Author's Note: It's another challenge fic! This was an all or nothing challenge. Pure dialogue or none at all. I hope everyone enjoys this little fic. I enjoyed writing it!

addendum: In my hurry to get this fic posted, I made a mistake. Chiharu should use Yamazaki's given name instead of family name...and while I was writing I forgot it. So, it's corrected now.

I Swear It's True

"It represents eternity. That's why it goes around and around and around."

"Why does it have that little twist thingy though? A circle is a circle, it doesn't need a twist to go around."

"Well, that's its secret. It goes around and around forever like that. It's called a Mobeus strip."

"This isn't another one of your lies, is it?"

"Whaaa!? I gave those up years ago! You're so mean."

"Oh, stop pouting. I'm just teasing you."

"Here, I'll show you. It's like this. Put your pencil here, okay?"


"Now, start drawing one line in the middle. Just keep going."

"It went past that little taped part."

"Just keep going."

"OH! I see! That one little twist opens up the other side!"

"It turns two surfaces into one."

"That's kinda cool."

"Oh, just say it. It's kinda nerdy."

"No! It's not. I mean, it's not the best way to strike up a conversation at a dinner party or something, but how often do I go to those?"

"Just say it. Admit it."

"I will not."

"Chiharu, say it. Say you're dating a nerd."

"Are you kidding? I say that every day and it doesn't change a thing. Why should I say it now?"

"Say it."

"Aaah! Stop tickling! Eeek! No! Stop it! No! Okay, okay. I'm dating a nerd! I'm dating a NERD! Will you stop already?"

"Are you okay? I didn't mean for you to fall. How's your head?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine. You have got to be the worst boyfriend ever though. Abuse! Abuse! You're abusing me!"

"I'm sorry. You're right. I'm a terrible boyfriend. In fact, I think I shouldn't be your boyfriend at all."

"W-what? That's not funny."

"No. There's no help for it. The world would be a better place if we just stopped this whole boyfriend and girlfriend business."

"What are you saying?"

"Shh, no, it's okay. No tears. I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore, Chiharu. I never want to hear those words from your mouth again. So, will you change that to something else for me?"


"Will you change it to fiancé? And, in a year or so, would you do me the honor of changing that to husband?"

"Y-you're joking."

"I've never been more serious. I don't have a fancy ring to give you. It's just a plain band without a jewel at all, but I asked Hiiragizawa to help me pick it out the last time he was here to visit. He agrees that it's perfect."

"If he helped you, I know I can't trust it. He always helped you with those silly lies--"

"Years and years ago. I promise, this is not a joke or a lie or a trick. I swear it's true. Will you?"

"Oh look! It's got that little twist in it!"

"That makes it better than any plain ring. It joins both sides together, and it goes on forever and ever. Just like the two of us. I can't remember a time when we didn't know each other, and I hope I never see the day we have to part."