Hey! Remember me? Sorry it took so long to write this last chapter. I've had a huge case of writer's block, but i'm all better now! I hope you all like this chapter, since this is the last one! Yes, that's right! Your finally going to see who the culprit is! Enjoy! DISCLAIMER: IF YOU DON'T GET THE POINT BY NOW, WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!


"I bet mommy took it!" Goten said. "WHAT?!" Chi-Chi nearly screamed. "Yeah, that's why she's changing the subject and trying to get us to forget about it!" Piccolo said.

"I bet it was you, green boy! I bet you did it for the attention!" Bulma said. Soon after that, everyone started to fight and beat the crap out of each other. Bulma jumped up and dropped kicked Vegeta, who was to busy laughing to pay attention or care about what was going on. Goten and Trunks were swinging at each other like no tommorow, Krillin and Piccolo were trying to rip each other's throats out, and Chi-Chi was hitting whatever moved with her frying pan of death. Bulma started punching Vegeta and yelling out things like "HOW DARE YOU TRY AND KILL ME OVER A PIE!" Vegeta of course didn't care and was so strong he didn't even feel her punches.

Trunks and Goten kept fighting and bouncing off the walls like pinballs. They also kept accusing each other's mothers of stealing the pie. "I bet your mom stole the pie! Daddy said your mom's cooking sucks so your mom stole my mom's pie!"

"Nu-uh! Your mom stole the pie and you know it!"

"It was your mom!"

"Your mom!"

"Your mom!"

They finally stopped when Krillin and Piccolo crashed into them. After that, all four of them started trying to kill each other. That didn't last long either as Chi-Chi came ran over and smashed everyone in the head with her frying pan. After they got up, they all jumped her and started your basic all out brawl. Vegeta on the other hand was rolling on the ground laughing his ass off and about to have a stroke from laughing so hard.

They kept fighting for the next 30 minutes until they were all exhausted except for Chi-Chi, who only stopped because her frying pan broke in two from her hitting everyone with it. Vegeta stopped laughing and looked around. He noticed that someone was missing and got everyone's attention. "Hey! Where is that idiot Kakarrot?" Everyone looked around and noticed that Goku was indeed missing.

They all agreed to hold off on the fighting until they found him so they all started searching the house. Krillin checked the bathroom, Bulma checked the bedroom, Vegeta checked the gravity room, Trunks and Goten checked Trunks's room, Piccolo checked the kitchen, and Chi-Chi checked outside, but nobody could figure out where the hell he was. They all grouped back and tried to think about where he could be.

"Wait! Do you hear that?" Piccolo said. Everyone but Vegeta shook their head. "I can hear it too." Vegeta said. "What is it?" Chi-Chi asked.

"It sounds like somebody chewing something. I think it's coming from the guest room." They all followed Vegeta down the hallway and they all stuck their ear to the door. All of them could hear it now. Someone was in there and whoever it was they were eating something. They busted in the door and that's when they all saw it.

Goku was sitting on the ground eating the stolen pie!

"Goku! How could you?!" Chi-Chi said as she started searching for her spare frying pan. He stood up with an empty pie pan. "Yes! It was me who did it! And you all want to know my motive!" Vegeta quickly ran back to the living room to grab his popcorn and came back as Goku was explaining his motive. "I took the pie because I knew that the pie was in there, but I knew I had to share the pie. I didn't wanna share the pie, so I took it when no one was looking and hid the pie. Then I put on my detective's outfit and started accusing all of you of taking the pie so you would turn on each other and I would go eat the pie! And I succeeded! The pie has been devoured and I am the one who ate it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

There was an eerie silence after Goku finished, then Chi-Chi found her frying pan. She lifted the pan into the air and yelled out, "ATTACK!" And everyone jumped Goku and started to beat the hell out of him.


So it was Goku who did it! I hope you all liked my story and hope you give me good reviews on it! I apologize for making the chapter's so short, but I was going for a 'one suspect per chapter' thing. Anyway, i'm outta here! See ya!