AN: The training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber gave 3 years in a day and
Gohan and Vegeta went in twice. First Gohan and Goku went in then Vegeta
and Trunks went in then Gohan and Vegeta. I did this because Gohan needs to
be older in this fic and so Gohan could learn things about Saiyan history.
'thoughts' "talking" ~Bond~ /telepathy/
The Cell Games
"Noooo...!" screamed Gohan as he watched his father teleport away with Cell. As Goku disappeared Gohan fell to his knees. Why? Why did I have to torture him?? Why didn't I just kill him when I had the chance?
As everyone moves toward Gohan to comfort him (except Vegeta of course), Cell reappears. He quickly fires a powerful ki blast, destroying everyone but Gohan. As Gohan watches, his rage once again begins to increase.
He remembers training with Piccolo. He remembers going to Namek with Krillen and Bulma. He remembers playing with his dad before Radditz came, and training with him in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. He then remembers his friends being tortured by the cell juniors. He sees Cell kill everyone, and finally he sees the image of his father, teleporting away with Cell wearing his famous "Son Grin", yet somehow it is a sad one. Once again, he gets angry, and in so doing powers up. Once again, the dam breaks.
As Cell turns around planning to fire a Kamehameha at Gohan, Gohan launches into Super Saiyan 3. His hair lengthens to around his knees, and his eyebrows disappear. Cell is shocked at the transformation, and senses that Gohan's new power is far beyond his own even with the power boost he received after surviving his self-destruction. Filled with rage so great that it cannot be comprehended, Gohan fires a huge kamehameha wave at Cell. The kamehameha itself is over half a mile wide. When it touches Cell he completely disintegrates. Not one atom, let alone a complete cell remains for him to regenerate from.
But something is wrong. Gohan, lost in his rage, does not realize that he has already destroyed Cell. He continues to pump more and more power into the beam. The sky itself begins to tear apart (think to the Buu saga when Super Buu got angry when fighting Vegitto). As the tears increase Gohan still continues to power the beam. One of the tears opens in the ground under him, and Gohan falls in, lost forever. Weak from the blast, he falls completely out of Super Saiyan, his hair and eyes returning to black.
Unknown Location
As Gohan wakes up, he realizes that he is in a strange place. Extending his senses, he knows he is not on earth for two reasons. One: He cannot sense his mother, Dende or Piccolo, and Two: every person on the planet has a power-level of at least 500. Tired and weak, Gohan makes his way to the city. As he reaches sight of the city gates, he passes out.
The South Gate
"Huh? What was that? My scouter just blipped. Think it just an animal?" says a gate guard.
"I don't know. Think we should check it out?" the other says.
"We'd better, the king will have our hides if it's an enemy and he gets into the city. I'll go. You stay here and guard the gate in case it gets past me."
"Fine, but if it is an enemy, be sure not to kill it. I hear the king wants any of them we can find. I guess he's trying to get information."
"I suppose. Be right back."
The guard only has to go a short distance before he sees Gohan, passed out, and blood covering his body. "Don't know who this is, but I better get him into a regen tank. Can't exactly get information from him if he dies." He slings him over his shoulder and carries him to the gate.
"Who in the hell is that?"
"Don't know. I found him like this a few feet over that way." He presses Gohan's thumb onto a panel. "He's not registered either. Send a unit out to see if they can find a ship or something. He had to get here somehow. I'm gonna take him to a regen tank. Can't get any answers outta him if he's dead. The guard then heads over to the nearest recovery station.
"I need a regen tank now!" He snaps at an aide. "Yes Commander Bardock!" the aid replies. As he watches the tank fill he thinks to himself 'I wonder what your story is...'
2 hours later...
*Beep, beep, beep.* *Boom!* 'Where am I? And how did I get in a regen tank?' "Take him to the king!" the guard says. 'What!? They're speaking Saiya-go!' (Gohan learned the Saiyan language and customs from Vegeta during the time they weren't training when they were in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber together.) "Yes sir!"
In the throne room...
The king looks at Gohan for a while before speaking. "Who are you and how did you get to Vegeta-sei? There were no ships in your vicinity, you're obviously Saiyan, (Gohan's tail grew back in the regen tank since his wasn't permanently removed by Kami's magic like Goku.) and Bardock saw that you were not registered in our databanks when he brought you in. Explain yourself immediately!"
