Title: Goat Porn Madness

Author: Mistress Nika

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: I created the dreaded disease featured here! BWAHAHAHA!!! Well, okay, my little sister did. But I helped!! It was my lab she used! ;P

Summary: The Sohma family + Tohru catches a previously unheard of disease that makes them act in strange, random ways. Is there a cure? Let's hope so or the world may never be the same again!


Kyou, Yuki and Tohru were out shopping for groceries one day. Nothing special. Yuki called Kyou "baka neko" and Kyou responded with a punch...which Yuki quickly and effortlessly dodged of course.

Tohru sighed in exasperation. This happened so often she didn't even bother getting excited about it anymore. But then a sign in the window of the store caught her eye.

"Oh!" she exclaimed. Yuki and Kyou stoped fighting to look at her as she said excitedly almost jumping up and down with enthusiasm, "Only 3.97 years to train for the next Women's World Cup!" Here she paused and looked thoughtful, "I guess I should factor in a week or two for that sex change operation if I want to qualify..."

Both boys' mouths fell open in shock.

"Honda-san?" Yuki asked carefully, "Is there something we should know about you?"

Kyou was shocked beyond words.

Tohru gasped, realizing what she had said. "I...I don't know what came over me!" she hastily explained. "It just...came out. Like I had no control over my mouth!"

Yuki nodded. "I understand, Honda-san." he said knowingly, "I have often--" Here he paused and his eyes grew wide, settling on something behind and to the right of Tohru. His mouth began to water and he suddenly shouted, "Free Cheetos!!!" Then he was nothing but a blur, making for that certain something.

Kyou and Tohru watched in shock as he began shaking a vending machine, frantically rocking it back and forth in effort to dislodge the cheesy goodness within. The normally calm prince's face was stuck somewhere between a child of two who had just discovered chocolate and an insane murderer who had just discovered their next victim.

"A...ano...Yuki-kun..?" Tohru began, taking a hesitant step towards him. "You...you shouldn't do that. It could--"

Suddenly the massive machine began to sway dangerously forward. Yuki continued pulling at it, unaware of it's downward decent. "Free Cheetos!" he chanted happily, "Free Cheetos! Free Chee --" SPLAT

The machine tiped forward and fell, crushing the mouse under it's enourmous weight. Or at least, it would have. In the instant the machine would have crushed him, he suddenly noticed his life-and-death predicament and the sudden fear shocked him into transforming. So now, laying swirly eyed in the crevace of the food-getting-slot (?) was a very lucky mouse.

Unfortunately, he was trapped. And unfortunately the other's thought he was dead seeing as the arm of his shirt was sticking out from under it.

"OH BEEEP!!!" Tohru cried desperately, running around in frantic circles. "HE'S DEAD! HE'S DEAD! HE'S DEAD!"

"He's not dead." Kyou said calmly.

Tohru stopped panicing long enough to look with Kyou into the side of the plastic. Inside a grey mouse was gorging itself on Cheetos!


(A/N) Next chapter, a visit with the firemen, the vet, the police, a hentai Shigure, a naked Haru and a very confused Hatori. R&R!