Somewhere in Between

By: Vela Cruze

Chapter 12:

"Have you caught him yet?" Miriam asked Detective Taylor.

"Not yet Mrs. Pataki I'm sorry. We can't find him."

"Can't find him?"

"We're doing the best we can. But our leads aren't turning up anything."

"So…so I won't ever be safe here will I?" Helga asked lowering her head.

"I'm afraid not. To be safe you just need to leave town."

"Yeah okay…"

"You're coming home in a few days. We'll get your plane ticket and everything ready for you so you can go to South Carolina as soon as possible."

"Thanks mom."

Later day that day, Arnold visited. "Are you leaving soon?" he asked.

"Yeah, as soon as I get home."

"We got you something." He said showing a big card, "Gerald and I got everyone to sign it."

"Really?" She accepted the card and opened it on her bed. Sure enough, everyone's signature was written on the card. "Rhonda, Harold, Sid, Stinky, Nadine …Phoebe…Thank you!" She said happily.

"You're welcome. Phoebe also told me to give you this…" he reached into his pocket and handed her a necklace.

"It's a Best Friends Forever necklace. Tell her I said thank you."

"I will," After a slight pause Arnold continued, "How long will you be gone?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'll come back if Frankie is caught."

Arnold remained silent. He knew it could be months before Frankie would finally be found. "Well, I've got homework to finish so I better get going."


"Well…see ya."

Helga sighed outwardly, "Arnold wait, none of this would've been possible if it wasn't for you. I mean I wouldn't have found the courage to leave him if you hadn't…"
"Butted in?"

She smiled, "What I wanted to say is thank you."

"Your welcome."

"Do me a favor?"

"Tell everyone I said bye?"

"Sure thing."

-A Few Days later-

"Helga, are you packed?" Miriam called, "You're plane leaves in an hour."

"I'm coming!" Helga shouted back. She was writing something. "Dear Mom and Dad, Things have been pretty tough these past few years. But I'm sorta glad it turned out this way. We're closer now then we have ever been before. I just wish this situation had come about under different circumstances. Frankie has taken so much away from me and you have filled that emptiness. I am happy to be alive and for the first time in a long time, I am proud to be your daughter. Thank you so much for everything. I love you both very much.

Love Always,


Helga looked over the letter she had written and nodded her head in approval. She wanted to make her good-by a little longer but all her previous drafts of the letter had done nothing but reduced her to tears. "Helga, come on!" Miriam called again.

"All right." She carefully folded the letter then grabbed her suitcases. She got her cane and hobbled down the steps where her father was waiting with the keys, "come on, we're already late." He said taking her luggage.

"I know I'm sorry. I was finishing this." she handed her mother the letter, "Don't read it until dad gets back."

"I can't peek?"

"Nope. You and dad have to read it together." Helga smiled, "Goodbye mom." She said hugging her.

"Please be careful. And call as soon as you get there."

"I will."

"You won't be going anywhere if we don't get a move on. Sorry Helga but we've got to go now."

"All right dad. Let's go." She followed her father outside and they arrived at the airport just as Helga's flight was being called. "You sure you've got everything? You're medicine, cane, everything?"

"Yes dad. Now give me a hug."

He wrapped his arms around his daughter, "I love you." he said.

"I love you too. I gotta go. Bye daddy." She waved then limped toward the terminal. She handed over her ticket then waved at her father one last time. She disappeared down the terminal.

-One month later-

The time she spent in the country had worked so many wonders on Helga. She smiled more often then she had before. And her new friends provided her with comfort when she felt homesick. Her life in one word was wonderful. But one day that changed. She was out at the mall with three of her best friends, Matt, Drew, and Molly. They were at the food court enjoying their lunch. "What's the matter Helga? You seem distracted." Matt asked.

"There's a guy over there staring at me. I could swear I've seen him before."

"It's probably just déjà vu. You probably just saw him in town or something. Now are you gonna finish your fries?"

"No, pig, you can have them." She pushed the plate in front of him. She continued laughing and talking with her friends, almost forgetting about the eyes watching her until he stood. For a split second their eyes met. Helga's expression turned to terror and she knew immediately that he had found her.

The End

Author's note: Ooh finally I am finished with this story. I really like this ending. It only took two Law and Order: Special Victims Unit shows to come up with it too. I love the USA network and I love Law and Order: SVU. I hope you all enjoyed. A possible sequel if people ask or if I can come up with a good idea for one. Until next time kiddies. Buh Bye!