Ranma's Father

The Start of the Knightmare...

From the series, The Bet, initiated by Gregg Sharp, [email protected]


Original concept by Gregg Sharp under the name RANdom.

Revised concept by Gregg Sharp by request

Grey is copyright by ?

A fan fiction based on Takahashi Rumiko's Manga and Video series, Ranma


Saotome Ranma, Saotome Genma, Saotome Nodoka, Tendo Akane, Tendo Soun,

Tendo Kasumi, Tendo Nabiki, Kuonji Ukyou, Hibiki Ryouga, P-chan, Shampoo,

Mousse, Kuno Tatewaki, Kuno Kodachi, are copyright 1987, 1998 by Takahashi


Publishing rights:

Japan: Shogakukan Inc. Tokyo

Hong Kong: Jademan (Holdings) Ltd.

North America: Viz Inc.

Also based upon the Batman series created by Gil Kane

Bruce Wayne, Batman, Batgirl, Robin, Nightwing, Richard Grayson, Alfred

Pennyworth, Commissioner James Gordon, Barbara Gordon, Catwoman, Selina

Kyle, Joker, Two-face, and Timothy Drake are copyright 1936, 1998 by DC

Comics, and Time-Warner Entertainment.

Publishing rights:

North America: Direct Current Comics

By Jessica Samolson and Ichinohei Hitomi


It was over, and a final timeline had been chosen and stabilised.

For some, it was a lot of fun, for others, it had been unnerving,

and for a couple, it was downright devastating.

While there were parties going on in the local pub, Bacchus having

donated a _lot_ of mead for the 'closing ceremonies', several others were

feeling out of sorts at how everything had ended.

One of the beings who felt most out of sort was Toltiir, the one

who had started the whole thing.

He had thought it would be a lot of fun to challenge all of the

other Deities that abounded the multiverses to make small changes in the

timelines and see what chaos resulted. Sad to say, the one timeline that

had won was, in his opinion, one of the most boring. After all, he had

seen humans who had acquired the powers of Faerie before. It had been

done so many times that he, The Oldest of All Old Things, had ceased to

feel any wonder at it at all.

It was generally considered a very bad thing when the Spirit of

Ultimate Mischief was bored, and at this point, he was bored out of his

proverbial skull.

The result was that there was no one to play with because the rules

stated he could not interfere with the newly established timeline. Sighing

he looked around at the others who had decided not to join the party, and

noticed Bast scowling at yet another timeline in which Ranma had died due

to Genma's stupidity in trying to teach Ranma the Neko-Ken. Even when it

worked, the boy had an intense fear of felines, and that was not pleasing

to Bast, an Egyptian Goddess of cats, at all.

Perhaps, just perhaps...

With a wink and a nod, the two moved the already dissolving

timeline to parallel the methane breather's timeline, then...

Toltiir decided to get mischievous as was his wont. Bast got

tricky since she wanted to get rid of Genma in a way that was satisfying,

yet fun.

The remaining Deities, all of them full of mischief of one type or

another, or who hated Genma in some way, formed a small audience watch the

results, and perhaps help out once in a while...


"...and so Kuno told the sword to grant the pigtailed girl a

wish." Ranma stated as he stared in frustration at the sword in his hands,

not quite believing all of the trouble that he went through for seemingly

nothing, "I tried wishing for the sword to cure my curse, and it buzzed at

me saying that there was a conflict."

"I see," Kasumi said, a thoughtful look upon her face. "If you

wished yourself free of the curse, you would not be the pigtailed girl,

and therefore the sword would not have granted the pigtailed girl a wish,

forming a paradox. Oh my."

Everyone stared briefly at Kasumi, who, for once, seemed to have

made an excellent summation without being her normal oblivious self..

"Serves the pervert right," Akane said, sipping her tea and trying

to keep her anger in. "Honestly, the way you acted around Kuno..."

"Hey! It's not my fault! You see what it's like with a curse like

this, and see how well you cope!" Protested Ranma. "Geez, I got girls

coming onto me in my boy-form, guys coming onto me in my girl-form, and

nobody listens to me in either form!"

"Humph," continued Akane, not acknowledging Ranma's point. "You're

always getting yourself into these problems, Ranma, and it's always your

fault. Pervert."



As soon as he heard those voices, Ranma's head slumped in defeat.

It couldn't be happening again, not again. Why was it that everytime

there was a chance, even the slightest one, something would happen to make

it go wrong? And now Akane would take out her mallet and... "Oh no."

