Covert Operation

Prologue: It's Mission Time!

By: LiLAngelZ

Disclaimer: Regrettably, I do not own YYH or any of its characters. 


Koenma sighed as he waited for the rest of the team to arrive at his office.  'This will be a difficult task I'm asking them to do, especially with only two members' The toddler gave the door an impatient look, annoyed at Yusuke for being so late. 

"Where is he anyways?  Doesn't he know by now that every time I summon you guys there's always something in dire need of your help?"  Koenma directed his anger at the rest of the team. 

Kuwabara looked at his watch, "Uh, he's only ten minutes late, no need to bite off someone's head off about it." 

"Hehe, that's right.  Besides, it's Yusuke, what'd you expect?"  Hiei snorted his reply. 

Koenma continued his staring contest with the door, frowning stubbornly and mumbling, "Couldn't hurt him to be on time for once in his life." 

Tick tock, Tick tock, the seconds rolled by, each making Koenma grind his teeth even harder.  What sparked his anger even more was the fact that the rest of the team really didn't care about Yusuke being late, instead, they were quite calm.  Kuwabara practicing summoning his energy sword, Hiei stood at the corner of the room with his hands folded at his chest, and worst of all, Kurama, talking to his rose that he conjured up, murmuring and soothing it until it grew from a sprouting bud into a beautiful full bloom rose.

Minutes passed.  Kuwabara resorted to whistling tunelessly.  'O the horrid sound' Everyone in the room grimaced as each note bounced off the walls and came straight back at them. 

"Kuwabara, is that a new attack you learned?  I mean it'll literally kill your opponent, with the high pitch and screeching sound."  A new voice sounded in the room.  

"Yusuke!  Where have you been?  You're late!"  Koenma scolded. 

Yusuke smiled brilliantly.  "I was busy when you called.  I do have a life you know."  Brushing a strand of stray hair back to its original position, Yusuke began to make his way to the nearest chair, making himself as comfortable as he can.

"Well, if you all are well settled. I have a mission for you."  Koenma began.  "I know you all have been through a lot and experienced a myriad of dangers and adventures, but I will tell you this will be different than any other mission you've ever had.  Well, for Yusuke and Kuwabara anyways."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!" Kuwabara shouted. 

"It's just that you two have never been exposed to the things Hiei and Kurama have in the demon world.  It's dangerous in there, and the tiny glimpse you've seen doesn't even sum up the smallest part of it." 

"You mean we're going to the demon world?"  Yusuke asked, now interested it the mission. 

"Actually, you're not going, Urameshi."

"What?  And you called me here why?  I was sleeping!"  Yusuke mumbled softly to himself  "stupid toddler, needed my beauty sleep and he woke me up for nothing"      

"Can you please let me finish?"  Koenma was getting red from anger.

"Fine go on.  And Yusuke, shut up," Hiei said coldly.  

Koenma continued, "Ok, for this mission, we need to infiltrate Shikosume's Castle.  Who is Shikosume you ask me?  Well, we highly suspect he is the master of all organized crimes and the head drug lord, meaning he owns the labs and resources that makes the drugs and gives them to others to sell in the demon world.  I have received reports of a dangerous drug, newly created, that have no taste and no smell.  I don't know the effects of the drug, it may be a deadly poison, or a mind numbing drug, or even a sleeping pill for all we know, but we need to find out.  I know they are planning to use it in the human world.  My sources have confirmed plans of sneaking an unknown substance from the demon world to our own.  Because such a drug can be slipped into anyone's food, or get into the human world unnoticed, balance will be tipped to the demon's side, advantage for demons, bad for humans.  So I need you to find out what the drug does and stop it from passing the barrier from demons to humans."  Koenma took a deep breath.  "Understand?"

"But don't you have other people to do this instead of bothering us?  I mean we're not exactly the sneaking into stuff type here.  We're more like the rush in, kill and destroy kinda team."  Yusuke waited for an answer. 

"Well, I would tell someone else to do it.  I know this is not your specialty, but my sources have disappeared on me two days ago.  Three were supposed to report to me everyday at midnight, but I have not received words from them.  Besides, the last message was pretty scary.  They found out who one of my spies were and decided to show me what they do to spies on the visual screen of his own communicator.  That is sufficient reason to believe the others have also suffered the same fate or they are hiding for their lives."  A sad look appeared on Koenma's face, he blinked and stared at the floor.  "You all know that even though sometimes we don't exactly get along very well that I will never want any of you to suffer like that.  Never!"  The scenes seemed to haunt Koenma's eyes. 

