Hello everyone! Wicca is finally here to update!!!

YokaiYuk: ahem…

Wicca: we're here to update!!! Sorry that I didn't update sooner, but there were some computer…complications…and…

YokaiYuk: the other reason is that she is too lazy

Wicca: I am not lazy!!! And to prove that let's write the chapter, shall we?

Precious Chapter:

Kagome quickly ran upstairs to her room and then, everyone heard a shower turned on. Everyone shook their head and looked at the old man standing in front of them.

Mrs. Higurashi hit the old man with a frying pan in her hand. "Father! How could you! Put pee on my daughter's head??? That is just disgusting!!! I just can't believe that you did that!!!"

The old man rubbed his head and smirked. "I would never be that low, daughter…But that wasn't a bad idea…how could you people think that I could do such a thing???"

InuTaisho gave the old man a sour look. "That didn't smell anything like what you said this was, so what exactly was that you put on her head?"

The old man smirked. "Why, herbs of course…many of them may stink, but their effects and results are worth the trouble…" he said and then went outside to sweep the shrine steps.

Everyone just shook their heads. "Poor Kagome" Sango and Kikiyo said together.

"Maybe this will be some good blackmail for her…" Inuyasha had an evil smile on his face.

"Don't even think about it hanyou, or you will pay dear…" Inuyasha's smile disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

"Sesshomaru, you never let me have any fun…"

Sesshomaru began to walk away, but then he whispered to Inuyasha what only Inuyasha could hear, having Inuyasha widen his eyes at the statement. Sesshomaru walked off, to be outside until Kagome came out of her "24 hour shower". Still, Sesshomaru's words rang in Inuyasha's mind.

"Not with what is mine and is more important to me than my own life"

Inuyasha smirked. 'Now that was a fact'

I do not own Inuyasha & ©…that sucks, but I can deal with that…

"This Represents Conversation"

'this represents thoughts'

-this may represent action-

-this may also represent that annoying inner voice that just won't go away…-

Assumption, Hurt, and Love
Chapter 13: Kagome's Dream

(A/N: I'm really bad with lyrics, and I'm too lazy to check out the right ones-you'll understand this chapter more if you know the songs)

Kagome finished getting rid of all the smell and the sticky that she had in her hair in her shower. It took her exactly an hour to do so, and she finished using the shampoo and the conditioner. Her muscles were tired and she decided to take to nice, relaxing bath, only to fall asleep through the process of relaxation.

-------------------------------------Kagome's Dream---------------------------

Kagome just walked out of her "24 hour shower" She glanced at the clock standing beside her mirror. It took her exactly three hours to wash out the sticky substance, let alone get rid of the smell. She used about ninety eight percent of the new shampoo and conditioner.

She used her hair dryer to dry her hair and walked out of her bathroom in her towel so that she could get dressed and hurt her grandfather for making her go through all the embarrassment and the torture of trying to get really clean. She got the last look of her image before she walked out from the bathroom. She was pink. More or less red.

"I didn't know that I had such a big resemblance to Santa Claus…ho ho ho…Mmmeeerrry Chhhrriissstttmmaasss!!!!!" Kagome began waving to herself. Then, she stopped. "Wait…this is summer…oh well…I remind myself of a baby pig….all pink….it's not that I hate the color, but being all pink…." Kagome walked to her closet and got out her underwear, a shirt that said "It's not nice to read a girl's shirt," and shorts. She was about to drop her towel when she almost jumped out of her skin when she heard a voice.

"Kagome, I know that you are beautiful, but, honey, you don't want to do that. Maybe at least when we get married, or…"

Kagome turned around to see Sesshomaru sitting on her bed as if he belonged there with something that looked as a dreamy look on his face. Kagome blushed a deep red, but Sesshomaru was too busy with his imagination to notice that, so he continued, oblivious to the fact that Kagome was closing in on him with a mirror in her hand.

"Or…well, the walls aren't soundproof, and everyone is below, so…you'll just have to wait….sad, isn't it?" he looked at Kagome only too see a mirror in full swing towards his head. It was like in slow motion. The mirror getting closer, and closer, and closer…even closer…Sesshomaru slowly opening his mouth.