"Ranma! How could you invite them over!?" Akane flaired and managed

to give the pigtailed boy a hurt look.

"I...But...I..." Ranma started, then gave up. It wouldn't matter

in the long run anyway.

"Actually, sis, I gave them the option of buying an info service

where I call them whenever Ranma's about to go off on an adventure or do

something that might impact their relationship with him." Nabiki smirked

from where she was sitting. "This qualified."

Shampoo smiled cutely at Ranma, trying to make him look at her,

"Airen should wish for strong wife who doesn't get in trouble."

Ranma gulped a bit. If he did that, both Akane and Shampoo would

probably be picked, probably in the worst way possible. That was a bad

idea, a very, _very_ bad idea.

"Hey, Ranchan, if you're gonna make a wish, why don't you wish to

marry the fiancee that really loves you?" Ukyou smirked, knowing that

neither Akane nor Shampoo could compete in that arena.

Ranma looked up, that actually didn't sound too bad at all. He tried

to think of what would be so bad about that one, but couldn't come up with a

reason. It would make the best out of a bad situation.

Nabiki huffed arrogantly, knowing that she had to head this off

before her favourite meal ticket disappeared and Ukyou got her wish. The

best way was to appeal to Ranma's best feature; his gullibility. "Oh, get it

_over_ with, Saotome. There is no single thing that can solve all the

problems _you've_ managed to accumulate. You _know_ that whatever you wish

will just make your problems worse anyway. Besides, the wish was for 'the

pigtailed girl. If you make that one, then get ready to marry Kuno, or one

of those male friends of yours, or any number of 'Ranko's' admirers.

Who knows how many men Uncle Saoatome and Daddy have promised thier

daughters to. Why not just give it up to someone else?"

Ranma winced at that and looked at the table. His mood had just

gone from bad to worse. "Well, Kasumi?"

"Ranma?" Kasumi asked confused at the question.

"Everyone _else_ seems to have something to add, I just thought

I'd give you an opportunity to throw in your bit as well, is all." Ranma's

voice was bitter. Here he had something that could end his curse, and he

couldn't get any help in figuring out how to do it.

"Why would I do that, Ranma?" Kasumi asked as if she didn't


"BAKA, will you quit bothering my sister and GET IT OVER WITH!"

Akane yelled, more than angry that he would consider consulting with

everyone else instead of just talking to her about his wish.

Ranma looked over at Akane, paused, and was just about to make

his wish when Ukyou spoke up. "Hey, maybe Nabiki's got something there."

"Excuse me," Nabiki looked startled, and worried at the same time.

She hadn't given away something for free, had she? And worse yet,

something that might help Ranma escape from her clutches?

Ukyou smirked, having been thinking the problem through, and

coming to the conclusion that Ranma was really blameless for just about

everything that happened to and around him. She decided to go for another

tactic that solved the problem without solving the problem. "Look, if you

wish for a fix to any of your current problems, you get too many at once

with any number of them conflicting with one another. Maybe you should turn

your attention to what CAUSED all your problems in the first place. Your


Elsewhere, a panda sneezed and felt this awful premonition of

doom. If he was right, events were happening that would be detrimental to

his health. Perhaps it was time for another training trip with Ranma. Say

to Austrailia. He heard that a person could get lost in the outback for

years at a time.

Everyone looked startled at that, then the comments began.

"Oh, right, maybe if his father had been rich or related to

wealth," Nabiki snorted.

"...more mature, more intelligent," said Kasumi, but in a very

polite manner.

"...and if he wasn't such a cowardly, freeloading, immoral wretch,"

said Ukyou, thinking of her own treatment at the hands of Genma.

"...and if even stronger fighter who could teach Airen much useful

techniques, so Ranma even better and more powerful fighter," Shampoo said,

clasping her hands together and looking at this wonderful vision in her


"That could have been cool," Ranma agreed. "I wish I did have a

father like that..."

"GRANTED!" said a strangely doubled voice that seemed to

reverberate, almost sounding as though they were two separate ones,

answered the group. One from the sword and the other that sounded as

though it was coming from somewhere off to the side. The sword then faded

away, it's purpose done until another found it.


"You're up!" the Toltiir smirked at the young man standing and

looking on at the new timeline.

