Disclaimer: I don't own Trigun, I'm just borrowing it for awhile. Trigun is property of Yasuhiro Nightow, Mad House, Pioneer, and whoever else was smart enough to get a piece of the action. I just know I wasn't.


Hey, something different this time; I'm putting the reader review responses up top. Don't ask me why... perhaps because since this is the last chapter, I didn't want something coming immediately after the ending. Yeah, I'm weird like that.

You know, the thing that surprised me the most was how many reviewers thought the last chapter was the end of the fic. If that were the case, I'd have made the ending much more 'final' and more conclusive. I'd never leave my reader's hanging like that. I can see how alot of you guys thought that was the end, but even if I had ended it there, I wouldn't have had the 'next time' thing written down. I just couldn't give a 'next time' blurb because it might have spoiled the ending. IMO.

I recommend everyone go and check out my profile. It's been updated to include a (kinda crappy, imo) description of my next fic. Plus, if you click on my favorite stories thingy, you'll find a collection of what I consider to be the best Trigun fanfics availible on this site, and definite must-reads. Check it out after you read this chapter, and please be sure to leave me one last feedback!!!

Sunsilver: Thank you. Though I must say, while I was reading your review I was bouncing in my seat yelling at the monitor: "But it hasn't ended yet!!" Gah, I need to be more careful with my cliffhangers. lol. And I was/am in no way bored with this story. I loved writing it and have been planning a sequel to this story for two months now. It won't be ready immediately, because I have another fic lined up already to begin work on, but there is a sequel planned. But, I think everyone will be able to tell that from the ending of A Glimpse of Eden. There are just too many potential story ideas to ignore. And Locke grew on me, I can't just toss him to the side. He needs more development. He still needs to decide where he stands on the human/Plant spider/butterfly issue. He needs... to go to Disneyland!!! ... Okay, maybe not that. But he needs something. :)

SanoGirl: Thanks. I kinda liked that last line myself. But ugh, the revisions I went though to find the best way to get that line across! Thank you for reviewing my fic. I appreciated all of your kind words.

Anichan: Hmmm, well... after this chapter it's over, so I hope you'll like the ending. I'm so stressed... I hope it doesn't disappoint anyone. Excellent idea you had, and I almost thought about scraping this last chapter and going with it, but I already have a basic outline written for a sequel, and the way the fic ends ties into it. Good idea, though. ::steals::

Beckira: Ouch! Okay, lemme try to answer your questions... not very well, I guess pretty bad, maybe, don't worry he'll be fine, I don't know, possibly but not now, I think he cares ALOT for Meryl which is why he took her back to Vash, and YOU GOT IT!!! Thanks for all the reviews, and let me know how you liked this last chapter!

Pyrotess: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

mamama: All good things must come to an end... ::sniff:: Thanks for the review.

Tsunaharu-Haru: I've been thinking of doing a V/M fic, but my next fic on the horizon is an action/adventure drama thing that I can't really go into detail about yet. Maybe I can write a quick V/M one-shot sometime. I know I do Vash well... and it scares me. lol. And no worries! I don't do Yaoi. Not that I have anything against it, but I really don't see any yaoi pairings in Trigun. Vash and Wolfwood are just really close friends (reminds me of a saying, "There are no best friends in anime, only potential yaoi pairings", and it's true. It seems anime characters just can't be friends without someone reading something 'into' it.), Knives/Vash is just sick and I would suggest seeking professional help (kidding!), Knives/Legato... I can kinda see that (but only one-sided from Legato), and Meryl/Milly who, again, are only close friends. So that's why I will never write yaoi, I just don't see any logical pairings. (No offense to any yaoi writers!) Thanks for reviewing and I hope the 'real' ending is better than the last chapter's.

Tangled puppet: Wow, did I really make you cry? ::blinks:: Damn, I'm better than I thought. Thanks for reviewing, and for having me in your favorites! It makes my day to see that.

Anonymous: Ah man, another one crying! ::sniff:: Okay, if ya'll don't stop I'm gonna start crying... ::tears up:: Thanks for reviewing. ;)

White Ninja Spy: Thank you very much! And if you do ever find a way into Trigun land, TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!

smilesmega: Nope, that wasn't the end, but this chapter is! I hope you'll enjoy the ending! ::crosses fingers::

ChibiSakuraAvalon: Thank you!!! And my cliffhanger asked that you not glomp it so tightly, it needs to breathe. :) Glad you liked it so much!!!