Kagome's face getting even redder by each second. Right now she was dark red. She was about to hit Sesshomaru, but Sesshomaru caught her hand, before the mirror could do more damage, especially when the mirror was right in front of his face. He looked up at a fuming Kagome.

"You…you…you…HENTAI!!! You're even worse than Miroku!!!"

Sesshomaru winced. "No…I didn't grope you…I didn't ask you to bear my children…yet…and that mirror would've really hurt…couldn't you try something as nice as a pillow??? Then we could have a pillow fight…and then…"

"You are a pervert Sesshomaru!!! You always hid behind that cold mask of yours just to hide your true pervert nature!!! What were you thinking not a while ago???" Kagome's face got even redder than anyone thought possible.


"No…ah uh…I don't want to know…pervert…"

Sesshomaru had an expression of indifference.

"I am nothing compared to that lecher…I am not that low…"

Kagome nodded, which earned a stare of confusion from Sesshomaru.

"Yes, you're nothing compared to Miroku, you're worse, and you're even lower. I can't believe that you would think of something such as that…" Kagome leaned over Sesshomaru, her towel still in its place, while she touched his forehead, to see if he had any temperature.

"Sesshomaru, are you okay?" Kagome looked into his eyes, which had nothing, except concentration in them.


"What?" was the annoying response.

Kagome almost rolled her eyes. "Are you-eeepp!!!" she found herself swinging her mirror in front of Sesshomaru's face, because he groped her. Sesshomaru quickly caught the mirror, before it could do any damage to his nose. He began looking in it.

"Hmm…I still look as good as ever…" Kagome rolled her eyes. She still was observing Sesshomaru that forgot about Kagome and was obviously caught up with his image.

Kagome almost had the urge to shake Sesshomaru when he paled.

"What is it Sesshomaru?"

"Is…is that a zit?" Sesshomaru began to touch his nose with his finger. Now Kagome was confused.


Sesshomaru smiled while looking at his image again. "Nope, that was the last of ramen. This is the last time Inuyasha and I have a challenge on who can eat the most ramen the fastest only using their mouths. That stupid hanyou always wins, anyway…"

Kagome began to pull away, but Sesshomaru's grip on her arm that was holding the mirror was so tight, that she had no choice but to stand there.

"Okay, Sesshomaru…you can let go of me now…"

Sesshomaru only looked at his image. Finally, he spared a glance to Kagome, before going back to his observations.

"Sure, whatever…" Kagome got impatient. 'Well, if that's all that he'll say, I might as well use that as an advantage. He didn't let go, and for that he'll pay…'

"Sesshomaru? Can I dye your hair purple with pink high lights, paint you green and then give you a hair cut that only leaves five inches of your hair?"

Sesshomaru, not paying attention, still looked in his mirror.

"Sure, whatever…" Kagome rolled her eyes again. 'This isn't working…I can't do that…maybe I should purify him into dust.'

-no, you shouldn't-

'oh, you're here….'

-yep, I am…and you shouldn't because: you want to looove him, you want to kiiiisss him, you want to marry him….-


-what was that? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!-

'um…no comment…'

-then it's true!!! Kagome and Sesshomaru sitting on a tree!!!! F-U-

'don't even say it!'

-…K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!! First, comes the marriage, and then Kagome with a baby carriage!!! Or maybe you should skip the marriage-

'no!!! for Kami's sake!!! We're in high school!!!! I want to go to college….and maybe then….'



-yes, yes???-

'just maybe…'

-hurry up already!!!-

'go away!'


'yes…go away or I'll…'

-you'll what?-

'I'll…I'll agree to bear Miroku his children, dye my hair pink, change my eye color to yellow, get a plastic surgery that would make me look like a mummy without it's bandages, join the circus, step on a tiger's tail, hug an electric eel, and then propose to Manten…and…agree to listen to grandpa's history stories…take Inuyasha's rosary off and put it on myself and let Inuyasha activate it, so that he could be in control, marry Hojo, ask Kikiyo to marry Sesshomaru while I marry other three men, agree to be Koga's mate, kiss Jaken…and…and'

-no! I'll go away…I just thought that you would like my company rather then watch Snow White and the Magic Mirror…but bye…-

'wait, I watched Snow White and the Magic Mirror when I was eight…kind of strange…but what does this have to do anything with this?'


