~~Fake and all the characters belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh. I'm just gonna borrow them for a bit! I'll return them...*Smiles sweetly and walks to Van, where it's moving suspiciously and the side door pops open with Dee all tied up, trying to escape with Ryo. I push him back in and just wink at them both as I drive away laughing.*~~

Insatiable Heart

The Little Scheme

"Do you really want to do this?" A light hesitant voice whispered.

"Hell ya! Oops, uh, yea and all you have to do is distract him while I work my magic. It'll be just fine." The oh-so-sure voice said.

"If I get in trouble for this Bik-"

"Shhhhh! He's coming! I hear big mouth!" The two figures sat huddled behind the couch while keys jingled behind the door.

"Bikky! I really think I should do this and you do the talking. I know more than you do." Bikky turned to look at the blonde girl.

"Damn it, Cal! They're here! Shut up and just follow the plan and get the jerk's stuff before he notices. I want to do it because I screw around with him all the time." He turned back around to hear nothing at the door. "Now just get ready, he'll put his co..."

"Ohhh, this is soooo exciting! When are they coming, Bikky? Are they here yet?" A high girly like voice said behind Bikky.

"Cal! They're-" Bikky turned around to be face to face with his prey and jumped back, falling on his bottom. "Ack! Dee!" He quickly looked over to see Cal smiling sheepishly at him as Dee was crouched, leaning forward on one hand while holding his work jacket over his shoulder. Carol noticed that his jacket was right in front of her so she quickly slid her hand inside to grab his wallet and stuffed it under her shirt.

Bikky knew that she pulled it off perfectly and frowned at Dee.

"Don't get to close, perv! Ya didn't have to do that." He crossed his arms and looked away.

"Aww, and just when they were going to walk in. I wanted in on the action!" The fake pout turned into a full grin as he stood, putting his hand on Cal's hair and ruffling it.

"DEE! That's my hair!" She sniffed and tried to fix it back up.

"Hey, it still looks good all messed up like that." She pouted and ran towards the bathroom saying something about how hard it is to do her hair.

"Ya big jerk! You made her upset! I'm gonna tell Ryo on you and he's gonna kick you out!" Dee grinned and tossed his jacket over the back of the couch and took a step forward.

"You think you're gonna live to see another day brat?" Bikky grinned and stood up, stretching his hands behind his back.

"Oh, you think an old fart like you would be able to catch me." Dee lunged for the young blond and Bikky darted to his side but got caught by his shirt and pulled into a headlock.

"Well, would you look at this. The rug rat is caught and here I thought you'd put up more of a fight!"

"Shove it, moron! Lemme go!" Dee started laughing when Ryo came out of the bedroom to see the two of them at it again.

"Dee, Bikky! We have to get dinner started. Are you going to help or continue acting like children?" Ryo huffed and marched into the kitchen where both set of eyes followed until he disappeared.

Bikky managed to squirm out of Dee's grasp and he turned around smirking.

"Ok, loser. So you plannin' that vacation to try in get Ryo all to yourself, huh? You think I don't know you're perverted ways but I'm way ahead of ya. Ryo's worried about me being here alone and thinks that it's gonna be a bother for me to stay at-" Dee's eyes widened at where this was going.

He had planned another vacation for the two of them. They've been working hard and it was time for some good r&r. It was tough to get Rose to let them be off at the same time. The man was probably thinking about crashing their little getaway too so Dee won't get with Ryo. Oh how that Rose made him angry but most of all the little...

"Look you little snot! You're not going to ruin this vacation for us. It's just Ryo and I. Not you, not Carol, not that dumbass Rose either! Last time you surprised us and it's not gonna happen again, you got that?" Dee held a fist tight as the little blond was just looking away from him with his hands behind his head.

"Ryo! I don't think Lai's gonna let me stay at his pla-" Dee grabbed Bikky and hoisted the boy onto his shoulder and ran to the boy's room and tossed him on the bed.

"Come on Bikky! Please let me have this time with Ryo! Please I'm beggin ya. Damn it, last time I gave you 100 bucks and you still came! That wasn't fair on your part!" Bikky smirked.

"That wasn't enough man. How you expect a growin' kid to live off of such little money?" Dee growled and Bikky just stared right back.

"What the hell will it take to make you stay here?!"

"Dee! Can you please help me for a moment?" Ryo's voice came from the kitchen. Green eyes glared down at the smirking boy and turned around. After he left, Carol came into the room, closing the door and pulled out a black wallet.

"And you didn't want to do it my way." Bikky motioned her over and she handed him the wallet. "Didn't Ryo mention that he was thinking of taking you with?" Bikky nodded and searched around for Dee's credit card . . . hmm, the platinum card sounds good, he thought. Bikky took it out and stuffed it in his book bag.

"Yeah, but you gotta come with. Just wouldn't be the same with out you to help me get Dee offa Ryo's back, Cal." Bikky smiled at her and she looked away.

"What happens if I'm rooting for Dee?" She glanced at him for a second, seeing the glare come to his face. "It was just a question! Jeeze, I'll help ya out, okay?"


AN: Please let me know what you think even if it's just two little words. Thanks for reading and I hope you like it. Next chapter will be up soon!