Moving Buddies

Chapter 4

Written by: MoonlightUsa

AN: Konnichiwa, minna-san! Well, as I stated before, I have one fan of this story constantly poking me saying 'update it NOW,' so now that I have an idea on what to write, I'm now going to give you the 4th chapter of Moving Buddies. Read, review, and enjoy!


          It was just one of those days.

          Professer Kinokoto was just… rambling. What exactly was it about again? Oh yea, some new technique that something or… ugh, who cares? She was a few chapters ahead with Ami-chan's help. It was April; she only had one more semester to go before getting her degree. She had sent in an application to Harvard, but heard nothing as of yet. She let out a loud sigh; she figured she would have heard from them. Her GPA was a 3.9 all thanks to Ami. She really worked her butt off to get this far to be with Mamoru, and she really hoped that she would hear something soon.

          "Tsukino-san?" a voice boomed through her thoughts.

          Startled, Usagi looked up from her puddle of drool that formed on her notebook. "Hai, sensei?"

          "Can you explain to the class what I just stated?" he stated, obviously angered with her that she was dozing off.

          She startled, then looked over to Ami. Slyly, she grabbed Ami's notebook and began to read what Ami copied down. As soon as she finished her explination, Professer Kinokoto gave a satisfied nod then turned around to the blackboard.

          "Usagi-chan, wht's up?" Ami whispered softly. "Why are you dozing off? Thinking of your application again?"

          Usagi gave a saddened nod. "It's not here yet, Ami-chan. Is that normal?"

          Ami looked at Usagi and gave her a reassuring smile. "Hai, Usagi-chan, I haven't gotten a response for mine, either. Don't fret, we'll get them soon."

          Usagi nooded, then went back to her thoughts. It was going to be a long day.


          "Mamoru-san!" a cheery voice boomed through the chilly air of Massachusetts.

          Mamoru looked over to see his friend, Keiko, running towards him on the slippery grounds. Just as she approached him, she managed to slip. Mamoru quickly caught her just before she hit the ground.

          Giving a rosy smile, she stood back up and blushed in embarrasment. "Gomen ne, Mamoru-san. These sidewalks are so slippery."

          He nodded. Keiko Urizawa was also a student here in Harvard and the two of them became close friends. She came here from Hiroshima last year, and the two of them became good friends due to their nationallity. Keiko was a cheerful person who was also highly intellegent; her intentions were to become a surgon and head back home to her family and fiancee and begin her medical career. She would always listen as he talked about how much he missed his Usako just as he would listen as she talked about her wedding plans with Hideki. The two of them shared a few classes together and helped one another out with studying; it never went farther than an innocent friendshiop between the two of them knowing eachother was very devoted to their loved ones back at home.

          "What's the rush?" Mamoru asked as he looked at Keiko trying to catch her breath.

          "Hideki called me; he got the invitation samples I sent him and he called to say that he loved the ice blue ones. I happened to agree, so we talked about how ice blue is going to be our color scheme!" she cried out in joy. "I can't wait to be a bride, wearing my beautiful white dress and my silky veil," she murmered as she blushed. He smiled as he looked at her all happy and wondered if this would be how Usako looked when they would be planning their wedding. He broke out in a huge smile, then began to walk to his dorm.

          "Mamoru," Keiko asked with a hint of curiosity, "what's with the huge grin?"

          "Nothing," he responded a little too quickly.

          "I know that look! You're thinking of Tsukino-san again, aren't you?"

          "When am I not?" he responded with a shrug.

          "I'll see you later, Mamoru-san!" Keiko said as she gasped looking at her watch and darted off to her next class.

          Mamoru stuffed his hands in his pocket as he walked the rest of the way to his dorm room. Spring here in Massachusetts was quite different from Juuban; it was much colder. He couldn't remember a time he saw snow back home during a time when it was supposed to warm up. His mind trailed back to Usagi again and wondered what she was doing this very moment. He looked at his watch 5:00… she must be sleeping right now. He smiled as he imagined her angelic face cuddeled in a pillow while Luna slept next to her. She would wake up in a few hours then head off to school to go study… uhm… heck, he still had no idea what she was studying. He tried to squirm it out of her friends, but they wouldn't budge. He figured it was probably animation or something so she could create her own manga knowing she loved to read them so much.

          Shortly he approached the large building and walked in. The heat welcomed his body as he walked over to the mail room. With a swift motion he took out his keys and opened his mailbox to discover a pink envelope. He took it out and looked at the senders name: Usagi Tsukino. Breaking out into a grin, he slammed the door and walked to the elevator to his dorm room to tear open the envelope and read the letter.

          Dearest Mamo-chan,

          How's Harvard treating you? Is it still cold over by you? It isn't too bad right now; actually my flowers in the front yard are beginning to take bloom. I'm receiving my diploma next month and then I'm going to further on in my studies. You'd be so proud of me right now; in one of my classes I have a perfect 4.0! Of course it's thanks to Ami-chan's help, otherwise I probably would have failed out.

          You know the Three Lights, right, Mamo-chan? Well, they're here in Juuban, and well, one of them is kind of freaking me out. His name is Kou Seiya, and well, everywhere I go there he is. He keeps on calling me 'odango,' and I always tell him that name is reserved for you, not him, but he doesn't listen. I don't like him always following me, what should I do?

          I miss you so much Mamo-chan! However, I do have a surprise for you. Mama and Papa said for graduation they'd give me whatever I wanted, so naturally I told them I wanted you. So guess what? They're sending me to America in June for a week! Can you believe it?! Oh Mamo-chan I'm so excited, I get to see what your new home is like! I can't wait to just be in your arms again and see you smile. Speaking of home, how is your father? I read in the papers that the company in America is flourishing, so I bet he's happy.

                                                          Ai'shiteru, Mamo-chan. I'll see you soon.

                                                                   Your Usako

          Usagi. Coming. HERE?! Clenching the letter in his fist, he gave a cry of joy and jumped in the air. She was coming here! She was going to be here! He could barely contain his joy, he felt like running outside and jumping in the snow like a five year old. He looked outside; she would be here in 2 months. Hopefully it would warm up by the time she got here so he could bring her to a lot of attractions here.

          Grinning, he opened his windows and screamed out amongst his peers "USAKO IS COMING TO VISIT ME!"


          "Usagi!!" a voice boomed from the hallway. Popping her head out of her room, she looked down the hallway and swung her body over her bed. She walked over to the railing of the room, and then walked down the stairs to see her mom holding a package in her hands. Smiling, Ikuko handed her the package. Usagi looked down.


          It was Harvard! She ripped open the envelope and yanked out the small letter while little brochures and packets fell to the floor.

          Dear Ms. Tsukino

          First off, we would like to thank you for submitting your application to Harvard. We've spent many months reviewing applications and we would like to congratulate you on your application being chosen to study nursing. If you…

          Usagi couldn't read the letter anymore. She was accepted. She was going to Harvard! She had tears streaming down her cheeks as she jumped into her mother's arms, shouting over and over again "I GOT IN!"  Her mother laughed as she scooped her baby girl in her arms for a gigantic hug, then watched as she ran out of the house with the letter jumping up and down.

           Gomen Nasi, Minnasan. I would have loved to write more, but I have serious writers block. I promise, readers, once I get an idea on what more to write, I will post more. I'm not abandoning this story; just give me time to think of what to write. If anyone has ideas, don't be afraid to e-mail me: Thanks for reading, please review!