Disclaimer: -snorts- Would I really be writing this if I owned HP?? I think not...


Crappery: -sobs madly- It's over...This is the last bloody episode! This is the end of my first successful fan fic...I wanna cry –sniffles-


Poll Result: Okay, due to the colourful responses I got back, here is the name for the kid: Riarille Marissa Granger-Malfoy. For all you people who favoured Lillia, it's not totally gone!! The character with that name will play a major role in SofM, the sequel.


Anna-Nanna: Kay...Last one...

bmxridergurl: Course she will!

Samurai Amaya: Hehe.

Monikka DaLuver: Well, she was only two and a half months pregnant before she died, so her pregnancy wouldn't really be visible. While she was dead the baby didn't grow. Mynee's extremely powerful, just like Ermine. Ehehehee...

Chrisoriented: Well done! Not many people did...

Irelandkicks-ass03: I agree with your name...I don't think it's right either, but it was rather essential.

Fan-Of-HP: I know!

Chrissy: Hermione=Ermine. You just take out the H and O and get ho! Um, sorry, rather random that little bit.

Burning Phoenix: I do too.

Aurora.Gemini.Potter: Me too.

gottalovedrakie: Harry ish a bastard.

In Dreams: Vampyres/Vampires are my friends!!

leo: Aye aye.

capnjacks-lucklady: Erm...

dacohermionefan: I like it too.

ME: Your name is Lillian?? That's so cool!

Caitlin: Yep. Those are good names.

The Punk Rock Goddess: Thanks.

Evil CornBread: -grins-

specialreader: Hello!

Honey Mocha Citrus: Weeee!! Hello! Why haven't you updated yet? BAD MONKEY!

Dyth: Ermine poked around in their heads so they would stop fighting...They are needed as a couple in the future.

Kelei: Now for revenge!

Jade A.B. Stone: Well done! You figured it out! Though no on has figured out who's been helping her along a little...

LosOjosDeLaVida: Yep!

dreamingmaggie: Hehe...

Tigoamy: We're both fine thanks. She's been acting up lately, talking to me when I'm listening to music and stuff. Silly little bint...Hehe, that's cool.

Shadowed Rains: It's okay! I know, it's been screwing up of late.

Kelei: It's actually finished...The first chapter of the sequel will be out by Saturday, though.

sisterhood-of-the-snake: Yeah, I like her too.

bmxridergurl: I know...Of course I'm making a sequel!!

Draco Malfoy's Girl: Kay.

Lana Riddle: Erm...A rubber one?

Jeannette: You aren't lame! That makes me feel really special actually...

SlytherinGrlForever: I'm doing a sequel, it needs one.

riarille: I know, but the child is being born in the sequel. I have it aaaalll planned out.

littoxkigga: Yepperdoodles.

solvregn: Hmm...That's Sunday? Perhaps as an early birthday prezzie...

NitenGale: Hehehe, welcome back.

beautybunnymouse: Good!

smollfry: She's a powerful Vampyre, her spirit formed one.

Thanks for all the reviews you guys! I expect you all to review the sequel...Much angst and foot pains will come to those who don't. Blessed Be!




Blood of an Enemy, Chapter Thirty Seven





Mynee blinked blearily as she opened her eyes. It was peculiar that she, in the split seconds before she transported, had chosen this

particular room to appear in. She was standing, a bit unstably, in the middle of Nikolas's study. She was still holding onto Ermine's hand tightly,

having suddenly decided that it would be best if they had gone together so they ended up in the same place. Ermine had a vivid smile on her face

as she looked about, apparently having some extremely pleasant memory as she stared at the desk. Mynee was about to say something when the

door flew open, an angry Nikolas and several other Vampyres bursting into the room. There was completely silence for a matter of a few seconds

before two heartfelt cries echoed loudly and the two rulers of Vampyres met in each other's arms. Mynee smiled softly and walked over to the

door, about to leave with the others of her kind so they could leave the newly reunited couple alone, when Ermine spoke.

"Don't go Anne."

"No it's okay, I don't mind. You two deserve to be alone after all the time you've been apart."

It was Nikolas's turn to speak. "I agree with her. Please stay, I wish to talk to you about your reward."

Her brows drew together. "Reward? Why do I need a reward for fulfilling my destiny?"

"I just thought..."

"I understand that you meant well, Nikolas."

