Luck of the Draw

"Alright, gather 'round! It's time to draw for the winner of the twenty four hour , all expense paid trip for two to Earth!" the demon guard explained to the inhabitants of Hell.

The people did as they were told and gathered by the guard.

"Okay the winner is... Cell!"

"What?!" the members of the Ginyu Force exclaimed in unison.

"Okay Cell, who are you gonna take with you?" the guard asked.

King Kold winked at Cell. "Take me, Cell. If you do I promise I'll make it worth your while."

Cell stepped back from King Kold. " thanks. I think I'll take Frieza."

"What, Fieza?! What does my son have that I don't?!"

"Actually it's what he doesn't have...A CRUSH ON ME!"

Frieza stuck his tongue out at his father.

"Okay here are the rules--"

"There are rules?! What fun is that?!"

The guard ignored Cell and continued. "You have twenty four hours and no killing is allowed!"

"N-no killing? Well I might as well stay in Hell!" Frieza shouted.

King Kold walked over and put his arm around Cell. "Well if Frieza isn't going than that means I can."

"Okay first get the fuck off me, and second Frieza never said that he wasn't going!"

King Kold turned to his son. "Are you going?"

"I guess." Frieza pouted.

"Okay the bus is waiting. The bus will take you to the check in station, where Baba will take you to Earth." the guard led the two to the bus.

Frieza started maniacally laughing on the bus ride to the check in station.

"What's your problem?" Cell questioned.

"I can finally exact my revenge on those pathetic monkeys!"

"And how are you going to do that? We're not allowed to kill, remember?"

Frieza whispered something to Cell.

They both started maniacally laughing for the rest of the bus ride.

Baba was waiting for the two tyrants when they arrived.

From the check in station Baba transported them to a deserted island on the Earth. "I will return in twenty four hours."

"Okay, first thing we gotta do is find that dragonball radar that that big mouth woman I saw on Namek has!"

"I think she's married to Vegeta."

Frieza started laughing again. "What?! She was stupid enough to marry that damn monkey!"

"I think they live in some building called Capsule something."

"Do you know where it is?"

"I think so. I once absorbed some people who were talking about some Bulma girl living at Capsule something."

"Well let's go!"

Cell and Frieza took off into the sky and headed towards The 'Capsule something' building.

After flying around for alittle while the two came across a large building that said 'Capsule Corp'.

"Okay, I think this is it." Cell whispered as they landed behind a few bushes in the Capsule Corp yard.

"How are we suppose to get the dragonball radar without someone seeing us?"

"I don't know."

Frieza and Cell heard something and ducked down.

"Damn woman!" Vegeta yelled as he stomped out of the Capsule Corp and over to his gravity chamber.

"Atleast we know where Vegeta is. Now there's only two other people to worry about,Trunks and that Bulma woman." Cell explained.

"Who's Trunks?"

"Vegeta's kid."

"Vegeta had a kid?! Man has he went soft!" Frieza laughed.

Frieza and Cell went around to the back of Capsule Corp.

"Should we try going through the back door?"

"No! We still don't know where the others are! Think before you speak next time, Frieza!"

"Well then how in the hell are we suppose to get the damn radar?!"

"I have an idea!" Cell flew up in the air. "Follow me!"

Cell lead Frieza to a clothing shop just outside of Satan City.

"Why are we here, Cell?"

"Just follow me!"

The employees of the clothing store screamed at the sight of Frieza and Cell when they entered the store.

"Excuse me, do you have any dresses in his size?" Cell politely asked an employee.

"Y-y-yes." was all the frightened employee could get out. "O-over there."

"What the hell do you mean dresses, Cell?!"

"You'll see."

Cell looked through a few of the dress racks until he finally grabbed a little purple dress. "Try this on!"

"What?! You expect me to wear a dress?!"

"It's the only way we can get the dragon radar!"

"How is me wearing a dress gonna help us get the dragon radar?!"

"Just do it! I'll explain later!"

A few minutes later Frieza emerged from the changing room wearing the purple dress.

Cell pulled a camera out of his tail and took a few pictures of Frieza.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"I just wanted to bring a couple pictures back for the guys in hell to see!" Cell laughed.

"If we go back."

"Okay let's go!"

"I'm still wearing the dress!"


All of the employees were too scared to say anything about Frieza and Cell not paying for the dress.

"This isn't the way back to Capsule Corp, where are we going?"

"You need some stuff to go with your dress!"

"What do you mean 'stuff'?!"

"Oh you'll see."

"'Claires'? What the hell?" Frieza asked as the tyrants landed in front of another store.

The girl working at Claires wasn't scared by the appearence of Cell and Frieza. "Yo, welcome to Claires Accessories! Is there anything I can help you guys with?"

"I don't know. Why are we here, Cell?"

The girl turned to Frieza, who was still wearing the dress. "I think that it is so cool that you can display your homosexuality openly!"

Cell started laughing.

"What?! I'm not gay!"

"Then why are you wearing that dress?"

"Uh...I don't know. Why am I wearing this, Cell?"

The woman looked over at Cell. "So is he like your boyfriend?"