"Sire." Gohan says. "I as you say, am Saiyan. My name is Gohan and I was born off world and raised on another planet by aliens. They didn't know that I was a Saiyan until my tail grew back. I hijacked a ship and landed here. When I got off they regained control of the ship and took off. I was hit by the blast from the ship and that's what weakened me. I wasn't in battle mode (the Saiyan term for powered up) and it hit me in the back. I didn't think that they'd regain consciousness so fast.
"I see. You must be registered and you class determined. Normally you would have had your class determined at birth, but since you were born off world... Therefore you will fight members of each class so we can determine yours. You have today to prepare. The test begins at dawn. Go."
Gohan is led to the registration office by an aide and gives his name, fingerprints, footprints, voice scan retina scan, and DNA scan. He it told by the aide that he is only allowed to stay in one of the third class barracks' until his class is determined. He announces his presence to the barracks leader, and then goes to his room. 'Well I'm either in the past, a different dimension, or both. Somehow I have to find out which. Until then I guess I'll just rest 'til tomorrow.'
The Next Morning...
"Hurry up boy!" the barracks leader shouts. "Your test is in one hour, and you still have to get dressed!" "Alright! I'm up! I'm up!" Gohan replies.
As Gohan flies toward the testing area, he wonders how much power he should use. 'Well Nappa was 8,000 (they never got to see him power up as far as he could, Goku came and used his Kaioken before Nappa had a chance.) and Vegeta was 18,000 at his max when they came to earth so I guess I should use around 12,000. That should be enough to be an elite. And as an elite I'll be able to use my own spaceship to go to Namek or Earth and use the Dragon Balls to go home. But... what about my people? Can I really just leave them to die at Frieza's hands?'
Looking around he sees an arena of sorts in the middle of the dessert. Landing at the testing area, his power-level is scanned. "So! 12,786? Pretty strong for an off-worlder, most people born off-planet don't reach their full potential until they've fought here. Anyway, you have the power of an elite so you'll just be fighting them. It'd be useless to send you up against the lower classes. You'd destroy them. Well, there are 20 different elites here. Their power-levels vary between 6,000 and 12,500 at max. You have the choice of taking them all on at once, or you can fight them one on one.
"I'll take them all at once." Gohan says.
The aide looks incredulous. "Are you sure? With your power-level you have no hope of defeating them all. It would be better if you just fought them one on one I think."
"I'm sure." Gohan says.
Shaking his head, the aide looks at Gohan. "Very well. Step into the ring."
Gohan enters the arena and while facing the king puts his fist to his chest in salute. The trainer tells the elites to enter. They smirk believing this to be an easy victory. As Gohan rises into the air, they form a circle on the ground. In synchronization they fire powerful ki blasts at him. Gohan simply uses a wave of energy to reflect them back at 10x their original strength. Each of the elites is knocked unconscious from their own blasts, (Note a ki blast is when I mean a small ball of ki. A beam would be like a kamehameha or a final flash.)
There is the sound of a single person clapping (a sarcastic type of clapping, slow with long spaces in between). Looking around the king is walking towards Gohan. "Impressive, but how will you fare against me? I've seen that trick before and won't be defeated so easily. And unlike the elites, I treat every battle as if it was against an opponent far more powerful than myself, so don't think I'll underestimate you. Be prepared, I have a power-level of 15,723." The king says.""But before we fight, it's time for a lunch break while the elites heal. Medic! Get them up and tell them I said to go to train. I don't want them out for at least 2 weeks! If they were defeated by such a simple technique then they need to go back to the basics.
"At once sire!"
2 hours later...
"Now that the men are healed they can watch our fight. They might actually learn something." King Vegeta says. "I warn you I won't hold back!"
"Of course sire." Gohan replies.
The fight starts with Gohan going in for a kick to the head. Vegeta dodges and punches Gohan in the gut. Gohan takes the blow and fakes a kick to the side only to sweep Vegeta's legs from under him and elbow him in the back. Vegeta quickly recovers, kicking Gohan in the face and flying high into the sky and sends hundreds of beams at Gohan. Gohan raises a ki shield and flies upward moving the shield in front of him as he goes. Getting right in front of the king, instead of lowering the shield and attacking, he does something completely unexpected. He pushes the shield forward and slams it into the king before grabbing his ankle and slamming him into the ground.
