Disclaimer: Victor, Rosa, TC and Linda are all property of Bill Nuss and North Hall Productions, the song "No Way Out" is property of Disney and Phil Collins. In other words, I don´t own anything, with the exception of the story.

Author´s Note: You´re probably all just tired of my Victor angst fics, but hopefully you´ll live through this one too.

Author´s Note 2: First attempt at a song-ficlet. I don´t promise that the result will be good.


No Way Out

"I never got to say 'I do'."

Linda´s word rang in his ears, as clear as they had been when she had said them. He could see her face when she said it; he remembered everything that happened around at that exact moment. He had promised Linda to fall in love again, he had promised TC not to commit suicide, he had promised his mother that he´d call at least once a week. He had let them all down, and he knew it.

Everywhere I turn, I hurt someone
But there's nothing I can say to change the things I've done
I'd do anything within my power, I'd give everything I've got
But the path I seek is hidden from me now

He was a horrible person. Not only had he broken the promise to his mother, he had also done everything to break the promise he gave to Linda. She was dead and he did everything he could to go against her last wish. By all rights he shouldn´t be alive, he wasn´t worthy of being around people and hurting them. TC. TC was the only one he hadn´t broken his promise to. Yet. He had tried living without Linda for almost 9 months now, and he couldn´t do it anymore. Being constantly reminded of her last wish and that he would never be able to grant it? No, he´d commit suicide, breaking his promise to TC as well. After all why wouldn´t he? He had hurt the feelings of all the other people around him, so why not TC? But then, it would be hard to do that to him, his best friend. After staying alive for over 6 months TC would probably think that he´d be able to live with the pain.
He really was an idiot. If he had just killed himself right away after Linda´s killer got caught he wouldn´t have had time to make TC a promise and he wouldn´t feel so ashamed as he did right now.

Brother Bear, I let you down
You trusted me, believed in me, and I let you down
Of all the things I hid from you, I cannot hide the shame
And I pray someone, something will come to take away the pain

Brother Bear. He remembered when he gave TC that nickname. TC was talking about that some new research showed that bears are faithful and loyal, quite the opposite of what everyone had believed. He had then given TC the name as a thank you. But it didn´t matter anymore, Brother Bear wasn´t there to help him, Brother Bear couldn´t help him. It was sad, the person he trusted most, the one he called his brother, couldn´t help him dealing with Linda´s death. What´s the purpose of living when you all you do is hurting people and they can´t help you? He´d never get out of the dark place he was in right now, and no one would be able to get him out of it, not even Brother Bear.

There's no way out of this dark place,
No hope, no future
I know I can't be free,
But I can't see another way,
I can't face another day

Having made up his mind, he took his gun out and pointed it to his head. A shot rang through the night and Victor Del Toro was forever reunited with his beloved...