"You're kidding, right? I mean, doing this is outside of every

parameter that was set up for the bet"

"Nope, you participated, and now you get to play. Think of it

this way, you get to see what can happen without really destroying


The youngster fumed at that silently and left, muttering to

himself, "One little mistake in creating a timeline and..."

Toltiir chortled as hard as everyone else there already was, "Now

for the fun part!"


Before anyone could say anything or protest Ranma's ill timed words

and actions, a guy of about average height with two slashes that almost

looked like a second set of eyebrows walked in out of a glowing hole in the

air. "Hello, I've been elected to explain what's happened." he said aloud,

and then muttered low to himself, "Mainly because everyone else is laughing

so hard."

"Oh my, a guest." Kasumi got up to get a tea set. This was

something that was normal and that she could deal with.

"Well," Nabiki munched on a rice cracker and looked this guy over,

wondering at the potential for profit on this. "Are you here to kill

Ranma and marry Akane, or kill Akane and marry Ranko, or marry both Akane

and Ranko?"

"No, I'm..."

"Here to challenge Airen because he best in world?"

"Not at all, what..."

"You were promised something by Genma and now you've come to


"That's not it at all..."

"Let me guess, you're engaged to the Baka!!"

"NOW CUT THAT OUT!!!" Screamed the enraged young man, desperately

trying to calm himself, and smiling a bit because Kasumi chose that moment

to pass him a cup of tea.

"There now, I hope it isn't unpalatable." Kasumi commented while

she presented the tray of rice cakes.

Grey cleared his throat, "No, in fact I rather like it. What

blend is this tea?"

"Oh, it's a Darjeeling from India."

Nabiki raised an eyebrow, "Now I'm sure that's all rather

interesting, but how about we get back on the subject. You were here to

explain something to us?"

Grey blushed, "Ahh...Right."

He stood up. "Actually, Saotome Ranma, this is your life!" Grey

pointed to the wall where images began to appear. Indicating a picture of

Genma entering a house, Grey also pointed out the woman hiding behind a


"Who's that?"

"Your mother, Saotome Nodoka!" Grey smiled, revealing fangs. "What

you're seeing here is your father cheating on your mother yet again. She

managed to trace him to this house in Kyoto, and decided that enough was

enough. Not willing to take the life of her husband, but tired of Genma

cheating on her, she decides to GET EVEN!"

Ukyou blinked at the house in the image. It couldn't be...if that

house was...it meant that she was...No. That was impossible. It _HAD_ to

be impossible.

The image changed to the same woman at a party. It appeared to be

a VERY posh social event with a mixture of foreigners as well as Japanese.

Some of the people were recognisable to Nabiki from the history books

since these people were financial giants and formulated the fiscal policies

affecting the Home Islands.

"So she goes to this party held in honour of the Prime Minister of

Japan, hoping to meet someone who she could respect." Continued the Demon,

"Your mother can't hold her drink very well, and got more than a little

bit...well...to put it politely..."

"Smashed," supplied Akane.

"Tipsy," provided Nabiki.

"Drunk?" Ranma squeaked.

"Enter this fellow," Grey made a motion and the picture changed


"That's that gaijin maniac super-villain, the Joker!" Nabiki

exclaimed in wonder. It was the first time that the maniac had struck

anywhere outside of the US, and the first time the Batman had ever shown

himself in Japan. It had led to some speculation that the Dark Knight

Detective was Japanese since he had talked with some of the government

members after the incident without an accent. Given the way he had

appeared, and later disappeared, there was also some speculation that he

was a renegade Shinobi, who operated away from the Clans. "She was at

_that_ party?"

"Indeed," Grey flicked his wrist and the central picture changed

again. It now showed a man and a woman, stripped bare and who's eyes were

slightly glazed, being thrown into a broom closet. The door to said

closet being sealed with Joker Glue immediately thereafter.

"Oh my," Kasumi covered her mouth with one hand, slightly

distressed at the sight before her. "How long were they stuck there?"

Grey grew a bit uncomfortable at Kasumi's blush. "A little over

six hours. During that time, Ranma was...well...conceived."

"Well, Ranchan," Ukyou nudged the apparently paralysed Ranma in an

effort to forget her own dark thoughts. "I always knew you couldn't be

related to that damn panda."

"So who is his daddy?" Nabiki took a deep drink of her own tea,

almost smirking at how messed up the wish was making Ranma's life.

"This man." Grey again changed the image, revealing a very

well-dressed young man standing in front of a recognizable corporate logo.

