Belladonna/Remy songfic. I love this one. And I forgot I wrote it at all. Bad me.

Don't the hours grow shorter as the days go by?

We never get to stop and open our eyes.

Belladonna paced her room, still wearing her wedding dress. The night had been a complete disaster. She was waiting for Remy to come back to her, and tell her what was going to happen to her. The waiting made her nervous, even though Fifolet was staying with her. They both knew that Fifolet was mainly there to keep her from marching up to the guild heads and demanding her husband be given back to her.

Julien came into her thoughts every now and then. She hated to admit that she wasn't sad to see him dead. Even assassins won't kill their own unless they have to. But when he'd died, her only concern had been for her husband, not for her brother. The others hadn't noticed this, yet, but they would. Perhaps they would ask questions, perhaps they would just write it off as having too much grief. Either way, she would have to come to terms with why she wasn't sad to see her brother go. Even she wasn't entirely sure why. Maybe because his last act had been one of greed and jealousy, and those qualities made very bad leaders. Something told her this wasn't right, that a deeper meaning to her lack of grief would show itself eventually.

Belle shook her head and paced faster, trying not to think. She swung her dress and turned to make it flare out the way a little girl would, just to give herself something to do.

One minute you're waiting for the sky to fall

Next you're dazzled by the beauty of it all.

It was Fifolet, oddly enough, who noticed Remy's arrival first. He had been looking out the window when Belle's husband poked his head in. Fifolet cleared his throat a bit, to get Belle's attention. Remy watched, wondering what the young assassin would do.

"Ma'am, dere's a killer in de window. Wan' me t' close it?" Fifolet asked, trying not to smirk. Belladonna gave him a look that could cut steel. Fifolet bowed and went for the door. "S'pose three's a crowd. Bon nuit, ma'am."

"Bastard." Belle muttered, before turning to the window. Remy had pulled himself in, and was standing in front of it, his usual debonair smirk a thing of the past. Belle hugged him, tightly, putting inch of her anguish and pain into it. Remy hugged her back just as fiercely, burying his face in her hair, determined to take in every aspect of her body before he had to leave.

Lovers in a dangerous time

Lovers in a dangerous time

Belle pulled back and looked at Remy, her eyes searching for some sign of what was going to happen, some hint at their shared fate. But Remy had a poker face that could fool an FBI agent, and gave away nothing. Belle sighed and stroked his face. "Cheri, what are we goin' t' do?"

Remy kissed her forehead. He kissed her eyes. He kissed everything he could, and marveled inwardly at his own self control, grimly proud that he wasn't crying. Even though his heart hurt him in a way that he'd never known before, even though his life had just gone up in smoke, even though he'd just found out what hell really was; life without his wife's touch, without family and friends, haunted and tainted, like a mongrel in the streets. He held his tears in, knowing that if he started crying, he'd never stop, and Belle would cry too, and they'd spend the night like children in a storm, too afraid to move.

These fragile bodies of touch and taste

This fragrant skin, this hair like lace

Spirits open to thrust of grace,

Never a breath you can afford to waste.

Belle didn't resist when Remy nudged the straps of her wedding gown off her shoulders, and began furiously working at the buttons of his shirt, desperate to move so fast her brain couldn't catch up. To stay in her world of lust and love as long as possible, as if she could wish away the morning if she could only prove she loved her husband enough.

Remy shared his wife's need for escape, and matched her frenzied pace, until they were both standing in front of each other, their clothing tossed in the corner, and out of the way. Belle's wedding dress was crushed beneath his clothes, his shoes leaving traces of mud that would be dried and the source forgotten by the time she noticed them.

Marius almost knocked on Belle's door, to console his daughter that the right choice had been made, when he heard what was going on inside. He nearly broke the door in when he heard Remy's voice. It was Jean Luc's hand on his shoulder alone that stopped him from tearing Remy away form his daughter and killing the young man himself. Jean Luc nearly had to drag him away by his hair when a low, throaty moan came through the door. It took nearly an hour to convince Marius that if he broke in on the couple during their last night together, it would not only break the agreement they'd made with each other and therefore start a war, but it would also be better for the newlyweds say their goodbyes.

Lovers in a dangerous time

Belle was laying on the bed, now, Remy hovered over her like a humming bird, tasting every part of her body, determined to take every bit of her sweetness with him when he left, to keep him warm, maybe even sane. Belle was glad for the almost torture. Her mind was so consumed in pleasure, her heart couldn't notice it was in pain.

When you're lovers in a dangerous time,

Sometimes you're made to feel as if your love's a crime.

Despite Jean Luc's advice, Marius kept going back to the bedroom door, listening as the man who killed his son took advantage of his daughter. He tried to break in several times when he thought they'd finished, but was always interrupted before he could get to the door by some manner of flirting or some sound from the bed. He felt like a dirty old man listening to his daughter like this, but he had to know as soon as Remy had left, so he could personally run him off the property with a pack of dogs.

Remy could sense Marius at the door, and he was keeping an eye on the sun, too. He was to be gone by the time it came up. He knew that unless he really was gone, Marius could kill him, and not start a war. His excommunication would be official. So much to risk for one night with a woman he'd already had more than his share of nights with. But then again, there was always someone on the other side of the door wanting to kill him for tainting Belle, who hadn't exactly been snow white even when they'd first done this. He preferred the father to the son. At least he knew why Marius was sitting outside the door. Julien had always disturbed and scared him when he stayed with Belle.

Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight

You gotta kick at the darkness till it bleeds daylight.

Belle couldn't help but let her mind wander as the she watched the sky lighten. She pushed Remy onto his back, and tormented him the way he'd tormented her. Before had been the time for sadness, now was the time for planning. She would go with him, of course. He'd never survive out there and keep his sanity. Not the way he looked. Even she had to admitt that his eyes were usually frightening. He rarely ever looked like the carefree boy he pretended to be. She couldn't let him go. Never. So she would sneak after him, and protect him form harm. She would help him stay sane. She would stay sane herself, never loose her lover, she would fight like the assassin she was.

Her ferocious thoughts affected the way she teased Remy, and he had to gasp when she got too rough, enjoying this side, despite himself. He'd hardly ever seen Belle let loose like this, and it was the best way to leave. He could convince himself that she was dangerous for him, and still have these memories floating around in his head.

We were lovers in a dangerous time

The sun's rays touched the foot of the bed, and Remy jerked out of Belle's arms. He kissed her deeply, telling her he loved her one last time. He got dressed in record time, and jumped out the window, just as Marius broke into Belle's room, making the woman scream and yell at her father for not knocking, scrambling for sheets that had been lost during the night. She wrapped the sheet around herself and realized she'd have to stall her father to save her husband's life. That meant giving him enough of a head start so her father couldn't find his trail. She wouldn't be able to find him, either. Belle sighed and nodded grimly, before stalling like she'd never stalled before, whispering her undying love to the window, hoping her husband would hear somehow.


Peace and Love,

Panther Nesmith