Title: I hate everything about you

Author: Shinigami Liliz Black

Summary: Draco and Harry found themselves into a fight that'll lead them to rip each others lips and realizing a feeling they never knew it was there. Slash!

Rating: R


Chapter Five

As the morning blaze down their naked bodies, they still sleep peacefully the blankets slide down, reveling both men tight and strong hips. The blonde man grumbled and tightened his embrace against the small brunette. His lips formed a smile, knowing the man under his arms had change his way of being and taught him love.

He realized, strong tanned fingers caressed his blonde hair and the small brunette whispered in his ear:

"Morning Dragon." Draco found himself pushing his body away from Harry's to look at his eyes.

"Morning." Suddenly the door burst open and Lucius Malfoy stepped in.

"Draco, I ne-" Lucius stopped talking, processing the image of his naked son atop a naked Potter.

"Good morning," Draco said weakly.

"OH BLOODY HELL!" Lucius yelled out of his lugs shutting his eyes as if the scene blinded him.

At Lucius outburst, Draco jumped loosing his balance, falling to the floor, Dragging Harry and the blanket with him. There was a fist of giggles from the young men, when Draco popped his head from the other side of the bed, mattress covering his naked body.

He rested his chin on his hand as his elbow rested in the soft mattress. Lucius blinked at his son, who has his hair mess up and was grinning at him.

"Fancy you dropped by and found me sleeping with Harry."

Lucius took a long breath. "I'm going to act as I didn't hear that."

"Your mother and I decide you're old enough to take responsibilities we had decide you're the perfect one to take care o this," he said showing Draco, still standing on the door, a silver hand-carved box. It looks old enough and from medieval time as five silver serpents with green emerald ryes embroiled themselves around the box.

"Keep it save away from any dark presence if you please", his father said placing the box over Draco's desk.

"Oh God!" Draco exclaimed.

"Excuse me?" Lucius said turning to look at his son. He was trying not to moan and buck his hips as his father raised an eyebrow at him.

"Next-oh- time, knock the doOR!" Draco was gripping the mattress cover as he said this.

A faint blush appeared on Lucius's cheek as he left the room. When the door closed with a faint click, Draco dropped his head as Harry rested his chin on the mattress.

"How was that blowjob?" he asked and Draco glared at him.

"You little bastard!" Draco pinned him against the floor and was about to kiss him when somebody knocked the door followed by a strong voice.


"Oh shit! Professor Snape!" Harry hissed, jumping to his feet. Draco threw him a boxer and pushed him inside the bathroom. He walked towards the door, pulling his boxer at the process.

"Professor Snape!" Draco exclaimed innocently as he opened the door. "What brings you here?"

"I was wondering why you didn't assisted to the Head Boy meeting this morning."

"Oh, I overslept," Draco lied.

"Really? Snape said raising his black eyebrow as he looked at Draco's dried seed on his stomach. "Or did you have your wild fantasy?"

Draco turned red. "I-"

"You should clean up and head down to break fast." Snape was about to turn when he noticed a gold-red tie on the floor and a Gryffindor cloak in his tag spelling 'Harry Potter'.

"And that goes for you as well Potter!"

Draco closed the door as Harry exited the bathroom. " Urgh! That man never misses anything!"

He picked up the box his father gave him and gasped. "I never thought father would like me to protect this seal, especially from Voldemort as he mean."

"Why?" Harry asked as he wrapped his arms around Draco's waist and rested his chin on his shoulder.

"As you so much know, father works for Voldemort and Voldemort is the heir of Slytherin."

"And what does this box has to do with it?"

"This is Salazar Slytherin's seal; I heard it possessed great powers."

"If your father asked you to guard it then it must be a danger if it falls on Voldemort's hands."

"Besides I doubt Voldemort is the heir when your father has it." Draco raised his eyebrow at him.

"What I don't understand is why he said it when he knew you were here."

"Let's not worry about it now, though I thought your father was going to curse me."

"Luckily, he didn't," Draco whispered and pressed his lips against Harry into a passionate kiss.

"Let's go down to breakfast."

"Draco?" he heard his lover called.

"I'm at the living room." His lover Harry entered the living room but frowned when he saw his lover smoking.

"How many time do I have to tell you not to smoke, you can catch cancer."

"These things are addictive," Draco said as Harry removed the cigarette from his fingers.

"Now let's go, Ron and Hermione are waiting outside."

He stood up as Harry grabbed his hand. Draco, with his other hand, fingered the ring in his pocket.

"It's now or never."

He yanked Harry and closed the distance between them.



He took the ring out. "Will you marry me?"

Harry's eyes widen as he saw the silver ring with round emerald. Draco slipped the ring on his finger as Harry's eyes watered. Harry kissed his passionately and hugged him tight.

"Yes, Draco Malfoy I will marry thee."

The End

Notes: Yay! Finished! Let's hope I can write the sequel! I will! Yesh yesh but it's going to take time I'm working on other stories as well.

Sequel will be called I Believe in a Thing Called Love. Lucius is a bit OCC. Like he never had the opportunity to be childish! XD