Kagome stayed as close to Inuyasha as she possible could, not wanting to agitate anyone she passed by. As Inuyasha and Kagome walked through a long hall of a very large building they had arrived at a few minutes ago, many stood to the side making path for them to walk through. All eyes were on her and that made her feel more uncomfortable than she already was. Before she knew it she was grabbing on to Inuyasha's arm. Thus making him feel uncomfortable.
"Hey..." Kagome averted her eyes from the ones on her and looked up, "Can you let go already? You're cutting the circulation in my arm."
Kagome let go immediately and stepped back a bit, lowering her gaze towards the ground. "I'm sorry...," she whispered. Inuyasha just sighed, not knowing what he was getting himself into for letting this girl join. She had no real skill in anything from what he can tell, especially after saving her from that man in the alley, so she was of no importance. But he felt a certain attraction, something that made him want to know more about her, so he couldn't resist her request in coming along. Before he could say anything to Kagome to tell her not to be so timid, a voice from down the hall called out to him.
"Here we go...," Inuyasha turned around to see a more than familiar face and shook his head. Kagome noticed Inuyasha's reaction, which made her want to see the cause of it. She looked towards the carrier of the voice and saw a very handsome man approaching. He had short black hair that was tied back in a ponytail and wore a purple shirt with black jeans.
The male walked up to Inuyasha, that somehow triggering everyone around them to return to what they were doing before Inuyasha and Kagome had entered. This struck Kagome as odd, but quickly blew it off since it wasn't important. The young man was about to ask Inuyasha something, until he spotted Kagome right next to him. He couldn't help grinning. Without saying one word to the boy he first approached, he walked passed Inuyasha and over to her, "Hi, I don't believe we've met. I'm Miroku. You are?"
Kagome was taken back a bit with his sudden approach towards her, but shook it off and showed a small smile. "I'm Kagome. Nice to meet you."
"The pleasure's all mine," Miroku said calmly, getting ready for his famous pick up line. "Kagome, what a lovely name. Suits its holder." Kagome felt the need to respond or thank him, but could do neither. "Kagome, don't mind me in being so bold in asking, but would you..."
Before Miroku could get the full question out Inuyasha had pulled him away by his collar, muttering under his breath on how predictable his friend was. Kagome just stood there confused as she watched Inuyasha pull Miroku away, not knowing why he did so.
"Inuyasha! Would you mind explaining why - "
"Not this one, find yourself another girl," Inuyasha interruped Miroku without even turning to look at him. After walking a good 5 feet, Inuyasha finally stopped and let go of Miroku, thus giving Miroku the chance to stand up straight again. He turned to look at Inuyasha puzzled for a moment before the answer struck him.
"Oh, you already have dibbs on her then? Alright, I understand. Good to see you finally are letting yourself da - "
"Not like that you pervert," Inuyasha snapped back. Everyone near them looked their way, wondering what the sudden commosion was about. Inuyasha looked at a few people before speaking up, "What? Get back to what you were all doing." All followed the order and continued on with their tasks, acting as though nothing had caught their attention. Inuyasha looked back at Miroku, "I didn't mean like that you idiot. She's not one of your 24 hour girlfriends."
"I see, she's a new member," asked Miroku curiously now. Inuyasha shared everything with Miroku, or so Miroku believed, and if he wasn't told now he surely would find out later. They both had basically grown up with one another and knew each other pretty well, from the darkest of secrets to the funniest of moments. Inuyasha just nodded to his question. "What can she do exactly then?"
Inuyasha was caught there, he knew she couldn't do much of anything. He thought to himself that same thing already a few minutes ago. "Not much, but she seems like she needed somewhere to be."
"It's not like you to be nice Inuyasha."
"Who says I'm not nice!"
"Ask anyone here," Miroku said as he pointed to a random person. The person being pointed to overheard the statement, only nodding to agree. Inuyasha glared at the man and the man immediately began walking away, not wanting to aggrevate his leader any longer.
"Well if you feel it's good she's here," Miroku said as Inuyasha still kept his gaze on the man now quickening his pace to be out of Inuyasha's sights, "Then all we can do is welcome her." Inuyasha looked back at Miroku, "But that still doesn't mean I can't befriend her correct?"
Inuyasha just sighed, not knowing what would become of Miroku in the near future. "Yeah fine. Whatever.." Miroku nodded and smiled, hinting to perverse thoughts he was already conjuring up. However the warning glare Inuyasha shot him made him want to think of them elsewhere. Miroku walked off towards another part of the building. Once Miroku was out of his sights, Inuyasha walked back to Kagome.
"What was that about," Kagome asked as he approached her. She had seen everything that went on from where she was standing, though she was unable to hear their conversation. She was one to be nosey, so it was expected for her to ask if you knew her ways. Sadly no one did, not even Kouga. 'Why does he always appear somehow in my thoughts,' Kagome thought as she cringed at the name of the one who has been beating her for almost 4 years now.
"Don't worry about it, it doesn't concern you." That was a lie, but she didn't have to know what they were talking about. "Now about your room situation - "
Inuyasha turned around and groaned, "What now?"