"Well done boy but now it ends!" the king shouts from his new position in the ground. Firing a Gallic Gun attack at Gohan at full power, Gohan is forced to power up some more. Powering up to 20,000 he fires a kamehameha at the king knocking him unconscious. Everyone in the stadium is wide-eyed with shock. Gohan is now the strongest Saiyan alive! No one has ever defeated the king before. After a short while the king awakens. He and Gohan head to the palace. Once there Vegeta leads Gohan to his private rooms. On the way they pass the Hall of History. It contains several ancient weapons from times before Saiyans could use ki. The weapons of several Saiyan kings and heroes are held there. They have since been infused with ki to strengthen them against the passage of time. Slaves that can use ki infuse ki into the weapons daily, keeping them in prime condition.
Vegeta turns to Gohan upon entering his private quarters. "Listen Gohan, I'm not sure why I do but I trust you. Maybe it's because if you wanted to kill me to claim the throne you could, or maybe it's just something about you. Either way it doesn't matter. There is a position among Saiyans reserved only for the strongest and most trusted. You will fill that position. I have decided to make you a freelance. Unlike the other classes among Saiyan warriors, freelances have no set work schedule. They fill their time doing whatever they think they need to do. The only person they have to answer to is me. From now on whenever you need anything use the scanner to scan you fingerprints and it will be charged to the royal account. You will have a lab of scientists handpicked by me at your disposal. You also have your own private rooms here in the palace. And there is a training room reserved only for freelances and whoever they choose to bring in."
Looking Gohan in the eye, Vegeta speaks carefully making sure he has Gohan's full attention. "I'm going to be frank with you Gohan. There are currently no freelances other than yourself. With Frieza tying to get us to be his mercenaries, I'm not sure who I can trust and who I can't. Much as I hate to admit it, Frieza is much to powerful for us to handle and yet I don't intend to make slaves of our race. I have scanned his power-level once before. My scouter exploded seconds after scanning him, but not before it went to at least 56,000. The problem is the scanner wasn't even finished yet! Frieza will definitely destroy us if I refuse and there is no way we have a chance of defeating Frieza without a full moon and even then without knowing his power-level we still can't be sure of victory. I don't have the time to personally train anyone. Our only hope is for you to train several people and for them to train others. If you can get enough people strong enough in a short time, we might have a chance."
"I understand sire." Gohan says. "In fact I think I already know who I'm going to train. The Saiyan that found me, Bardock I believe his name was. He seemed like he had potential."
AN: I wanted to type up more but I don't have time. There wouldn't be a good place to stop for quite awhile so the best place is here. There should be an update within the week. ~Luna
'thoughts' "talking" ~Bond~ /telepathy/
The Cell Games
"Noooo...!" screamed Gohan as he watched his father teleport away with Cell. As Goku disappeared Gohan fell to his knees. Why? Why did I have to torture him?? Why didn't I just kill him when I had the chance?
As everyone moves toward Gohan to comfort him (except Vegeta of course), Cell reappears. He quickly fires a powerful ki blast, destroying everyone but Gohan. As Gohan watches, his rage once again begins to increase.
He remembers training with Piccolo. He remembers going to Namek with Krillen and Bulma. He remembers playing with his dad before Radditz came, and training with him in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. He then remembers his friends being tortured by the cell juniors. He sees Cell kill everyone, and finally he sees the image of his father, teleporting away with Cell wearing his famous "Son Grin", yet somehow it is a sad one. Once again, he gets angry, and in so doing powers up. Once again, the dam breaks.
As Cell turns around planning to fire a Kamehameha at Gohan, Gohan launches into Super Saiyan 3. His hair lengthens to around his knees, and his eyebrows disappear. Cell is shocked at the transformation, and senses that Gohan's new power is far beyond his own even with the power boost he received after surviving his self-destruction. Filled with rage so great that it cannot be comprehended, Gohan fires a huge kamehameha wave at Cell. The kamehameha itself is over half a mile wide. When it touches Cell he completely disintegrates. Not one atom, let alone a complete cell remains for him to regenerate from.
But something is wrong. Gohan, lost in his rage, does not realize that he has already destroyed Cell. He continues to pump more and more power into the beam. The sky itself begins to tear apart (think to the Buu saga when Super Buu got angry when fighting Vegitto). As the tears increase Gohan still continues to power the beam. One of the tears opens in the ground under him, and Gohan falls in, lost forever. Weak from the blast, he falls completely out of Super Saiyan, his hair and eyes returning to black.
Unknown Location
As Gohan wakes up, he realizes that he is in a strange place. Extending his senses, he knows he is not on earth for two reasons. One: He cannot sense his mother, Dende or Piccolo, and Two: every person on the planet has a power-level of at least 500. Tired and weak, Gohan makes his way to the city. As he reaches sight of the city gates, he passes out.