Yma: See, now... I didn't know whether or not to just end the fic with the last chapter and let the reviewers come for my head, or post this last chapter. Well, if you don't like it, just pretend I never updated. ;) My next fic is in the late developement stages (ie: almost all the chapter outlines are done) and YES! There WILL be a sequel to A Glimpse of Eden. I got rather attached to Locke, myself. And congrats on finishing your fic! It was excellent and I can't wait to read more Trigun stories from you!

KeNsHiNs GuRL: My first death threat! ::sniff:: Today, I am TRULY a fanfic author! ::tears up again:: Thank you. And hey, I see by your profile that we both live in Houston. I.. uh-oh, that death threat thing... o.O Good thing I updated. :P

Neptune Butterfly: lol. I think I just might miss reading your reviews the most. Too funny! More people crying! ::passes out klendex:: I really need to be more careful with those cliffhangers... Thank you SO much for all the reviews!!!

Arika: Thanks tons for all the reviews you've given me. I think you've reviewed them all! Anyway, thank again and lots of luck with your fic!

Ana: I'm glad you liked it! And thanks for reviewing my entire fic. You've been with me from the begining, and now... :tears up:: we're at the end! ::crying:: I hope you'll like the ending.

Cutlass317: Okay, I did not stop it there. lol. No, I wouldn't leave you hanging like that, here's the real last chapter. Yeah, I figured that, logically, Andrew would've been hanging around asking about Meryl and that he and Milly would kinda get drawn together. No magically disappearing OCs from me! And I hope you'll read my next fic, or at least keep an eye out for the sequel to A Glimpse of Eden. (Geez, I guess now I'll HAVE to do a sequel, won't I?) Thanks for all the reviews!!!

Suki: 'The inhumanity'? lol. Too cute. Thanks for the review and I hope you'll like the ending!!!

And special thanks to everyone who reviewed 'A Glimpse of Eden'. I had fun writing it and it's incredible to know that so many people enjoyed reading it. I am truly amazed and humbled by the response that my first Trigun fic has received, and I hope that my next effort won't disappoint. Thank you.


Oh, before I forget, does anyone know of any trigun sites that have a list of all the towns and cities named in Trigun (and possibly even with event descriptions)? I need it for my next fic. I had found a great one once, but I lost the link and I can't find it again. I think it was a MSN community site... Any help would be appreciated!


A Glimpse of Eden


Chapter - 17

Knives picked up a bag and carefully packed it in the trunk of the car along with the other supplies. Resting his hands at the top of the raised trunk, he glanced down at the small boy beside him. "Are you sure you packed everything you need? Because we won't be coming back for awhile."

The boy nodded, so Knives slammed the trunk shut, the resounding noise echoing out across the desert. Biting his lip, a habit he recently seemed to have aquired from someone, he glanced down at the car, studying his reflection in the trunk's shiny surface. It had been five days since he had taken Meryl back to Spring, back to Vash, and already her absence was affecting him. He couldn't even go into the arboretum anymore because of all the memories it held. That was one of the reasons he was taking this trip with Locke, to escape from the memories. Perhaps if he wasn't somewhere that constantly reminded him of Meryl, maybe he could forget her in time and go back to the way things were before she had entered his life.

With a look of determination, he glanced down at Locke. "Are you ready?"

The boy nodded, then his eyes widened in alarm. "Oh no! I almost forgot!"

"Forgot what?" Knives asked, and then he sighed. "I told you to go before we--"

"Not that!" Locke blushed. "I mean, I forgot to bring Kiro."

"Kiro? What's a Kiro?" Knives frowned. "Do you mean that stuffed cat? Aren't you a little too old for dolls?"

Locke glanced down, a pained look on his face. "But I want it... she made it for me..." he trailed off, his eyes begining to water.

Knives sighed, suddenly understanding. It wasn't the doll that was important to the boy, it was the memory that was attached to it. "Very well," he said, reaching down to ruffle the boy's hair, "go and get it. But be quick about it!"

The boy gave him a grin and hurriedly ran back inside the ship. Knives watched him go, proud of the way Locke was handling the abrupt seperation from Meryl. For the first three days after they had returned without her, the boy had been moody, refused to eat, and done his best to ignore the older Plant's presence. It wasn't until Knives had sat him down and explained to the boy that it was what Meryl had wanted and that if the boy truly loved her, then he had to let her go. The child had argued, he had cried, but he had finally accepted it.

