrupting a fellow student, even if the said student is in Gryffindor as well, (he said this part with palpable derision in his voice), and the entire class."

"Now any more rude disturbances from you and I will be forced to give you detention as well. Get back to work."

The Slytherins smirked in triumph at this revelation. The Gryffindors were seething and shooting daggers at the Potions master. Everyone else who was in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw just remained silent, not daring to utter a single word or make a single sound.

Professor Snape made to go past Hermione at her side of the aisle when two identical chuckles and snickers resounded throughout the classroom, thus breaking the momentary silence.

He stopped for a moment and looked at the two people who dared to snigger at a time like this. Professor Snape went to the two red haired boys, stopping just next to them. They sat on the same long bench and in the same aisle Hermione sat. They weren't too far away, as they actually sat two people down from her on her left side.

The Gryffindors looked at the two red haired identical boys with surprise yet somewhat scandalized shock in their eyes at their—meaning the twins'—sudden outburst.

He stared down at them hard, sneering, "Am I to understand you take amusement and enjoyment from this ridiculous spectacle that one of your housemates decided to create, Mr. Weasley and Mr. Weasley?"

Fred and George stopped snickering as their Potions teacher addressed them. They both looked up at him with wide eyes, stuttering in unison, "N-no."

He lifted his mouth in cruel, lopsided smirk, "Good."

The twins sighed in relief, thinking they weren't going to get any points taken off by Professor Snape this time. They started grinning at each other like fools, but sadly it was short lived.

The greasy, black haired professor turned to walk away, letting the dismal Gryffindors think he wasn't going to deduct anymore points from them. They were wrong.

However, the Slytherins narrowed their eyes, thinking what the hell got into their favorite professor not to deduct anymore points from the house they hated.

He stopped mid-way, adding nonchalantly while still smirking, "Oh, by the way, another ten points each from Gryffindor from the both of you for disrupting the class further and for eavesdropping on a conversation between a fellow student and her teacher."

All the Gryffindors, including Hermione, winced while he said this. He turned from the twins, walking passed them down the aisle to probably look for other students to brutally embarrass and humiliate.

Fred and George stared after him dumbfounded, pondering on how they could have so easily underestimated their Potions and Study Hall teacher. The twins then started banging their heads against the table repeatedly—softly, though mind you.

Finally, they only stopped when Angelina, Percy, and Lee quickly yet firmly whispered to them to quit their childish behavior for the moment because Gryffindor didn't need Snape to come back and find another opportunity to remove more points from them.

The Slytherins smirked gleefully again, smiling triumphantly across the aisle at the Gryffindors. The Gryffindors all stared daggers after the retreating form of their most hated professor: Professor Snape. Then they shot equally spiteful daggers at the house they regarded as the enemy.

After Professor Snape was out of eyesight, the Gryffindors turned back to stare at Hermione. If Hermione were to see the many different expressions on her housemates' faces and if the scenario had been different, she would have laughed out loud at the looks they were giving her.

Fred and George were back to grinning at each other then grinning at her. Lee and Percy stared at her with concern.

Katie, Angelina, Alicia, and Ginny were giving each other and then Hermione sympathetic looks.

Harry and Ron looked at her with confusion, amazement, shock, and slight worry in their eyes and faces.

Seamus and Dean looked at one another in confusion written plainly on their faces then looked at her with the same confusion.

Neville looked like he had been petrified by the monster from the Chamber of Secrets, even though the monster wasn't anywhere near where he was. And literally he looked so petrified that he thought it had been him that Professor Snape subtracted points from instead of Hermione.

Therefore, Neville could only stare at her in complete shock, only blinking every now and then.

Lavender and Pavarti looked at each other then at Hermione. They had their mouths covered with their hands to keep their constant giggles from escaping out to full blown laughter.

And lastly but definitely not the least, Oliver looked at her with such care, devotion, tenderness, sympathy, and worry all wrapped up into one gigantic emotion that she probably would have been floored on the spot if she were to have looked directly at him.

Nonetheless, Hermione never saw any of their expressions.

For Hermione had been the first one to turn her gaze from Snape, returning it to her parchment. So, when every one of her housemates turned to gaze at her, she had already turned to look at her unfinished essay. As she felt the stares being directed at her, she blushed even more feverishly than before. She continued to look at her assignment for a little bit longer, not daring to look at anyone especially not at Harry, Ron, Ginny, or Oliver.

As she started to continue her essay, writing at a faster pace than she had previously, Ginny tapped her on the arm again. She took a quick yet deep breath, turning to look at the only youngest female Weasley in Hogwarts and only at her, not at anyone else.