Kagome was brought out of her thoughts when she heard Sesshomaru give a terrified, high pitched scream.

"Is that a pimple??? No…that's ketchup…" Sesshomaru was still looking in the mirror. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, whose the handsomest of all???"

Kagome stared at Sesshomaru. 'oh…okay…oh…now I get it….hey I'm not a wall!!! I'm a person!!!' Sesshomaru pulled the mirror towards himself.


From all the pressure, the mirror began to crack. Before it could shatter, Sesshomaru threw it into the recycle bin. With and eep from Kagome, Kagome was now seating on Sesshomaru's lap. His full attention was now on Kagome and Kagome wished that she still had the mirror, because Sesshomaru was looking at her rather strange. When Sesshomaru's face began to close in on her own, she panicked.

They were brought out of their action when they heard a door open.



Music began. Then, they saw Naraku running towards a bouncing ball, singing.

"Bounce baby out the door, I ain't gonna take it no more, bounce baby out the car, get up and move I'm not gonna take it this far…bounce…bounce…bounce…" Naraku stopped, singing when the ball stopped bouncing and was still in the corner of the room not far from the door. He picked up the ball.

"Whoops, there it is…" He looked up and saw Sesshomaru and Kagome in their position, he dropped the ball suddenly and with a shocked face pointed his finger at Sesshomaru.

"Oh my gosh it's HIM!!!" then he closed his eyes and began to raise his hands up and down and then jump up and down and do flips, but then fell on the floor, revealing Miroku, Inuyasha, Sango and Kikiyo behind. Miroku began dancing with Sango and Kikiyo, leaving Inuyasha behind, while starting to sing in a high pitched voice, while the music changed. "Those chicks don't even know the name of my band, but they're all on me like they wanna hold hands, 'cause they all know that I'll be their man" now Kikiyo and Sango kissed Miroku on his cheeks. "All because I'm the lead singer of my band."

Naraku stood up and now he and Inuyasha began waving their hands. "My band, my band, my band, my band, my baaand, baby yeah…"

Then, everything stopped, when everything turned dark, and a light appeared around a very unattractive looking youkai in his true form-Jaken. He had flowers in his hands and had big eyes. He began advancing towards Sesshomaru, and then there was a change of music yet again. Jaken took out a tissue, and began.

"Somebody said they saw you…the person you were kissing was not me…" he pointed an accusing finger at Sesshomaru…and began to sob…when he recovered, he began singing yet again. "I don't wanna know, if you're playing me, keep it on the low, 'cause my heart can't take it anymore, and if you're playing me," he pointed an accusing finger at Kagome and then closed his eyes. "Please don't let it show, 'cause, oh baby, I don't wanna know…" but the sad music was gone as soon as there was a slap.


A change of music, and a light over Sango standing over a shivering Miroku. Sango begins to sing.

"Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you, this ti-iime, did you think that it was something I was gonna do-o-o, to try-y-y-y….Don't try to tell me what to do, don't try to tell me what to say, we're better off that way!!!" then Miroku began to sing, standing up.

"I'm not a perfect person, there's many things I wish I didn't do." He points at Sango's butt. "But I continue learning," he pointed on a red mark on his cheek, "I never meant to do those things to you," he sat on a desk chair, with wheels, "and so I have to say before I go-o-o, that I just want you to know!!!" He grabbed a hold of Sango's hands.

Change of music, Sango gets her hands free and pushes Miroku's chair across the room with all her force, nearly knocking the poor pervert unconscious, and nearly making him collide with a desk that would have taken all his chances of having children. Sango begins to sing again.

"Near, far!!! Where ever you are, and I know that my heart will go o-o-o-on…One," she opens Kagome's closet, "small, you open the door and you're here with my heart and my heart will go on and on…"

Miroku stands up, and slowly walks towards Kikiyo. Before Miroku could do anything more, Inuyasha stands before him, and snaps his fingers. Change of music, and Inuyasha begins to sing.

