Chapter 1 Setting off

''Please, mum, I...I don't want to go.'' Emma pleaded. Mrs Malfoy sighed as she studied her daughter. ''We have already discussed this, you must go. You must learn how to use and control your magic.'', She said. ''Now, are all your things ready?'' Emma answered glumly, '' the house elves took it all down stairs.''. Her mother placed a hand on her shoulder and kissed her daughters forehead. ''I'll see you downstairs, OK?'' With that, Mrs Malfoy swept out of the bedroom, leaving Emma alone.

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Emma entered the dining room to find her parents and her brother already having breakfast. Her fathers face was hidden behind a copy of the daily prophet, a cup of coffee in his hand. Draco, Emma's thirteen year old brother seemed to have been in deep thought before noticing his sister's presence. Emma sat down next to him and a bowl of cereal appeared in front of her. Draco looked at Emma with cold, grey eyes. His white blond hair was neatly combed back and his mouth had curled into a sneer, he was much like his father. ''Morning Emenem,'' He said. Though his voice was cold, Emma knew he meant well. ''Morning Draco,'' Emma said. Her mother smiled warmly while her father merely nodded. 'GIT' Emma thought. ''Looking forward to Hogwarts?'' Draco asked. Emma shook her head sadly, and then stared at her brother wide- eyed. She was sure she saw what looked like sympathy in his eyes. Suddenly, Mr Malfoy rose from his seat. ''Time you should be leaving,'' He muttered. '' I'll see you out.''

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''I'll miss you mum, dad.'' Emma said, as her and Draco's trunks were carried towards the limo by the house elves. Emma hugged her mother, not wanting to let go. She had never been away from her mother more than a day in her entire life and now she going to Hogwarts for nearly a year. Her father only shook his daughters hand; OK maybe Emma wouldn't miss him. Draco stepped forward. He shook his father's hand and hugged his mother. Mrs Malfoy took Draco aside and looked right into his eyes, and said, ''Make sure you get yourself and Emma on the train alright, OK?'' Draco rolled his eyes. ''Yes, I will make sure myself and Emma get on the train.'' He said as if he had been asked if he had cleaned his room. Mrs Malfoy replied sternly, ''Draco, I am serious! You're the older brother and your sibling is extremely nervous about Hogwarts, and your father and I will not be there for her to come to. You have much more responsibility now. Promise me you will take care of her no matter what.'' Draco paused to study his mothers pleading face. ''Fine, I promise.'' He said.

AN: Sorry it's short, I'll try to make my next chapter longer, please review!