Knives leaned against the car to wait for the boy to return. And waited... and waited. After about ten minutes, Knives irritably pushed away from the car and walked over to stand in front of the door, tapping his foot impatiently. His attention was so focused on the door, that he didn't hear the sound of approaching footsteps until they were almost right behind him. With a mild curse at himself for being so careless, he swung around, his hand automatically reaching for his gun... and stared down into the beautiful and currently very pissed-off face of Meryl Stryfe.

"Just where in the hell do you get off ditching me like that!!!" she yelled, and angrily poked him in the chest with her finger, and he, surprised and maybe just a little bit afraid (although he'd never admit it) took a step back from her.

"M-Meryl?" he stammered, too stunned by her sudden appearance to say anything more than that.

"Don't you 'Meryl' me!" she wagged her finger in his face and then started toward him, causing Knives to hastily backup to avoid being knocked down. "Do you know how I felt when you abandoned me!? How much it hurt!? Well!? Do you!?"

Knives finally ran out of space to backup and he smacked against the front of his ship, Meryl halting her approach to angrily glare up at him.

"I... I thought you wanted to leave." he managed to gasp out before she could begin another tirade against him. She opened her mouth, about to start in on him again, and he quickly continued, "I knew how miserable you were becoming here and how hard it would be for you to say goodbye to Locke when the time came, so I decided to... to make it easier for you." he finished quietly, noticing the anger in her eyes slowly fade and be replaced by a look of sudden understanding. He glanced away, embarassed by his admission that he actually cared about her feelings.

Her eyes softened momentarily before just as quickly returning to their former intensity. "What an idiot! Now I know it must run in the family!" she said it in a way that revealed that she wasn't really angry anymore, but was just carrying on to spare Knives any further embarassment. Her face softened and she continued in a more gentle tone, "I make my own decisions, and if I had wanted to be back in Spring I would have left three months ago with Vash."

Knives' eyes widened slightly as he heard her words. "You... you mean?"

She raised an eyebrow and resumed her normal tone of voice. "The deal was for one year, and last time I checked," she smiled and then finished by repeating his own words from months ago back at him, "a year consisted of twelve months, not ten."

He shook his head and smiled down at her. "I just can't get rid of you, can I?"

She laughed and took a step back from him. "Not for two more months, anyway. And after that," she grinned teasingly, "we can renegotiate."

"You're serious?" he asked.

"Of course! Locke still needs me." she answered. 'And if you're going traveling around Gunsmoke," she gestured toward the car, "then I really need to go with you. I can't have you filling Locke's head with all the negative things about humans, he needs to hear both sides and make his own conclusions."

He frowned down at her, feeling a brief stab of disappointment. "Is that why you came back?"

"That... and for other reasons." she said softly, causing his heartbeat to quicken with the way she shyly smiled at him. She continued, her eyes taking on a shine. "For one, I never realized how boring my life had become until you and Locke came along. Vash and Milly both agreed with me, too. We all realized how much we missed the excitement and adventure of--"

"Wait a minute," he interrupted, his gaze narrowing suspiciously, his heartbeat slowing to it's normal rhythm, "just what do you mean by 'we'?"

"Hello, Mr. Knives!" shouted a friendly voice and Knives winced in recollection. "Long time no see!"

Glancing to his left, he finally realized that Meryl hadn't come back alone. His brother and the annoying girl had come back with her.

"Hey, Bro!" Vash greeted, coming forward with a grin, Milly trailing along beside him. "What's the matter? You don't look that happy to see us. But you sure looked happy to see Meryl a minute ago." he said innocently, his grin broadening as his brother glared death at him.

Milly pushed between the two brothers, reaching out to grab Knives in a handshake. "You're looking much better since when I last saw you Mr. Knives." she said sweetly, emphatically pumping his hand up and down, seemingly not noticing how he recoiled at the touch. "I guess Meryl's been taking good care of you."

Knives pulled away and turned to confront his brother, pointedly ignoring the tall girl. "What are you doing here? Just who invited you?"

"Well..." Vash trailed off and absently rubbed the back of his head, trying to find the right words.

He cast a helpless look at Milly, who immediately answered, "Well, since Meryl had decided she was coming back, then me and Mr. Vash had to come too. We couldn't leave you two unchaperoned, now could we?"

"But... we've already been living unchaperoned for ten months!" he protested, his irritation begining to grow.

"Exactly!" Milly replied with a grin, which only served to confuse and irritate Knives more because he didn't understand what the hell that meant.

