Hey everyone! New story! Enjoy!

Yusuke: Mandy does not own YYH so don't sue...yeah... But if Yoshihiro Togashi would kindly hand it over, I wouldn't mind at all!

Botan: On with the Ficcie!


Chapter 1:Away

Singing (a/n)

((Begin ze Chippie))

I cannot find a way to describe it

It's there inside

All I do is hide

I wish that it would just go away

What would you do

You do if you knew

What would you do

On stage at the concert were three girls. The four together, formed the band called Spirit. The one with light blue hair and wearing a white no-sleeve shirt and white jeans, in the middle of the girls sang the opening to their new and anxiously awaited song.

All the pain

I thought I knew

All the thoughts lead back to you

Back to what

Was never said

Back and forth

Inside my head

I can't handle this confusion

I'm unable come and take me away

The trio sang together now, voices meshing together perfectly.

I feel like I am all alone

All by myself I need to get around this

My words are cold

I don't want them to hurt you

If I show you

I don't think you'd understand

'Cause no one understands

Sang the other girl on her left. She was tall and had light brown, long hair and also light brown eyes. She wore the same outfit but in red.

All the pain

I thought I knew

All the thoughts lead back to you

Back to what

Was never said

Back and forth

Inside my head

I can't handle this confusion

I'm unable come and take me away

The three sang in sync again. It amazed their fans how much feeling came out from their voices. So... hurt.

I'm going nowhere on and on and

I'm getting nowhere on and on and on

I'm going nowhere on and on and off and on and off and on

Sang the girl on the left. She also had brown hair, but it was darker and shorter. She had deep chestnut brown eyes, and also wore the same outfit but in blue.

All the pain

I thought I knew

All the thoughts lead back to you

Back to what

Was never said

Back and forth

Inside my head

I can't handle this confusion

I'm unable come and take me away

Take me away

Break me away

Take me away

All three girls finished together. That was the last song of the concert. The crowd was going wild since that was the first time they've sang that song. The girls walked off stage waving gently and smiling sheepishly. They went to get to their limo before their fans could trample them.

Unfortunately, they had no such luck. Bodyguards were holding back crazy fans. They quickly raced to the limo, got in, and slammed the door.

"Whew," The three breathed out and saw their manager.

"Hey Yukina," The light brown haired one said curtly and went to looking out the window at all their freaky fans.

"Hello Shizuru," Yukina said as she smiled lightly smiled at her.

"You guys did wonderful on the new song, the crowd went wild!" Yukina told them gleefully.

"Yeah, we noticed. What a crazy bunch of people!" The girl with a darker shade of brown exclaimed.

"Yeah Keiko, I know, they're really scary. Look at the with the poster asking you to marry them!" Shizuru replied with a grimace. Keiko blushed and looked down at her hands in her lap.

"Bingo!" The bluette said and also grimaced at the people fighting with body guards.

"Hey Botan, great job on the opening," Yukina told her pointedly.

"Why thank you Yukina. I'm so glad, this concert came out really good!"

"Yeah," Keiko said and smiled, finally looking up from her lap.

"I say we go celebrate at the hotel!" Botan exclaimed to the other three girls and waved her hands in the air.

"Sounds good to me," Shizuru responded and looked at the other two, to see if it was ok.

"Alright, that seems fun," Yukina said and started thinking of different foods to get from room service.

"Yes, I would like that," Keiko agreed and they went to their hotel to have some fun.

((At the Hotel))

The girls had eaten all the ice cream there was to eat. They had all the snacks too (chips, pretzels, Doritos, etc.). Now, they were all sitting together on the couch watching a movie. They were yelled at by the manager for blasting the music too loud, so they ordered Legally Blonde. (Don't own that)

When the movie was over, they decided to just watch some TV and then go to bed after.

Something on TV got Botan thinking about how much her and the girls had changed since they ran away to America.

Botan had gotten her hair layered. Keiko's hair had grown to her shoulders. Shizuru hadn't really changed too much. Yukina had her hair cut. Now it was at her shoulders, and she likes to keep her hair down. All of the girls had become quieter. Tonight was the most fun they had in a while. They had become so busy lately!

