Title: This Feels Right

Author: Laheara

Summary: We finally meet our big bad and find out who he is and where he's from and why he's here.

Spoilers: I'm now increasing my spoilers to the entire 6th season. Anything we learned about Chris, the future, Wyatt, is fodder for my fic now. But we are still a little AU in that they don't Chris is family yet.

Spoilers 2: Ok, this one is a little dark, bit of a mood when I wrote it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed or anything obviously connected to it but I do own Metturinan and any other demons or Whitelighter characters I create in this story.

This Feels Right

Part 4

Betrayal and Revenge

In a very dark part of the Underworld close to several magma pools suddenly a body went flying down and disappeared with a scream into the red. Above the sound of cheering was heard and even clapping.

A large cavern filled with demons of all kinds and ranks were collected around elevated cages spread out across the room. Inside the cages were some of the Whitelighters that had been grabbed by their attackers and brought here for sport.

Many of the prisoners were dying of the special batch of Darklighter poison but some were being tortured the old fashioned way. There were evil charms around all the cages to keep them from orbing or using their powers.

One demon stepped forward and conjured a low power fireball which he threw and hit one in the leg. The man screamed and collapsed to the floor. Then another demon went over and pulled him to his feet.

"Die like the pests you all are to us Whitelighter," the demon spat at the man and threw him back to the ground and started to walk away. When he was a few paces away he turned quickly and threw a dagger that hit the Whitelighter in heart. The man gasped and looked down at the handle sticking out of his chest and then fell down dead.

He scoffed, "Ha, without their powers they are weak as mortals. This is not half as amusing as I thought it would be. Let's just kill them all."

The others in the room cheered at this idea and the Whitelighters in the cages clustered together in fear of what was to come. The demons started walking toward the cages with glares on there faces and death in their eyes. Several were pulling weapons and others were conjuring energy and fireballs.

When they all were about to attack a sudden ear-piercingly loud crack of thunder was heard and several extremely powerful lightning blasts appeared in the center of the room forming a circle. The demons all cowered and covered their ears in fear of what was happening.

In a few seconds the smoke cleared and a dark robed being appeared. He looked around the room from within a black hood. "I do not wish them all killed yet." The voice was pure evil and most of the demons backed away quickly. But some of the more powerful upper level demons were not as impressed.

"And who might you be?" One demon asked.

The hooded being did nothing for a few seconds then his hand went out quickly and a large fireball incinerated the demons in a blast of smoke and screaming. The others in the room fell to their knees and lowered their faces in respect.

The low dark voice spoke again and everyone in the room seemed to shake with fear. " am the one who has been organizing all of you and planning these attacks. I... am your NEW Master. I have a plan that will rid us of the greatest forces of good which will leave the rest of the world... ours."

The demons all bowed their heads from their kneeling positions still not daring to look up at their new dark master.

The new demon then turned toward one of the cages and used his powers to open the door and move one of the Whitelighters out into the open before him. The man tried to maintain a brave front but was obviously scared. The demon pushed back his hood and looked at the man.

"Do you know who I am?" he whispered menacingly.

The Whitelighter gasped in shocked and horror and the others in the cage he had come from gasped as well. The demon looked at them and then back to the one before him.

"I see my reputation precedes me. Good, that will save time on the introductions... Elder." He spoke the last work with hatred and angry as his hand flew out and sent the Elder flying across the room into a stone cave wall.

The Whitelighter was dazed for a few seconds and then stood shakily again. "Yes I remember you... Metturinan."

"Good, then you will remember my purpose before you and the other Elders entombed me for six centuries because I didn't agree with our ways. I've had a lot of time to think in those centuries, and plan, and prepare for the day that a magic strong enough to release me was created. Now I have been."

The Elder looked at him with disgust, "You have not been one of us in a long time traitor do not dare to assume you know anything about us now. When we rid ourselves of your evil the Elders were reborn."

Metturinan scoffed and walked towards him, "Obviously not well enough, for there is yet another traitor in your midst. One that you would never imagine but who shares my views. And his actions have created a force that you could not have imagined, and it is what freed me. Now I have come here to prove I was correct all along and to take vengeance on those who imprisoned me Thomas."

In a blinding flash of light several bolts of lightning converged on the Elder and engulfed him in flames. Metturinan stood and enjoyed the spectacle as his old friend burned before his eyes.

When there was nothing but dust and ashes on the floor where Thomas stood Metturinan turned back around and saw all the demons watching him. He moved to the center of the room again and addressed them.

