"Do you think you can be in love with two people at the same time?"

~Michael Vaughn

"I believe if you took the time to hear the comprehensive offer, you might actually say yes."

~Julian Sark

"Have you ever felt that someone is your soulmate?"

~Sydney Bristow

Sydney hadn't been able to get a good night's sleep in weeks. If she wasn't in some foreign city stealing some random artifact, her job usually kept her up half the night thinking, and when her mind was racing, she could never seem to drift off no matter how hard she tried. Sighing, she got out of bed and slipped on a pair of sweatpants. Jogging always seemed to help.

She almost laughed as the thought popped into her head that maybe it was dangerous to be going for a run at three in the morning. A spy should be able to take care of herself on a deserted street in the nice part of Los Angeles or they have no right to call themselves a spy.

Her body moved into a steady rhythm almost immediately after beginning. The sound of her feet hitting the pavement had always been a source of soothing for her. It has also always been a way for her to work out her frustration.

"Which is probably why I end up running at least two times everyday," she muttered to herself as she rounded the corner of her block. She tried her best not to think about Vaughn as she was running. Every day it was getting harder and harder for her not to reach across the debriefing table and just kiss him with all her might.

She kept trying to imagine how much harder the job would be if she tried to have a relationship with her handler. The sneaking around would make the job a lot harder to concentrate on. Not that she was succeeding in the concentration department currently.

She grabbed her head and screamed lightly when she realized that in trying not to think about him, she had actually started thinking about him. She pushed his image out of her head and tried to focus on her footsteps on the pavement for the rest of the run. This run was supposed to be relaxing, and all it was doing was making her tenser.

Usually, by the end of her run, she was feeling energized and invigorated. Tonight was different, though. The run and the concentration needed not to think of Vaughn had left her exhausted. Which, in her mind, was a good thing because it meant she might actually be able to fall asleep at a decent hour.

She slipped off her sweatpants and ran to the bathroom for a quick shower. She understood that showers always seemed to leave her more alert, but it was a matter of being dirty and sweaty or getting a good night's sleep. As much as she wanted to sleep, she wanted to get the dirty feeling off her skin more.

When she emerged, she was surprised to realize that the shower hadn't woken her up at all. In fact, it made her more relaxed and sleepy. Throwing off her robe, she slid in between the sheets and slowly drifted off.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Sydney stared down the hallway she was walking. There was a door at the far end that was painted completely black, and then there was a door right next to her that had a deep blue coat of paint on it. The rest of the hallway was painted a very vibrant white that hurt her eyes. In the back of her head, she felt something urge her to choose a door.

Remembering how tired she was most of the time, she chose the door that was closest to her. Opening it, she saw a small Irish pub that seemed to be bustling with activity. That voice in the back of her head was urging her to step through the doorway. Curious, she went along with the voice.

As she crossed the precipice, she felt a small jolt in her body. It was as if someone had shocked her with electricity for a millisecond. She could feel her skin buzzing slightly, and her body felt a little more tense than normal.

Sydney stared at her surroundings again. This little pub didn't seem strange anymore. It seemed almost familiar, like she had been here before at some point. She shook away the idea that it almost felt like home. That was impossible. She knew her home didn't involve a small pub in Ireland. "I must be tired," she thought.

She walked across the floor to a small table in the back. A lot of the people, upon seeing her, shouted Catherine and held their glasses up to her in an informal salute. She nodded shyly at each person who said her name. "My name?!?" Sydney thought to herself. "Where did that come from?"

The table seemed odd in its surroundings. Every other inch of the pub was filled with activity and shouting, but this table seemed to be in a quiet little corner. No one was even coming near it. In fact, now that she had sat down, no one was even paying any attention to her.

In the back of her head, she identified this table as the one she always sat at becauseā€¦ becauseā€¦ She strained to remember. Because she met someone extremely important here. The people in the pub were keeping some kind of secret for her. She came here to meet this person almost everyday.

