new story in celebration of my birthday. Yay!
It's just a
short chapter but tell me what you think.
scratched around her as Tea bent her head over her math work. Today
it was algebra and while Tea didn't find it overly difficult it was
time consuming. A loud exhale drew her attention to her right. A boy
sat clutching two handfuls of his blond hair and glaring at his
"Having trouble Joey?"
"No kidding, I think
this is impossible."
"Not impossible." said Tea, as she
shifted her chair over so that she could see his work. "Just very
difficult." She flashed a grin up at him then turned back to his
Joey kept his eyes on the ceiling. 'It's nice
of Tea to help but honestly, there's no point. Some people are
smart and some aren't. It's hopeless. Mind you that's never
stopped Tea before.'
"I have it" Tea cried drawing
Joey's attention back to the cursed Math. "See here where you
divide? It means you end up with fractions of x. That would
eventually get you the right answer but it's easier if you leave
dividing till the end that way you only have to deal with whole
Joey nodded. "'Kay, that makes
"Great, now try that problem, see if this way
works better for you." Joey picked up his abandoned pen and looked
at the problem. He scribbled some working before getting to an answer
of X=4.
"Is that right?" he asked.
"Well it's
what I got, so if not we can be wrong together."
"Nah, you
wouldn't get it wrong. Thanks Tea."
"No problem Joey. We
still have half the period left so if we get going then we won't
have Math homework." So saying Tea grinned and went back to her
work. Joey followed suit.
Joey slammed
his book shut just as the bell went, Tea had finished with 5 minutes
to spare. In the rush of students packing their bags and leaving Tea
knocked her pencil case sideways. It landed spilling it's contents
into the lap of the person to her left. She cringed.
At the start of the year this block of three desks
in a row had been assigned to Kaiba, Joey and her. In an effort to
keep the peace she had taken the middle seat. This didn't appear to
do much to stem the hostilities.
The youth next to her turned
expressionless blue eyes her way before surveying the mess in his
lap. Without a word he picked up the strewn debri, packed it back
into the case, placed it on the desk then stood up and left. Tea
watched him go. 'Good thing I cleaned out the pencil shavings last
night, that could of been a lot messier.'
"Hey Tea, don't
mind moneybags." Joey was already standing his bag slung round his
shoulders, he was holding out Tea's bag.
"Thanks" she
said taking the bag from him to put her pencil case in. Once the bag
was zipped she stood slinging it on to her back.
As some of
the last to leave the room the two friends didn't have to push
their way to the door. Just through the threshold Tea glanced at her
"Oh Damn! I have English, that's the other side of
the school. I've got to go." She began to hurry away.
called out to her as she went. "Meet you by the gates. I'll walk
you to your bus stop since Yugi's sick."
Tea waved in
acknowledgment but continued to hurry away.
leant back against the school fence, staring at the sky. 'I'm
going to fail Math this year. I need to pass to get the
qualifications but there is just no way, it's like another
Tea captured his attention then by sprinting up
to him before collapsing against the fence beside him clutching her
"Hey Tea, you okay?" he asked concerned.
waved off his concern still gasping for breath. When she had
sufficient oxygen to reply she smiled and said. "I'm fine, I was
just in a hurry because I didn't want you waiting"
He put
up his hands. "Hey if it's in the interests of you not passing
out I am willing to wait a few more minutes"
She giggled
"Such a gentleman"
"Yup" He bowed offering her his arm
like a knight in one of those old movies. When she accepted he began
to lead her down the street.
As they passed by a group of
girls from their school they heard. "I didn't know Tea and Joey
were an item."
The two friends exchanged a look then bust
into peels of laughter. They laughed so hard that they had trouble
walking and had to support each other as they staggered down the
After their giggles stopped they lapsed into an easy
silence and Joey's thoughts returned to the evils of Math.
He turned to look at the smaller brunette on his arm.
"Is something the matter? You seem awfully
Joey smiled. 'Should of known that I couldn't
keep anything from her.' "It's just this Maths thing. I need to
pass but I don't know if I can."
She was silent for a
moment. "Why don't you get a tutor?"
"They cost like
"Not if it's one of your friends. I'm free
Thursday after school."
He stopped and turned to look at
her. "You would really do that for me?"
She nodded. "Sure,
Was what I did today helpful?"
"Definitely" They started
towards the bus stop again.
"Then it's settled" Tea
pointed to Joey's watch. "Don't you have to be at work in 20
"Oh damn. You're right. See ya Tea."
that said he turned sprinting down the road knocking people aside in
his hurry. This made Tea smile ruefully. 'Same old Joey, but we
wouldn't have him any other way' She waved until he turned a
corner and was lost from her sight. Then she continued down the
street toward her bus stop. She halted when she saw someone gazing up
at a map of the bus routes and rocking back and forward in an
agitated manner. Taking pity on the person who by their size was only
a child she approached tapping them on the shoulder.
me but do you need he- Oh Mokuba."
The boy, because it was
him, looked relieved. "Tea! I am so glad to see you. The driver
didn't show up to collect me from school so I thought I would catch
the bus but I don't know which one."
"Poor thing. Where
are you trying to get to, home or Kaiba Corp?"
Corp. Big Brother is working late tonight."
"No problem
let me just have a look here." She examined the map and schedule.
"Here we are. You need to catch the number 32 which arrives in a
quarter of an hour then at the top of Main Street you need to change
to the number 16."
She looked down at the child at her side.
He looked confused and rather worried. "Don't worry kiddo, I'll
come with you, I have nowhere I urgently have to
"Yup. In the mean time I think
you need cheering up." said Tea eyeing the ice-cream store across
the road.
"Um ... I don't have enough money on me."
worries it's my treat."
"If you're
"Definitely" So saying she took the young boy's
hand and led him across the street. "Which flavor do you
"Yay. A kindred spirit, me
Seto Kaiba, C.E.O of one of the
biggest gaming companies in the world, was sitting at his desk
typing. He looked up when there was a disturbance at the entrance to
his office.
"Knock, Knock." A familiar head peered around
the door at him. He was shocked to see it was Tea Gardener.
the hell are you doing in my building?"
She stuck her nose
in the air. "Returning something of vital importance that you
"I haven't lost anything."
"I beg to
differ" She stepped into the room fully then reached out into the
hall way and pulled someone in after her.
"Mokuba." The
shock was clear in the elder males voice.
"Hey Big Brother.
The car never came to pick me up but then I found Tea so she brought
me here. She brought me an ice-cream, we had lots of fun."
Seto snorted then looked at the girl. "I assume you will want
Tea glared at him. "Mokuba is my friend,
it was a pleasure to spend time with him." The younger boy flushed
at the praise.
There was an awkward silence until Tea spoke.
"You're welcome."
Seto looked at her oddly so she
clarified. "I'm sorry, I just assumed you had said thank-you,
it's what a decent person would have done. My mistake."
saying she turned and flounced from the room.