Tommy Pickles walked up the stairs to his loft apartment with the groceries his fiancee asked him to get. He was soaking wet and determend to bitch about it when he got back. Just then he noticed the door to his apartment was ajar and suddenly heard a women scream. It was his fiancee, Kimi Finster. He dropped the bags and ran up to the door

"KIMI!! KIMI!!!!"

He burst through to see 3 guys holding her down, laughing and hitting her. She was crying and screaming as they were trying to undress her

"KIMI!! WHO ARE YOU!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he finally asked once what he had seen finally sunk in

"Who's this dip shit?" One of the men asked calmly

"I dunno, but kill him anyway" said another

The first man stood up and pulled out a gun and shot Tommy in the leg. Making him falll to his knees screaming in agony. He walked over to Tommy while laughing.

Tommy drew all the strength he had and punched the gun man hard in the stomach. He fell back and knocked one of the others. He turned around and shot Tommy again hitting his collarbone.

Tommy fell back. Lifeless. Barely breathing.

The 2 laughed as they walked over to Tommy, picked him up and dragged him over to were the other man was holding down Kimi. Her tears were falling harder than before after seeing the state of Tommy

"Now watch this" said one of them as they made Tommy watch as they raped Kimi.

"NO STOP!!" he screamed in vain as they repeatedly hit her

After what had seemed forever they picked him up again and walked him over to the window.

"Did you enjoy the show?" asked one as he burst into laughing

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?"

"Because you decided to be difficult. Now say hello to hell for me" he nodded to the other men who held him up at arms length. He aimed his gun at his chest and emptied a whole magazine into Tommy.

Tommy stagered back and held onto the window frame before he was shot once more. Knocking him out of the window. He fell the full 6 stories to the pavement below. Dead

The 3 men laughed as they looked down on the mess that used to be Tommy

"Let's finish the girl" said one as they headed back

A few hours later the police were tapping off the area and collecting evidence. A young detective with messy red hair walked around the apartment. A cigarette hanging out the corner of his mouth

"I never thought I'd be doing this for my sister" said Detective Chuckie Finster as he watched a paramedic crew bring his sister down on a stretcher

"Where's Tommy?" Kimi asked gently as her brother began to walk with the paramedics

Chuckie didn't know what to say. How could he tell his sister her fiancee and his best friend was dead?

"He's already been taken to hospital. They say he'll be fine"

She smiled through the blood pouring over her face

"Good. Thank you Chuckie" she said as she was put into the ambulance

"He's dead isn't he?" came a voice from behind him

He turned to see a 14 year old girl standing in front of him

"Civillians arn't aloud passed the tape" he said walking past her with a tear in his eye

"But he is dead right?" she said quietly

Chuckie sighed and turned to the girl who now had tears in her eyes

"Yes he is"

"Why did you lie to Kimi?"

"How do you know her?" he asked slightly confused

"She...They were my friends. I live next door. Why did you lie to her?"

"I had to"

"She's gonna die to. Isn't she?"

"No she isn't"

"Your lying to me now"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Ellie Choen"

"I'm sorry Ellie, but it doesn't look good. And it's hard for me to say that being her brother."

Ellie lloked at him before leaning in and hugging him. The rain hid there tears, but the pain was aparant


Sorry about the shortness, but I'm just gonna set the scene first. Hands up who else likes this movie?......or you could right a review it's up to you :D. Sorry for killing Tommy and Kimi off so early, but if you've seen the movie you know what's gonna happen