Pink and Green

Pink and Green

By Mimi Blossoms (aka Aeris_15)


AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is my first Digimon fan-fic. Obviously, my favorite character is Matt. I think he and Mimi just look perfect together. But they don't really show interest on each other on the show. So I wrote this story to show some 'possibilities' that might improve their relationship on one another. Anyway, the story takes place years after their mission on the digital world. This story is based on Matt's high school life. Matt is the main character, of course, as this story focuses more on him. Anyway, please read my very 'first' Digimon fan-fic and let me know what you think! Hope you enjoy this one! I dedicate this to all Matt and Mimi fans out there!

Sixteen-year-old Matt Ishida opened up his Math textbook. It was already eleven o'clock in the evening and he was just starting his homework. High school was a pain. He tried to concentrate on his Math problems but somehow he found it rather hard to concentrate. Matt sighed and threw his textbook on the floor.

"This is nuts! I can't work at a time like this!" Matt complained. Ever since he started high school, he was beginning to get lazier with his schoolwork. Maybe I should ask Izzy or Joe for help, he thought to himself pitifully.

He took out something out of his pocket and found his digivice. He examined the device carefully as he remembered his mission years ago as a digi-destined. It had been a fun experience for him. And for the others too. He squeezed his digivice tightly with his hand. He remembered his digimon friend, Gabumon, who was always there to protect him. Gabumon had always been there with him whenever he needed him. Either with good times or bad times—Gabumon was there.

Matt then discovered another device from his drawer. It was his crest. The crest of friendship. It had been a while since the last time he held his crest again. Hmm... I wonder what's going on in the Digi-world. He thought about Gabumon. He sure missed him.

And it wasn't only Gabumon that he missed. He missed his friends too: Tai, Sora, Izzy, Mimi, Joe, and Kari. TK lived with him now. His parents got back together.

He missed being in the digi-world. Forget this boring life. Matt wanted to go back and do something in the digi-world. Just like old times.

Oh well, Matt thought as he yawned and lied down on his bed. It was late. He turned off the lights and went to bed.

Matt yawned for the fifth time as he got on his school bus early the next morning. He sat at the very back; his eyes still looked groggy. He didn't even notice that a girl was looking at him, her eyebrows raising as he studied him.

Matt leaned on his seat and closed his eyes. He was off to school again. Man, he hated it. He hated his typical life. It was too boring for his taste. He scratched his spiky blonde hair and looked out the window. He was still far from his school. He yawned as he watched the boring scenarios. It was the same view that he sees every single day. He hated it. He hated its sight. He hated waiting for something he didn't want to go to. School.

"Yo Matt! Wait up!" Matt heard a voice calling out behind him as he was walking to the school. He turned around and found Joe.

"Oh hi Joe," Matt replied.

Joe panted as he stopped in front of him.

"Hey, what's the big hurry?" Matt asked him.

Joe shook his head. "Nothing... I was afraid I was gonna be late for school. I missed my bus, so I had to run all the way to school from my house."

"Oh," was Matt's only reply.

Joe chuckled. "Oh well! At least I made it! Although I'm having a hard time catching my breath..."

They both laughed at what he said.

"Oh well! I gotta go or I'm gonna miss my class!" Joe ran towards the building with Matt watching him with a smile. He's all grown up... I wonder how everyone else is doing...

During lunchtime, Matt sat under a shaded tree and played his harmonica. He just finished eating and he got at least half an hour left before the bell rings for his next class again. He thought about the first time he learned how to play his harmonica. It had been a fun lesson from him.

He stopped playing and put his harmonica back in his pocket. Matt started walking back inside the building. He walked in the hallway all by himself in a deep thought. He was still lost in thought when he suddenly bumped into someone. He fell on his bum and saw the girl's books flying all over, and watched it landing on the floor.

"Ow! That hurt!" a high-pitched feminine voice cried. Somehow the voice seemed rather familiar. It was a voice that he had never heard of for such a long time.