"I'm not gay either!" yelled Cell.

"Well whatever! What can I help you guys with?"

"We need a wig and alot of make up!" Cell explained.

"Okay the wigs are over there, and the make up is over there." the woman pointed.

"Cell looked through the wigs until he found one that he thought would suit Frieza. The wig was blonde and curly.

Next Cell moved on to the make up.

All of the different colours and brands confused Cell. "Man, maybe I should've brought King Kold."

After about ten minutes of looking through the make up Cell just grabbed whatever colours he tought would look best on Frieza.

All together he got green lipstick, blue eye shadow, and pink blush.

"What's the deal with all of the make up?"

"It'll go with your dress."

"What?! First you expect me to wear a dress and now make up?!"

"You want that dragon radar, don't you?"

"Okay, let's just get this over with."

"Hey dudes! You guys like have to pay for that!" the woman yelled to the tyrants as they left the store.

Of course, Frieza and Cell just ignored her.

"What are we going now?!" Frieza asked as the two took off into the sky.

"We gotta find a place where I can do your make up and wig."

"You still haven't told me what your plan is!"

"You find out soon enough!"

They finally landed in a secluded part of Mount Paozu.

"How in the hell do you use this stuff?!" the frusterated Cell demanded.

"Well, the lipstick goes on your lips."

"No shit! I meant the other suff!"

"It's pretty self explainatory. The eye shadow goes of your eyes and the blush goes on your cheeks."

"How do you know so much about make up?"

Frieza blushed. "My father."

After a few dozen tries Cell finally succeeded in putting the make up on Frieza.

"Okay, next up is the wig! That can't be that hard!"

"Why can't you be the one wearing the dress and make up?!"

"I'm green and have wings! Don't you think someone would notice?"

It only took Cell three tries to get the wig properly on Frieza. "Okay, now you're ready!"

"Ready for what, Cell?"

"I'll explain when we get back to Capsule Corp."


Cell and Frieza went back to Capsule Corp and hid behind the same bushes as last time.

"So what's your great idea?"

"You're going to knock on the door and distract Bulma and Trunks while I sneak in and get the dragon radar."

"How in the hell am I suppose to distract them?!"

"You'll think of something, now go!"

Frieza walked over to the door and knocked on it.

An old, bald man answered the door. "Well hello!"

Frieza hesitated for a minute before speaking in his most girlish voice. "Are you Trunks?"

"No, I'm the turtle hermit, Roshi, but you can call me whatever you want!"

Frieza slightly blushed. "Uh...are Bulma and Trunks here?"

"Nope they took a quick trip to Mount Paozu, but you're more than welcome to come in and wait for them." Roshi grabbed Frieza's wrist and pulled him in the house.

Cell couldn't help but laugh at the whole display.

"So, what's your name, beautiful?" Master Roshi asked as he sat on the couch beside Frieza.

" name...I have a's uh...Freeta!"

"Freeta? That's a cute name for a cute girl."

Frieza slid over on the couch, away from Roshi.

"So why did you want to see Bulma and Trunks?"

"Uh...I'm an old friend of the family, and I wanted to borrow something from her."

"Well Vegeta's here, do you want to talk to him?"

"Hell no!" 'Freeta' blurted out.

"What'd you want to borrow? Maybe I can get it for ya...for a small price."

"What do you mean 'small price'?"

"I don't know, maybe a kiss."

"Would Bulma have to know?"

"Nope, I wouldn't tell her!"

"Fine I want the dragonball radar!"

"Okay, I'll get you the dragon radar!" Roshi exclaimed as he ran out of the room.

"Man, what the hell is Frieza doing in there?! Am I suppose to take the radar or not?!" Cell impatiently asked himself.

Master Roshi entered the room 'Freeta' was in with the dragon radar in hand. "Here it is!"

Frieza went to grab the radar from Roshi, but Roshi stopped him. "You don't get it 'til I get my kiss!"

'Freeta' hesitated for a second, then quickly gave him a peck on the cheek. "Now give me the fucking radar!"

"Is there anything else you need me to get you, Freeta?"

"No I gotta go!" Frieza got up and walked towards the door.

Just as he was about to open the door Vegeta entered the house. "Who the hell are you?!"

"Uh...I'm a friend of Bulma!"

"The woman's not here, so get the fuck out before I blast you!"

"What took you so long?!" Cell demanded as Frieza emerged from the house.

"I got the dragon radar."


Frieza shuddered. "I don't wanna talk about it!"

"What was the deal with the old man?"

"I told you I don't want to talk about it!"

"Did you have to fuck him?" Cell asked, beginning to laugh.

"No! Now drop the damn subject and let's start looking for the dragonballs!"

"Okay, let's get going!"

"Wait!" Frieza yelled before Cell could take off.


"I'm not going anywhere until I get this damn dress off!"

Frieza powered up, causing the dress and wig to fly off of him. "Okay, ready Cell?"

The two tyrants took off into the sky and towards the first dragonball.

To Be Continued...

Disclaimer:I do not own DBZ or Claires, so don't sue!

A/N: If you want me to continue with this then review me!