"Back off, I'll take you o-on!!!" he shows his fists, "Headstrong! I'll take on anyone!!! I know that you are wro-ong!!! Headstrong!!! Headstro-ong!!! Back off I'll take you o-on!!!" he hits Miroku with full force, knocking the monk unconscious.

Change of the music. A light over Kikiyo and Inuyasha. Kikiyo grabs Inuyasha's hands and begins to sing while shaking her head.

"I'm so tired of being here. Suppressed by all my childish fears. And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave." She points her finger at the open door outside of Kagome's room. "Cause your presence still lingers here, and it won't leave me alone!!!"

The light changes, and now it's over Naraku. Naraku slowly stood up, and begins singing. "These wounds won't seem to heal!!!" He takes his shirt off, and shows a big burn on his back in a form of a spider. "This pain is just to real."

Miroku stands up and takes out a clock, and sings. "There's just too much that time cannot erase!!!"

Now the light is over Jaken. He points a finger at Sesshomaru and sings.

"When you cried," Jaken gets out a tissue, "I'd wipe away all of your tears, when you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears and I held your hand through all of these years, but you still left…." Jaken hugs himself. "All of me!!!"

Now the light is over Sango and Miroku. Sango sings. "You used to captivate me," Miroku glows a pink color, "by your resonating light, and now," Sango shows the chains that magically appeared around her arms, "I'm bound by the life you left behind."

Kikiyo begins to sing while the light is now over her and Inuyasha, while Inuyasha got himself a white blanket over himself and now's making the noises of a ghost. Kikiyo holds a picture with Inuyasha's face on it.

"Your face it haunts, my once pleasant dreams, it chased away," Kikiyo looks as if she is about to tear out all of her hair. "All the sanity in me!!! These wounds won't seem to heal!!!"

Jaken stabs himself in his leg and sings, the light is around him now. "This pain is just too real!!!" Miroku gets out a big eraser, and gives it to Jaken, that nearly falls over from it's size and weight, "There's just too much that time cannot erase!!!!"

Now everyone is singing except Kagome and Sesshomaru. "When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears, when you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears, and I held your hand through all of these years, but you still left! All of me!!!"

Kikiyo, Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku exit. Now the light is around Jaken, and the imp youkai is singing. He begins to shake his head. "I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone." Jaken runs towards Sesshomaru and hugs him. "But though you're still with me!" he releases a dumbstruck and disgusted Sesshomaru and runs towards the exit. "I've been alone all along!!!!" Jaken exits.

The light is now around Naraku, and Naraku is singing. Tears begin to flow on his face. "When you cried," he wipes away his tears, "I'd wipe away all of your tears." When you'd scream." Sango appears with Miroku as she screams, because Miroku is chasing after her and tries to grope her. Naraku hits Miroku in face, making the lecher unconscious. "I'd fight away all of your fears."

Naraku holds Sango's hand. "And I held your hand" Inuyasha and Kikiyo appear. Kikiyo gets out a calendar, while Inuyasha begins to flip through it's pages. "Through all of these years," Sango gets from Naraku's grasp, and tries to go away, while Naraku is on the floor, having a death grip around one of Sango's legs, making Sango drag him. Sango hits Naraku square in face with her free leg, and leaves with an unconscious Miroku. Everyone exits, except Naraku, while Naraku crawls towards the exit singing. "But you still left, all of me…"

Naraku stands up. Change of the music. He begins to jump up and swing his arms, but he falls down again. "Everytime I try to fly, I fall, without my wings I feel so small…" he points at Kagome. "I guess I need you baby…." He closes his eyes. "And everytime I see you in my dreams, I see your face, your heart in me. I guess I need you baby!!!" Change of music. Naraku looks around. "Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high!!! Birds fly over the rainbow, they fly oh why can't I???? Ku, ku, ku???" Naraku leaves the door is closed, and now Kagome and Sesshomaru are left alone.