Matt looked up to see the girl. She was wearing a huge pink hat. Where had he seen that hat before? But he couldn't see her face for she was looking down on the ground, eyeing her leg. He frowned for a second, thinking who she was. He knew there was something familiar about her. Tachikawa...?

"My legs hurt!" the girl cried out. She finally revealed her reddened face. Matt's breathing suddenly stopped. Mimi Tachikawa.

"Mimi!" Matt exclaimed, looking at her carefully. He stood up quickly. "Are you okay?"

Mimi blushed and scowled at Matt. "Matt! If I had known it was you! My legs hurt!"

Matt scratched his head and rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry... okay?" he offered her his hand. Mimi took his hand and Matt helped her up. Mimi stood up and cleaned up her skirt. Matt smiled. "At least you're okay, right?"

Mimi began picking up her books that she had dropped when she had bumped into Matt. Matt bent down as well and helped her picked up her books.

"I didn't know you carry this many books with you, Mimi," Matt joked.

"Shut up, Matt," Mimi replied. "For your information, I've been studying really hard to become a botanist."

Matt looked like he was about to laugh. "B-botanist?!" he stammered with surprised.

Mimi scowled at her. "What?! Is there something wrong with that? I happen to like plants!"

They both rose to their feet when they were done picking up Mimi's books. "But I thought you wanted to be a singer..." he pointed out.

"Nah... that was just my childhood dream," Mimi replied with a wink. "And now that I know for sure what I really want, I've decided I should make a living with Science."

Mimi then closed her eyes as if she were daydreaming. "Science. Science... Biology... It's my future."

Just what in the world did she eat today? She's acting so weird! Matt thought. He then cleared his throat and examined her. She did seem pretty serious.

"Uh, Mimi, I'm sorry to interrupt in your thoughts... but..." Matt's voice trailed off.

Mimi looked at him expectantly. "What?" she asked him.

Matt scratched his head. "Oh nothing..."

"Mimi!" somebody called out.

They both turned to look. A girl with long black hair was waving at Mimi. Mimi waved back in excitement.

"Oh Erica! There you are! I was looking all over for you!" Mimi exclaimed. She then ran towards her friend, leaving Matt completely isolated.

Fine, forget about me! Matt thought to himself, feeling left out.

Then as if she could read his mind, Mimi turned to look back at Matt. Their eyes on each other.

"Oh Matt! I'm sorry, but I really have to go! Bye!" Mimi waved goodbye at him.

Matt managed a small wave and a tiny smile.

After school, Matt headed down at the park. He was playing his harmonica again. That meeting with Mimi still stuck in his head. He just couldn't stop thinking about that meeting. For some odd reason, he wanted to talk to Mimi again. She had seemed to bring fun to his boring old life. He knew that talking to Mimi in school was definitely not typical. He and Mimi hardly talked at all in school since they were not taking the same courses. Matt wasn't in any classes with Mimi at all. It was weird talking to her again. Even talking to Joe... They all had been really busy with their studies that they hardly get the chance to get together. Even Tai, Sora, Kari, and Izzy...

He continued to play the same tune on his harmonica and repeated it again once. After that, he stopped playing and watched many kids play in the park. It seemed like a long time ago since he was that age. He missed his childhood. He missed the digi-world.

There was something that he couldn't stop thinking about right after he spoke to Mimi, but what? It was so strange.

"Hey Matt! Is that you?"

Matt looked up at Tai. He stood up quickly and smiled. "Tai! Is that really you?!"

Tai chuckled. "Yep! It's the same old me!"

"Hey man! You haven't changed a bit!" Matt exclaimed. "So? How are Sora and the others?"

"Hi Matt," it was Sora's voice.

Matt turned to look and smiled at her. "Sora! Whoa, you guys have grown, huh?"

Sora giggled. "Yep, we've never seen each other in a while, huh?"

"So what have you guys been up to lately?" Matt asked.

Tai scratched his head reluctantly. "Well... you see, since tomorrow is Friday night, Sora and I are going to the movies."

