Hi everybody it is experiment 6-3-6 or x6-3-6 for short. I know it sounds weird but yes I am basically putting myself into the story. Just so you know x6-3-6 looks pretty much exactly like x6-2-6 aka Stitch except x6-3-6 is a little bit taller he is as tall as Lilo. The rest will be explained later oh I don=t own Lilo and Stitch I only own x6-3-6 Disney owns Lilo and Stitch anyway on with the story.

Oh (blah-blah) is turian *blah-blah* is thought {blah-blah} author saying something

Chapter 1 experiment 6-3-6

Jumba Jookiba evil genius scientist was in his spaceship typing commands into his computer to create his new experiment. Several failed attempts and then finally he succeeded in creating experiment 6-3-6 the ultimate experiment better than any of his predecessors even 6-2-6. Able to lift 600,000,000 times his own weight, run at light speed, is fireproof, laser proof, bulletproof, plasmaproof, explosion proof, and unlike 6-2-6 able to swim. 6-3-6 has the power of every experiment he is also completely indestructible. Except for his height he looks exactly like Stitch "eureka says Jumba I have done it I have created evil genius experiment that is completely good." Suddenly Pleakly barges in sees the experiment and screams "oh-no not another little monster. Didn't you learn anything after 6-2-7" "yes I did Pleakly I learned not to make them completely evil this one is completely good." Then Jumba pushes the enter key on his computer and the liquid drains away.

{x6-3-6 pov}

The liquid drains away I feel it on my fur I am soaked I open my eyes and look down I have four arms and two legs. My fur is a dark blue with lighter blue on my stomach I have curved black claws on all four hands. I look straight ahead a strange looking fellow his stomach was peach colored as was around his eyes the rest of him was pretty much purple there was a skinny green alien with one eye screaming about something I think it=s me. The skinny one just looks and points at me I do not know why but he looks scared of me as the tube opens. I step out and the skinny one starts running (what are you running from) I say but he just stops and stares at me "he turns to the other one and says what did he say."

What are you running from I repeated but I said in the language they were speaking "oh said the skinny one I was running from you." Why I said "you remind me of an experiment that chewed on my head once he said." Do you want me to chew on your head? I ask, "no he said it is just you look just like him, oh I say just whom do I look like?" "Oh x6-2-6 the fat one said you are designed to look just like him." Who is x6-2-6 I ask? "He is the fat one said," all of a sudden a short blue experiment comes in and asked (Jumba who is this?) "Jumba says this x6-3-6." 6-2-6 looked at me then at Jumba and asked (is he evil?) "Jumba said no he is not evil he is completely good just a little mischievous like you" oh 6-2-6 said. (Lets show Lilo) he said "Jumba said not now I need to train him first" "okay 6-2- 6 said."

{6-2-6=s pov}

*I wonder what he is like* Stitch thought to himself *he looked just like me except a little taller*. *Here comes Lilo better not let her Know yet* hi Lilo I say. *Lilo looks worried* what's wrong I say "Myrtle Edmonds called me Freak-lo today she said." Oh I said she'll get what's coming to her one day Lilo looks better yeah "she says so what's up Stitch."

Nothing much I said. *Except there's another experiment out and he looks like me* I thought, "Stitch what's up your smiling Lilo said." It's a secret I can't tell you right now Lilo I will tell you later I promise.

{out of 6-2-6's pov}

[It has been several weeks since x6-3-6 was created and he is now fully trained and ready]

{6-3-6's pov}

It has been a very tough few weeks of training but now I'm ready for anything now. Jumba lead me out of his spaceship and to the front porch which was at the top of some stairs we got to the door and went in Jumba told me to wait on the couch while he got the others I sat down and waited patiently. All of a sudden a little girl about seven years old came running down to the couch where I was "and asked Stitch how did you get down here so fast?" I look at her funny and asked who's Stitch? Then she looks at me closer "and says he looks just like you." Oh I say you mean 6-2-6 "yes she says but his name is Stitch."

Oh I say I was just created a few weeks ago "what's your name she asks?" I'm x6-3-6 "the girl Lilo asked x6-3-6?" I said yes that's me. "Are you good she asks?" Yes I said completely "oh good she said so what can you do 6-3-6," I can do everything the other experiments can and more. Just then Jumba came in with a girl that kind of looked like Lilo only taller I think her name is Nani. "Nani screamed what is that!" "Jumba said that is x6-3-6 and he is completely good Larger girl you see that is how I designed him and he will not panic in the water like 6-2-6 did first time. You see 6-3-6 can swim and he won't sink as fast as does 6-2-6 because he has a lower molecular density than does 6-2-6."

{out of 6-3-6'Spov}

Nani, Lilo, 6-3-6 ,& Stitch are sitting on the couch in that order Nani is not sure about this experiment Jumba has created. "What are his powers Jumba Stitch asked?" "Jumba said 6-3-6 is bulletproof, fireproof, plasma proof, laser proof, and explosion proof he is also able to lift 600,000,000 times his own weight and run at light speed." Wow they all said, "Jumba continued he also has powers of all other experiments but 6-2-6's powers are more dominant than the others so he is more of 6-2-6's brother than cousin.

That is why I made them look so much alike but 6-3-6 is little bit taller than 6-2-6 I made him about your height little girl." "Really cool Lilo said Nani could we please keep him" no said Nani "pleeeeeeeeease said Lilo making that irresistibly cute face of hers." "Alright said Nani but he needs to be on his best behavior when we go to the beach tomorrow okay." "Okay said Lilo but you need a name 6-3-6 we can't be calling by your number all the time now can we." "I guess not said 6-3-6 well what=s my name gonna be Lilo" "I don't know yet but I will think of one for you said Lilo."

{Well that's the end of this chapter read and review tell me what you think 6-3-6's name should be and I will consider it. Please no flames this is my first fanfic so be gentle constructive criticism is welcome so start reviewing people. I was thinking of adding another experiment help to keep 6-3-6 under control and to help with the plotline tell me what you think. Please give some ideas and I will give them some thought.}