Hey guys!!! I have decided to write a poem!!! I hope you like it!!!! FYI:
If DAT is mad at me for doing a slight parody of her poem: Oh, Tracey! I
would like her to know that she inspired me to do this poem.

Oh Wally!

Oh Wally!
You act just like a girl.
Your ugly face
Makes me want to hurl.
When I look,
In your eyes.
I see things,
That I despise.
You look like an oaf.
You tiny loaf,
Oh how I hate you.
Your greasy hair,
Looks so yucky.
Makes me feel,
Oh so mucky.
Your shorts are so dorky.
They make you look so thin.
Nothing could make you porky.
Oh, I really want to dump you in a bin.
Oh, go to hell Wally.
You know you are not wanted.
If you didn't realize, I hate Wally's guts!!! DIE WALLY, DIE!!!!!
Ok, I'm a bit insane but I'm normal!!!