Sydney was almost sure that it was a man she was waiting for. This man met her here because they weren't allowed to talk with each other in the public's eye. It wasn't proper. "Where is this coming from?" she thought.

She looked up when the pub became quiet as a man in a cloak entered. After a moment, the people seemed to purposefully try to make noise and keep from looking at the pub's newest arrival. It was almost as if they were trying to cover something up, and they weren't too good at it. The man shook the rain off of himself as he pulled back his hood.

Sydney gasped softly when she saw the man's face. It was Vaughn.

Vaughn seemed to hear the small sound she made and turned to look at her. His eyes and face seemed a lot colder than she had remembered. He had a large, jagged scar along his left cheek bone that she wanted to say was caused in a duel for her honor. "Duel for my honor?" she thought. "Where am I coming up with this crap?"

She began to feel uncomfortable at the way he was looking at her and stared down at where her hands were folded in her lap. She half hoped he would come over to talk to her and half hoped that he would just turn around and walk out of the pub.

Seeming to read her thoughts, he hesitated before walking over to the table where she was sitting. He sat down across from her softly without uttering a word.

"Hello, Sir Francois," she whispered without making eye contact.

"Lady Catherine, you asked me to meet you here."

"As I do every day I see you. I wanted to tell you that I'm engaged to be married to our neighbor, the Laird Sinclair." She paused to hear his reaction. When he didn't say or react in any way, she reached out and grasped his hand. "Don't you have anything to say to this news?"

While all this was happening, Sydney was slightly freaking out. Words were coming out of her mouth and her body was doing actions that she never intended. It was almost as if someone had taken over her body. Or this scene had been scripted and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't stray from the concrete actions and words.

"What do you want me to say, Cat? We knew that you would be married off someday. It was inevitable."

"I don't want to marry that horrible man. I want to stay on my family's land with you."

"That's impossible. If your father knew about our romance, he would kill me on the spot. A lady is not permitted to fall in love with her protector. I am just a simple farm boy who happens to be good at the art of combat. If I didn't have that, I probably would never have met you. You can't be allowed to fall in love with a commoner."

"But I did," Sydney said with a smile.

"I can't protect you forever. God, I want to. But I cannot."

"Won't you just take me away from here? I hate this life that my father forces me to live. I hate everything about it. Except for you. Every day, I thank God that I have you in my life. You are my life."

"And you are mine." He smiled at her. "I will take you away from here if that is truly what you want. We'll be on the run for the rest of our lives."

"But we'll be together." She took her hand out of his and lightly touched his chin so that he was looking her in the eye. "Have you ever felt that someone is your soul mate?"

She knew the answer immediately by the look on his face.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Sydney woke with a start and looked around at her surroundings. She was exactly where she had been when she fell asleep from her relaxing, post-run shower. Picking up the robe, she threw it on and looked in the mirror. She looked the same, heavy bags under the eyes and all. However, her mind was racing. That dream had been way too realistic and just plain strange for her liking.

"I never knew I had such kinky, medieval fantasies looked up in my head," she said as she threw herself back down onto the bed. "How the hell am I supposed to go into work tomorrow without blushing every time Vaughn looks at me? I can't just explain to him that I had a dream we had a forbidden romance in the Middle Ages, and I can't look him in the eye because all I can think of is how he was going to steal me away from a life I hated." She began to rub her face lightly with her hands. "Which is exactly what I wish he would do for me now."

She rolled over and checked the clock on her end table. It read six o'clock in the morning. Sighing, she lifted herself out of bed. "Time for another run."

About to throw on her sweatpants and a t-shirt, she realized that maybe a cold shower would be a better choice of action. The dream was still bothering her in more ways than one.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

The drive to work was uneventful, though Sydney couldn't help but peer into the rear view mirror every ten seconds the whole way from her house to the parking garage. The dream had slightly unnerved her. She had always been pretty successful at keeping her overactive imagination in check. This time it couldn't be controlled. It was going crazy with off-the-wall theories. Her favorite cooked up scheme involved some evil adversary who had created a dream machine that let him enter and interfere with her dreams specifically to foil the CIA's plans to take down SD-6 and the Alliance.