"Sango," Kagome screamed back as she was approached by the same girl from school. Sango smiled as she walked passed Inuyasha, ignoring his very existence for the time being.
"I didn't think you'd be here. You said you had to go home early for some reason."
"Oh yeah, about that," Kagome responded nervously, "Me and the friends I lived with got into an argument so I couldn't live there anymore. I remembered you asked me to come by if I needed or wanted to, so here I am." Inuyasha cleared his throat once Kagome finished her little explanation, catching Sango's attention (Which was intended to do just that).
"Oh, sorry Inuyasha," replied Sango as she turned around to see Inuyasha basically hovering over her. She took a step to the left to give herself some personal space between herself and Inuyasha. "I can understand that Kagome, but what about you walking in with Inuyasha? Someone that saw you two enter together came to tell me so I wanted to check for myself."
"Well that - "
"Why would someone come tell you about me coming in with this girl," Inuyasha asked a bit angrily, interrupting Kagome.
"Well it's been a while since the last time you - " Sango stopped abruptly upon noticing Inuyasha's glare, which was advising her to stop for her sake. "You asked." Inuyasha kept the same expression on his features as he walked pass the two girls, not saying one more word. Kagome stood there, wondering what just happened. Kagome was about to address Inuyasha as he walked off, but Sango spoke up before her own words escaped her mouth, "Don't ask. You might get kicked out."
"Uh, okay...," was all Kagome could said. Inuyasha was now in another room of the large building, Kagome not being able to see him anymore. There was an awkward silence that emerged from this that lingered for a couple of minutes before anyone dared to speak up again.
"Sorry about that," Sango replied, "But you should start getting used to that attitude of his starting now. He won't change for anyone." Kagome looked at Sango and nodded, being sure to keep that in mind. "So, now that you're here, let's take you to your new room."
:Next Morning: Kagome sat up fromher bed, rubbing her eyes to see clearly. Sango had offered Kagome her room forher to stay in, that being because there'd be a large conflict otherwise. Not much free space around the building lately.It benefited Sango either way,she's beenwanting a room mate for a while, but couldn't trust anyone enough to share her room with. Kagome seemed like someone she could place her trust on, so she happily accepted her in.
Sango's room was big, two beds at seperate corners of the room. The walls were painted a shade of pink. Somewhere in the room were a few drawers as well as a desk with a laptop and printer, showing signs of not much use. A closet was next to Sango's side of the room, slightly open. Next to Kagome's bed was the door leading the room's bathroom. Sango had made sure there was one provided for her alone. Living with over 20 or more people and having to share a bathroom with each of them was not something she wanted to go through.
She was one of the lucky few to be granted her own bathroom, thus Kagome being fortunate as well to be living with her. Other than Sango, Inuyasha and Miroku were the ones to have their own room with a private restroom. The reason behind that privilege was simple, she's been in the gang even before it was created,she's been Inuyasha and Miroku's close friend for quite some time.
Kagome moved her legs to the side of the bed, taking the covers off her in the process. She was dressed in Sango's pajamas, thankfully Sango having an extra set of bed wear. They fit her perfectly, signs that for the future about being able to share outfits, if it ever came down to that. 'From the looks of it, I'll be borrowing a lot of clothes,' Kagome thought to herself, 'Or needing to earn a lot of money to buy my own.'
Kagome became annoyed that Kouga rushed her out before she could take with her the essentials she needed, not what he thought she needed, because that would of made it much easier for herself. Not only that, but more convincing. She knew she gave off the impression of being kicked out instead of moving out. "Whatever, there's no use complaining to myself about it now."
As Kagome got up and headed towards the bathroom, a voice caught her attention and stopped her. "Morning." Kagome looked towards Sango's bed and saw she had awoken too. She smiled her way,greeting her back.
Sango slowly got up from her bed and went into her closet, searching through her mess for something in specific. A minute later, Kagome was called over. Kagome curiously did as she was told. Once next to Sango, she was handed a shirt and a pair of jeans. Sango having her head still in the closet said, "I know you were going to ask for a pair of clothes. Don't worry, you can keep them. Later on we can go buy your own clothes so you can wear the type you like in case you don't like mine."
Kagome shook her head, "We both wear the samestyle of clothes," she said, now smiling in gratitude though Sango couldn't see. "Thank you very much Sango. You're doing so much for me and we still barely know each other."
Sango stuck her head out of the closet and stood up straight, stretching some. She thenplaced a hand behind her head and smiled, "Yeah, isn't it weird," she responded laughing a bit. "I don't mind though."
Sango motioned towards clothing that was by Kagome's bed, "You can put those in the empty drawers now if you want." Kagome nodded as she walked back toher bed and placed the clothes that were given to her on the sheets. She bent down to get the clothes that were on the floor next to her bag and placed them in the drawer nearby. She grabbed the strap of her backpack and placed it on top of the drawer, getting it out of the way.
"You want to take a bath first? I don't mind waiting."
"You can go first," Sango responded.