The red haired girl offered a timid yet sincere smile that wasn't etched with pity, stating, "Don't worry, Hermione. Snape was just being his usual foul, moody, and nasty self. We'll regain those house points we lost back and then some; just you wait and see."

Ginny smoothly avoided the topic of asking Hermione questions about why she needed to talk to Oliver of all people.

While she was curious, she sensed that first it wasn't any of her business, second Hermione wasn't ready to spill the beans anytime soon to anyone about it, and third Ginny knew if Hermione were to tell her about why she needed Oliver's help, she wouldn't do it right now in Study Hall while everyone was still watching her!

Ginny knew when not to cross the line and say anything stupid. Though later on, the same could not be said for her brother Ron.

Therefore, Ginny just gave Hermione a genuine smile, squeezing her arm to reassure the older girl that everything was going to be all right.

Hermione couldn't help but to return the smile, replying, "Thanks, Ginny. That really means a lot. I'm sorry I didn't heed your warning, though. Fine right mess I got Gryffindor into, didn't I?"

Ginny chuckled lightly, smiling sincerely still, "Hermione, please. Don't stress yourself over it. Gryffindor has seen worse, I'm sure. Now let's just get back to the assignment, shall we?"

Hermione simply replied with, "We shall."

She quickly looked down at her essay, knowing full well that almost everyone of her housemates had listened to their conversation and was now staring at the both of them! She blushed feverishly yet again, continuing to work on her essay.

Ron decided he had had enough. He needed to know what the bloody hell was going on between Hermione and Wood of all people. He knew he tended to say things without thinking, stupid things… but he had to know. He was one her best friends and he felt he should deserve to know… right now in fact.

"Hermione, what the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron whispered in a demanding, confusing yet kind of perturbing voice. "Why were you trying to get Wood's attention?"

Almost everyone sucked in their breaths at his first question, then they winced at his last one.

Oh, bugger. Thanks a lot, Ron! Bloody hell… they're all listening again! Great. Now I'm cursing like Ron. She thought mentally in a frustrated then sarcastic tone of voice.

Hermione snapped her head up to look at her best friend, glaring menacingly at him. She replied in a curt tone, "Now is not the time to discuss this, Ron." She looked down at her essay for the thousandth time in the last thirty-five minutes, trying to resume her work. Ron wouldn't let it go, of course, as usual.

Ron whispered in that demanding tone again, "Well, if there's something going on between you and Wood, then me and Harry deserve to know about it. Right, Harry?"

Everyone winced again at Ron's lack of thinking while Oliver was doing his best not to be embarrassed by this whole ordeal.

Ron looked expectantly at Harry, hoping that he was going to take his side on this matter.

Harry had been so shocked and confused that he had been silent up until now. However, Harry, like Ginny, also knew when not to cross the line either. Besides, Ron was wrong. Harry really didn't want to know if there was something going on between Hermione and Wood.

Harry looked crossly at Ron, whispering his reply, "Er… Ron, I think Hermione's right. I don't think now is the best time to talk about this."

Before Ron could protest, Ginny whispered, snapping angrily at her brother, "Ron, you can be so thick sometimes, you know that don't you? Clearly this isn't any of our business right now. Please just drop the subject before you're going to say something you're going to regret."

Ron whispered, snapping back at his sister, "Ginny, you just stay of this all right?" Then he turned to Harry, stating in an exasperated voice, "You're supposed to be on my side, Harry."

Ginny whispered defiantly at Ron, almost snarling and sneering at him, "Make me."

Harry looked at Ron unabashed and with confidence, "Sorry. Not this time, Ron."

Ron turned back to Ginny, shooting her a glare. She gladly returned one to him also.

Throughout their conversation, Hermione was once again mortified. How could he think there was something going on between her and Wood? Wood was in his sixth year and she was in her second year. They didn't have a secret romantic relationship going on, even though she did have a slight crush on him which she had finally admitted to herself for having it just a couple of days ago.

Of course after this discourse her best friends were having about her and Wood, she was going to keep her research with Wood a secret from the both of them. The nerve of her two best friends! Though, she was seriously contemplating about strangling Ron while she secretly praised Harry at the moment.

She looked to see that Snape was back across the room in the same corner he was the first time she checked for him.

Finally, she glared at the three of them. She started whispering quite rapidly in a rigid voice again while everyone listened to their conversation again, "Oh, be quiet all three of you, would you? Ron, it is not me and Harry, it is Harry and I. Also, there is nothing going on between me and Wood. Let it go, for Merlin's sake."