Botan, Shizuru, and Keiko had formed a band called Spirit. Yukina was too timid to sing out on stage so she became the manager. Botan sometimes cried herself to sleep, as did the others, but not as much. They tried to hide it, it didn't work well, but they decided not to bring it up.

Nobody stayed in contact with the guys or Koenma, or even Genkai. They just disappeared. They hadn't told anyone they were leaving. And the four planned to keep it that way. (Not for long girls!)

Botan started to think about why they left in the first place (you'll find out later), and tears silently went down her cheeks. The girls were so lonely. They only had each other. They couldn't trust anyone else, because they could be trying to take their money or they were demons.

They hadn't come across many demons in America, but surprisingly they had found some. It was so much less dangerous here in America than over in Japan that it surprised Botan.

She still had her oar and flew around sometimes, it reminded her of when she was a ferry girl and of Japan. They missed their old homes so much.

Shizuru looked over and saw Botan crying silently. Her heart wretched at the sight. Since when had they all become so... lonely?

"Hey Botan what's wrong?" She asked worriedly. Yukina and Keiko looked over and also asked if she was ok.

"G-Guys, I miss Japan! I miss the guys! I miss being a Ferry Girl! I miss Rekai! I-I just miss it all so much. Our...old life," Botan started sobbing hysterically and it scared the other three girls. No matter what, Botan never cried in front of anybody.

"I know, we all do, but...we can't go back Botan. We just can't." Keiko told her sorrowfully.

"I know. I just wish things were the way they were before!" She told them. Yukina started crying soon after. How did it come to this?!

"There's no use going back, for all we know they could be dead." Shizuru said bluntly and got up off the couch..

"How can you say that?!" Keiko shouted at her angrily.

"It's the truth is how. We could go back, but to find that they are dead would kill me. You know, what if they don't even want us back? Or moved on?! Tell me, what would we do then! They could have kids for all we know! We'd be crushed! I couldn't handle that..." Shizuru whispered the last part.

"She's right Keiko, we can never go back." Botan rasped out sadly.

Yukina had started to calm down. She finally said, "But, I need to know if they moved on! I miss Japan too. I w-want to go back."

"How could we do that?" Keiko asked eagerly, fully agreeing with Yukina.

"Bingo!" Botan jumped off the couch with an idea.

"What is it?" Yukina asked.

"We could do a concert, or even a tour there!" Botan exclaimed proudly and excitedly.

"That's a great idea! I could call tomorrow and plan one!" Yukina grinned and grabbed her soda to take a sip.

"I don't know about this, guys. They might not want us back...if they're even alive for that matter. And I don't know if I could face them yet." Shizuru said warily.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, but we could always come back and try to get on with our lives if they reject us. We would still have our band and each other... and if that's what it comes too, that's all we'll need," Keiko replied determinedly.

"...alright, I'll do it." Shizuru said unsurely.

"Yay! To Japan we go!" Botan squealed happily.

((In Japan))

Yusuke, Hiei, Kurama, Touya, and Kuwabara were gathered at the temple.

(Yes Touya, he was with Yukina and Kuwabara is with an oc but he still misses Shizuru.)

Hiei had become more distant since Yukina and his ex-koiboto left. The only time the guys really saw him was on missions. It was a surprise that he even came today, just to hang out. Yusuke and Kuwabara were still themselves, just a little more angrier at the world. Kurama was a little sulky. Touya, well he basically acted the same, but you could see the broken glint in his eyes if you looked close enough.

Eventually they had gotten girlfriends to get over the girls. They were great and all, but they never compared. They still kept their new girlfriends though, to try and forget.

They would come to the temple later on. Right now, the guys were all talking about what's going on since the last mission Koenma gave them (about a month ago). Nothing much changed. They all decided they would go out together with their girlfriends and do something special. Just then, their new girls burst through the door.


Yukina had called in the morning, and they booked a few concerts in Japan. Then, she called the airport to get tickets for a plane. They would leave the next day for Japan.

"Okay, this is it. We're going home," Keiko said nervously and glance at her three best friends. Botan had gotten butterflies in her stomach as did all the others.