SPTHHHHHTHHHHHH Nabiki drenched one wall with tea and

immediately started a coughing fit.

/Wonderful! I loved causing that reaction./ the Demon smirked to


"Wayne Enterprises?" Ukyou thought about it. "Oh, yeah, I've heard

of them. One of the top 100 international megacorps, aren't they?"

Nabiki was continuing to cough, her eyes tearing up, thinking

about what she had given up, the MILLIONS that could have been hers if she

had only taken Ranma as her fiance that first day.

"Ah, Shampoo hear about them. They own mining company near


"Yes, and Bruce Wayne has just discovered evidence that his son is

alive and well and living in Nerima Japan."

Nabiki managed to stop coughing but was now looking at Ranma as if

he had grown horns. That this uneducated, lazy, obnoxious, jackass was

now the heir to a financial fortune measured in...in...Nabiki had to think

about how much he would be worth...

"There's more, but you'll find that out after you go to live with

your father." The image changed again.

"Such a big house," Kasumi exclaimed pleased and excited. It must

take a lot of time to clean. Who knew what wonderful new things could be

found? And the kitchen that must be in such a house...

"That place bigger than entire village!" Shampoo blinked in

surprise. The concept of so much land for one house was alien to her, but

it didn't stop her from thinking of one thing. "Airen could invite entire

village over for wedding."

Akane was still alternating between staring at the pictures, the

guest, and Ranma. If he was willing to flirt with so many floozies now,

who knew how many he would be with so much at his disposal. Her anger,

already at a slow burn, began to grow hotter.

"Damn, sugar. Do you think Wayne Enterprises would be interested

in a merger with a little okonomiyaki shop? I've got some ideas for


Nabiki looked at the house, the helicopter landing field, the car

in front of it, the various other buildings in the background. A quick

estimate of the total value caused her eyes to roll up in the back of her

head. Followed immediately thereafter by a crunch as her head impacted the

little tray of rice cakes in front of her.

"Sorry, I couldn't stay longer, but the Rival Relief Office keeps

me on short notice and I don't exist in this particular timeline anyway."

Grey smiled at Kasumi and handed a business card to Ukyou. He wished he

could stay longer, That girl was cetainly worth looking at. Waving, he

walked towards a wall and, quite abruptly, vanished.

"Grey. Demon, fourth class, not affiliated with Hell. Rival Relief

Office, Asgard." Ukyou blinked as she read the Meishi. "It lists a pager

number for emergencies?"

"Ranma...you..." Akane began to get angry at Ranma for screwing up

everything once again, especially with Ukyou now hanging onto him and

discussing all her plans for expanding her business. "You're not even pure

Japanese!!! YOU BAKA!"

Nabiki's eyes snapped open. That's right. Akane wasn't too fond of

Ranma, and in many ways was too traditional to consider marrying an "Ai no

ko." And the same thing held true for Kasumi! Images of bags of money

flying away from her seemed to fill the air. There had to be something

that she could do, and it had to be quick.


In an area just outside the normal parameters of the space-time


Grey reappeared and walked up to the small crowd of beings looking

at the timeline. "So what happens?"

"Ah," Toltiir smirked. "Look at what happens when Ranma discovers

Bruce Wayne's 'hobby' and decides to indulge himself as well..."

"Ah," Bast purred. "Look at what happens when Ranma meets Catwoman

for the first time!"

"Heh," laughed Loki. "Look at poor Ranma trying to explain how

Spatgirl and Chinagirl ended up at the mansion."

"Akane must care on some level," pointed out Susano. "Look at her

trying to get to Stately Wayne Manor."

"Nabiki's already there and is explaining to Bruce about how Ranma

has to marry a Tendo." Isis shook her head.

"Look at Genma trying to sneak in and getting run off again."

"What's Ryouga doing in Gotham City? Oh, lost and looking for

Akane again."

"Oh my."

Everyone's heads snapped up at the unexpected voice and they turned

to see Kasumi standing behind them. She held up a familiar looking business

card. "I just wanted to get hold of my sisters, and I thought this was an


"Call forwarding," groaned Toltiir as he looked over at Grey who

was now blushing at Kasumi's presence. The kid managed to screw up again,

permitting a mortal to see what was happening, before it happened.

Kasumi let a little sad look pass over her face. "You know, I wish

that I could help..."

Toltiir laughed. Perfect. This was a way to get rid of her, add

some chaos and disruption, and make her be more than totally useless.