"Meryl!!!" an excited voice shouted out, and Locke launched past Knives and threw himself at Meryl, sending them both sprawling to the ground in a heap. "You came back! I knew you would!" he laughed, squeezing her tightly.

"I missed you too, Locke." she wheezed, trying to breathe through the boy's rib-crushing hug.

The boy scrambled off her and got to his feet, looking slightly embarassed by his overly enthusiastic greeting. "I'm sorry, Meryl. You're not hurt, are you?"

"I don't think so." she replied, getting to her feet and wincing slightly as she brushed off the back of her skirt. She'd probably be bruised in that particular region tomorrow, but she found that she didn't really care. She pulled Locke into another hug, holding him close. "I love you, Locke. And I always will." she murmured into his hair, and felt him relax against her.

"And I love you, Meryl." he whispered back. "Forever."

Vash chuckled and Locke smiled a greeting at him. "Hi, Vash! Me and Knives are taking a trip, are you and Meryl coming with us?"

"Yep!" Vash answered happily, ignoring his brother's angry glare.

"Hello!" Milly greeted the young boy, bending down to his eye level. "My name is Milly and I'm a friend of Meryl's. Is it okay if I come, too?"

"Of course!" Locke responded, ignoring Knives' annoyed grunt. "It's nice to meet you." he added politely.

Knives gave his brother an irritated look as Milly and Meryl headed toward the car to pack their gear, an excited Locke dogging their footsteps and insisting on helping them. "What's the real reason you're here, Vash?"

Vash gave a slight shrug before responding. "I just thought it was time I took an interest in how Locke was being raised." His brother's eyes narrowed slightly and Vash gave him a small smile before his eyes focused gently on Meryl. "And then I have other, more personal, reasons." he added softly.

With another of his huge grins, he picked up his bag and headed toward the car, passing Meryl as she came back to stand in front of Knives with a teasing smile. "What's the matter, Knives? Is our company really that unbearable?"

"Yours, no," he frowned and gestured irritably toward the car, "My brother and... and that woman's, yes!"

"Vash is Vash," she giggled, "and Milly will grow on you after awhile."

"I still don't like this." he protested weakly.

"You don't have to like it," she smiled and patted his arm comfortingly, "you just have to accept it."

"Hey, wow! Is it okay if I drive?" Vash's excited shout traveled over to them and Meryl glanced in his direction.

"No, you can't drive! Don't you remember what happened the last time I let you drive!?" she reminded him as she made her way toward the car, her eyebrow already beginning to twitch.

"That wasn't my fault! That car was defective!" he whined, grabbing the car's keys off the dashboard. "Aw, com'on! I promise to be careful!"

"No way!" Meryl shot back, standing on tiptoe to try and grab the keys from Vash's grip. "It's too risky!"

Knives shook his head in disbelief at Vash and Meryl's behavoir, frowning slightly when his brother teasingly dangled the keys above the small girl's head, just out of her reach, and made a remark about her shortness. Or, as his brother so delicately put it, 'vertically challenged'. He started toward them, realizing that unless he took control now, things might very quickly get out of hand.

Snatching the keys out of his brother's grip, he pushed between Vash and Meryl and slumped into the driver's seat. "I'm driving. Vash, passenger seat, the girls and Locke are in the back."

"Yes, sir!" Vash saluted and hurried around the car to comply as Milly and Locke climbed in the back.

Knives sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, and Meryl paused to give him a reassuring smile before climbing into the backseat next to Locke. Slamming his door shut, Knives pulled on a pair of dark sunglasses before inserting the key in the ignition and starting the car.

"So... which way are we headed?" asked Vash, donning his own trademark pair of yellow sunglasses.

Knives hesitated for a moment, unsure, before asking. "Which direction, Locke?"

With a grin, the boy pointed off toward the distance and, with great certainty, answered. "That way!"

"East it is then." Knives said, nodding approval. He stepped on the gas and steered the car in the desired direction, the setting suns at their backs.

Meryl leaned forward, excitement sparkling in her violet-grey eyes. "East... where the suns rise and a new day starts." she smiled at Knives and Vash. "New beginnings."

Knives frowned and gave a derisive snort at the comment, but there was no mistaking the softness that filled his eyes when he looked at the girl.

Vash smiled, his eyes scanning the broad horizon that lay before them. Yes, a new beginning... He glanced at his brother. Another chance... He then turned to rest his gentle gaze on Locke. And a new hope...

Maybe, after all this time... Eden was finally within reach.