"Movies? Sounds like fun," Matt lowered his gaze. He couldn't help but feel a little jealous at Tai. He knew he shouldn't feel that way, but he just couldn't help it.

"Matt, why don't you come with us too?" Sora suggested.

Matt quickly looked up at her in surprised. "What?!" he lowered his gaze on the ground just to avoid Sora's gaze. "I don't want to be in your way..."

Tai gave him a friendly punch. "Come on, Matt! Why don't you bring a girl too, so we could double date!"

Matt only looked at Tai as if he was crazy. "Are you nuts?!"

Tai smiled at him mischievously. "Come on now... you just can't bring a girl to go out with you, is that your problem?"

Matt turned bright red in embarrassment. "That's NOT the reason why, Tai! And you know it!" he yelled angrily.

"Okay, enough you guys! Don't fight now!" Sora told them.

Matt and Tai turned away from each other.

"Hmph," Tai scolded. "Can't you take a joke, Matt?"

"You call that a joke?! I was nearly offended at what you said!"

"Guys! Didn't you just hear what I said!" Sora exclaimed, getting annoyed.

"You know what your problem is, Matt? You got attitude problem! That's the reason why you can't get a girl to date you!" Tai harassed.

"Is that so?!" Matt shot back. "Well, okay! I'll bet you ten bucks that I could get a PRETTY girl to go out with me tomorrow night!"

"Okay, sure! Deal!" Tai agreed. "It's a double date then."

"Deal," Matt answered with confidence. They both shook each other's hand for the deal.

He's sure is confident. I wonder if Matt is going out with someone already, Tai thought.

Hmph... this is sure hard. How in the world am I gonna find a PRETTY girl to go out with me tomorrow tonight? Matt thought.

Sigh. Those two never learned... Sora sighed.

The phone rang, and Izzy quickly answered it.

"Matt!" Izzy exclaimed. It was weird hearing his voice again. "What would be the reason of your call?"

"Izzy! Do you know any pretty girls around that I could date for tomorrow night? I need your help!" Matt replied over the receiver.

"Matt, if you don't mind, I'm in the middle of doing my homework-"

"Tai and I made a deal! And I have to win this bet! I bet him that I could get a pretty girl to go out with me tomorrow night. We're double dating tomorrow, you see..." Matt interrupted.

"I'm sorry, Matt," Izzy told him. "But I'm afraid I can't help you. I happen to be dateless you know."

"Well, I'll try calling Joe, then. Thanks Izzy!"

"Sure no prob-" before he could finish, Matt had already hung up the phone.

Izzy stared at the receiver as he heard the dial tone. "Whoa, Matt must be desperate to get a girlfriend..."

"Okay," Matt sighed in disappointment. "Thanks anyway, Joe..."

Matt hung up the phone in obvious disappointment. If I don't find the girl now, I'm gonna be the whole laugh in school... Matt thought. Tai is gonna make fun of me...

"What should I do?" Matt asked aloud to himself. He got up and put his coat and shoes on and ran outside. It's time for me to hit the place where the girls are...

After walking for what seemed like hours, Matt entered the local mall. There were still a lot of people at the mall. He began to walk around. Man, it's so boring when you're alone at the mall. What a drag... After a moment, he found himself at the food court. He heard funny sounds from his tummy. He sighed. I might as well take a little break...

Matt sat at a nearby milkshake stand. He looked over the menu. Burger? Fries? What should I get...

"Good evening! Welcome to Shake-a-loo Dairy!" yet another familiar voice said.

Matt, without turning away from the menu, replied, "Uh, hi Miss... can I get a burger please?"

"Sure, Matt, coming right up!" the lady replied.

Matt quickly looked up to see who it was. He smiled and blushed at the same time. "Mimi! It's you again!"

Mimi giggled, smiling at him as well. "Hi Matt! It's weird how I keep bumping onto you all the time."

He nodded in agreement. "Yeah, weird huh?" he looked around the dairy bar. "So... you work here?"

