I'm so sorry!!! I had major writers block on this story, but I finally came up with a new chapter! I'm taking a slightly new track from what I originally started with; I hope you'll like it. I'll try my best to come up with new ideas sooner; it's been like forever since I last updated this story!!! I'm so sorry!

Now on with it!!!

Chapter 9

Solomon jumped sitting up on his bed.

"Who's there?!!!" He whispered, he didn't want to yell and wake up Yugi and Yami.

An orb came out of thin air and took human form. It went into the form of teenage Lovely.

"Lovely, is that really you?" Solomon asked, he looked into her eyes.

"Yes, it's me…" Lovely said.

"But, it can't be, you're a teenager…" Solomon said.

Lovely smiled, then she changed back to her true form.

"Is this better?" She asked.

"Yes, it is…" Solomon said.

"I have to tell you something Solomon." Lovely said.

"Then sit down and tell me." Solomon said.

Lovely walked over to Solomon and sat down next to him.

"I was an angel all my life…" Lovely said.

"I already know that…" Solomon said.

"No, I mean a real angel…" Lovely said. "When I was born, I was given a rare power that is very rare around earth."

"What do you mean?" Solomon asked.

"This power grows for a long time within people, when the power is ready to ignite, those people who have the power turn into living angels." Lovely said. "When those people are children, they normally show a little of their powers."

"How?" Solomon asked now that he was starting to understand.

"Some people have the ability to read other peoples minds; some have healing powers; some have the ability to move things with their minds; and some don't show any signs at all until they are ready to ignite." Lovely said.

When Solomon heard this, he started thinking of Yugi and Yami.

"Remember Yugi?" Solomon asked.

"Yes I do, I can never forget about little Yugi…" Lovely said. "And yes, there is a possibility that Yugi can be an angel…"

Solomon grew worried.

"Who killed you?" Solomon asked.

"The person who killed me is a demon named Kenneth." Lovely said. "We had years of battles and in the one that took place today, he finally beat me…"

"Will he be a threat to Yugi, Tristan, and Joey?" Solomon asked.

"He might be for Yugi; but he'll be a definite threat to Joey and Tristan and a few other people." Lovely said. "Kenneth collects angels; he'll do anything to get them. He'll use them for whatever he needed them for and then kill them."

"What can we do to protect them?" Solomon asked.

"For now, you keep an eye out for the boys acting strangely." Lovely said.

"Alright…" Solomon said.

"Do you still have those lockets?" Lovely asked.

"Yes, what are they for and why do I have to give those things to the boys?" Solomon asked.

"The lockets have a source of power that can control the powers of the boys." Lovely said. "May I see them?"

Solomon reached under his pillow and took the lockets out from under it and hand them to Lovely.

When Lovely had them, she put them to the palm of her hands and her hands began to glow. The light was a soft glow, a moment later, she opened her hands and Solomon saw that the lockets had changed into golden keys. At the top of both keys, there was a heart shape and in the middle were crystals.

"Please Solomon; give these to the boys…" Lovely said. "They will need them when the time comes."

Solomon took the keys and looked at Lovely.

"Lovely, when will you come back?" Solomon asked.

"Soon, I'll come back soon." Lovely said as she disappeared.

Solomon looked at the spot that Lovely was just sitting at; he sighed and put the keys back under his pillow.

"By the time all of this is over, I'll be officially too old." He murmured as he settled himself back into bed.

For a few moments, he couldn't sleep, then slowly, unknowingly, sleep captured him.

Meanwhile in heaven…

Lovely had just returned, but she was immediately called to meet her son. She rushed over to the little park, where she saw her son sitting on a swing.

"Harry, what's going on?" She asked.

"Mother, I found out something about the Kaiba brothers." Harry said. "They are not what they seem."

"What do you mean honey?" Lovely asked as she sat down on the other swing.

Harry dug into his pants pocket and pulled out a black feather, he handed it over to his mother.

"Oh my god…" Lovely said.

Meanwhile with Ken…

Ken was having a field day, he found more angels for himself to capture; but, he put off on capturing those angels for something even rarer. One of his new sights happened to be Mokuba Kaiba.

"Oh my, just look at him…" Ken said as he sat in his limo as he looked into a sort of black orb. The orb he had was able to let Ken see any person he desired, he just got it about a couple of days ago. "How could I have missed it?"

Ken watched as Mokuba turned in bed in his sleep, clutching a teddy bear.

"Soon, I'll have both him and Seto; also along with Joey and Tristan." Ken said. "With the four of them at my side, I'll be invincible."

The next morning…

Tristan woke up with a groggy start; he carefully slipped his way out of Seto's arms and sat up. He stretched and yawned and took a glance at the clock. The digital numbers read, 10:45 am. Tristan looked down at Seto and decided it was time for him to get up also.

"Seto, Seto, wake up, it's past 10…" Tristan said as he shook Seto.

Seto's eyes cracked open and he glared at his lover.

"It's Saturday…" Seto said.

"I know that, but we have to go check on Joey." Tristan said.

Seto thought of why he and Tristan had to go check on Joey; then all of yesterday's events washed over him; he started to remember why.

Just as Seto was sitting up, there was a knock at the door. Tristan jumped off the bed and walked toward the door. When he opened it, he saw Joey.

"Joey, come on honey." Tristan said as he took Joey's hand.

Joey stepped in and closed the door behind him.

"Morning…" He said sheepishly.

Seto patted the empty spots in bed for his lovers to sit down. The both walked over and jumped onto the bed, onto Seto. Seto let out a surprised yelp when that happened, but he didn't mind when he got good positions of their necks. He began to kiss them both on their necks, making them moan. Soon it was done and Seto settled himself and his lovers into sitting positions.

"How are you feeling Joey?" Tristan asked.

"Hungry." Joey said flatly, there was evidence in his voice saying that he didn't want to talk about yesterday.

"Alright, by now Jenkins should be cooking something." Seto said.

"Have any of you seen my cat?" Joey asked. "When I woke up, I couldn't find him."

"He's somewhere around here." Seto said. "I and Mokuba used to have a cat and it liked to hide a lot."

"What happened to it?" Tristan asked.

"It got hit by a car and we settled its body in Domino's Pet Cemetery." Seto said.

"I want to go look for my cat now to make sure it's inside the house." Joey said as he got off the bed. "You two are helping, rather you like it or not."

Seto and Tristan got out of bed and followed Joey out of the room.

Meanwhile with Yami and Yugi…

Yugi was in the kitchen making breakfast; Yami was in the living room clean up everything; Grandpa, hard to believe to Yami and Yugi, was still asleep.

"Do you think he's okay?" Yami asked as he fixed the pillows on the sofa. "He's always the first to wake up."

"He's probably sad of Lovely's death." Yugi said. "If I remember correctly, they were good friends."

Yami sighed as he looked up at the stairs where Yugi's grandfather would be walking down when he wakes up.

Meanwhile with Solomon…

Solomon sat down on his bed looking down at the crystal keys that Lovely had given him so he could give them to Joey and Tristan.

"How am I going to give these keys to those boys?" Solomon asked himself; finally, an idea dawned on him.

He smiled and stood up placing the keys back under his pillow, when the boys come to the game shop they will receive their keys.

To be continued…

What will happen?

Please send me reviews!!!