Lost in the Past

Chapter One

A/N - Hey. Sorry for the long wait for the sequel but I needed some time to think it over. I hope you all enjoyed the last story and I hope you all enjoy this one. I think it'll be a little more on the Naley side but there will be A LOT of Luke and Peyton. So here it is and I'd love for you to review if you like it.

Picking up from where we left off. Little Nathan jumped into Haley's arms and cried that he didn't want her to leave. That was the last scene.

That night was a nightmare for all of them. Lucas was distraught at the fact that his best friend and confidant was leaving. What was he to do? He had no idea and he was feeling very alone. "Wow, how strong Haley must've been when I was in the hospital" floated around in his crowded mind. Little Nathan had cried a lot that night. As close as he was to his uncle he didn't want to lose his aunt. Haley was a huge part of her nephew's life. She taught him his abc's and 123's. He loved spending time with his Aunt Haley. He was in the bath when Lucas went up to check on him. They were still all very upset but they'd let it go for a little bit. "Hey, buddy," Lucas said to the 3 year old in the bath tub. "Hi, Daddy," he replied somberly. "You done in here?" "Yea, Daddy." Lucas grabbed Nathan out of the bath and dried him off. He brought him into his room and put on his pull-up then pajamas. He tucked him into bed and kissed him good night. Then Lucas walked into his bedroom where Peyton was sitting. "Hey," she said to her boyfriend. They weren't yet married. Lucas let out a sigh and sat on the bed. "Lucas, it'll be ok. Right?" Peyton's sentence was a statement and a question at the same time. He didn't know how to answer. "I hope so," he replied unsure. He laid his head back down on the pillow and felt the tears spring to his eyes. He didn't wanna cry it was all just happening so fast. He'd had the future in his head. He'd marry Peyton soon and Haley and Nathan would get married too. They'd have a baby and all would be right in the world. "Why do we have such screwed up fantasies of what life should be?" he asked looking over to Peyton. "What'd you mean?" "Well, I remember you saying something like you wanted that little family and dinner at the same time every night and stuff. We all just seem to have fantasies that we know aren't gonna come true. I always thought Nate and Hales were gonna get married and we were all gonna live this care free life. Why do we do that?" he said with tears in his eyes. "Luke," Peyton whispered. She hugged him and put a kiss on his cheek. He hugged her back and they shared one last passionate kiss before bed. She curled up in his arms and slept soundly. Lucas hardly slept a wink.

The next day was pure hell. Haley was leaving in a week and Nathan was taking this worse than anyone could've thought. He moped around after Haley like a puppy and all he would say is I love you. Nathan was again not one to let out his feelings to people. He was hurting and everyone around him saw it. He still would not talk to anyone, not even Haley. He was falling back into his depression that he'd been in before. He did it all the time. It was bad for him and he knew it. He knew keeping all his anger and pain and sadness inside was gonna hurt him. He did it anyway and it was all piling up. Until he exploded and it was unfortunate that he exploded before Haley left.

He was sitting in the café like any other day waiting for Haley to finish her shift as Luke and Peyton walked in with little Nathan. Haley came out from behind the counter and saw all her friends sitting there. "Nathan, Luke, Peyton hey. Listen I have to go home and finish packing and stuff. Sorry but I'll see you guys later," Haley told them sadly. Nathan was fine at first of course but then when she went to walk out the door he flipped out. "Haley!" he screamed. She turned around at the sound of her name and looked back at him. Tears filled her eyes looking at him and she managed to say "Nathan, don't." "Haley, how can you leave!? How can you let them make you go!? Why!?" he screamed in her face. Luke, Peyton and little Nathan all looked on to the scene unfolding. "I hope you remember me and you're not off screwing some guy because you couldn't stay here! I loved you and I thought that meant something to you!" he yelled. She stormed out of the café and screamed "You asshole!" back through the door. Nathan stormed out too and left Luke, Peyton, and little Nathan standing there dumbstruck. "Uh, Nate, don't listen to them ok buddy?" Nathan nodded and still stood there with his little eyes wide. Peyton gave him a muffin and he sat contentedly.

Luke and Peyton sat all night trying to figure out what had just happened. Nathan just exploded on her for no reason at all. "What can we do?" Peyton asked after she put Nathan to bed. "I don't think we can do anything. I want to help too. I know that you can do something for me though," he said with a huge smile on his face. She grinned back and he got up. He put his arms around his waist and pulled her to the bed with a kiss. "Lucas," she said giggling. He was gently kissing her neck. They were enjoying themselves until there was a loud knock at the door. "Damn!" Lucas said getting off the bed. Peyton laughed at how serious he was. When Lucas got to the door little Nathan was having a tickle fight with his uncle. "Nathan, what are you doing up?" Lucas asked his son. "Nothin dad," big Nathan replied laughing. Luke smiled and joined the tickle fight. Peyton came down and broke up the fun by stealing little Nathan from them. "But mommy my feet were cowd," little Nathan said making excuses. "How, you have feetie pajamas on" she said kissing him on the cheek and putting him into bed.

She went back downstairs to find Nathan sitting on the couch with Luke. She sat down next to them and Nathan looked seriously at both of them. He pulled up his sleeve to reveal cut marks all down it. Peyton gasped and tears overflowed her eyes. "Nathan," Luke said very seriously. "I need help," was all Nathan could say to them.