Hello! Wicca here! My second fic...I don't think that my 1st went too well, but I can try, can't I?

YokaiYuki-Another stupid story from you.

Wicca-Quit being so annoying, maybe I'll tell Manjo?

YokaiYuki-Why, it's not like he will care!

Wicca-We'll see...Oh, Ma-

YokaiYuki-OKAY! OKAY!!! There happy? Let's write another stupid story.

Wicca-*smirks* well, now it's your turn to decide the title, and the topic, and the theme and the setting

YokaiYuki-Okay...let's see...modern days, Inuyasha and the gang are in high school 2st year, and Sesshomaru is 3rd year. Kagome meets Sesshomaru, love blooms and well something happens. What do you think?

Wicca-I like it! I like it a lot! SO, why don't you continue?

YokaiYuki-well, you know I don't want to reveal ALL of my concept.

Wicca-oh, yeah, well, let's start writing! Oh, and the title, the title

YokaiYuki-Let's see..................


YokaiYuki-I'm trying to think!


YokaiYuki-hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I got it! Assumptions, Hurt, and Love. Sounds good, doesn't it?

Wicca-Yeah, let's start. So, you heard the guy! Hope you enjoy reading this. Please R&R!

*I don't own Inuyasha ©, and that really sucks, but I can live with that*

Assumptions, Hurt, and Love. Chapter 1: Planning

"Kagome, you going to the new club tonight?" Kikiyo asked.

"Guys, I dunno. I will probably have to baby-sit Souta and stuff, and you know that my mom won't let me go to clubs "Kagome, you are underage, you know that, you will go when you are old enough to go" Dang! I really hate when she says something like that. I mean, I need her permission, she wont give it, and if she doesn't I have no other way of hope. 'Going to clubs' age should probably be 100 for my mom. Geez," Kagome was frustrated.

"So, why don't you go with someone old enough? I mean, those are the rules,"

"I know, Sango, but I don't think that grand-pa will like going there. And I think that would be pretty weird. Imagine: grand-pa throwing his scrolls on the music players and lights, screaming "EVIL YOUKAI!!!!!!!! EVIL YOKAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I don't think that you will like that. Imagine: people running around terrified. Even if there was a yokai, I don't think that his scrolls would have worked anyway."

"Good point," Kikiyo and Sango both mumbled.

"Kikiyo, you know that if I can't go, you can't go either..." Kikiyo was caught off guard.


"Well, my dear cousin, last time I checked, you and I were living in the same house, under the same room, under the same guardians."

"Oh, that kind of slipped from my mind. I really wanted to go with Inuyasha. Dang." "By the way, shouldn't only couples go?"

"Yes Sango, but Inuyasha said he would get you a date, and I could have went with Hojo. But I don't think so."


"Well, you know, he's too annoying. Just talking and talking and talking (A/N. Hojo fans, sorry but I just had to get it out)"

"Oh, I see. I'm glad I have such a good guy for a boyfriend." Kikiyo said dreamily

"Hey girls! What's up? Going to the new club?"

"Speak of the devil"

Inuyasha walked to the small group, kissed Kagome and Sango on their cheeks and kissed Kikiyo full on her lips. Kagome and Sango just looked at each other and sweat dropped anime style.

"Umm, Inuyasha?" Kikiyo managed to say between the kiss. 'not that I mind, but he has to know what's going on'

"Yeas, my priestess?" Inuyasha said after stopping to kiss Kikiyo.

"We've got a small problem," Kagome said and started to fill Inuyasha in. Inuyasha thought for a little bit the got a plan. He started smirking evilly.

"What is it, you baka of a hanyou (A/N:sp?)? You see that we are in a bad mood, and you're happy?" Kagome said almost with disbelief. Inuyasha ignored the comment.

"You know, I think I got something. Kagome and Kikiyo, you can tell Mrs. Higurashi that you two are going for a sleep over at Sango's and Sango, you can just go, cause you are allowed. Kagome, tell your mom that everything will be provided for you, so that you mom doesn't have to worry. Sango, tell your mom that after the club, Kagome and Kikiyo will be coming with you an all. So what do you think?"

"Hanyou, I like the way you think. Well, when you think anyway," Sango said almost laughing when Inuyasha's cute little dog ears twitched.


Kikiyo wrapped her arms around Inuyasha. "Honey, I like it when you use your mind. You're a genius!"

"Uh, Inuyasha?" Kagome said worriedly, "Wouldn't we have to lie?" Inuyasha nodded. "But, I can't lie to my own mother!" Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

"Then, too bad. You wouldn't be going to another club, oh Miss. Innocent..."

"Stop calling me that. I hate doing things that are wrong, and you know it. It's not my fault I'm good natured."


"Oh, you seem to disagree?" When Inuyasha nodded, Kagome took Inuyasha's hand, shoved him about two feet away and:

"Sit boy!"


"OUCH! Stupid rosary" Inuyasha grumbled.


"Happy birthday Inuyasha!" Kaede said.

"Whatever, you old hag. What did you get me? Is it better than these worthless presents or is just the same?" A six-year-old Inuyasha grumbled, took the package out of Kaede's hands and tore it apart with his claws.

"A rosary? Worthless." Inuyasha was about to throw it aside, when a six- year-old Kikiyo caught his arm, and a six-year old Kagome said "Here, let me put it on you."

"No, this is not getting on me. No way!" He was met with Kikiyo's and Kagome's puppy dog eyes look.