"Yes, I was once and Elder, a being of so called light and good. And I was betrayed by my kind when I tried to prove my way was superior. Now a power unimagined in that time has come to be and I was able to reach forth from my prison and feed on it until I was strong enough to escape. But where I came from was already a place of in enough chaos, pain and hatred to make any demon proud. And the amusing part is that it wasn"t even created by a demon but a human. So I left that world to his command with the plan to return and truly teach him how to improve things."

The demons all looked at each other confused and questioning. Metturinan smiled at their looks, "You are all aware of the son of the eldest Charmed One, Piper." The demons all nodded and began groaning and complaining. Metturinan raised a hand and silenced them. "Wyatt is a formidable force for evil in the future, because of the betrayal of an Elder that will break their Whitelighter Leo and his anger and hatred will lead to Wyatt becoming one of us."

The demons all looked shocked but impressed. One demon took the chance to stand and come out of the sea of his kind kneeling, "And what must we do to make sure this happens?"

Metturinan looked at the demon and moved toward him. "You dare address me?"

Surprisingly the upper level demon held his ground and nodded, "I do, Master."

Metturinan raised his hand again and all the demon cowards looked down again in fear but the demon did not move although he tensed.

Metturinan smiled, "Impressive. Finally someone with a backbone. You are?"

"Aaron, if it pleased you, my Master."

"It does, if you are as brave and strong as you think you are I will have use of you, as... my new General."

Aaron bowed, "I am honoured, Master."

"Indeed you should be for the mission I have for you will make you a legend among demons."

"I await your orders to attach the Charmed Ones."

Metturinan raised his index finger, "Not the witches, their new Whitelighter. He has the power to change my delightful future and I will not allow it. Do what ever you must to follow my orders and then when I am ready bring him here. I want to hold the heart of Chris Perry Halliwell as it finally slows and stops."

Above at the Halliwell Manor

It has been a couple of hours now since the sisters had sat down to come up with a plan. As much as Chris has wanted to be part of the planning process he couldn't seem to keep his eyes open after the first forty-five minutes or so and he drifted off. Piper noticed and whispered to her sisters to take the talking into the kitchen so they don't disturb him. Chris was still very weak and the sisters wanted to help him recover as much strength as possible.

While Piper had been paying full attention to the planning she still had been keeping an ear on the living room to be sure that Chris was ok, even got up and walked to the door a few times to look out at him. Her sisters could see worried she was and tried to help.

"Piper we're going to figure this out and Chris and Leo are both going to be fine," Phoebe said.

Piper looked at the floor and then turned back around to face them, "I am very worried about Leo, I love him more then anyone knows, but right now I'm also really worried about Chris. After Leo has the other Elders to help him and he's healthy, Chris has been shot and is slowly dying in front of us."

With that last sentence Piper let out a sob. When she looked into Chris's emerald orbs she saw so much hidden in their depths, but she also saw love, and caring and even fear at what he was now facing. She could tell he wanted to open up and tell them everything but he was to scared he would change something and make things worse if they knew too much. Chris reminded her so much of Leo, and looking into Chris's green eyes was look looking into Leo's sometimes and she found that very comforting.

Paige has been busily writing and mixing things together while her sisters were standing at the door watching Chris. With one big poof of white smoke she smiled and exclaimed, "GOT IT!"

Her sisters turned around and looked at her. Piper moved over to the island and smiled as she looked at the color of potion, "You did it, you figured out the proper mixture."

Phoebe hugged her sister, "Way to go Paige, you rock! Looks like we can add very cool potions to Paige's list of things she's good at now too."

Paige pretended to brush off the kudos but they both knew she was loving every second of it. "Oh you guys, you would have figured it out soon or later too."

Phoebe nodded, "Yeah, you're probably right. It's nothing."

Paige stared at her sister with mock hurt and then swatted at her, "Shut up you."

Piper just laughed and started bottling up the potion. "Ok with this potion to keep us safe in here and the new spell to strength the web around the manor we should be doing pretty well on defensive front."

Paige nodded and helped Piper bottle the light blue potion, "Plus with all these Whitelighters around we have no problem getting one to heal one of us if we do get into a fight with any demons stupid enough to attack us here."

Suddenly they heard a crash in the living room and they all looked up at once, "You were saying," Piper said as they all grabbed bottles and ran to out of the kitchen.

When she crossed into the living room they saw five demons around Chris. One of them seemed to have Chris caught in some kind of force field that muted his cries for help but he did manage to kick over a vase on the coffee table to alert the sisters.

