Hi! My name is Gigglygal if you don't know. I have never done an hoennshipping ficcy. I dedicate this story to Dark Angel Torchic, for inspiring my to write this story. I hope you still aren't mad at me. I'm sooooooooooooo sorry and I won't say something like that again. Friends? May, Bread-head (Brendan) and Wall-ball (Wally) star in my story. Enjoy!!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, though I own some characters. If I did, I'd be rich and this would be the story on the TV show!!! But I don't *begins to cry but stops because she needs to start the story...*

Hoenn: My New Home, A New Adventure

May Levitt sighed. "Life sucks. I have lost all I have because my dad got a stupid job. Ok, it's not stupid, but it lost me my friends, some of my "worthless" crap and a bit of, well, my life. I've lived in Saffron for as long as I can remember. Now, I have to live in a 'hole place called Hoenn. What kind of name is that?" May thought to herself as she realized at what extend that she was WAY overreacting. She shook her head as she began to wonder about Littleroot, and Hoenn itself.

She was in a cramped moving van, all by herself, not including the driver, of course. Boxes nearly covered the brunette with the red and white shirt, skort, and bandana. She felt locked in; there were no windows and boxes covered the door. She felt very claustrophobic at the moment, and fear was the least of her worries. Life was just really hard at the moment, she was about to turn a new, blank page in her life and she had little time to prepare. Exactly two days ago, she got the news and began to pack continually. She even skipped school (the Pokemon Academy) to pack.

Suddenly, the moving van stopped. The door opened as some type of Pokemon grabbed a few boxes, opening May into a new world. She went out to see her mother. "Sorry that we had to stick you in the moving van. I hope you aren't mad." Her mother said graciously.

"Mad? I'm furious. I was sweating my ass off, I couldn't move, I had to yell at the top of my lungs for fifteen minutes for the driver to pull over so I could go to the bathroom, and it has the grossest, dankest smell to it. IT WAS BEEP!!!! ING HELL!!!" May said, disgusted at her mother.

Her mother glared. "May Avril Levitt! Watch your mouth! And you NEVER talk to me like that again. I'm sorry, but if you hadn't packed so much stuff, you could have rode in our car. Plus, you are on the verge of being grounded. Cut the attitude, young lady."

May resisted rolling her eyes as she went in and saw the same type of Pokemon, three of them, running around the house, unloading things. May headed upstairs to her room. Unlike the downstairs, it had only a few boxes and was almost complete. She unpacked a few things and sat on her bed. It was comfy, but not as comfy as her old bed. A tiny tear slid down her face as she thought of her old home.

"May, come quick." A voice said. May darted downstairs. It was her mom, quite close to the TV.

"At this was a report form Petalburg Gym! This is Ty, and I am logging out!" an enthusiastic voice said.

"That was Dad, but we missed him. So, since it's so late, you better go to bed, it's nearly 9 o'clock." Her mother said.

"Mom, if you haven't noticed, I never ate." May said as her stomach growled.

"May, you should have told me that when we got here. Don't talk, I'll make you something." She replied. May didn't talk; it pissed off her mom. Her mom quickly made her a chicken caesar wrap from leftovers. She scarfed it down and headed for bed.

"Wake up, I want you to meet the neighbors. They are friends of Dad's. They have a son that's your age." Her mother said the next morning.

May opened her eyes to a misty figure soon discovered as her mother. "I don't want to get up." May said groggily as she closed her eyes again, turning over on her stomach. Her mom pushed her sheets away as she spanked May's butt. "Ow!!! I'm up!!!" May said in pain as she found strength to get up. She sat up and yawned and noticed how bright it was in Hoenn. "A lot sunnier then Saffron," she said, speaking of the city that was darkened by psychic powers.

She put on her outfit and went downstairs. "Great that you're up. Have a pancake!" her mother said. May settled for one. She ate it quickly; she was ready to go. Wiping her mouth to make sure she had no syrup on it, May headed out and headed next door.

"Hello! You must be May! My son is upstairs and would love to make a friend." The woman inside said as she gestured for May to go upstairs. She headed there and she saw a boy with a red and white shirt, tan pants, and a red and white bandana that resembled hers.

"Hi! I'm May. I moved her yesterday. What is your name?" May asked in a friendly way.

"I noticed. My name is Brendan Birch and welcome to Hoenn." The boy said lending his hand for her to shake. She shook it. "So, do you have any Pokemon?" Brendan asked.

"Afraid not. I couldn't bring my Eevee to Littleroot because it evolved into Umbrem and wouldn't leave Saffron. We had to give it to our neighbor." May said, embarrassed.

"Then I'll catch you one. Wait, my dad has a huge selection. Lets go get you a Pokemon," he said as she put his hand on May's shoulder. Noticing this, he immediately took it off as they walked out.

As the two walked towards the lab, the heard a loud voice in the distance, "HELP!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!! I'M BEING ATTACKED!!!!! ITS BITING OFF MY ASS!" the voice screamed.

"Dad..." Brendan mumbled before running for his life. May ran to catch up with him.

"BRENDON, MAY, GET YOURSELVES A POKEMON AND HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!'' the man yelled, as he ran around a circle, being chased by a black dog-like Pokemon.

Brendan dug into the bag and got a pokeball. May did the same. "Go Pokeball!!!!" the both said simultaneously. A blue fish and mouse-like Pokemon came out of Brendan's pokeball. A red chick-like Pokemon came out of May's pokeball.

"Mudkip, Tackle that Poochyena!" Brendan commanded as the blue Pokemon began to tackle the dog-like Pokemon. "Tell Torchic to use Scratch on Poochyena." He added to May.

"Torchic, Scratch it!" May said as the red chick-like attacked the dog-like. The Poochyena fainted. May high-fives Brendan as the grinned at each other.

"Well you two are quite a team. Keep your Pokemon and follow me to the Lab." Prof Birch said.

May and Brendan followed him into the lab. May looked around at how modern the architecture and gadgets were. Finally the Prof turned around. "Here, you two! Take these pokeballs and pokedexes and start your journey. And Brendan, you and your girlfriend must not separate. You are traveling together." He added.

"SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Brendan Birch yelled furiously as both May and Prof Birch had to cover their ears. They walked out of the lab.

As they left, Prof Birch turned to his wife, who was testing a Pokemon dream machine, and said, "Brendan is finally in love. May and him are officially a couple." He said. Mrs. Birch nodded.

As they were walking down the path, Brendan decided to break the silence. "Sorry about my dad. He thinks that me going out with you is a brilliant idea. Our dads are buds. We definitely aren't a couple. We can be if you...shit that was what I didn't want to say!!!!" Brendan said looking at the ground. Suddenly, his sneaks became very interesting.

"I'd go out with you, Brendan, if you want." May said, batting her eyelashes.

Brendan lifted his head, "Really?" he asked, making sure that he wasn't being joked by May. She was really pretty, and nice. He knew that he liked her a lot, and she like him too. He smiled.

May leaned him and kissed his lips lightly. Brendan blushed as he stared into May's eyes. They were crystal ponds of blue. At that time, May was staring into Brendan's. His were soft brown. Realizing they were being quite silly, they shook themselves off and released their Pokemon.

They decided to train up their Pokemon to Lv12 and catch new ones and level them up too. Soon they were to that point and decided to go and fight a trainer...

Now please do me a favor and click the send review button and write what you think and click the send button. Simple? DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sara-Chan (GG)