Blacked Out IK & MS Fan fiction By dogdemon101

Rated R, very mild sexual themes and lemony parts, and course language (sorta). Not for people under 17.

( ) = Author's comments Please do review this, it's my first one ever and I need all of the support I could get. Thanks.

At Kaede's hut...

'With the jewel completed and Naraku gone and dead, the question now is what will Inuyasha do with it? He says he's going to be a full-blooded demon, Kikyo that bitch, wants him to be a human. I want him to stay the way he is but I can hope right?' thought Kagome. She didn't notice that Inuyasha was starring.

"Kagome, are you all right?" he said.

"It's nothing but thanks for your concern. Anyways what are you going to do with the Shikon no tama?"

"I don't know, since Naraku is no longer a threat I have no use to be a full blooded demon. It took us 3 ½ years to collect the jewel and defeat him, during that whole time I haven't really thought about what I'm going to do with it."

Shippo walked in and sat down in Kagome's lap. "Hey, have you two seen Sango and Miroku. Kirara and I have been looking all over for them." he asked.

"Sorry squirt, but neither me nor Kagome have seen them."

Across the village and a little farther than the bone-eaters well, Sango and Miroku sat in a field that was surrounded by trees concealing their place of thought. Nearby was a small river and the occasional growth of flowers made the field all the more special.

"It's good to be alive eh Miroku? I avenged my family, put Kohaku to rest, and helped you and the others defeat Naraku." Sango said.

"Yeah it is, but I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you. Thanks." Miroku replied.

"Well you're welcome. I'm glad you're alive too, but what are you going to do now? I mean our journey has ended and what we were seeking for is now completed."

"Not exactly, there are many more journeys ahead of us, but as for me I want to settle down and start a family. I won't have to worry about dying at such a young age so that means if I have children I can see them grow up."

"Ugh. Here we go again with this stuff. You never quit do you?" Sango started to giggle.

"Stop your laughing; I have a good reason to want a family. I'm serious about this and you should too!"

"Like you can be serious." Sango continued to snicker.

"Fine, be that way, but there is only one woman I could ever want to be my wife. Only one to bear my child and that woman is right next to me." Miroku started to move towards her.

Sango abruptly stopped her giggling and blushed a deep red that covered her face. "Yeah right you're just trying to get me in your bed."

"No I'm not Sango, this time I really am telling the truth." Miroku turned to face her and stared. His dark blue eyes getting darker but the second. Sango turned an even redder shade, if that was possible and responded as best she could.

"You mean you chose me, out of all of those pretty girls, me? I really don't know what to say!"

(If you are the over the age of 17 or a hentai for that matter then you may continue to read on, but if you're younger than 17 please leave immediately this is no fan fiction for children again thanks.)

Miroku moved on top of her with one smooth motion, pinning her down to make sure she didn't move and said "Well it's the truth even if you don't want to believe me, I want you, only you, and I need you. I am madly in love with you Sango ever since I laid eyes on you." The words went all the way down Sango's spine and made her shiver underneath him. Closer and closer he moved until there was only a gap between them.

They were so close; she could feel his breath mingle with hers. Then the gap that was between them was closed by a very heated yet passionate kiss. There was many a word to this one kiss but none could describe how good the kiss really was.

Sango was surprised by Miroku's next actions. He started to lick at the opening of her mouth begging to let him in and taste every single morsel she was made of. She let him in with a little hesitation but once in the new form of this kiss coursed through her body giving her pleasure beyond compare. She all of a sudden started to strip Miroku of his clothes and found that he was doing the same. They stopped to take a look at each other's figure.

'Oh wow, Miroku has such a nice body. He shouldn't wear such heavy robes; it covers his nice well-toned muscles that are small yet visible and the light tanned skin that covers it.' Thought Sango with a look of longing in her eyes.

'Kami, you have graced me with the presence of a goddess. Even though scars have covered her body they have not covered her beauty on the inside. I will always treasure this moment in my mind.' Miroku thought staring in awe.

"Sango are you sure you want this, we could stop here and try a different time." He said with the sound of concern.

"Look, I love you Miroku and I want to be yours forever, but how can we if you aren't sure about this?" she replied.

"Okay, but it hurts the first time for women and I don't want to hurt you."

He slowly started to kiss her around the neck and went lower to the valley between each breast. He took a few seconds to play with each of them, taunting and nibbling on them till they grew hard. He then found her opening and kissed her hard yet chaste while he stuck his fingers in the opening, he felt the barrier and started to feel her closing in on his hands.

He decided to go to the next step and gave her a long passionate kiss while he stuck his penis inside this time so that the pain wouldn't feel as bad. He quickly broke her barrier and stopped to see if she was okay. "I'm sorry I must have hurt you, please forgive..."

"I'm okay you can continue don't worry about me."

Miroku nodded and proceeded to the opening again and continued at a slow and steady pace, but it was getting them nowhere. He wanted to speed things up a bit but was worried about Sango. "Miroku stop worrying about me just please, would you speed it up I'm getting bored here." Said Sango. Without hesitation he started to move at a faster speed that made Sango start to moan with pleasure. He sped it up again and heard Sango scream his name. He loved the way it rolled off her tongue.

Again he moved faster hoping that they would climax soon. He didn't want an intruder coming especially Kagome or Inuyasha. He felt that Sango and him were very close to climaxing so he gave 3 more hard pushes and they did it. His seed was now filling her. He gave her one last kiss then rolled off of her and rested a bit before going to the river to take a bath. Sango joined him, of course, now that they truly united. They walked back to the hut hoping that their friends weren't worried about them.
Did you like it? Please review. I need encouragement. Thanks. If you give me at least 5 reviews I might write more chapters so it all depends on the readers or you guys.

Edited and proof-read on July 20, 2004