For eight long months, Ginny dreamed of the Muses. In particular, she dreamed of what Hetaya had said to her. She thought about it, she fretted, she wondered about other possibilities. All in all, when each morning the sun cast its brilliant warmth on the Earth, Ginny treasured each day with Draco and Willow, believing with all her heart that her days were numbered.

She enjoyed every visit to the park. She loved every dinner, lunch, and breakfast that she spent with her family. She did her best to do everything she had ever wanted.

The family took a trip to Australia early in the pregnancy. While there, she petted a koala, Willow enjoyed the kangaroos, and Draco scuba dived at the Great Barrier Reef.

Draco and Ginny took a trip to Switzerland later in her pregnancy. While there, her cravings for chocolate finally stopped. It was a momentous occasion. It was the first time in two months that Draco was allowed to sleep through the night without a cravings request.

With only a month or so to go in her pregnancy, she begged Draco to build Willow a swing in an old tree down by the family's pond. After it was completed, they would spend most evenings out there watching Willow swing and drinking their evening tea. Some evenings, Ginny focused on Draco. Other nights, she dwelled on Willow. There were other times where she contemplated the sunset or the wind. She did everything in her power to enjoy all that she had while she still could.

It was not a sunny morning when Ginny went into labor. In fact, it was overcast and sinister looking. The grey sky shadowed everything- looking more night than day. After a couple of hours of working through the contractions alone, she finally allowed Draco to call her mother and Madame Pomfrey.

Ginny's contractions were coming closer and closer when the two women burst through the door and told Draco to get out. With a lingering look and mouthed 'I love you,' Draco left the room.

"How are you, dear?" Madame Pomfrey asked as she bent down to have a look at Ginny's progression.

"Probably within an hour or two," Ginny wisely responded.

Madame Pomfrey clucked, "Right you are, dear. Molly, why don't you let the men know that we'll be a couple of hours or so? Thanks."

Molly nodded and headed out of the room.

"Who's here?" Ginny asked as a contraction began and she grunted loudly; her voice sounding overly gruff.

"Professor Snape, Professor Dumbledore, Willow, and Arthur- I think some of your brothers are on their way, too."

"Mmmm," was all Ginny was able to get out due to the contraction.

Molly came back into the room just as Madame Pomfrey took another look at Ginny.

"Well, ladies, we are moving along here. I'd say we're closer than we were. Good thing, right?" she jovially asked Ginny.

Ginny just nodded. All she could think about was Draco and Willow. She started to ask for her mother to go get Draco and Willow when a contraction hit, but it didn't feel normal. She gasped loudly, grunted in extreme pain, and felt consciousness start to leave her. The last thing she heard before all went black was Madame Pomfrey screaming for her mother.

Ginny would regain and lose consciousness many times over the next few hours. Every time she found consciousness again, all she could remember was the intense feeling of panic and pain- more intense than anything else in her life.

She knew that things were not going well and could sometimes hear Madame Pomfrey or her mother speaking urgently; although, it always sounded like they were a million miles away. Moments later, she would once again lose consciousness before she could grasp the entire situation.

Ginny wasn't sure how long she actually waited before opening her eyes. She just knew that she didn't want to be anywhere without her family. She finally allowed her eyes to slightly open and was aghast to see Draco standing over her with a baby in his arms.

"Draco," Ginny mumbled out, but it was enough for him to hear her.

"Ginny! Oh, Ginny! We were so worried! But you are going to be fine! The baby's fine," he quickly got out as he handed the baby to her mother. He placed a hand on her cheek and gently rubbed, "We were so worried."

Ginny couldn't believe it- she was alive!

"What happened?" she mumbled out again.

"Maybe this isn't the best time for this, Draco," Molly said, "She needs to rest up first."

"No," Ginny got out. "I want to know what happened. I should be dead!" she said as she tried to sit up.

"What?" her mother and Draco gasped out.

Ginny sighed and allowed Draco to help her sit up. When she was nestled comfortably, she continued, "When we were with the Muses, Hetaya told me that I'd have to make the ultimate sacrifice for my son."

"You knew it was a boy!" Draco exclaimed. "You thought you were going to die. Merlin's wand, that explains the other, doesn't it?" he said looking to Molly, who nodded sadly.

"Explains what?" Ginny asked.

"Dumbledore," Molly responded.

"Dumbledore," Ginny inquired, "What does he have to do with this?"

Draco sighed and said, "About the same time that you lost consciousness, Dumbledore lost consciousness, too. It was touch and go for you both for awhile. However, once Madame Pomfrey performed a magical cesarean. Well, Dumbledore just faded away."

"Dumbledore is dead?" Ginny gasped.

"Yes, he died at the exact moment that our son took his first breath."

"Oh," Ginny quietly responded. "So…"

"Yes," Molly stepped in here, "It is believed that Dumbledore shared his soul with your child. There was a golden light that encompassed them both and then Dumbledore faded away."

"He saved me!" Ginny exclaimed, "He saved me. Oh! He saved me and the baby to be able to defeat Merlin!" Draco pulled her into his arms and held her as she sobbed herself to sleep.

When she woke again hours later, Draco was letting Willow hold her knew brother while sitting in a rocking chair. He turned to look at Ginny when she slightly moved to watch the people she loved most.

"Hey," he said and sat down beside her on the bed. "Are you feeling better?"

Ginny nodded and continued to watch Willow rocking the baby.

"Think we should give him a name?" Draco asked.

Ginny smiled and nodded, "Got any ideas?"

Willow chimed in, "Brian Draco Malfoy."

Ginny's grin got wider. "I think we have a winner!" she said as she pulled Draco close and hugged him with all that she had.