Light Among Shadows


She awoke to a dream.  The world around her was surrounded by fog, a thick, dense fog that completely devoured everything that could have been in sight.  Her eyes narrowed as she attempted to see through the vast fog.  A sudden warmth hit her body, causing her to look down.  As she looked down, she noticed that, for some reason, she was completely naked; and she found that she didn't care.  She knew that that should bother her, and yet, it didn't.

The girl waved her arms in front of her face, attempting to hit anything that could possibly be just ahead of her.  The air around her felt heavy and yet light at the same time.  It was hard to breathe, and yet she felt as if she didn't need to.  Her body felt as if it could fly, gravity having given up its hold on the Earth.  "Where am I?" she whispered, but the words reached only her ears and nothing further.

A sudden glow grew around her, a slight golden glow that surrounded her with extreme heat.  The girl could feel the heat envelope her, causing her to hiss in pain as if her body had become overcome by fire.  She raised her arms, covering her face in an attempt to shield herself from any harm.  With an abrupt jolt, the breath being pushed from her burning lungs, she felt her back hit something solid, something hard and rocky.

Sleep overcame her before she could look around her surroundings, causing her eyes to once again close, her dream escaping from her sleep fogged mind.

* * * * * *

AN:  I hope you liked it, or were at least a little bit interested in reading more of this story.  Please let me know what you think!

Pirate Gyrl