Just Checking

By: Apolla

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Dirty Dancing characters, I just love them dearly.

Rating: G


            Penny couldn't believe it. Johnny had come back. He and Baby had performed the last dance – and it had been beautiful. But Penny knew it was serious. Johnny had come back for Baby. She could see that her old friend had fallen hard. But did Baby love Johnny as much as he loved her? Penny intended to find out.

            As a dancer, Penny knew you could tell a lot from a person's body language. So she watched Penny and Johnny for the rest of the night. What she saw brought a smile to her face.

            Baby didn't leave Johnny's side. When they stood talking, to each other and other people, Penny could see Baby looking at Johnny with a smile on her face and a light in her eyes. Baby's smile would grow when Johnny smiled back at her. Penny couldn't hear what they were saying, but it didn't seem to matter. Baby hung on to Johnny's every word, her eyes never leaving his face.

            And when they danced……..Penny no longer had any questions. She had seen how Baby had started out. She could move, but she didn't know how to dance – especially dirty dance. Johnny was a good teacher, but Penny knew even Johnny's teaching couldn't be responsible for the fluidity of Baby's moves, the ease with which her body fit with Johnny's.

Baby followed Johnny's lead, but it was more than that. Penny could tell that Baby wanted to be in Johnny's arms. Baby was Johnny's perfect partner on the dance floor and off.

Penny smiled.


            Dr. Jake Houseman spent the evening watching his daughter and the dance instructor. He may have been getting on in years, but he was no fool. The dance instructor – Johnny – had come back to be with his baby girl. Jake knew Baby had strong feelings for Johnny, but were those feelings reciprocated? He intended to find out.

            As a doctor, Jake knew he had good talents of observation when it came to people. So he watched Baby and Johnny for the rest of the night. What he saw caused his scowl to lessen.

            Johnny never left Baby's side. When they stood talking, to each other and to other people, Johnny kept an arm around Baby. When she laughed, he laughed; when she smiled, so did he. Whenever he said anything, he kept his eyes on Baby's face, wanting to see her every reaction to his words.

            And when they danced, Jake was amazed. He had never believed that his Baby could dance so well. She seemed to have become comfortable with her body, sure of her moves – and, no doubt, it was all due to Johnny.

Jake had seen Johnny dance, both with Penny and with the guests, but it was different. When he danced with Baby, it seemed that with every turn Johnny couldn't wait to pull her close to him again. It seemed that he always wanted Baby close to him.

Jake gave a small nod that neither Baby nor Johnny saw, and he almost smiled.


            "Penny and my dad have been staring at us all night," Baby whispered to Johnny as they swayed to the music. "What do you think they're thinking about?"

            "About our feelings for each other," Johnny replied, kissing the top of Baby's head. "They're just checking."


The End

Author's Note: Please review! Please, please, pretty please!