"Then the least I, we, can do is offer you a permanent home here, a place for you and your family to always be safe."

"But I don't have a family...Apart from my baby at least." Ermine began to smirk a little into her mate's shoulder, the warmth in her eyes clearly

visible to the other female. "What? Do you know something I don't?"

"Just invite us to the wedding Pet."

"What wedding? I'm not participating in any wedding..." a look of realization dawning up on her face. "Oh, that wedding." Mynee grinned softly.

"Sure, I'll remember you both." She turned her attention back to Nikolas. "Thank you, I would gladly accept a home in this castle."

The two before her smiled vividly to her. "I'm glad, it will be ready soon."

"I must leave now, there are some things I have to do."



"Ah." Ermine said and pulled away from her husband, an arm resting on his waist. "Be careful, you have your child to think of now."

"Oh, don't worry! I am perfectly capable of doing away with those who've hurt me. Until we meet again." She flashed them both a smile before

transporting herself away.

After Mynee had dropped by her room at Hogwarts to put on a pair of dark jeans and a black long sleeve shirt, she clearly pictured in her

mind that study she had heard that peculiar prophecy about the child. She knew that that was in the castle the Vampires had, for she had not

recognized that dank hallway. She had been all through Vampyre Castle and never once had she seen anything even resembling that place in any

of the towers or dungeons. She closed her eyes and when she opened them again, the room she was in had a single person in it. A man with dark

hair sat at the desk several meters in front of her and when he heard someone's feet touch the floor, his head whipped up. Cinnamon brown hues

met icy blue and she knew in an instant that this was Jonathon ta Dracula. Her lips curled into a sneer as she looked at him.

"Jonathon ta Dracula, murderer of Hermione Von Drakula, your deathday has come."

He watched her for a second before bursting into great guffaws of laughter.

"And who is going to kill me? You, a puny new made Vampyre? I would love to see you try."

It was her turn to chuckle coldly. "You won't be laughing when Hermione Von Drakula brings my race back to the top where it belongs."

"That Vampyre whore has been dead for over two centuries, she can do nothing to me now."

"Is that so? For your information she has been brought back, by none other than Hermione Anne Granger, me."

One of his brows lifted. "You?"

"Me." She smiled sweetly.

He looked at her for a moment, as if sizing her up, and then nodded briskly. "All right then, you look somewhat close to the description I was

given." He stood up from his desk and with a simple flick of one of his wrists she was picked up and thrown against the wall.

Her head hit it with a crack and she slid down it, wincing slightly in pain. Mynee pushed herself up onto her feet and glowered at him.

"You think that's enough to hurt me?"

"No, but this is."

A candlesticks, candles were the only source of light in the room, somehow found its way to one of his hands and in the other was cupped a

relatively large, slowly rotating, ball of fire. Her eyes widened as she distinctly remembered Nikolas telling her that this was one of the few ways

their kind could die. She reached into the pocket of her jeans and pulled out her wand, ready to douse the flames with the first water spell that

floated up.

"A wand? Isn't that a mortal weapon?" She just smirked.

The candlestick was set onto the table and seconds later the orb of flames were chucked with an alarming speed in her general direction. She

waved her magic stick in a complex gesture and a jet of frigid water shot out of the end. The fire died within seconds and she quickly fired a series

of complex freezing charms at him. He cleanly dodged most of them, a single one catching his left hand, effectively causing it to freeze. His blue

eyes darkened from chilling sky blue to deep cobalt when he was hit and a deep growl slipped from his lips.

"You shouldn't have done that."

Mynee remained silent as she carefully studied his every move, knowing that a second death was not an option. She probably would not come

back this time and if she did there would be no body for her to re-inhabit. She raised her wand a few inches so her aim would be at his chest level.

The words to a spell that would create a ray of sunshine were resting on her lips when Jonathon somehow managed to get a long, slender sword

out from somewhere in his desk. In the far off reaches of her adrenalin pumped mind, she saw the extreme similarities between this blade and the

one Lucius Malfoy had stored in his cane. Her hues narrowed as she realized that he was going to try to kill her one of two ways left that he knew

of. She whipped her wand around and it transfigured itself into a very similar rapier. As if an unspoken rule had been established between the two

of them, all forms of magic were forgotten. The two duelers circled each other slowly, occasionally darting out with the tip of their weapon to

catch the clothing or nick the flesh of their opponent. Moments passed and as nothing crucial happened, her senses were awakening to their

fullest the moment her nose caught the scent of his blood. She knew, it was almost an instinct, deep down inside of her that feeding off another

immortal, especially one as close to her own kind, was close to forbidden. Yet despite this, she felt as if it would be the only to resolve this conflict

with this Vampire.

