Title: I hate everything about you

Author: Shinigami Liliz Black

Summary: Draco and Harry found themselves into a fight that'll lead them to rip each others lips and realizing a feeling they never knew it was there. Slash!

Rating: R

Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are created and owned by JK Rowling, and various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, also Warner Bros. Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Pairing: Harry/Draco

Category: Romance/Drama

Status: NOT ANYMORE!!! laffs evilly… I mean laughs… yea… that's right…BETAED by Starry Serpent

Notes: Starry Serpent wrote the Status thing she checked this short chapter! Thank you!


He sat down on the sofa, staring blankly at the television ahead. He lit the cigarette in his mouth and breathed deeply. He clucked at the crazy cartoons flashing on the TV but growled when the phone rang.

"Hello," He growled.

"Be ready in fifteen minutes, I'm on my way," said the voice on the other side of the phone.

"Yeah, Yeah." And he hung up.

'Who would have thought, I would had end up with him and under the roof of a Muggle house. Dear Lord! Dear fucking Lord!' Good thing he was gone. He was free, his father, his mother and the rest of his family was now in peace.

His lover was also free, free of been used and manipulated. He finish him off at his late seventh year with a searing rage he got when Voldemort pierce him with a long sword. Luckily he was taken to St. Mungo's and survived. Sirius told him his lover didn't kill Voldemort with his wand, instead he used his hands.

He ripped him limb to limb and Voldemort actually fought on until he couldn't bear the pain and dropped dead. He vanished, his flesh was vanquished by Severus' ultimate Kedrave Potion, similar to the killing curse and his spirit was trapped into a world with no exit. Not even the slightest way out.

He returned to him crying, begging the Medi-Wizards to save him. It took a lot of courage to finally recover. He sometimes would stand on the mirror and see a thin faint scar on his back and stomach. If it wasn't for the magic and the blood from some Muggle hospital that St. Mungo's has connected gave him, he wouldn't be alive.

Yes, some Muggles are connected to the Wizarding World. The Wizarding World is growing, creating objects with the help of some Muggle-born and Squibs engineers. Shocking for some wizards this was, and anger for those purebloods. Thanks to Lucius Malfoy, the purebloods began to embrace the Muggle theory of finding many things in common.

He let his mind wonder, he was already ready and only fifteen minutes left before his lover pick him up.

His lover was once, years ago, his worst enemy…

If you thought love and hate don't mix…. Think again, mate.


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