The girls kicked into protective mode and went at the demons. Piper threw her bottle at the one closest to her and he melted. Then Phoebe and Paige did the same which left only two demons, the one holding Chris and another.

The one not doing anything went for Piper and Phoebe helped protect her sister. While they fought him, Paige tried to get closer to Chris and noticed that what ever that demon was holding Chris with it was making it really hard for him to breath.

"You guys! He's choking Chris with that light," Paige yelled as she tried to quickly move around the couch in front of her.

When Piper and Phoebe heard this they looked up for a second and then Piper looked at the demon, "Enough of this." She kicked out, pushing the demon attacking her back and flicked her hands blowing him up.

Then all three sisters moved toward Chris and the last demon, he turned and saw he was out numbered and out of time and shimmered out before they could attack him.

Phoebe jumped as he started to shimmer but she didn't get to him in time, "Damn, now he come back and attack us again."

Paige looked around just to be sure there were no more unwelcome visitors, "Yeah but next time we'll ready."

Piper ran to Chris who was now gasping for breath and had broken out in a heavy sweat. He was balancing himself on the arm of the couch trying to catch his breath.

Piper fell to her knees in front of him and took his face in her hands. His eyes were clouded with pain and exhaustion. "Chris what can we do to help you?"

Chris couldn't answer right away; he just has to keep breathing. That attack had taken a lot out of him in his already weakened state. Finally when his breathing was down to just much laboured he look at them and nodded. "I'm okay."

Piper brushed his damp hair away from his sweaty forehead. He was burning up again which meant the poison was spreading again like it had before. "Phoebe go get one of these Whitelighters, now, he's burning up again."

Chris shook his head, "No, I'm... I'm alri... alright."

"No you aren't, now don't argue with me, Chris," Piper said pushing him down onto the couch because sitting up was taking a lot of energy.

Phoebe took off up stairs and Paige ran to the kitchen. She grabbed a couple bottles of potion, a bowl and wet a cloth. She ran back out and gave the cloth to Piper who starting patting Chris's face with it to cool him down and Paige put the potions and the bowl of cool water on the coffee table.

Chris was in no condition to argue with anyone, especially not Piper when she was in mothering mode. Chris faintly felt worried that Piper might know the truth but right now he was too weak to care. He just decided to not say anything in case he called her mom by accident.

Piper turned Chris's head toward her and looking him over for any other injuries. She didn't find anything but these demons were obviously part of the well organized group attacking all over the world. They waited until Chris was alone again and attacked him.

Chris couldn't keep his eyes open again and he winced weakly when Piper turned his head. His head was spinning and pounding and ringing, basically he felt like crap.

"I'm sorry Chris," Piper said as she dipped the cloth in the cool water and put it back on his face. She looked up at the stairs, "PHOEBE!"

A few seconds later Phoebe appeared pulling a Whitelighter behind her. When they got to the couch h stepped around Piper, knowing she wouldn't move, and put his hands over Chris. The usual golden glow came from them and as Chris seemed to get a little better the Whitelighter seemed to get weaker.

Finally something told Chris to look up and he saw the strain keeping this up was causing. "No, please... stop him... stop... stop."

Piper looked up and saw he man was about the pass out. Just as she was about to tell him to stop Chris moaned in pain and flinched again but even though he was too weak to speak again Paige could see the fear in his eyes that he was hurting someone else.

Piper could see it too but she didn't want to tell the man to stop because she didn't want to loose Chris either. Finally Chris turned those pained green eyes on her and told her she had to stop him before the poison overtook him. She closed her eyes reached up and pushed his hands away.

The second the connection to Chris was broken the man collapsed but Paige was close enough to catch him. She guided him to a chair and sat him down and then looked back at Chris. "Was it enough?"

Piper touched Chris's face again and his breathing was still very ragged and he was hot but burning like a few minutes ago. She nodded, "A little but not much, he still really hot."

Phoebe walked around the couch and started for the stairs basement, "I'll get one of the one who's been here longer. Maybe the ones upstairs are still a little weak because they haven't been here long."

Before she got to the archway to the dining room Chris mustered enough strength to speak, "No."

They all looked at him surprised. Piper brushed the side of Chris' cheek and said softly, "Chris we have to get you help, you're still running a few high fever."

Chris shook his head slightly, "No... I... I don't want to hurt... anyone else. I'll be ok; I just need to rest now." He looked at Paige, "Please help him."