"Where you parents Princeling?"

"Not that it matters to you Vampyre, but they're gone now. I'm King."

Mynee snorted darkly as she lunged forward, the point of her sword snagging his shoulder and making a cut deep enough for a small stream of

blood to leave him, staining his black shirt. Her pupils expanded until her hues were almost completely black with a crimson rim. She flung the sword

away from her body as her fangs elongated. A nasty smirk came across her face as she let her instincts and the need to feed take over.

"Too bad you'll be a dead king before this day is up my pet."

Jonathon saw and sensed that she had stopped being an opponent. She was now the predator and he was the prey. He readjusted his grip on the

hilt of his blade, ready for her to throw herself at him. Unlike his kind, she simply watched his every move with a strange fascination as if watching

him for any flaw or weakness. He never had his back to her, slowly revolving on the spot so his eyes were on her constantly.

"I'm wounded pet that you don't trust me enough to show me your back..."

"I trust no one."

"Is that so..." A cruel smirk crossed her face as she saw him falter for a brief second.

She did not pay a second thought about her life or that of her child's as she teleported herself so she was behind him. In a series of extremely fast

gestures, she eradicated the threat of his sword. Her nails had lengthened earlier and she rammed them into the muscles around his shoulder and

then into his ribcage, quickly piercing his lungs. He dropped to the ground on his stomach the moment her nails left his body. Mynee none too

gently flipped him onto his back with the toe of her thick boots, one of her hands resting on her hip.

"Look at what we have here, a downed Vampire. A king no less..." She spoke to no one in particular as she looked down into his eyes.

Blood trickled from the wounds she had inflicted upon him as she lowered her form down so she was crouched at his side. "I will take great pleasure

in emptying your body of all its liquid. You killed Evi and Hermione."

A wet chuckle escaped him as blood bubbled up over his lips. "I didn't kill your precious familiar. Your best friend did."

Her brows furrowed as she was momentarily side tracked from her meal. "Pardon? I don't think Fur..." She stopped speaking when she remembered

the droplet of blood that had landed on her tongue. "That bastard." She uttered, her voice rough.

When he let out a cough, she jerked her attention back down to him, her blood lust coming back in a tidal wave. "Don't think I forgot you, pet. I'd

never forget you. Good night."

She slipped one arm beneath his shoulders and tilted his head away from her with her finger tips, exposing his pale neck. Without another word she

lowered her mouth to his skin and pierced the flesh. The moment his blood hit her tongue, she knew why feeding from immortals such as Vampires

was forbidden. This liquid was far richer than any type of blood a mortal could possess, it was thicker and had the consistency of syrup as it

flowed down her throat. Her head began to spin slightly and she ripped her lips away from him, gasping quietly. She dropped him uncaringly back

onto the floor as she rose to her feet, wiping the crimson blood from her lips. Just before she strode out of the room, she looked down at him. He

was completely still. She took a step towards the door and then turned, going for her wand which was still a rapier. She picked up and walked

towards the fallen Vampire. She knelt before him and with a single thrust cleanly decapitated him. She smirked coldly as she kept the sword

gripped tightly in her hand, blood dripping from its point as it pointed at the floor.

"Never screw around with a pregnant Vampyre." She whispered, before striding from the room with an air of purpose surrounding her.

Mynee did not know her way around Vampire Castle very well, but that super sense of smell she still possessed was almost tripled that of

an average blood hound and had picked up the musky scent that was Furion. Deep loathing, rage, and adrenalin pumped inside of her, mixing

together to form a potent mixture that deadened her to everything except the need for revenge. Her pace quickened from a fast walk to a run as

the smell got stronger. She stopped in front of a simple dark wood door, throwing it open and stepping into the room beyond. It was slightly

gloomy, but her eyes adjusted and she saw a bed against the far wall. There was a form beneath the blankets. A sneer crossed her face as she

crept towards the bed, the sword poised right above his throat. When she came along side of it, she looked down into his sleeping features. There

was just one thing she had to fid out before she slaughtered his ass.