"I need to control that," she muttered as she reached for her bag and got out of the car. Her stomach flipped slightly when she saw Vaughn get out of his car from across the parking lot. He waved to her, and she could feel her whole face redden. At least she was far enough away that he wouldn't see.

"Hey, Syd," he called when he had jogged close enough to heard. "How'd you sleep last night?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, wondering what exactly he knew about her dreams the night before. Her imagination was already coming up with a scheme that Vaughn and Weiss had figured out a way to enter her dreams to see what she was thinking about. Mentally scolding herself for that crazy idea, she tried to act normal. "Why do you ask?"

"Don't get suspicious, Agent Bristow." He held his hands up defensively. "I've noticed that you've been looking a little tired lately. Figured you hadn't been getting much sleep."

"What gave it away?"

"You almost fell asleep on Kendall in our last mission briefing."

"Yeah, you're right. I haven't really been getting much sleep. My imagination has been running crazy, and that keeps me up for most of the night almost every night."

"Well, if you need to talk at night, you know that you can give me a call. I'm the perfect companion for midnight pizza in a warehouse."

She smiled at him as he walked away. As soon as he was out of sight, she threw her hands up in exasperation. How was she supposed to interpret a comment like that? They were colleagues. An agent and a handler whose close relationship was already frowned upon by their bosses. She didn't even want to think about what would happen if she took him up on his offer. How was she supposed to reason a non-mission related call to him at three in the morning to ask him to meet her for pizza?

There was a mound of papers sitting on her desk when she arrived. Groaning, she remembered that Weiss had mentioned something the day before about not having a mission for her to either go on or research about. In laymen's terms, that mean a massive stack of paperwork that had been piling up would be thrown on your desk by morning.

Throwing her bag and keys on the floor next to her chair, she sat down and grabbed the first sheet. It seemed like there was an operative who angered the French government by single-handedly destroying one of their main vineyards.

"Who the hell would destroy a vineyard in the line of duty?" Sydney asked herself as she flipped to the second page. When she saw what it said, she almost laughed out loud. "Oh. I guess it was me. Oops."

Sadly, that was the high point of the stack of papers. The rest were just the mandatory paper work an agent has to do as a post-debriefing debriefing. Documentation was stressed heavily at the CIA, much to her displeasure and discomfort. She did notice that a lot of the paperwork in her pile seemed to have been plucked off of Weiss's workload and put on hers. She would have to remember to yell at him the next time he stopped by.

After about two hours of straight filling out of forms, Sydney felt her head begin to dip. The lack of sleep she got and the unsettling dream seemed to be causing her to drift off in the one place she wanted to be her sharpest. She didn't have the strength to stop herself and leaned down to rest her arms and head on the desk.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Sydney found herself in the same hallway as her previous dream. There were the same two doors again, black and midnight blue. The only difference was the blue door has a small Celtic symbol etched onto the middle of it. It reminded her of the setting of her Irish dream that had Vaughn as its star.

She decided that since she knew what was behind that door, she'd follow her curiosity through the other, black door. Opening it up, she saw it was just a small room. As crazy and bustling the last scene was, this was the exact opposite. It was a completely serene, calm scene. There was a window open and the light curtains were blowing in the wind. The wind was blowing in sweltering hotness which made the air sticky. She could hear the voices of young boys echoing through the streets as they tried to sell their newspapers.

Using her high school history knowledge, she placed herself in turn of the century New York. Why she was there was anyone's guess? In the back of her head, she found herself hoping it had something to do with Vaughn. Maybe this was another one of her sleep-deprived fantasies.