"We really would like to see you with it on, Inuyasha, pretty please?"

"Aw, feh..."

Kagome quickly put the rosary, and stood back to enjoy the view. Kaede smirked 'This ought to teach him some manners. It will be only a matter of time before they find out.' "I must take my leave, I must pick up some medicine. Enjoy the party!"

"Whatever, you old hag, bye. Thanks for the worthless gift anyway!" Inuyasha grumbled, not hiding his disappointment in the gift.

"Have fun Inuyasha!" Kaede said and left. After Kaede left, Inuyasha grabbed the rosary and started to pull it off.

"Dang! Why don't I get it off! Kagome help me with this thing! You were the one to put it on!"

"Okay, Inuyasha! Just let's go to the table so that you can sit-"


"-down. Inuyasha, are you alright?"

"Fine. Who pushed me?" Inuyasha started looking for any possible attacker. Kikiyo, followed by Sango rushed to Kagome's side.

"What happened?" both girls said in unison.

"All I said "Let's go to the table so that you can sit-"


"-down, and this is what happened."

"So you said SIT DOWN?"

"Yes, I said sit-"


"down. Inuyasha!" Kagome, Kikiyo and Sango started to rush to Inuyasha's side when they herd a cold

"What is this nonsense? Don't you know how to keep things down, you worthless humans? Inuyasha, father will be not pleased about this big hole in the front yard. What are you doing in it, and how did you make it? Explain yourself" a 7 year-old Sesshomaru commanded.

Kagome, the first one to recover from what happened, said sit-"


"Inuyasha!" Kikiyo, Sango, Kagome yelled.

"OW" was the only reply.

"Half-breed are you all right?"

Inuyasha stood up, all covered in dust and mud.


Then, Sango got it.

"Kagome! I know why Inuyasha gets to fall! He gets to fall every time you use the word sit!!!!"




"Ooops! Sorry!"

*End Flashback* "Inuyasha, let me help you up." Kikiyo said, "You shouldn't have pissed Kagome like this"


"Fine, I'll do it," Kagome said.

"Oh, so where's our Miss. Innocent?" Inuyasha asked sarcastically.

"Play with me, half-breed, and next time you won't be so lucky. I may purify you."

"You wouldn't even dare"

"Try me," Kagome's hands glowed purple color.

Inuyasha-*gulp* "Fine. So how does my plan seem?"

"Fine, but Kagome and I don't have a date." Sango said.

"I told you Sango, I took care of your date, so don't worry, you will see him at 10:45 p.m., just 15 minutes before the opening. Kagome, with you being like this, I think I know why you don't have any dates." Kagome shot him a one more word and you're purified dust look...(A/N: I know Kagome is kinda with messed up character, but in this story, Inuyasha can really piss her off) Inuyasha gulped again.

"Okay, okay. Why don't you go with Hojo?"

"No way, you know how I feel about him, Inuyasha. He's too annoying"

"Yeah, and like you're not. Okay, so why don't I hook you with Koga? I mean he likes you a lot!"

"Yeah, have him call me his woman in front of everybody is unacceptable, and especially asking me every day when "we are going to mate" he is no more than a friend to me. Why can't he understand it?"

Inuyasha thought for a little while. "Okay, so you won't go with Hojo or Kouga?"

"Over my dead body!"


"Yeah! So, I guess I'm going to be stuck all alone. Unless, you can get me a date?" Kagome asked sweetly.

"As a matter of fact, I can. However, you must promise me to go out with who ever who I pick for you."

Kagome thought for a while. 'Well, it can't be worse than Kouga or Hojo, so, what have I got to lose?'

"Promise. Who?"


"Sess-Sesshomaru?" Kagome said in shock. 'Oh no. I'm doomed.'

Preview of Chapter 2

"Sesshomaru? Are you crazy? No! I can't"

"Kagome, you promised, and why not? Well, except that he seems to hate humans and cold," Inuyasha said with a smirk 'that should teach her a lesson about using "SIT" techniques again.'

"That's it! Those reasons, and a: He hates humans and might kill me b: I can't imagine him dancing c: he's cold-blooded d: he will not agree to it, not that I mind. Oh, yeah, and he's related to you."

"Feh. You can't choose your family"

"You said it!"

Inuyasha ignored the comment.

"A. He doesn't hate humans. He even adopted us a little human sister."

"You mean Rin? It was HE who adopted her?"

"Yeah. Weird, huh? B: He took dance lessons in France C: well, I won't argue with you on that D: I'll get him to go, so don't worry."

Wicca-chapter completed! YAY!!! High five!

YokaiYuki-*returns the high five* Well, I think that it wasn't so bad for a person like you.


YokaiYuki-whatever. So, when should we go on the field trip?

Wicca-not telling. You should've paid attention and not slept in class.

YokaiYuki-but the class was soooooooooooooooooo boring.

Wicca-next Tuesday

YokaiYuki-I knew that

Wicca-sure...Whatever you say.

Ok. I hope you liked reading this chapter, and will like to read another. Please R&R! Your reviews in a way, encourage the author to write and all. So please R&R! Well, review please I accept any kind of comments: good/bad, you name it. If you could, you can give me some suggestions or ask me some questions if you want to. My updates will probably depend on the reviews and all or on school work, so please R&R. Well, JA NE! Wicca. Push the button go now (please ^_^)