"Wake up you murdering son of a bitch." A groggy noise came from him which quickly turned into a soft meep when she pressed the sharp tip of

her rapier against his throat. "Yes...It's me. I'm apparently too evil for Death because it spat me out. Before I kill you Furion Montague, who put

that fucking fake diary in Draco's room?" He looked up at her with wide eyes. "Oh, so you aren't going to answer me now? How dare you betray

your bloody kind you cheating bastard? We were already dying out as it was! We needed all the help as it was."

It was then he decided to break his silence and speak. "It was me."

"It was you what you twit?"

"I killed your precious little Evig Sol and I put that book in Malfoy's room. It was perfect when I saw your face. Do you honestly think Vampyres will

have survived a decade from now? At least I chose the winning side."

"That's where you're wrong precious." Her voice was nasty. "Hermione Drakula is back and Vampyres will take their rightful place, above those

disgusting Vampires."

He snorted; even in his position he would not bow down to the face that a woman was in control of the situation. "What do you know? You're just

a woman."

"Just a woman? You are even madder than Potter. Our race is ruled by woman. We were doing far better than this pathetic lot until little baby

Jonathon went and killed Ermine. What the hell am I talking to you for? I should just kill you know, but I know a much better punishment for you


He looked up at her. "And what would that be?"

She smirked. "Death by the people you betrayed." She leaned down and patted his cheek lightly.

The caress quickly morphed into a sharp rap to one of his temples with the butt of her sword. "You'll have so much fun..." She shook the blade until

it returned to a length of wood.

She waved it over his unconscious form and levitated it so it would follow behind her. A faint smile crossed her lips as she left that particular room

and stood in the middle of the dank hallway. Apparently, her blood streaking personage leaving the Vampire king's room and caused quite a ruckus

with the rest of the Vamps, close to fifty of them immediately crowded around her. One of her brows lifted and she laughed coldly.

"Listen to my words Vampires, for they very well be the last you ever hear from one of my kind. You fucked with the wrong species. You are all

screwed. Have fun trying to escape the wrath of Hermione Von Drakula and the rest of the Vampyres. Ta ta!"

She grabbed a hold of part of Furion's clothing and quickly transported herself back to Vampyre Castle before the situation got to hairy.

Mynee's hit the stone floor of the Throne Room, a soft grunt coming from her as she landed. A thump sounded beside her as Montague

landed. She pushed herself up onto her feet and was rather surprised to see Nikolas, Ermine, and all of the Vampyres that were left had

congregated in the massive room. Ermine looked at her in concern and was about to get up. She shook her head and turned her back on her

monarchs so she could face her people. She looked at all of them, meeting the confused eyes of several.

"We were all betrayed by one of our own. One who valued money and worldly possessions above the survival of his very own species, his flesh and

blood." She kicked his body until it was in front of her and levitated it again so the rest of the hall could see it. "This man, Furion Montague, sold

us all out because he thought we would loose this war. Now that we have Lady Drakula back, we will be victorious!" She flicked her wrist so his

form floated to the middle of the people and then lowered slowly. "Do with him as you will." Her voice echoed loudly.

She turned on her heels and bowed deeply to the two on the thrones, her eyes emotionless. "My Lord and Lady, Jonathon, King of Vampires, is


Nikolas nodded. "Thank you for your service to our people Hermione Anne Granger. You have made us all proud." A faint smile crossed his lips. "Go

forth and raise your children knowing that we are a proud race, a race that will never die out under any circumstances, especially beneath the

cruel fist of a tyrannical ruler!"

She bowed again and strode out of the massive room. Once the door had slammed beside her, she was about to blink back to school when

somebody grabbed her by the forearm. A soft hiss slipped from her lips.

"Let me go."

"Hermione?" Her brow furrowed as she recognized that voice.

"Smoke?" She said incredulously.

"Yeah, it's me."

"What the hell are you doing here? You're a human!"

"I'm not more mortal than you are. I'm a Vampyre."

She blinked slowly and looked up into his eyes, her brow furrowed. "Why didn't you help me?"

"I did, don't you understand? I got you your place on the team, saved you when you fell from your broom, sent you notes while you were

depressed, and told Montague to check on you."

She snorted. "Yeah, you helped me so much. Did you even know he was one of us? Be betrayed us all."