They packed hastily. They figured they wouldn't get much sleep so they did their own thing. Yukina was planning and scribbling things in the band's schedule. Shizuru and Keiko practiced some songs. Botan finished her new song and just sat at the window staring into nothing. It reminded her of her old koi and it gave her comfort.

((The Guys))

"HELLO!!" Their new girlfriends yelled as they came through the door.

"Hey girls. What's got you so perky?" Yusuke asked and gave Amani a big bear hug.

"Weeeeellll, our favorite band is doing a concert here! Could you guys pretty puh-weez take us?" Kurama's girlfriend Mya gave the puppy dog face.

(Tell me you all saw this coming, ne?)

"Sure, I guess, I mean we were planning to do something with you anyway," Touya told them.

"ALRIGHT! WE GET TO GO TO THE SPIRIT CONCERT!YAY!" They all jumped up and down and screamed at the top of their lungs.

"Thank you!" Touya's girl, Sae said.

"Welcome." Touya said and put an arm around her waist.

"So who is this baka 'Spirit' anyway?" Hiei asked.

"First of all, they're not stupid! Second of all I'm sure you've heard of them right?" Amani asked.

"Nope," Yusuke answered, speaking for all of the boys.

"Really? Oh, well lets listen to my CD!" Mya said and turned on the radio, she started dancing and jumping around, as did all the other giddy girls.

Let's go back

Back to the beginning

Back to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned

'Cuz perfect

Didn't feel so perfect

Tryin to fit a square into a circle was no life

I defyyyyyyyyyyy

Let the rain fall down and wake my dreams

Let it wash away my sanity

Cuz I wanna feel the thunder I wanna scream

Let the rain fall down, I'm comin clean

I'm comin clean

::They sound so familiar!:: all the guys thought, but couldn't figure out where they've heard those voices before. So they just listened to the radio and the all too familiar voices, pushing themselves to remember.

I'm shedding

Shedding every color

Trying to find a pigment of truth beneath my skin

'Cuz different

Doesn't feel so different

Goin out is always better than staying in

Here wheeennnn

Let the rain fall down and wake my dreams

Let it wash away my sanity

'Cuz I wanna feel the thunder, I wanna scream

Let the rain fall down, I'm comin clean

I'm comin clean

Rain fall down

I'm comin clean

Rain fall down

Rain fall down

Let the rain fall

Let the rain fall, I'm comin

Let the rain fall down and wake my dreams

Let it wash away my sanity

'Cuz I wanna feel the thunder, I wanna scream

Let the rain fall down, I'm comin clean

Let the rain fall down I'm comin clean

I'm comin clean

Let it wash away my sanity

Let the rain fall

Cuz I wanna feel the thunder, I wanna scream

Let the rain fall I'm comin clean

Let the rain fall

Let the rain fall

Let's go back

Back to the beginning

"Wow, they're really good!" Kuwabara shouted and also started dancing with his girlfriend.

"Yeah, duh." Sea said.

"Alright let's go get those tickets!" Yusuke said and marched out the door.

((The plane))

"I'm so nervous!" Yukina said.

"Yeah, me too." Botan agreed.

"Just go to sleep, they'll wake us up when we get there." Shizuru told them and they did as she said.

...::2 Hours Later::...

"We have now arrived in Tokyo, please unbuckle your seatbelts and exit the plane in an orderly fashion. Thank you for flying on U.S. Airways. Good day." The announcer lady said over the mic.

::Here goes.:: Botan thought nervously and got up out of her seat.

The girls exited the plane and got their stuff. Keiko wanted to see her family, so the girls stayed there happily.

Her parents told her Yusuke never came around anymore and the girls got extremely discouraged. So they went to practice their new song.

((End of my chapter))

Alright, I'm gonna end it there. I'm really tired. Hope you liked the chapter. By the way, I don't own the songs Take me away by Avril Lavigne and Come Clean by Hillary Duff.

Kuwa: R&R pleez!

Hiei: Like these ningens would do anything for you baka.

Kuwa: Shut it Shorty! O

Hiei: Baka. (Hits kuwa over the head and kuwa faints)

Yusuke: Ha! What a loser!

Hiei: Now, be the baka ningens I know you can be and review...