Grey whirled towards Toltiir when Kasumi vanished, "HEY!!! SHE


Toltiir grinned, "Then you're going to have to follow her, won't


Grumbling, Grey walked off to where Toltiir had sent Kasumi into

the timeline...

Loki grinned, "Nice bit of manipulation shorty, but instead of

looking at different sections that interest us in particular, lets take a

look at how things turn out. After all, it's only a century or two of

entertainment, and then we can watch the reruns."

The remaining Deities smirked and sat down to watch the fun.


Alfred Pennyworth, Foremost butler in the world, brought up in the

old school of how to keep the master happy in every way, trained never to

show surprise and to hold in his emotions as any proper Englishman, stated

his worry over the upcoming changes to the household. "Are you sure this

is the proper thing to do, Master Bruce. After all, the lad has already

made quite a name for himself, and if any of these activities follow him

here there could be some unwanted scrutiny towards the affairs here at

Wayne Manor."

Bruce Wayne, dilettante playboy, acknowledge womaniser, layabout,

and generous business person smirked as he looked over the file on his

son, Saotome Ranma, or as he would be called in America, Ranma Saotome.

Admittedly the boy was a fighter, having spent many years training in

various places and in numerous Martial Arts, including some of the places

that he had trained himself. The boy had already surpassed him in so many

areas at such a young age, easily being the equal of Bruce in the pure skill

of the Arts. No doubt the young man could teach Bruce many tricks, but he

still had a long way to go, especially on a social level.

What Alfred had been refering to, however, was that Ranma was linked

in many incidents, having made the newspapers several times in both Japan

and China. One of the ones that stood out was that apparently Ranma had

several suitors, all of whom wanted to marry him, despite the fact that

they knew him to be virtually penniless. It appeared, from all the reports

that he had been able to get from his people, that the girls and people who

surrounded his son were the cause of most of his troubles. He chuckled a

bit. "I'm sure that he will be fine Alfred. Besides, when he comes here,

such activities will seem to be normal, and the son of a rich socialite

millionaire, sewing a few wild oats which his father has to take care of

now and then will make a lot more people ignore what goes on here rather

than attract attention."

Tim heard all of this from the doorway. "I guess you won't want

me around anymore then."

Bruce's chair whirled around at that, "What do you mean by that


"Well, with your son coming, I wouldn't think there would be any

room around here for me."

Bruce frowned, "What gave you that idea. If anything, he would be

more like an older brother to you, just like Dick. I already consider you

one of my sons."

Tim blinked. "You mean that?"

Bruce nodded slightly. "Besides, what would I do without Robin?"

Tim Drake jumped happier than ever, "Yeah!"

"But as of right now," Bruce continued in his command voice, "You

have some training to do with Batgirl in the Simulation area. Get to it."

Tim nodded and then went to get his uniform. The one thing he

was most proud of.

"Alfred, make arrangements to have a company jet ready to take off

for Tokyo, Japan in 30 hours. And pack suitcases for Barbara and Tim. I

want them to accompany me." Bruce said as he pulled on his cowl and went

towards the Batmobile.

"Of course sir. And happy hunting." Alfred said as he watched

Batman take off into the night. Cleaning up, he looked over the folder on

the young man coming to live here. After all as a Gentleman's gentleman,

it was required that he know the complete life story of his employers, and

as such had to be able and willing to help whenever and wherever possible.

And it was apparent that this young man would need tutoring in a proper

language. Ranma's English marks were not all that good, despite his

having travelled to countries where the language was necessary.

He stopped suddenly and reread the passage to make sure that it

was correct. "Oh my. This may cause a problem in making arrangements for

the young master. I wonder if Miss Barbara will be doing anything

tommorow. She may be the best one to ask how to properly prepare his

chambers and to which school he should be sent to."

He started back up the stairs to the Manor proper, taking the

silver tea service with him. "Master Timothy will be in for a rather large

surprise when he finds out about Ranma's abilities. I do so hope he will

not be rude about it."


Nabiki was dazed, looking over the books that she had. Ranma

would leave. There was no question of that in her mind, especially since

Genma no longer had a hold on Ranma. Ranma could now declare all the

engagements made on his behalf by Genma null and void. She would loose

_BILLIONS OF YEN_ because her sister was so insistent on _not_ marrying


Nabiki opened up her ledgers and took a look at the amount that she

had stashed away. If she was careful, she would be able to afford a

fairly good apartment, enough for her to finish high school and complete

an American university program. And if Nabiki just happened to be in Gotham

City, where she could claim her families honour would be ruined since

Ranma was assumed to have been Genma's son...Well if Akane didn't want

him, then she would marry him.