"I knew what he was, but not his side. Nikolas sent us both to Hogwarts the moment he heard a girl child named Hermione had been born. Do not

ask me how he knew this, but he knew. We were supposed to protect you."

"Protect me from what??"

"The Vampires, if I'm not mistaken, Montague murdered your familiar and soured your relationship with Malfoy. Do you know where he is?"

For a moment she was silent as she processed this new information. "Yes. He's inside being torn apart by a horde of angry Vampyres."

Smoke's eyes flashed. "Excellent. If you don't mind, I believe I'll go join that crowd. We'll meet again." He let go of her and then slipped into the

Throne Room.

She sighed quietly before teleporting herself back to Hogwarts.

Mynee collapsed on her bed, her form covered in her own blood and the blood of an enemy. A quiet groan slipped from her lips as she

burrowed beneath the blankets, not caring in the slightest if she stained the bed clothes. She was far too sleepy to give a shit. Her eyes closed

and, of course, the door flew open and light attacked her. A soft scream sounded and she jerked up into a sitting position, ready to holler at who

ever had disturbed her. Draco ran across the room and pulled her tightly into his arms, hugging him close to her.

"I was afraid something had happened to you..."

"Draco, I've been gone for no more than two hours."

"Hermione! You've been dead for over a month! I have a bloody right to be overly paranoid! Holy Merlin! Why the hell are you covered in blood??"

"It's not all mine. Most of it's Jonathon ta Dracula's. I killed him."

"You what?"

"I killed him; I'm not the innocent little girl you thought I was. I've killed countless people to feed the blood lust that burns me up inside."

He looked at her for a moment and then nodded slowly. "I've come to a decision, Hermione."

"I'm all ears." She said sarcastically.

He sighed before going on. "I want you to make me what you are."

The fog surrounding her brain disappeared in an instant and she jerked herself out of his arms so she could stare at him. "What? Why the hell would

you want me to do that to you? I am not going to steal your mortality like mine was ripped from me."

"I want to be here for you forever...What about the baby? Won't it be born like you too? Do you really want to live knowing that I am going to die

some day?"

Her now regularly brown hues drifted to her lap as she sighed. "You don't know what it's like to be a Vampyre. The blood lust hurts so much...You

have to kill people to survive. I know my kind is higher on the food chain than humans, but I still feel like I'm a mortal when I see that primal fear of

death right before I kill. It disappears once I start feeding, but it hurts..."

Draco gently touched her cheek with his palm, his silvery blue eyes warm. "I want to share that burden with you. I know I'm being rather selfish

asking you to do this for me, but I don't want you to be alone again." When she did not answer, he leaned closer so his lips were right against her

ear. "Please Hermione, make me like you."

She took a deep breath and pulled out of his hold, sadness in her eyes. "I don't want to, but we won't be able to have a life together if you aren't

a Vampyre. This will hurt like a bitch Draco, don't blame me." He nodded slowly.

Mynee leant forward and pulled him into her hold, one arm supporting his shoulders and her fingertips gently pushed his head to the side so she

could see the pulsing vein on his neck. She closed her eyes for a moment and then sighed softly. She leaned her face down and as soothingly as

she could, broke the skin of his neck. A quiet gasp slipped from him at the strange sensation of having his life blood being drawn out of him, but

soon quieted when his body began to run out of the heady crimson liquid. She quickly pulled away and tenderly brushed some of his golden hair out

of his face. She, without a single qualm, brought her own wrist up to her mouth and ripped the flesh and veins so her own sluggish black blood

began to flow like water.

"Draco, you need to drink this blood. You will die if you don't. By drinking this you will become a Vampyre once your body dies."

She brought her freely bleeding wrist over his mouth, the obsidian liquid dribbling into his mouth like a demented waterfall. Once the cut had sealed

up she wiped the excess liquid that had not gotten between his lips.

"I'm sorry my love, the pain will start soon. There is one more thing I must do before my quest for revenge will be over. I will have to leave you

here alone, when you wake up you will be very hungry...I'll leave you in the Hospital Wing. Feel free to feed from Pomfrey."

"Why?" He managed to croak.

"She hates our kind with a passion. She has been exceedingly cruel to me this year. If you still crave blood afterwards, feel free to visit Snape.

He's molested me one too many times since term began. I love you Draco." She neglected to tell him that the Vampyre blood was sometimes

rejected by a body and the person died.

