Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters nor the show, just the story itself.

Summary: When Joey decides to confess his love for a certain brunette, things take a turn for the worse. Will this brunette ever love Joey? What hardships will the two have to endure to finally be able to be together? Seto/Joey. YAOI! You have been warned.

"Icy Rain"

Joey's POV

Your chestnut brown hair, your bright blue eyes…I quickly turned away as I realized who I was talking about. For the twelfth time today, I caught myself looking at you. I don't know why, but I just can't seem to draw my eyes away from you.

"Mr. Wheeler, what is the answer to this question?" I hear my math teacher ask.

I quickly snap out of my thoughts and looked at the math problem on the board. I can't do that problem in the matter of two seconds! I'll just pick a random number so I won't get in trouble again for not paying attention. "Is it zero?" I ask, not caring if it was wrong or right.

"Very good. For the first time today, you're actually paying attention."

He doesn't know how wrong he is, but how did I actually manage to get that right? Wow, I should just start guessing random numbers from now on. The bell finally rang, signaling the end of class. I copied down tonight's homework and quietly packed. Once again, my eyes wandered around the class and my eyes fell upon you. A bunch of our classmates were surrounding you, asking if you were available any time this week or next.

I suddenly wanted to knock someone right in the face and tell them all to get away from you. Whoa, calm down Joey! I don't understand what just happened, but I seriously didn't want any of them near you.

You looked very annoyed also. I thought you were going to jump up and start yelling, but you didn't. That wasn't like you. You always kept calm no matter what happened.

I watched as you calmly got up and walked out of the room without looking at any one of them and without saying a single word.

I followed the suit and left the classroom. I looked around for you, but you were no where to be found. Lately I've been so attracted to you, but I don't even understand why. I found myself happier whenever you are near, but completely lost when you're not within sight. These feelings are starting to scare me.

"Hey Joey" I hear a familiar voice say.

I turned around to see Yugi and the rest of our friends (Tristan, Duke, and Bakura).

"Hey guys. What's up?"

"We were wondering if you would want to hang out at the arcade for a while?" Tristan asked.

"Sure. Just let me finish getting my stuff together."

After rummaging through my locker and grabbing the books I needed, I stuffed it all into my backpack and walked to the arcade with the gang. We played against one another, but I lost at every single game.

"What's the matter Joey?" Bakura asked me.

"You're way off today. Are you feeling okay?" Duke then asked.

"Yeah, I'm just feeling a bit tired."

"Then you should go home and get some rest" Yugi suggested.

"Yeah, I should. I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Bye Joey! Feel better!" Tristan yelled as I walked out the doors.

As I walked down street, every face that passed by was your face I saw. Every sound made was your voice I heard. I think I'm going crazy. I made a run for home and got there in less than three minutes. I need to get you off my mind. How though? Doing homework should help.

I dug out all my books and sat down on my desk. After an hour or so, I realize that it didn't really help all that much. I looked down at my notebook to see your name sketched all over the page. I stared at the sheet of paper, unable to believe it. Next to your name were three simple words, 'I love you.' Could I really be in love with you? That's impossible. I hate you, but do I really? Wait, what am I saying? Everyone knows that I hate you and that you hate me.

And plus, even if I did love you, this 'love' would be impossible. There's no way you could ever love someone like me, no way could you ever see someone like me as more than just an enemy. The day in which you would love me is when hell freezes over, and I don't think that's happening any time soon.

This is giving me a headache, maybe I should just do like Yugi said and get some rest. I don't even bother changing and climbed into bed and pulled the covers over myself. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

You stood in front of me, smiling. I wish you could know how much I love that smile. It's something that I rarely see, but always hope to see.

You opened your arms, gesturing for me to go over. I slowly walked over, unsure if I was dreaming or not. You took me into your arms and looked at me seriously.

"Joey, I love you."

"Y-you love me?" I asked unbelievingly.

"Of course. I always have and always will" You said with a soothing smile.

"I love you too. Promise that you won't ever leave me." I said, leaning deeper into the embrace.

"I promise" You whispered while tightening your hold on me.

THUD! Huh? Where am I? I looked around and realized that I was in my room. I guess that I fell off the bed.

Wait, damn! That was all just a dream? And I was hoping that it was real. Do I really love you though?

Argh! That's it! I have had enough! I really need to talk to you about it. There's no way I am going another day without you. I'm going to talk to you first thing tomorrow morning. I don't care whether or not you reject or accept me, I just need to get it off my chest.

Alright, with that settled, I need to get back to sleeping. There's this feeling inside telling me that I won't ever be able to sleep peacefully again after tomorrow.

Will Joey tell this certain someone? Can you guess who our loveable Joey is referring to?

A/N: How does everyone like this fic so far? It's the first Yu-Gi-Oh fic I have ever written. Should I continue it? I'll be waiting for everyone's reviews. Thank you for reading!