Now, it was just a matter of making some arrangement with people

she knew and checking for apartments over the Internet...


Ukyou had a couple of problems to contend with because of what

Grey had shown her at the Tendos.

The first dealt with Ranma. If everything went right for him,

then he would be moving with his natural father to America, leaving

everything he knew, and all his problems behind him. He would be leaving

her. Again.

She wasn't about to allow that.

Already, she had packed up almost everything that she needed, with

only the large items left to go. The big question now was should she sell

her restaurant, rent it out to someone to operate, or make it into one

shop in a chain? She had enough money to get there, and enough money to

operate for a while, but not forever, and it was a lot harder to buy land

in Japan than it looked. If she sold her restaurant, the center of her

life, would she ever be able to regain it?

Was she willing to regain it?

Because if she left for America, and if she was to acknowledge who

Ranma really was, then it was time that she should acknowledge whose

daughter she could really be.

Ukyou shuddered, trying hard to erase the memory of seeing HER

house, HER home, as the one Genma entered for his little affair. To be

related to that lazy, no-good, cowardly furball would be a nightmare come

true. In her dreams, she had always taken Ranma AWAY from that panda. If

she was related to him by blood...

That was too scary a thought to contemplate.

At that moment, someone walked in through the door, and it wasn't a

person she was expecting to see. "Hello Shampoo. What do you want?"

Shampoo came up to the counter, in a rather dejected state, "Great

Grandmother say Shampoo no can go to America. Say Wayne-san and any him

children not bound by laws. Shampoo no care! Shampoo want Airen."

Ukyou shook her head. "Well, what are you going to do then? You

don't expect me to help do you?"

Shampoo looked up, even more dejected than before. "Shampoo not

know what to do. Shampoo no want to disobey great grandmother, but also

cannot give up Airen. Am not expecting spatula-girl to help, but wish

to know if know solution. Shampoo willing to help if want."

Ukyou grimaced. It was hard enough for her to stay mad at

everyone, even harder to deny the feelings of others, but she had to. It

was for Ranma's own good. She was the one who deserved him, the one who

gave up the most, the one...the...one...../Oh to heck with it all!/

"Shampoo, what if the two of us just happen to apply for school in

America, say in Gotham City. We both have experience with restaurants,

and we _could_ open a konzern in that city..."

Shampoo's face lit up as Ukyou started to make a few Okonomiyaki,

"Aiya!! Shampoo understand! We help other and be close to Ranma!

Shampoo willing, but if do, must agree Ranma make choice, not us."

Ukyou winked, "Well sugar, I think we should talk about this quite

a bit. After all, as partners, we should plan for contingencies, and for

what may happen to Ranma. We both can't take off from the restaurant at the

same time, and if we want Ranma to be better, we need to leave him along with

his father more. What we should do now is dis..."


The Nekohanten was closed to the public, something that had

happened many times before and would doubtlessly happen again. Despite

being one of the best places in Nerima to eat, anyone in the know knew

that it was a place frequented by Ranma, and therefore subject to the

unusual. It was actually expected.

Inside, an older woman named known as Cologne sighed and smoked her

pipe calmly, wondering at this revelation that came from divine sources. It

was not hard to imagine that Ranma could be Wayne's offspring. Quite the

opposite really. Now that she knew this fact, so much that had been a

mystery made sense. And there was so much more that she could end up

teaching the boy since he had as much potential as his father. If Ranma

asked, which was doubtful considering the many things that she had done to

him in the past. Ranma would learn a lot from his natural father, however,

and the boy was worthy of taking over his fathers role in the world.

She snorted suddenly, as if Wayne was really fooling anyone with his

act. Anyone who knew him, who trained with him, would be able to recognise

him instantly. His way was too obvious to anyone who was observant, such as

all of his teachers.

Hoping down from her perch, she went over to a table and poured

herself some wine. Not the Sake which the Japanese numbed their senses

with, but a proper Mongolian red whose body was much richer and more

delicate than anything suited to the Japanese palate. Besides, it was

time to reflect, celebrate, and give up at the same time, and what better

way than in mankind's oldest tradition, the toast, even if it was to


She raised her glass of warmed wine into the air, appreciating

it's colour, "Here's to you Ranma, and to your father, Bruce Wayne. May

you find the peace you desire, and the family you need. May the sins of

the past be eased, and the safety and the future of the planet be

bettered. And may the Knight of Darkness teach the Knight of Confusion."