Yusuke was at a lost for words, for once. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that."  Koenma wiped his eyes with his sleeves.  "Now lets get to your part of the mission.  Hiei and Kuwabara, you two will go disguised as servants.  I have a little charm that will prevent anyone from sensing your normal spirit energy.  However, they will sense it if you decided to use your energy to attack, defend or to cast any spells.  The charm will not block out that much energy from the other demons, so use your energy only when you need to."

"Wait, why send only Hiei and Kuwabara?"  Kurama spoke up for the first time since he entered the room.

"Umm… Not to offend anyone, but well…" Koenma started to chew his nails. 

"Well what?  Out with it!"  Yusuke really wanted to know now. 

"Well, Shikosume is kind of a pervert.  And so is all the nobles in the castle, they're all one of a kind." 

"And that has to do with us how?  We can handle them."  Yusuke was beginning to feel downgraded that he was left behind because of this. 

"You don't understand.  I want you to be unnoticed. With Kurama's umm… flaming red hair and your, uh, …, charming personality, you two just stand out too much." 

"I have a feeling that that's not it Koenma.  You better tell us something more believable."  Kurama smiled as he said this, knowing exactly what Koenma meant by not sending Yusuke and himself. 

"Damn it, Kurama.  Now I have to tell the unpleasant truth."  Koenma sighed again.  "Now how can I put this?  As I said before, not to offend anyone, but I just have to say this to explain ok?"  Koenma chewed on his nails some more.  "Kuwabara wont be noticed because he is tall, but nothing more, nothing less.  He is ordinary and nobody ever notices the ordinary.  Hiei, well, Hiei's short.  There I said it!" 

A death glare shooting straight from Hiei to Koenma can be seen, almost like a laser cutting into glass.  Koenma winced, and tried his best to ignore the short fighter.  Hiei remained as silent as death, until grinding his teeth, said "Go on."

"Heh, umm… Hiei will be seen as a child, therefore, too young for the lords living there to touch." 

"That doesn't explain why me and Kurama can't go."  Yusuke was really frustrated at this game they all seem to play.  "Just get straight to the point here, Koenma." 

"Ok fine.  Kurama's too pretty.  And Yusuke, you look like a girl when you have your hair down.  They'll like you there, oh, more than like, they'll take one glance across the room and steal you to their beds.  Enough for you?" 

"Oh," Yusuke felt dumb.  Then, "I do NOT look like a girl!!" 

"Yes you do," Kurama smiled and messed Yusuke's hair up, or rather tried to, but it didn't budge since there was so much gel glued to his head. 

"Hey! Don't mess with the do!  It takes me hours to get it right." 

"And I wonder how much gel you use each day.  How do you find the money to buy gel at this rate?"  Hiei teased, well, more like taunted, because Hiei doesn't tease. 

"Hey where's Botan?  How come she's not here to explain all this?"  Kuwabara looked around the room and back to himself, but there was indeed no Botan. 

"She's on vacation.  That girl only gets one every two years you know."  Koenma started to dig through his drawers looking for something.  "Ah ha! I found them."  Holding up two small necklaces each with a small white pearl. He handed them to Hiei and Kuwabara.  "These are your charms.  Don't ever part with them or Shikosume will definitely know who you are.  Now what are you waiting for?  Put them on."

Hiei and Kuwabara looked at the charms then at each other.  "Koenma sir, they are, well, just kinda girly that's all.  Couldn't you have made them stone instead?"  Kuwabara stared at the pearl dumbly. 

Koenma whacked his head.  "Idiot.  The pearl holds more power than a stone.  Or else I wouldn't have been able to charm them to work for you two." 

The two reluctantly put on the charm.  Yusuke snickered, and received two death glares.  Kurama remained expressionless, well, only for a short while, and then immediately started cracking up, until he also got a death glare, and then he shut up. 

"Koenma, what are we suppose to do in the meantime?  You didn't give us a mission."  Yusuke really wanted to be on this mission, but he knew the reasons were valid enough that he should listen and not argue. 

"You two will follow what both Hiei and Kuwabara are doing and their progress.  In case of their failure, you two will go in, although you will not be servants."  Koenma seemed to be in deep thought.  "Let's not talk about failing before they begin." 

They began to talk about the details into the mission, like where the Castle is located and how to sneak in, all the exits of the castle, and most importantly, how to act like servants.  Needless to say, Hiei was having a rather hard time with this servant concept and Yusuke and Kurama were laughing their heads off the whole entire time. 

"O, ya, did I mention that Hiei would pretend to be a girl?"  Koenma shrank from the totally hideous look Hiei gave him, much worst than the death glare.