Make of Two Hearts

Abby sat silently watching the girl who lay sleeping on the bed. She put her warm hand over the girl's limp one and used her other hand to wipe a stray strand of damp red hair off the girl's brow.

She began to hum a soft, comforting tune as a tear slipped down her cheek again. She glanced at the heaver plaster cast that was holding her right leg stationary and at the line of stitches that traced up her right arm. A plank had fallen on Lauren and she had fallen unconscious, unable to escape the fire until the firemen lifted the board off of her tiny figure. She hadn't been burnt, but her hair smelled of smoke and she had an oxygen mask to help her breathe.

Abby tried to hold back her tears; she tried to will herself to be happy that Lauren was alive, but being in the hospital like this… alone, reminded her of last year: Sitting aside the bed, holding tight onto Brian's hand as he slipped away, slowly and painfully.

She heard Carter enter the room and listened as he crossed the floor softly, placing two strong, protective arms on Abby's shoulders. But he couldn't do anything right now, either. He couldn't make Lauren wake up.

And then she couldn't hold back her sobs any longer.


Abby lay awake that night on a cot beside Lauren's bed. Her hand was still clasped tightly around that of the small girl. Carter had gone to get her a change of clothes and catch a few hours sleep. He should be back soon.

Lauren coughed and Abby raised her head abruptly.

"Mommy!" Lauren whispered desperately and Abby sprung out of the bed and had her arms around the little girl in seconds.

"Mommy, Mommy," were Lauren's muffled sobs into Abby's shoulder, "it hurts, Mommy, it hurts."

"I know, Lauren, but it will feel better in a little while." She pulled away and let Lauren lie back against the bed, kissing her lightly on the forehead.

There was a short silence wherein Abby listened to Lauren's short, struggling breaths before placing the oxygen mask back over her face.

Lauren pulled it away.

"I don't want that," she said.

"I know, honey, but it will make you feel better," Abby coaxed lightly.

"Where's Ms. Rainee? I have to tell her something. I saw Andrew fall and he didn't answer when I called him. He might be hurt…"

Abby swallowed hard before stroking Lauren's damp cheeks sadly.

"You can tell her in the morning, Lauren, you need to go to sleep."

"My arm hurts and my leg hurts and my heart hurts," Lauren whimpered and Abby pulled the girl into another careful hug, veering clear of the stitched and cast limbs.

Lauren fell asleep shortly before Carter got back with a change of clothes. He entered the room to find Abby with her head resting on the bed, muffled sobs escaping, her shoulders shaking with tears.

He held her close to him and tried to comfort her, whispering soothing phrases to her, telling her that Lauren would okay, that she would wake up soon.

"She woke up, Carter," Abby whispered and he looked at her surprised, "she thought I was her mother. She didn't remember me, Carter, what if she doesn't remember who I am?"

Carter planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

"She'll remember you, Abby, she was probably just confused.

"She saw a boy die, Carter, she told me about it," Abby's voice was shaking.

Carter saw the pain in her eyes and he pulled her tight to him.

"Trust me," he pleaded, "Everything is going to be okay."