I dedicate this chapter to D's fishie. Of the fishie I knew so little, but oh well. Rest in dissolved peace, fishie.

To Teh Reviewers, who are still reading, because I love them all individually:

DemonessofPunishment: You know, this entire story wouldn't have came to be if you hadn't told me to write it in the first place. For some strange reason, I find that hillarious.

MADbunni: Oh dear, I absolutely ADORE YOU!! hug Here, I'll make up for the shortness in THIS chapter

Akira: YAY! gets married XDD! Whoo! I'm so glad you like this one X3! Oh I feel so luffed

Isabelle Adamowitz: XDD! aww...here's the next chapter then. Don't worry, if D hasn't told you anything about this chapter yet, I hope you'll love it X3

SkyTiger: As you wish

Lucifers-Meloncholy-Angel: Kyaaa!! ego purrs X3!!

SilentDemon: I'm so glad you like it !!!!

WinterCrypt: a random choir on a helicopter suddenly sings "And that's why he's called CLIFFHANGER!! :D!" alright.../pathetic attempt at a joke XDD! hugs you

Migoto Yuki Kitsune: I'm so flattered you like it X3;;;

Ellerfu: Thank you so much

Recommended Reading - Sanctuary Psyche Ward, by DemonessofPunishment. In case you ever get tired of me continuously taking away your lemons. Oh, and there's some angst too. Not to mention it's finished, and-and-and-and...there's some Yuri too! :D! YAY YURI! XDD! And she also makes Sara tolerable, even likeable So if you like TPD (or just think it sucks and you want to read something that's more well-written), give SPW a chance, ne? :3


Chapter 4 - This is set 4 days after Chapter 3.

Setsuna awoke in the morning to his pet cat jumping up onto his head. He lazily took the tabby into his hands and pet the feline affectionately. The kitten purred and nuzzled his nose into Setsuna's palm happily.

"Good morning to you too" said the blonde, smiling.

In response, the tabby licked his nose. Setsuna got up out of his bed went to his closet to get dressed. With a little advice from his cat, (or what little advice he could give by shifting his paws around and yawning) he changed into a simple black t-shirt and jeans which both hung off his lithe body.

Setsuna had made the decision to go to Kira's house and talk to him about the recent happenings. Not only that, but also because he hadn't seen the brunette for a while and he missed-...oh great. Not only did the Kira have the youth EXPECTING him to come out of nowhere and do those things, but he made the blonde WANT him to.

Setsuna slapped himself lightly. He wanted Kira to stop, didn't he?

He wasn't so sure now.

Shaking his head, the freshman started to walk out the door. But as he was about to shut the door behind him a small orange fluffball came through the door. Setsuna picked up the clumsy little kitten, and the tabby jumped up on top of his head, seemingly more comfortable there.

"You miss your friend, don't you?"

The kitten merely responded with a small mew of dismay, which Setsuna took as a yes. Together, the two finally left the house and headed to Kira's.


Cautiously, Setsuna walked up to the door of Kira's house. Upon looking around, he found that Kira's father was still off on that trip. Talk about a workaholic, thought the freshman as he knocked on the door nervously, his heartbeat quickening the slightest when Kira opened the door. The brunette had a strange expression on his handsome face, like he didn't expect Setsuna to actually stop by, but immediately shrugged it off.

"Hey, Seta-kun. Would you like to come in?", the charming voice questioned him.

Setsuna only managed to nod and seat himself on one of the couches as Kira sat on the armrest of the opposite couch. The kitten hopped off Setsuna's head and started searching for something.

"So, what brings you he-", a small bark interrupted Kira from finishing his question.

The source of the noise meandered into the room, and immediately hopped onto Setsuna's lap and licked his face. It was a pitbull Kira had gotten about a month ago. Though slightly blind in one of its eyes (which explained the curving motions in which the canine walked), he was a friendly pup and got along well with his kitten.

"He's over there," Setsuna said between small chuckles and pointed in the direction of the tabby.

The dog made a barking noise of joy and rushed over to his diminutive friend. The two played together as Kira and Setsuna looked over at the other.

"Yeah, like I was saying, what brings you here?" the brunette questioned again.

"Well, it's a lot of things really. But I mainly wanted to ask why you've been...er...acting so strangely." replied the blonde timidly.

Kira merely blinked and laughed.

"Sempai, I'm serious!"

"Alright alright...sorry."

"Whatever, just tell me what's gotten into you."

"You really are THAT dense aren't you?"

Kira reached back to a nearby dresser, and suddenly Setsuna felt a sharp fear go through him.

The brunette stood smirking, holding out the fake, plastic microphone towards the blonde.

"You owe me a song, remember?," the elder youth laughed at the expression on Setsuna's face.

Setsuna pouted "You could've just told me that instead of acting like you were trying to get into my pants this whole time!"

"You obviously didn't mind at all, and besides, if I said something you would've ran away. I also find seduction to be a pleasant way to get what I want. And right now, I want a song out of you."

"And if I don't sing?"

"Then I'll have to be satisfied with hearing you scream," the brunette replied alluringly, smirking sadistically when he saw Setsuna fail to mask a shiver. "Wouldn't you like that better anyway?"

The blonde could only stutter senselessly as Kira settled on the armrest of the chair Setsuna was sitting on, draping himself across the back of the chair. His lips were but an inch from one of the ears he so obviously adored, giving Setsuna a deep red blush to stain his adorable face for many hours. Kira just kept breathing warmly into that ear for a while, waiting for the shivering blonde to say something as he placed the fake microphone into Setsuna's lap.


-knew this was going to happen, thought the youth with a sigh, as he finally turned his head and captured Kira's lips with his own.

The brunette was a little surprised, but shook it off as he moved from the back of the chair and onto Setsuna's lap, never once breaking the kiss. Setsuna subconsciously noted how light Kira was, despite being the older of the two. After a little more shifting the brunette was straddling Setsuna's thighs, pressing his body against him. In all honesty, Kira wasn't expecting the freshman to give in so soon, he didn't even have much of a valid reason to seduce him at all. With that in mind, Kira pulled away, reluctantly looking into the eyes of his best friend. The warm, chocolate orbs were expressing a mix between confusion and...disappointment?

"What the hell am I doing?"


I apologize once again for the lack of length in these chapters, but I recently suffered from heartbreak and I couldn't bring myself to write any bit further into that.

I sincerely apologize for all the cliffhangers too. I promise, there won't be any more of those after these chapters.

You may now proceed to shove many doses of ritalin and prozac down my throat.