"Duh!" Mimi laughed. "I just got the job last week."

"How do you like it here?" he asked.

"Okay," she replied. "I smell like milk all the time! But it's not that bad." She giggled again. "I'm just getting use to it... I'm not used to working like this."

"Mimi..." his voice trailed off once again.

"What?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh n-nothing...!" Matt quickly answered.

She just smiled at him. "Well, I better get your order ready, huh?" she went to the backroom.

Matt lowered his gaze to his lap. Man... Mimi's, like, maturing... It's so hard to believe, and yet she's still the same pretty girl I know from childhood. He looked up at the ceiling. Wait a minute. Did I just say that she was pretty? Matt looked at Mimi who was busy with the other customer now. No way... but... actually... no. I can't deny it. She IS cute. But... no. No way. No. Matt closed his eyes trying to ignore what he was thinking. No way... she is just a friend. A good old childhood friend... a close friend... not a... not a...

"Oh Matt! Here's your burger!" Mimi called him.

"Huh?!" Matt exclaimed as he woke up from his reverie.

Mimi frowned. "Were you just daydreaming?" she asked him.

Matt tried to laugh it all off. "Oh no!" he quickly grabbed the burger and took a bite out of it. "Oh, thanks Mimi! Your burger is good!" he began munching on his food rapidly.

Mimi watched him in disgust. "Are you feeling okay or something?"

He quickly nodded his head. "Oh I'm fine! Good burger, Mimi! No wonder they hired you!"

"Thanks," she replied without enthusiasm. "Uh, I'm gonna go check on the other customer..."

"Yeah, sure!"

Mimi slowly went to the next customer. Matt then placed the burger down on his plate and thought for a moment. I can't believe I was actually thinking of asking Mimi out on a date. I mean after all, we're JUST friends. He thought for a while longer. Wait a minute! That's it! Since we're just FRIENDS, I'll just ask Mimi nicely if she'd do me a favor and go out with me just for tomorrow night... hey, that's what friends are for, right? They help each other when they need one another. Great! Matt glanced at Mimi quickly. Now the hardest part of this is asking her. How in the world should I ask her? What if she freaks out on me? Man, I can't let that happen. No. But how should I ask her?

"Hey Matt," Mimi looked at him.

"Huh? Oh hi Mimi," he said.

"Are you done with your food?"

Matt handed her his pay. She then quickly gave him his receipt.

"Matt, wait," Mimi called out to him before he could leave.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Uh, I'm just on my way home right now," Mimi told him. "So do you mind if you wait for me? I have to walk home, you see."

"I don't mind," he replied quickly. And besides, he still had to ask her out anyway.

"Oh thanks, Matt! You're the best!" Mimi exclaimed.

"No problem," Matt smiled.

"Are you sure you don't mind that you walk me home?" Mimi asked for the third time. "I mean, you live pretty far from here..."

"Of course I'm sure," Matt said. "It's not safe for a girl to walk at night at a time like this. So I might as well guide you..."

Mimi frowned at him. "Hey! Who asked you to be my bodyguard, huh?"

"I just wanted you to get home safely!" Matt exclaimed as he started blushing in embarrassment.

Mimi lowered her gaze. "Sorry... don't get mad at me... I was only joking."

Matt studied her gaze. Man, what a jerk am I. "Sorry, Mimi..."

No one spoke for a while. There was an awkward silence between them. The two never said a word to each other until they had finally reached Mimi's house.

"Well, this is it..." Mimi sighed. She yawned as she walked to the front steps. She turned to Matt and gave him a weak smile. "Thank you for walking me home, Matt."

"You're welcome..." he answered.

Mimi searched for her keys through her purse. Matt's heart started to pound quickly. Come on, man! Ask her out! Go on! Man... why can't I do it? Tai can't win this bet! He slowly took a reluctant step toward Mimi.

"Mimi, wait... I..." he stammered for something to say.

"Huh? Did you forget something?"

He quickly shook his head. "No it's just that..." Okay! Here goes nothing!