As she drank, the wine burning it's way down to an appropriately

empty stomach, she thought of all the new adventures that Ranma would be

having, and all of the villains that would be in for a shock as Batman's

son...eh...child, went into his fathers line of work.



Nightwing didn't turn from his task as he acknowledge the other

person on the roof with him. "Batman."

"I'll need you to watch over things for a few days, perhaps as

long as a week." came the gravelly voice.

The young man with the long pigtail smiled grimly, "Where."

Batman smiled slightly, "Japan, I'm bringing your younger brother


Nightwing didn't turn his eyes away from his target, he had been

too well trained for that, but he did stiffen. There wasn't any point in

asking questions however, especially since Batman was long gone. Although

he and the others had acquired that ability as well, it was annoying when

it was applied to himself.


Batgirl smiled at the young man in front of her, practising the

same manoeuvres that she had been forced to do so long ago. "So, how's

school going?"

Robin huffed, "Aww. It's OK, I guess. I still can't understand

that stuff on Civil Government, I mean, WE break the law every day, don't


The redhead rolled her eyes, "How many times do I have to tell

you. We don't break the law, we may bend it a little, but we don't break


"Yeah, right. Tell me another one."

Batgirl fumed a bit and then turned up the TASER trainer up a

couple of levels. "I admit what we do tends to intimidate some of the

creeps, but then it's better to intimidate them, put the scare of

superstition into them, rather than let them off the hook. Our guises,

the martial abilities that we train in, the knowledge of our bodies that

allows us to seem to be 'supernatural' or 'super-powered' are our


"Huh." Robin replied as he avoided a needle to his back, "I

suppose the fact that none of us never seem to die adds to the illusion."

"Given the number of times Batman has been presumed dead from one

threat or another, or the fact that we always seem to escape does lend

itself to the illusion."

"Well, I hope my new big brother won't be this much of a

'practicer.' I want to do something, like take some villains or something


Batgirl, also known as Barbara Gordon, the daughter of the

Commissioner of Police of Gotham City, called a halt to the practice.

"Look, I know you want to do everything right away, but when Ranma

arrives, he's not going to be able to know about this immediately. I don't

want you to tell him about the cave, about what we do in our spare time, or

what dangers we face."

Adjusting the controls to try and trap the young man, she continued,

"He's already going to be facing certain...challenges, this being a

completely new country and all. It's going to take a while for him to be

able to speak English, get used to America, and relaxing for the first time.

Ranma hasn't had the easiest of lives you know, and we don't want to scare

him off."

Robin shook his head, "His dad's the greatest guy on earth, and

you say he might be scared off? Get off it, he's gonna love doing this as

much as I do."

Barbara groaned, stopped the simulator, grabbed the boy by the arm,

and led him towards the main part of the cave.


"You know, kid. I think it's time you learned how I became

Batgirl. It all started when my dad was accused of being in league



Nodoka was prepared to lose her son once more, perhaps


Ranma's father was coming back to Japan, to reclaim his son as

Genma failed to take care of him. Of the young man he had promised to

make a Man Among Men. She had failed in her duty to her family by

allowing Genma to take Ranma with him.

Thanks to Bruce-kun's resources, she had managed to read up on all

of the adventures and troubles that her son had been in since Genma had

taken him away. The Neko-ken, all of the fiancees, the challengers, and

the dangers. She had even read up on Jusenkyu, and the problems that had

created for her son. After Bruce-kun took her son to America, she planned

to regain her honour for failing so miserably.

But there were some things that needed to be taken care of first.

Mainly dealing with Saotome Genma. Dealing with the betrayal of her trust

in him, and the way he had harmed her son. Most of all, dealing with a

young girl named Ranko and her pet Panda.

She could not hold Ranma to the promise made so long ago, but

Genma would be held to it, and he would pay for the trivialities that he

had made of their lives. He would pay for all of the broken promises, the

pain and suffering, and for endangering her child without cause. He would

fulfil his promise or she would chase him to the ends of the earth.

Holding up her Katana and checking the surface, she decided that

it's polish was complete. She placed it down and then powdered the

length, knowing that it would dink it's fill of blood before her task was

complete. Unless something happened, Genma would pay with his life.


To be continued...