Paige nodded, "I'll take care of him." She orbed the Whitelighter upstairs to get help from the others.

Piper began combing her fingers through Chris's hair knowing that always calmed him down before and made him relax. "Ok Chris, Paige took him up to get help. Just relax and think about yourself for now." The burning question in the back of her mind was why did these demons keep attacking Chris? What did he know they didn't want anyone else to know? And how did they find out that he knew it in the first place. As all the questions were whirling around in her head she felt Chris's breathing catch as he winced again.

Piper peeled back the side of his shirt and saw the arrow hole was glowing slightly. She took Chris's face in her hands again and shouted to him, "CHRIS! Chris what's happening? Chris!"

Phoebe jumped when she heard Piper yell Chris's name and upstairs Paige heard it also. She saw the worried looks on the others faces and just raised her hands to keep them from going downstairs. "No, stay up here, I'll go see what's going on. You have to conserve your strength, no relax." Then she orbed out.

As Paige orbed back in nearly where she had left from she saw the faint glow on Chris's chest and ran over beside Piper. "My god, what's happening to him?"

"I don't know he isn't answering me. What ever those demons did they made him much worse. Leo said he wouldn't get this bad for hours still." Piper was scared, more scared then she could express. She just kept her death grip on Chris as if she could will him to stabilize again.

"We need to know what that demon that attacked him was,"; Paige said and orbed the Book of Shadows onto the coffee table. She started flipping through the pages quickly.

Chris flinched again and moaned louder. Piper was getting even more scared now. "LEO! LEO!" She waited a couple of seconds and then yelled again, "LEO PLEASE! Chris needs help."

Finally, in a few seconds, Leo orbed in and went over to Chris and Piper. Piper moved slightly aside so he could step around her now that Paige was sitting there also.

"What happened? He should have gotten this bad so quick." Leo put his hands over Chris and tried to help him.

"A group of demons attacked him while we were mixing protection potions and working on the reinforcement for the fiery magic spell."

Leo looked at Chris, he looked so small and vulnerable lying there very pale but with bright red marks showing the very high fever. "Even with the new spell to strengthen it, I can't stay long. I have a bunch of them following me and I haven't been able to shake them for a while."

Two lower level demons appeared, obviously scouts for the upper level demons still chasing Leo. Piper looked up at them and flicked both of them into dust.

Leo saw this and stood. "I can't stay any longer. I don't want to risk drawing them all here. I have to go, I'm sorry Piper. I'll try to contact one of the other Elders but I have to go now. I'm sorry." His final words were echoed when he orbed out.

Piper turned back to Chris and touched his face. He was a little better but she was still scared. At least now he didn't seem to be in as much pain and she realized that was as good as she was going to get for now.

"I'll keep you safe Chris, I promise. I'm not leaving you again this time."

In the Underworld

Aaron shimmered in near one of the cages and saw his new Lord was amusing himself by torturing a few more of his former Whitelighter friends. Aaron smiled at the irony of an Elder turning evil and uniting the Underworld. They were supposed to be the epitome of all that was good.

He decided to let Metturinan know he was there so she announced himself, "My Lord, I have news."

The new Dark Lord turned and faced him with a sadistic smile on his face. "What have you for me, my new General?"

Aaron still liked the sound of that title and smiled, "Your order to attack the Charmed Ones Whitelighter has been carried out. He was greatly weakened by my demons and their Elder even showed up to try to help him but had to leave when one of my other trackers followed him."

"And what is the condition of the witches?"

"They were not harmed as you ordered, my Lord. But their new Whitelighter is now even closer to death. He will be easy to pick off when you are prepared for your final attack."

Metturinan turned to Aaron, "And what do you know of my final attack plans?"

Aaron realized he was assuming the new evils plans and high level demons always hate it when others think they are on the same though process. Aaron knelt and bowed his head, "I humbly apologize, my Lord. I did not mean to assume anything of our plan. I have fulfilled your first order."

Metturinan smiled and nodded, "Yes, yes you have my General." Then he turned evil again, "But never assume anything about me again or you will find yourself in most unpleasant circumstances."

Aaron bowed lower, "Yes, my Lord, never again." Then he shimmered out before the new dark power changed its mind and threw a fireball or something even worse at him.

Thanks to all those who keep at me to continue this.

I know I seem to go really long periods between posts but hopefully that will get smaller soon. Hope you enjoyed this nice extra long chapter. I took like a month to get done.

So what do you think of our new big bad and his story?