She lightly kissed his forehead and then slipped off of the bed. She smiled warmly too him, her heart aching for him. He returned the smile and then

drifted off to sleep. She gently pressed a hand against her belly, cradling the life they had both created.

"Your life will be a free one my darling." She whispered.

But the life of a Vampyre is never free.





















-cries- It's OVER! I'm so sad! But there is still the sequel...


Thank you for your reviews: rubysapphire, Honey Mocha Citrus, Mikasa Wormhole, Maura Moyniham, Fetesha, Monikka DaLuver, britton, Satans Little Angel, Anna, B, heavySITUATIONS, Rabbit, Hippie1212, ossini, blueblood1700, Crookshanks4321, Kelei, beautybunnymouse, falling-leaves3, fourthiv, Tigoamy, jessi, Girl that no one notices, Auburn Lily, listona, Shania Maxwell, Nataku19, Spaced Out Space Cadet, aub07, yaminy-grint4eva, Luna Gypsy, Samantha, Em, AmericanDemon, SuperHiperChit, fireangel, Supreme Neo slytherin Goddess, Amy Lee, Morgain Lestrage, VampyreBloodSuicide, da- drama-queen, xXSamaraXx, The Punk Rock Goddess, Dash Person, Le joint philosophique, JEF, LilChocolateAngl, Aimee, Dracowar, beth, jess, hermioneG89, Sug06, sam, sunne, Pixie, lizy, JAML, gATITA182, Stinky-chan, Lover del Dragon, big-bad-kyubi, sisterhood-of-the-snake, elizabeth, po99gp, BluefireCrystals, littoxkigga, badger-dude, Slytherin dragon-gurl, Gwenivive, Angela, Legessa, shutupheather, may-ann, jeany, Shea LaRoc, KnAvEy, usagigreenleaf657, Alcapacien, Pillz-E, bethy, Julia, YamiClara, Crimson Colored Cloaked Figure, shadow-fairy-kitten, Crazedgurl1291, lizzy, alexandria, zenni, MetallicHiss, B-RAZZ, Mojo the Rock Chick Munchkin, Summery-ice, Crystal teardrops, Fairy J, Rose-Of-HEL, LittleWhiskeyGirl, preppy1, Cavachicki, firesorceress1, heikaru, Jakalaki, kat6528, gottalovedrakie, Both my minds are aging again, Pettingbananasindungeon, cherri-lime91, Vicki, Noir de Dame, zoogerbas1, jungie, FunnyCatGirl, sunnysweet, Lil-Mage246, dyth, LorSparrow, Chrissy, Amanda Hughes, Shiva Prime, dreamingmaggie, sakura angel90, Susug06, Miss Elvira, Cirith of Slytherin, Sammie, Sa, Varda, charmedone, Horsemaster1, Shadowed Rains, Samurai Amaya, NitenGale, emily, Felinefire, Queen Isawien of Lothlorian, NekoKaijuu, aliciablack52, Padfootfan, Kiku-san, alyssa-farrell, Ozzy, LosOjosDeLaVida, jtangel, grace, Miss3y, Bride of Malfoy, Charmed34, lady- sanctuary, Stephanie, Horsekrazy08,Crazy4DillynDraco, The Cedar Girl, Chrisoriented, charmed, Llamachick, iluvdraco9, Lady of Ankoku, Ravyn Queen of Shadows, Blueberri, Auroura.Gemini.Potter, anonymous, dacohermionefan, magicalferret, LilBratyChild, katriana souless, Arya Raven, Spunx182, Draco Malfoy's Babe, hagridlover, daughter of ra, Kaaera, bmxridergurl, LiLy MaLfOy13, Bianca, Becky, Kelei, Starmoo, Caitlin, puss in boots 119, capnjacks-lovelylady, In Dreams, riarille, SOLVREGN, Queen of Insects, tomfeltonluver8311, nyankochan, Fan-Of-HP, Lauren, mangaotaku, gurlie2007, magicalme, specialreader, Anna-Nanna, BEBE, leo, Evil CornBread, Lana Riddle, HaliJade Snape, smollfry, Jeannette, Jade A.B. Stone, ME, Burning Phoenix, SlytherinGrlForever, and Irelandkicks-ass03.


Your Lord and Master;

Foamy the Squirrel