"This is your room Sango, you should go first."
"It's your room too now."
"But -"
"If you'll continueinsisting, I'll go first."
Sango walked pass Kagome andwent inside the bathroom, closing the door on her way. Kagome laughed a bit as she looked around the room like she's done so many times already, repeating Sango's statement over in her head. Her new room. She couldn't quite believe that. It actually showed girls lived in here, unlike her place at Kouga's. She smiled, taking in the surroundings again and again. She fell back and laid in her bed, getting used to it all already.
:Living Room: (Picture a small warehouse and you'd get the main structure of the place) Sango and Kagome were clean and dressed, Kagome in the clothes Sango gave her and Sango dressed in a tangtop with jeans. They were talking to one another as they walked, the whole time Kagome following Sango since she didn't know where to go.
They stopped once they were in a large room with a few couches and seats placed randomly around the place. A large TV setwas placed inbetween it all, easily noticeableonce you step into the room. Kagome noticed some people watching TV while others were eating.
"Had a good night's sleep my dear Sango," asked a man from behind the two girls. Kagome was surprised by the sudden appearance of the male now behind Sango, while Sango sighed knowing immediately who it was.
"Not right now Miroku," she mumbled under her breath. Kagome watched as Miroku began to act from behind her. Before he could advance onSango a little like he had in mind, she took a few steps forwards, getting out of his reach.
"Not now, don't you know when to quit? At least do it when I can hit you hard enough," Sango replied.
She turned around and grabbed Kagome's arm, "Let's go grab some food," she said as she began walking again and dragged Kagome along with her.
:An Hour Later: Everyone had ate, watched a little TV at the same time, and now had nothing to do. During the whole time, no one really spoke to one another. Kagome noticed that the other gang members kept a lot to themselves, or maybe it was just since they've just woken up. Sango got an idea and stood up from the couch she was sitting on the entire time. She stretched a bit, "Since you're new here, you want a tour?"
Kagome nodded as she stood up as well, happy since this way she wouldn't be lost later on. As they began to walk away Sango noticed Miroku standing up too. "Where do you think you're going?"
"I'd like to accompany you two lovely ladies, is that a crime?"
"It should be in some country," Sango responded quietly, but loud enough for Kagome to overhear and laugh at. Miroku walked over to them and stood beside Sango, not catching what Sango had just said. Sango gave up rather quickly already and continued walking, knowing nothing she said would stop Miroku from following them.
"Anyway," Sango said after a few minutes, "It may not seem like much, but it's still a good place for all of us to live in." Kagome looked over at Sango and nodded as if it was required for her to.
"It's a good place for me to be living in indeed, with such beautiful women like you to be sleeping under the same roof with," Miroku said as if asked for his opinion. "Sadly not in the same bedroom though," he ended, which made him receive a good slap across the face. Kagome covered her mouth as another laugh escaped her, enjoying how these two got along with one another. Sango saw Kagome laughing, and tried to come up with an excuse for how Miroku and Sango act with each other, but came up empty on an explaination.
"There's a lot of rooms here," she said trying to get the conversation back on track, "And most have 3 or 4 people to a room. Thankfully I was never made to share my room, but I don't mind with you Kagome." Sango smiled towards Kagome to reassure her she wasn't unwanted. "At the far end of the hallway is Inuyasha's room, no one's actually allowed in there without permission," she said pointing at the door she spoke of, "Miroku's room is next to that one."
"And how do you know where my room is," Miroku asked with a sly grin.
Kagome looked at Sango to get a response to that also. Sango rolled her eyes. "We've been living here long enough to know where each of our room's are," she said matter of factly. Miroku just kept the same grin on his features, not convinced that was the real reason, but before he could press more on the matter, the room Sango was pointing at before opened.
What stepped out of the room was a more thana good-lookingmale with musclesthat gleamedand beautiful silver hair that streamed down his back. He approached the three standing in his pathas he rubbed the back of his head, showing he had just awoken, with his eyes slightly open. He was now standing in front of Kagome, jeans yet no shirt on, not realizing his appearance was making one girl blush tremendously.
"Morning Inuyasha."
"Yeah, morning," he responded towards Sango, the one who greeted him first. Eventually he opened his eyes completely and looked in front of him. Only to find and finally realizing Kagome was there, "Oh, didn't see you there."
"Hi," Kagome said back, not knowing why she was so nervous all of a sudden. Sango noticed her reaction, smiling toherself sinceshe knew what was going on. Inuyasha, completely oblivious to everything, walked passed Kagome as he put onthe shirt he had in one of his hand. He headed to grab himself a quick meal.
"Kagome, you okay?"
"Yeah, why do you ask," she asked, as if nothing had just happened.
Sango smiled and shook her head, "No reason," she responded. "Now on to the rest of this building."
A/N: It's been how long? And this chapter sucks how badly? Sorry, but I've been caught up in numerous things. And it's been hard to have time to type out my ideas, because when given the chance to I'm completely blank, then other times I have great ideas, but no time to type. It's unfair to both the reader and author, but I'm trying!