The South Gate
"Huh? What was that? My scouter just blipped. Think it just an animal?" says a gate guard.
"I don't know. Think we should check it out?" the other says.
"We'd better, the king will have our hides if it's an enemy and he gets into the city. I'll go. You stay here and guard the gate in case it gets past me."
"Fine, but if it is an enemy, be sure not to kill it. I hear the king wants any of them we can find. I guess he's trying to get information."
"I suppose. Be right back."
The guard only has to go a short distance before he sees Gohan, passed out, and blood covering his body. "Don't know who this is, but I better get him into a regen tank. Can't exactly get information from him if he dies." He slings him over his shoulder and carries him to the gate.
"Who in the hell is that?"
"Don't know. I found him like this a few feet over that way." He presses Gohan's thumb onto a panel. "He's not registered either. Send a unit out to see if they can find a ship or something. He had to get here somehow. I'm gonna take him to a regen tank. Can't get any answers outta him if he's dead. The guard then heads over to the nearest recovery station.
"I need a regen tank now!" He snaps at an aide. "Yes Commander Bardock!" the aid replies. As he watches the tank fill he thinks to himself 'I wonder what your story is...'
2 hours later...
*Beep, beep, beep.* *Boom!* 'Where am I? And how did I get in a regen tank?' "Take him to the king!" the guard says. 'What!? They're speaking Saiya-go!' (Gohan learned the Saiyan language and customs from Vegeta during the time they weren't training when they were in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber together.) "Yes sir!"
In the throne room...
The king looks at Gohan for a while before speaking. "Who are you and how did you get to Vegeta-sei? There were no ships in your vicinity, you're obviously Saiyan, (Gohan's tail grew back in the regen tank since his wasn't permanently removed by Kami's magic like Goku.) and Bardock saw that you were not registered in our databanks when he brought you in. Explain yourself immediately!"
"Sire." Gohan says. "I as you say, am Saiyan. My name is Gohan and I was born off world and raised on another planet by aliens. They didn't know that I was a Saiyan until my tail grew back. I hijacked a ship and landed here. When I got off they regained control of the ship and took off. I was hit by the blast from the ship and that's what weakened me. I wasn't in battle mode (the Saiyan term for powered up) and it hit me in the back. I didn't think that they'd regain consciousness so fast.
"I see. You must be registered and you class determined. Normally you would have had your class determined at birth, but since you were born off world... Therefore you will fight members of each class so we can determine yours. You have today to prepare. The test begins at dawn. Go."
Gohan is led to the registration office by an aide and gives his name, fingerprints, footprints, voice scan retina scan, and DNA scan. He it told by the aide that he is only allowed to stay in one of the third class barracks' until his class is determined. He announces his presence to the barracks leader, and then goes to his room. 'Well I'm either in the past, a different dimension, or both. Somehow I have to find out which. Until then I guess I'll just rest 'til tomorrow.'
The Next Morning...
"Hurry up boy!" the barracks leader shouts. "Your test is in one hour, and you still have to get dressed!" "Alright! I'm up! I'm up!" Gohan replies.
As Gohan flies toward the testing area, he wonders how much power he should use. 'Well Nappa was 8,000 (they never got to see him power up as far as he could, Goku came and used his Kaioken before Nappa had a chance.) and Vegeta was 18,000 at his max when they came to earth so I guess I should use around 12,000. That should be enough to be an elite. And as an elite I'll be able to use my own spaceship to go to Namek or Earth and use the Dragon Balls to go home. But... what about my people? Can I really just leave them to die at Frieza's hands?'
Looking around he sees an arena of sorts in the middle of the dessert. Landing at the testing area, his power-level is scanned. "So! 12,786? Pretty strong for an off-worlder, most people born off-planet don't reach their full potential until they've fought here. Anyway, you have the power of an elite so you'll just be fighting them. It'd be useless to send you up against the lower classes. You'd destroy them. Well, there are 20 different elites here. Their power-levels vary between 6,000 and 12,500 at max. You have the choice of taking them all on at once, or you can fight them one on one.
"I'll take them all at once." Gohan says.
The aide looks incredulous. "Are you sure? With your power-level you have no hope of defeating them all. It would be better if you just fought them one on one I think."
"I'm sure." Gohan says.
Shaking his head, the aide looks at Gohan. "Very well. Step into the ring."