Sesshomaru looked at Kagome. "That was strange…now that that is over, we can…" Sesshomaru began to lean towards Kagome, and began to kiss her. Soon enough, she began to kiss him back. Minutes passed, and Kagome was in paradise, but then, she needed air. She tried to pull away. 'Sesshomaru, I need to breathe…' now she was trying to gasp for air…. 'no'

-------------------------------End Dream Sequence-----------------------------

Kagome woke up. She realized that she was drowning. She quickly pulled herself up, and was breathing heavily. Apparently, during her sleep, she began to slide, and was underwater in some time. She looked at her clock. It's been 15 minutes since she fell asleep. 'That was some strange dream…I shouldn't fall asleep while having a nice bath, that's for sure….I mean, the next thing I know, everyone would be singing "Hey ya," and everyone would shake themselves…oh, and then they'll begin to speak Russian….then French…then Italian….then Spanish…then Greek…then another language that I don't understand…Oh well, I'll get some sleep after I get fully cleaned up.'

She finished her bathing ritual, and got out. She wrapped a towel around herself, got her hair dry with the hair dryer, and was outside in a flash. She walked towards her closet. She got out her underwear, and decided to look for a proper shirt and shorts. She found the shorts easily, and put it on her chair. However, finding a normal shirt was difficult.

'Apparently I need to do some laundry.' Kagome's closet was a real mess. There were shirts and dresses everywhere, so she did the only thing that came into her mind, she began to dig in to find a nice shirt. Clothes were thrown all across her room.

'Nope, that's not good. Nope, Too revealing. Nope!!! What is on it? Oh, I remember…Inuyasha spilled coke on it….and that was a nice shirt…nope….what is that thing?'


"Buyo!!! What are you doing here????" Kagome shrugged. "Oh well…back to work."

After digging through the pile of clothes, she finally found a normal shirt. It said "It's not nice to read a girl's shirt." Kagome sighed. "Just nice…I guess I had too many memories of the shirt." She was about to drop her towel when she almost jumped up.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you…"

Kagome turned around and saw no one else then Sesshomaru lying on her bed, as if he really belonged there. 'he looks as if he belongs there…'

-maybe he does, and with you too…now that would be a perfect picture…-

'shut up you perv!!!'

-I'm you, so…you're telling yourself to shut up???-

'I told myself to go away, so what are you talking about?'

-feh…bye…I thought I could give you advice that would've saved you from the embarrassment with Fluffy-sama, but I guess not…-

'no, wait!'


'feh…like I needed that advice anyway…'

"Sesshomaru???" Kagome looked dumbstruck at her boyfriend.

Sesshomaru had the same expression on his face in a flash. "Kagome???"

Kagome snapped out of the stupidity. "What? Stop copying me…"

Sesshomaru quickly looked away. Kagome got mad. "And look at me when I'm talking to you!!!!"

Sesshomaru didn't turn around. "Kagome, you know that I respect your dignity, and even though it's against my wishes, I have no choice but to look away…by the way, your towel is slipping…."

"Eh?" Shocked, Kagome looked down. It was true, her towel was slipping and now it almost showed her breasts. "eeep!!! Sesshomaru!!! Why didn't you tell me before???" She grabbed at mirror and threw it at a now turning Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru quickly caught it, and Kagome grabbed all her clothes and went to the bathroom to change. But before that, she gave a frustrated growl, and slammed the door.


A couple of minutes later, Kagome walked out of the bathroom, fully dressed, and stopped dead in her tracks. There, Sesshomaru was observing his image in the mirror she threw at him. 'just like in the dream…well, not exactly, but just like in it….' She feared for more similarity when Sesshomaru scowled.

"Is that a-?"

"NO" Kagome ran towards Sesshomaru, grabbed the mirror, and threw it in the trash. "No, Sesshomaru, that is not a zit or a pimple…it's something you ate…"

Sesshomaru looked confused. He turned around and pointed to Kagome's window. "I was going to ask if that was a cactus…"

Kagome felt warmth on her cheeks. "Oh…yes, it is" 'I guess this isn't going to be like my dream after all…not freaky…thank Kami…I"

Kagome was soon enough brought out of her thoughts.