Not thinking twice, Sydney stepped into the room and felt the same jolt in her body that occurred the first time she walked through one of these mystery doors. The buzzing and tenseness wore off a little quicker now that she was expecting it. Looking down at herself, she realized that she was no longer wearing the business suit she had put on that morning. In its place was a white blouse and long blue skirt. She reached up to feel her hair and discovered that it was about nine inches shorter than she remembered.

Shaking off her weird appearance and the growing nervousness in her stomach, she went to close the window. She stopped abruptly when she saw there was a young man sleeping on the fire escape.

"Benny," she whispered lightly. Inside, the same body snatched feeling she had had previously unsettled Sydney. These weren't her words, and she was pretty sure what she was about to do wouldn't be her actions, either.

"Sarah," the boy said as he awoke and looked up at her. "I didn't want to wake you last night."

Sydney almost jumped out of her skin when she saw Benny's face. It was a perfect copy of Sark's. Thankfully, her mind and body were on autopilot, so the shock didn't show at all. "You could have come in, and you know it. Benny, you're my best friend. I can't have you sleeping with the stars."

"It's beautiful out here. One night we should watch the stars come up. And then you can stick around for the sunrise."

"My mother would kill me if she knew that I was staying out with a ruffian like you all night."

"But I want to show you the one thing that comes close to describing what I feel for you. A sunrise is almost as beautiful as you. Please. Just for one night, run away with me."

Sydney smiled down at him. "You were always such a romantic fool. I love you, Benny."

"I love you, too." He went from romantic fool to complete seriousness without a thought. "Which is why I hate pulling you into all of this."

"I agreed to help you rob that store today. You need the money to settle the gambling debts. I'm not about to let a group of thugs take you away from me."

"I don't like the fact that you won't stay home."

"I'm not going to leave you by yourself to do this. You're not as smart as me and you know it! If you want to pull this robbery off, you need me by your side. I'm the only one that can distract the clerk while you slip into the store and steal the money. Don't you trust my charms?"

"I've seen those charms at work firsthand. I know you'll do well. I just don't want to be the man to drag you down. You belong to a higher class than thieves and crooks."

"I belong with you." She touched him lightly on the top of his head. "We're two halves of a whole. I'm the brains and the looks, and you're the clever, resourceful one."

Sark stood up and grabbed her hand before she could pull it back inside the window. "You've been my best girl since we were seven, Sarah. I think I've loved you since then. I know that I'm a no-good, troublesome bum. And everyone you've ever met has told you to get as far away from me as you can. But I think you can make me a better person if you're willing to keep trying. I want you to keep trying. I know I don't have much money, but I would love it if you agreed to spend the rest of your life with me."

Sydney could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as she leaned her head outside the window and gently kissed him. "There's never been anyone else for me but you, Benny."

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Sydney shot straight up in the air as she heard loud slam. Looking around wildly, she saw Vaughn standing in front of her and a new pile of paperwork sitting on her desk in a wild pile.

"Snoozing on the job?" he asked with a smile. She looked up at him guiltily and then back down at the paperwork. He took a seat in the chair next to hers. "Who were you dreaming of?"

"Sark," she answered absentmindedly. When she realized what she said, she froze in place.

"You were dreaming of that cocky bastard?" He hadn't been expecting that response from her.

She tried to recover quickly. "I think it has something to do with that last mission I was on. He got the better of me for the first time in months. It must have bothered me a lot more than I thought."

Vaughn accepted that explanation readily and added one of his own. "Yeah. It was probably that and the fact that you haven't been sleeping so well. Dreams can be really funny."

Weiss walked over in time to hear that last comment. "My mother always told me to never shrug off what your dreams are telling you. It's your subconscious talking, Eric. It's trying to get you to understand. If you want, I can help you reason them out."

"I'll keep that in mind," she said.

Vaughn stood up. "Is Kendall ready for us, Weiss?"

Weiss nodded, and the two men left Sydney's presence. She barely noticed. Her mind was trying to process what her subconscious was trying to tell her with a dream about a medieval Vaughn being her soul mate and a turn of the century Sark being the only one for her.