Ron stammered, knowing he was out numbered, "But, Hermione, I mean—"

Hermione glared at him yet again, whispering, "Ron, leave it alone for the last time. Professor Snape will be at our table again at any moment and I don't fancy him removing twenty more points from Gryffindor because of our childish squabble. I've already directly given him a reason to remove ten points and indirectly gave him a reason to remove ten extra points. Gryffindor doesn't need a total of forty points subtracted just from this period alone, okay?"

Then she turned to glare at most of the Gryffindors from Lavender and Pavarti at her right hand side all the way down to Lee and Percy at her left hand side.

She whispered angrily at them, "And what are you all lot staring at?" She scolded them, "You should all be working on your essays."

Everyone put on the guilty face expression and quickly started working on their essays while she just scolded them for not doing so.

She continued working on her essay as well, blushing madly for the thousandth time during this dreadfully long, one hour class. She spent the last fifteen minutes of class finishing the essay and checking it at least two times to make sure it was perfect. She looked to her right and saw that Professor Snape was standing at the front and head of the class. She made to stand up to give him her completed essay.

Ron noticed she was getting up. He commented, whispering, "Bloody hell, Hermione. Are you finished with the essay already?"

All her housemates turned to look at her… them once again.

Bugger. Can't the whole lot of them just even pretend like they're working? Can't they stop eavesdropping on my bloody discourses? She gave up mentally talking to herself and just gave Ron a knowing smirk.

She got up and in a confident, though not a snobbish, manner walked up to Professor Snape and handed him her finished essay. He glared at her while he smoothly yet quickly yanked the parchment out of her hands.

She turned and walked back to her spot. While still standing, she bent over slightly to close all her books and gather them in her arms. Thank goodness she only had three classes today so she had to only carry three books.

By now not only was her housemates staring at her, but so was the whole entire bloody school, including bloody Professor Snape!

She knew her cheeks, lips, and even her ears were a flaming red now. Thank Merlin, though, that her ears were covered otherwise she would have been more than mortified if her schoolmates saw them bathed in red.

Finally, she had her books in her arms. When she turned swiftly to walk down the aisle, to get out of the classroom, her bushy brown hair swished back behind her. She confidently walked quickly down the row with her chin stuck up in the air, forcing herself to look straight ahead and not at the pairs of millions of eyes that were watching her every move.

Everyone from her housemates to Professor Snape to the Slytherins to the Hufflepuffs and to the Ravenclaws watched her walk down the row and out the door from the classroom. For the first time, Hermione was bloody glad that she was the first one out of a classroom.

Everyone's staring at me. That's just bloody brilliant. She thought bitterly. Her last thoughts as she walked out of the classroom were: Now everyone's going to think that there's something going on between me and Wood, when there's absolutely nothing going on at all. What in the Seven Wonders of the Ancient Muggle world did I do to deserve this?

Thanks to all my lovely reviewers:

ginsensu, Soleil Mar, formerly Hotkat144 now Readerforlife, LaNaHwAnNa, cgirl0220, and Writer Of Mysteries.

A/N: Primarily, I know Ginny is supposed to be possessed by Tom Riddle's diary, but it has not taken power over her fully yet. Even though she wrote that first message on the wall, she's still the same old Ginny for now. Though, I decided to make her snarl a little bit when she snapped at Ron to make it seem like the diary was slowly having an effect on her.

Secondarily, I'm not quite sure if Oliver is a Prefect, or not. However, I downloaded a picture from the Harry Potter fan site Veritaserum from the first movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

In the said picture, I scrutinized Oliver's school uniform more closely than I had done in the past. I saw that on his outer black robes he had on what looked like to be a red Prefect badge just above the symbol of the lion, Gryffindor's house mascot, which was also on his robes.

Henceforth from that picture, I decided to make Oliver be a Prefect as well.

Thirdly, I got the scene to put this chapter about Study Hall from the fourth movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. In the movie and if you all remember, in one scene Harry, Ron, Hermione, the twins, and Angelina were sitting in a classroom that was over-seed by Professor Snape.

Furthermore, when Hermione got angry at Ron because he thought Hermione was lying about already having a date to the Yule Ball, she got up, gave Professor Snape her work, and stormed out. So, I made this chapter similar to that said particular scene from the fourth movie.

(I don't know if in Britain they call this Study Hall, so forgive me if I'm wrong. So if I am wrong, please feel free to correct me because I want the information to be accurate. Thanks).

Lastly, I made up the book Hermione found in the library titled The Wizarding World's Deadliest Yet Mysterious Creatures. If there really is a book titled like this in J.K.'s Harry Potter world, then it will only be a coincidence that we came up with the same title.

Well, that's all for now folks. I'll be working on the chapter ten right now. I really hoped you all liked this chapter. So, any comments, concerns, questions, statements, and suggestions are definitely and highly appreciated. I love you all. Until next time: later, everyone.