The door opened, and a ball was bouncing towards Kagome's bed. Music was turned on, and was heard through the entire house.

Bounce baby out the car, I ain't gonna take it this far…

Kagome began to shake her head. "No…" Soon, the music was turned off, and chatter could be heard downstairs…

Souta appeared inside the room. "Whoops, there it is. Sorry sis…." He got the ball and walked out, leaving a pale Kagome.

"Kagome?" Sesshomaru looked at Kagome with concern. He put her on her bed and after she was comfortable, he joined her. "you need some sleep."

Kagome sighed. "Thanks, Sessho…But I guess I can't sleep now…I had the strangest dream today…"

Sesshomaru smirked and hugged Kagome. "But you didn't have me with you, now did you?"

Kagome blushed at the thought about what would've been if Sesshomaru was with her when she had the dream in the same position. 'stop it you perv…' "No…"

"Well, then you have nothing to worry about…I'll protect you…"

"Okay…sweet dreams Sessho…" Kagome closed her eyes.

"Sweet dreams Kagome." He sighed. "You just don't know how much you mean to me, do you? I care about you a lot…might as well face the truth-I love you, my little miko." He soon closed his eyes too, knowing that Kagome did not hear his confession, for she was already asleep. Then, he too fell into a warm, comforting, but dreamless sleep.

Chapter done!!! Yay!!! Sorry if I confused you, but I was hyper and I was listening to the radio…so…well, now you know….lol….and now to the wonderful reviews!!!

Review Responses:

The-piro-16: -sigh- yes, I totally agree on that…good looking…no, really good looking –drool-…yes it's not fair….well, glad that you like the story so far, and as you see-I updated! Thank you for reviewing!

Sessh's BabyGrl: Glad that you liked the previous chapter…and glad that you liked the flashback and Sesshomaru being overprotective!!! Lol…thanks for reviewing!!!

Spyhunter02: well, glad you liked the previous chapter! And as you see, I updated-thanks for reviewing!

Demonswty: nope, there wasn't pee in the mixture, thank god…lol…well, glad that you liked the previous chapter, and as you see, I updated…thanks for reviewing!

I: glad that you love it, thanks for the review

JojoBlond: glad that you liked the chapter! Yep…if only all the guys were like him –sigh- life is so sad sometimes…lol…well, as you see, I updated, and thank you for reviewing!!!

Sorata-chan: yep, I updated that chapter…and now I finally updated, and I'll try to have more chibi flashbacks! Glad you liked the previous chapter and thanks for reviewing!!!

Sakura Tenvaiga: hello…glad that you liked the chapter!!! Plus, no matter what I try to do, the find the stupid movie…-sighs in frustration- that is not fair!!! Well, thanks for the advice anyhow, lol…thanks for reviewing!

Jerry: yep, Sesshy is sweet, and join the club of the girls that wish to have such a guy!!! Lol, you're not the only one…well, thank you for reviewing!!!

Bara: well, I wrote the next chapter…in my hyper mood…glad you liked it that far…thanks for the review!!!

Disser: well, I updated…glad that you liked it so far, and thanks for the review!!!

Sparrow-chan: aaahhh!!! I wrote as soon as I could!!! Please don't hurt me!!! I'm only a poor teenage writer that is trying to kill some time!!!! I wrote, and who said that I'm a ningen, hanyou or youkai???? Lol…thanks for the review!!!

Chiisana-Tori-chan: lol…yep! Go….FLUFFY!!! glad that you like this story so far! And thanks for the review!

MizuiroSnow: glad that you like the story….about AM I ALONE…it's done by Fluffy's Babe, Romance, and its mostly about Kagome/Sesshomaru pairing…and you could find it by going on search on this site…well, I'll keep writing, even in my hyper mood…well, thanks for reviewing!!!

I would like to thank all of you that took your time to review!!! Thank you very much!!!! And I would like to thank those who read, but not review-thank you very much, and I'm not being sarcastic: that is nice to know that you people are spending some of your time reading this story! So, thank you!

Well, please review and tell me what you thought about the chapter…I wonder if I should write in my hyper mood again…lol…well, ja ne for now


Please review!!!