Ice Siren: Hello everyone and welcome to my brand new fan fiction. This story is centered around Anzu, so if you do not like her please leave now. I cannot waste brain cells by reading flames from bashers of an ANIME CHARACTER. Also, if you do not like death, gore, blood etc. I suggest you leave now. I've given you warning constructive criticism is always welcome, but flames won't be accepted. Also, if you don't like the Yami Malik/Anzu pairing please leave. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, Kazuki Takahashi does and if you think I'm her then you're insane.

Driven Insane

Darkness settled upon the town of Domino it was quiet and undisturbed, the stars looked like glowing dots of white in the sky and the moon was new, providing no comfort to those looking for a light source at night. The houses in the area were quiet as most people were asleep in bed with no worries and with dreams running in their heads. Anzu Mazaki, however, was up. It was midnight and she was looking out of her open window staring up at the sky. She sighed and went back to writing in her journal with a green gel pen.

"Darkness, all of a sudden I feel comforted by its strange ways. I remember when I was afraid of this black velvet. How strange it is that one can change so much." She exclaimed to herself speaking out to no one. Anzu sat alone something she was used to now. Her friends had been spending less and less time with her, but sometimes she was glad. She had gotten used to it Tristan had Serenity, Yugi and Yami had been busy as of late, Joey and Mai had even started dating. Ryou Bakura hadn't been heard from in a while but Tea had no doubt in her mind that he was okay. She did have one person though and that was Kaiba's little brother Mokuba. Kaiba had hired her to be Mokuba's babysitter, she was nervous at first because Seto Kaiba had that effect on her. After a while though she had gotten used to him, he was much kinder than anyone had given him credit for. Mokuba brought the best out of him and Mokuba was a good kid too, he always had interesting things to do at the Kaiba mansion. Anzu yawned and she brushed her shoulder length brown hair before climbing into her bed and falling into a dreamless sleep.

Anzu woke up, and she smiled, since it was summer she didn't have to go to school and she was enjoying her summer vacation. Her parents were home for once and they were going to go to spend the whole day together. She quickly got on a black skirt, and red top that went nicely together. She smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror and she ran her brush through her hair. She felt her hair, it was soft and that new shampoo she was using made her hair smell like strawberries. Running down the stairs she saw that her parents were sitting at the kitchen table. Her father was drinking coffee and reading the newspaper and her mother was eating toast.

"Good morning Anzu." Her mother greeted she hugged her mother and her father put down the paper and smiled.

"What does my little girl want to do today?" Her father asked kindly and Anzu smiled, she ran over a mental list of places in her mind and she couldn't decide.

"Oh I know! There's a carnival in town could we go?" She asked and her parents smiled at each other and they all got their shoes on a left towards the carnival. Anzu skipped ahead and her parents watched on merrily. It was good for them to be home again after months of traveling, and months of no contact with their daughter. Anzu had changed so much since they had left and she even had a job babysitting.

"Mom, Dad hurry up!" Anzu shouted playfully and they both chuckled. They caught up to their daughter and soon enough they were at the carnival. Smells of cotton candy, popcorn and other various aromas filled their noses and they walked around looking at all of the different games and such. Anzu stared up at the Ferris wheel in excitement and her parents nodded and before they could get in line Anzu's father had to attend to the call of nature.

"Go on with your mother honey, I'll go on the next ride with you." Her father said before going towards the restrooms, her mother nodded and they got in line. Meanwhile across the park a man with platinum blonde hair, tan skin and violet eyes watched on curiously as Anzu and her mother got on the giant wheel. A smirk formed at his mouth and he licked his lips. Blood ran off of his hands as he held a bloody corpse in his hands. The blood dripped down the tree he was sitting in and he licked the victim's head off. He chuckled as he saw Anzu's father meet up with the family after they had gotten off of the ride.

Anzu had a sick feeling in her stomach, she was sure it wasn't from something she had eaten she had gotten a very bad feeling right about now. Suddenly the loud speaker boomed with a grown man's voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen we're sorry for the trouble but the park is being closed as there is a crazed murderer on the premises have a nice day. AHHH (gurgle)." The man said before the intercom shut off. The sound of the man choking on his own blood almost made Anzu hurl, her parents looked around in alarm and pulled Anzu out of the carnival grounds before any harm could be done to them.  They went home immediately and the Mazaki family locked their doors and forbid Anzu to go outside.

"You will not go outside there's a murderer about in our city." Mrs. Mazaki said panicked and was interrupted by the ringing phone. She answered it and smiled and talked to the person on the other end for a while and then hung up.

"That was Seto Kaiba he needs you to watch Mokuba tonight." She said and Anzu smiled and nodded. She hadn't seen either of the Kaiba brothers in a while and it would be good to see the little guy again.

"Seto said he'd drop off Mokuba. He'll be here in about five minutes." Anzu's mother said and she nodded. Mr. and Mrs. Mazaki both went towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Anzu asked and Mr. Mazaki smiled at his daughter.

"We have to leave for a business trip today remember?" He said and he stroked his daughter's cheek lovingly and went outside to the car, Mrs. Mazaki hugged her daughter and said a brief goodbye before they were gone. After they had driven out of sight Anzu sighed and rage built up inside of her.

"You always leave. I hope you die!" Anzu shouted she covered her mouth after she said that. She had never talked ill of her parents before and now she was shouting mean things. She heard the doorbell ring and saw Seto and Mokuba at the door.

"Hello Anzu!" Mokuba said and he hugged her, after he invited himself inside Seto smiled a gentle smile before going back to his usual business face.

"Thanks. I'll be back tomorrow if you need anything here's the number of the hotel I'll be staying at." Seto said and Anzu nodded and smiled.

"Have a good time." Anzu said and Seto smirked.

"I'm going to have loads of fun." He said sarcastically and they said goodbye and left. She saw Mokuba sitting on the couch waving his feet back and forth, Anzu smiled and sat down beside him.

"So do you want to watch a movie?" She asked politely, Mokuba nodded his head up and down excitedly. Anzu giggled and she got out Spaceballs the movie. The time they spent watching it was filled with laughs, they didn't notice the same blonde haired man from before looking in on them. He smirked and watched as they watched the movie, his mind was forming a plot, and he was sure no one could stop him from fulfilling this new quest. He ran from the house towards his hideout to figure out the details of his plan more. Anzu once again felt that uneasy feeling in her stomach again and Mokuba noticed her uneasiness.

"Anzu are you alright?" He asked and she looked down at him and nodded.

"Yes I'm okay. Want to order a pizza?" Anzu asked and Mokuba nodded and ran to get the phone for Anzu. He came back with it in hand and Anzu dialed the number. She ordered a large cheese and pepperoni pizza and they waited for a while until it finally came. They enjoyed a couple of slices each before it was time to go to bed, Mokuba didn't want to go to bed.

"Alright then I guess that means I get to tickle you!" Anzu giggled. She tackled Mokuba and started tickling his stomach area. The room was filled with a sea of giggles.

"Please stop!" Mokuba shouted.

"Not until you agree to go to bed!" Anzu said. Mokuba finally agreed. She walked him to her room and tucked him in to bed.

"Good night Anzu." Mokuba said before he drifted off into sleep. Anzu smiled and then kissed the younger Kaiba brother on the forehead. She turned off the light and walked down stairs. She sat down on the cushy couch and started reading a book. However, Anzu got the same bad feeling from earlier in the pit of her stomach.

"I hope everything's going to be okay." Anzu said before she went back to reading.

End Chapter One

Bad feelings are never a good thing are they? Well, please review if you wish too. Reader feed back is appreciated. ^_^