I dedicate this one to Syd, my bf of all time...she will be my "works
consulted" for this piece, being that I am not as "true a fanatic of Harry
Potter" as she is, nor could I ever be...my heart lies with Lord of the
Rings. Anywho, I do not own Harry Potter, and any who, besides Rowling
(duh, people), claim that they do should be pummeled with spells. Flamers
will be extinguished, criticism excluded.
Heart of a Wolf
** Ch. 1- Asking
It was night. A sore night for Harry as he sat slumped against a chair in the kitchen of the House of Black, the Order's secret hideout. He had been watching and pretending to listen to Remus and Sirius descuss the "good ol' days at school," but found it hard to stifle the yawn that had been lying in his throat for quite some time. So far, the conversation had been fixed on Sirius' old "love life" with numerous girls (Harry had lost count after ten), to which Black had been grinning viscously throughout. Though it had at first seemed interesting, Harry's eyes had crossed more than once in the endless "oh-here's-a-story-of-this-girl-I-dated" ensemble of a topic. "Topic" was hardly a word; "torturous vortex of doom" suited it better for Harry and those present.
As his eyes, uncrossed, thankfully, moved to Lupin, who, though staring avidly at Sirius, held a dull glaze in his eyes, a thought struck the fifteen-year-old. Without thinking, partly from lack of concentration, mostly from a desire to change the subject, blurted rather blatantly out, "What about your love life, Lupin? Didn't you ever have a girlfriend?"
There was a dead silence. Ron, ever the expert listener, raised his head from the table with a snort, drool on his left cheek evidence of his previous dazed state of consciousness. Hermione shifted her eyes to Lupin from the oh-so-interesting dust speck that had been floating in the air for a while. Ginny gracefully fell off her chair.
All eyes were on the now-crimson Lupin, who was staring now at his lap. Finally, Sirius broke the silence: "Come on, Moony! It looks like the kids want to hear it! It's a good story, that one. Tell it, Moony! Come on, you old dog." Similar requests were heard from the children.
"Well," said Lupin hesitantly, "I don't really know..."
"Oh, come on, Mr. Lupin!" came Ginny's voice from the floor, her hand that gripped the table in her attempt to actually get up evidence of her existence at the moment, "Tell us the story! I'm in the mood for an interesting love story, finally." Sirius raised an eyebrow. There were nods of agreement and one hear, hear from Sirius. Lacing his hands together uncomfortably, Remus said quietly, "Oh, all right, if you want to hear it so badly. I'll tell you. But, I do warn you that it is, at some parts, rather sad, and may turn out to be quite long. It may also be gruesome, at parts." "Oh, they'll be fine, with what they've been through over the last few years," Sirius said with a laugh. "Yeah," Ron chimed in, fully awake now, "after what Sirius put us through just now, we can handle anything." He was answered by a painful jab in the side from Hermione's elbow and a glare from Sirius. Ginny giggled quietly and suffered the same fate as her red-haired brother. Rubbing her side moodily, she stuck her tongue out at the unsuspecting Hermione, who, being the "superior role-model" as she claimed, made a face at the girl. Lupin sighed; he knew it wouldn't be easy. "All right, then," he said, louder this time to quench the beginnings of another gruesome fight between Hermione and Ginny, "I'll tell you about Aya."
*Well, that wasn't too bad. I hope you like it so far, oh ye readers of...oh, never mind. I forgot- I also dedicate this one to Lauren, if she ever reads this...yes, Lauren, they will know about the "truth that is Ron and Hermione." She's a Ron/Hermione fan, in case you couldn't tell. I say only this...FRODO LIVES.
Heart of a Wolf
** Ch. 1- Asking
It was night. A sore night for Harry as he sat slumped against a chair in the kitchen of the House of Black, the Order's secret hideout. He had been watching and pretending to listen to Remus and Sirius descuss the "good ol' days at school," but found it hard to stifle the yawn that had been lying in his throat for quite some time. So far, the conversation had been fixed on Sirius' old "love life" with numerous girls (Harry had lost count after ten), to which Black had been grinning viscously throughout. Though it had at first seemed interesting, Harry's eyes had crossed more than once in the endless "oh-here's-a-story-of-this-girl-I-dated" ensemble of a topic. "Topic" was hardly a word; "torturous vortex of doom" suited it better for Harry and those present.
As his eyes, uncrossed, thankfully, moved to Lupin, who, though staring avidly at Sirius, held a dull glaze in his eyes, a thought struck the fifteen-year-old. Without thinking, partly from lack of concentration, mostly from a desire to change the subject, blurted rather blatantly out, "What about your love life, Lupin? Didn't you ever have a girlfriend?"
There was a dead silence. Ron, ever the expert listener, raised his head from the table with a snort, drool on his left cheek evidence of his previous dazed state of consciousness. Hermione shifted her eyes to Lupin from the oh-so-interesting dust speck that had been floating in the air for a while. Ginny gracefully fell off her chair.
All eyes were on the now-crimson Lupin, who was staring now at his lap. Finally, Sirius broke the silence: "Come on, Moony! It looks like the kids want to hear it! It's a good story, that one. Tell it, Moony! Come on, you old dog." Similar requests were heard from the children.
"Well," said Lupin hesitantly, "I don't really know..."
"Oh, come on, Mr. Lupin!" came Ginny's voice from the floor, her hand that gripped the table in her attempt to actually get up evidence of her existence at the moment, "Tell us the story! I'm in the mood for an interesting love story, finally." Sirius raised an eyebrow. There were nods of agreement and one hear, hear from Sirius. Lacing his hands together uncomfortably, Remus said quietly, "Oh, all right, if you want to hear it so badly. I'll tell you. But, I do warn you that it is, at some parts, rather sad, and may turn out to be quite long. It may also be gruesome, at parts." "Oh, they'll be fine, with what they've been through over the last few years," Sirius said with a laugh. "Yeah," Ron chimed in, fully awake now, "after what Sirius put us through just now, we can handle anything." He was answered by a painful jab in the side from Hermione's elbow and a glare from Sirius. Ginny giggled quietly and suffered the same fate as her red-haired brother. Rubbing her side moodily, she stuck her tongue out at the unsuspecting Hermione, who, being the "superior role-model" as she claimed, made a face at the girl. Lupin sighed; he knew it wouldn't be easy. "All right, then," he said, louder this time to quench the beginnings of another gruesome fight between Hermione and Ginny, "I'll tell you about Aya."
*Well, that wasn't too bad. I hope you like it so far, oh ye readers of...oh, never mind. I forgot- I also dedicate this one to Lauren, if she ever reads this...yes, Lauren, they will know about the "truth that is Ron and Hermione." She's a Ron/Hermione fan, in case you couldn't tell. I say only this...FRODO LIVES.