Chapter Two

Yusuke kicked the punk in the face…the little dude flying right up in the sky and his face tasting the ground.

It was a beautiful sight to Yusuke Urameshi.

It was bloody fun!

"I'll give you another dose of medicine tomorrow…be a good boy until then," said Yusuke walking off.

A couple minutes later Keiko came running after Yusuke.

"What do you think you're doing?! Just leaving detention like that?!!" she screamed.

"You sound like a dying cat when you scream at me like that," muttered Yusuke.

Keiko growled.

"Well you sound like a hog when you mutter like that!" she shot back.

"Eh?" asked Yusuke.

He smirked and lifted up Keiko's uniform skirt.

"Nice, you're not wearing pink and blue's nice to see you in green for once," he said.

"Yus-YUSUKE!" roared Keiko.




Yusuke grinned proudly as he had a couple scratches on his cheek and a black eye….not to mention a bloody nose.

Keiko then smacked him in the head with her school bag.

"Baka Hentai…anta kiki!" screamed Keiko.

"I'm proud that I'm a crisis," said Yusuke, grabbing Keiko's chest.



Yusuke had two black eyes now and…yeah…a hurting sunshine.

Keiko walked off.

Yusuke was never going to grow up….and the only way to make him was to beat him.


Kuwabara walked on the sidewalk tripping over someone.

Yusuke Urameshi was on the ground…looking pretty beat up and clutching himself between….yeah you know.

"Urameshi what happened to you?" asked Kuwabara.

"Keiko," croaked Yusuke.

Kuwabara's eyes went wide.

"She did all THAT to you?" asked Kuwabara.

Yusuke nodded.

"What'd you do to her?" asked Kuwabara.

"The two in one deal," replied Yusuke, getting up off the ground.

"Ouch…no wonder she got you skinned," said Kuwabara.

Yusuke punched Kuwabara in the head.

"You're supposed to take my side you idiot and say it served her right and poor me," he said.


Kurama sighed.

Wonderful day it was.

It wasn't too hot…or to cold.

It was normal.

Sakura blossoms rustled in the trees…

It was beautiful.

To Hiei it would've been sickening.

He hated pink.

More than anything else on earth.

Not that it mattered to just paranoid him that Hiei would just hate such beauty.

Hiei hated love for all Kurama knew!

I mean he didn't want his own sister to be happy…he was against Kuwabara's proposal.

Kurama opened his window and lay on his bed.

Until his emerald eyes closed completely….and he fell asleep.


(A/N: I should leave you here but I'm not because I want this to be long)


Hiei decided to visit Kurama.

Everyone was getting on his nerves and he knew Kurama wouldn't get on his.

Hiei pounced through the window…….only to find Kurama asleep.

His red hair spread across the pillow…his beautiful emerald eyes closed.

Kurama looked so lonely.

Hiei shook his head.

No…this wasn't happening.

He has NOT just fallen inlove with the fox boy!

Kurama stirred abit.

Hiei's crissom eyes gleamed.



Hiei drew closer to Kurama's bed.

Until he was sitting at the edge of the bed watching Kurama sleep.

All the sudden…Kurama's hand brushed against his.

And that's when Kurama's eyes fluttered open.

(A/N: Awww...CUTE! What will happen next? Muwahahaha…I'm weird…I know so…anyways review! PLEASE!)