Gohan enters the arena and while facing the king puts his fist to his chest in salute. The trainer tells the elites to enter. They smirk believing this to be an easy victory. As Gohan rises into the air, they form a circle on the ground. In synchronization they fire powerful ki blasts at him. Gohan simply uses a wave of energy to reflect them back at 10x their original strength. Each of the elites is knocked unconscious from their own blasts, (Note a ki blast is when I mean a small ball of ki. A beam would be like a kamehameha or a final flash.)
There is the sound of a single person clapping (a sarcastic type of clapping, slow with long spaces in between). Looking around the king is walking towards Gohan. "Impressive, but how will you fare against me? I've seen that trick before and won't be defeated so easily. And unlike the elites, I treat every battle as if it was against an opponent far more powerful than myself, so don't think I'll underestimate you. Be prepared, I have a power-level of 15,723." The king says.""But before we fight, it's time for a lunch break while the elites heal. Medic! Get them up and tell them I said to go to train. I don't want them out for at least 2 weeks! If they were defeated by such a simple technique then they need to go back to the basics.
"At once sire!"
2 hours later...
"Now that the men are healed they can watch our fight. They might actually learn something." King Vegeta says. "I warn you I won't hold back!"
"Of course sire." Gohan replies.
The fight starts with Gohan going in for a kick to the head. Vegeta dodges and punches Gohan in the gut. Gohan takes the blow and fakes a kick to the side only to sweep Vegeta's legs from under him and elbow him in the back. Vegeta quickly recovers, kicking Gohan in the face and flying high into the sky and sends hundreds of beams at Gohan. Gohan raises a ki shield and flies upward moving the shield in front of him as he goes. Getting right in front of the king, instead of lowering the shield and attacking, he does something completely unexpected. He pushes the shield forward and slams it into the king before grabbing his ankle and slamming him into the ground.
"Well done boy but now it ends!" the king shouts from his new position in the ground. Firing a Gallic Gun attack at Gohan at full power, Gohan is forced to power up some more. Powering up to 20,000 he fires a kamehameha at the king knocking him unconscious. Everyone in the stadium is wide-eyed with shock. Gohan is now the strongest Saiyan alive! No one has ever defeated the king before. After a short while the king awakens. He and Gohan head to the palace. Once there Vegeta leads Gohan to his private rooms. On the way they pass the Hall of History. It contains several ancient weapons from times before Saiyans could use ki. The weapons of several Saiyan kings and heroes are held there. They have since been infused with ki to strengthen them against the passage of time. Slaves that can use ki infuse ki into the weapons daily, keeping them in prime condition.
Vegeta turns to Gohan upon entering his private quarters. "Listen Gohan, I'm not sure why I do but I trust you. Maybe it's because if you wanted to kill me to claim the throne you could, or maybe it's just something about you. Either way it doesn't matter. There is a position among Saiyans reserved only for the strongest and most trusted. You will fill that position. I have decided to make you a freelance. Unlike the other classes among Saiyan warriors, freelances have no set work schedule. They fill their time doing whatever they think they need to do. The only person they have to answer to is me. From now on whenever you need anything use the scanner to scan you fingerprints and it will be charged to the royal account. You will have a lab of scientists handpicked by me at your disposal. You also have your own private rooms here in the palace. And there is a training room reserved only for freelances and whoever they choose to bring in."
Looking Gohan in the eye, Vegeta speaks carefully making sure he has Gohan's full attention. "I'm going to be frank with you Gohan. There are currently no freelances other than yourself. With Frieza tying to get us to be his mercenaries, I'm not sure who I can trust and who I can't. Much as I hate to admit it, Frieza is much to powerful for us to handle and yet I don't intend to make slaves of our race. I have scanned his power-level once before. My scouter exploded seconds after scanning him, but not before it went to at least 56,000. The problem is the scanner wasn't even finished yet! Frieza will definitely destroy us if I refuse and there is no way we have a chance of defeating Frieza without a full moon and even then without knowing his power-level we still can't be sure of victory. I don't have the time to personally train anyone. Our only hope is for you to train several people and for them to train others. If you can get enough people strong enough in a short time, we might have a chance."
"I understand sire." Gohan says. "In fact I think I already know who I'm going to train. The Saiyan that found me, Bardock I believe his name was. He seemed like he had potential."
AN: I wanted to type up more but I don't have time. There wouldn't be a good place to stop for quite awhile so the best place is here. There should be an update within the week. ~Luna