"Mimi. I want to ask you out tomorrow night, but don't freak out yet, okay? You see, Tai and I made a bet. I bet him that I could get a girl to go out with me tomorrow night... but I didn't have time to find a girl, so there's only you left. So please, Mimi, will you do it as a friend? Will you just go out with me on a double date with Tai and Sora tomorrow night? Look, it's not because of... er... because I like-like you... I mean, uh, sure I like you... but not in the way that you think it is... I uh..." Matt's voice then trailed off, and he could feel his face turning bright red. "Uh, Mimi?"

He waited for Mimi's respond, but she was only looking at him without saying anything. Come on, girl. Say something! Give me some kind of reaction! Don't just stand there!

Then Mimi suddenly gave him a warm smile. Matt's heart nearly fell onto his stomach. "Of course, Matt. I'd be happy to help... I mean, if this is the only way I could repay you for walking me home. Sure." She turned around to avoid his gaze so he wouldn't see her blushing.

Matt sighed in relief. "Thank you, Mimi... uh, I guess, I'll pick you up at your house tomorrow night at six... okay?" he asked nervously.

She nodded her head without looking at him.

"Um..." he scratched his head nervously. "Well, I guess I'll see you in school?"


"Great!" he replied. There was still a hint of nervousness in his tone. "See ya later then! Bye."

"Bye..." Mimi whispered softly. But behind the bushes, a black-haired girl saw and heard it all.

The next day in school, Mimi Tachikawa looked at her watch for the third time already. She was waiting at her locker for her friend, Erica. But she didn't even show up yet. What in the world is taking her so long? Mimi thought to herself. I should've set Erica up with Matt. She's pretty enough to go out with a hunk like him.

"Mimi!" it was Erica, finally.

Mimi sighed in relief. "So there you are, Erica! I've been waiting for you here for quite a while... for ten minutes!"

"Ten minutes?" Erica echoed. She put a hand on her hip. "Just how impatient are you anyway?"

Mimi was about to reply when Erica interrupted her.

"Guess what, Mimi," Erica started. "I saw you last night... I saw and heard everything what you've been talking about."

Mimi blinked in confusion. "Huh?! What do you mean?"

Before Erica could answer, however, Joe past by them and looked at Mimi.

"Mimi, I heard you're gonna go out on a date with Matt tonight," Joe teased, winking at her.

Mimi couldn't help but turn bright red at his remark. "Joe! Where in the world did you hear that from?! Did Matt tell you?"

He shook his head. "No don't blame Matt. He's just a guy... you know him..."

Mimi could feel her blood boil. "But who told you this?!"

He looked up to think. "Well, it's the whole talk in the school... hey, whoa!" three girls had pushed Joe out of the way.

"Tachikawa!" one of the girls exclaimed.

"Mimi, I heard that Matt asked you out!"

"WHA—" Mimi couldn't believe her ears. But Matt wasn't the type to go spread rumors around, was he? He wasn't that type of guy. She didn't want to believe that Matt would do that.

"Yeah! Where is he taking you tonight?" the girl asked her.

Mimi couldn't hold it any longer. She plugged her ears. She didn't want to hear their questions any longer. "STOP IT!! I've had enough!" she yelled angrily.

The girls stopped mid-sentence and blinked in surprised by Mimi's reaction. "Mimi...?"

"I TOLD you to leave us alone! And mind your own business!" Mimi screamed. She put her hands angrily, her eyes turned into a frown. And her face was bright red. "So what if Ishida and I are going out or not! Who cares? Don't you girls have any life and talk about people's life? Huh?!"

"Er... never mind our questions, Mimi!" one of the girls said, getting ready to leave.

"Yeah, I'll just get lost so we don't bother you anymore. Ha ha..." the other girl added.

"Hmph," Mimi watched as the three girls left.

Before Mimi could say something to Erica, however, she seemed reluctant to talk to Mimi. Erica made a motion to leave.

"Erica, wait..."

Erica avoided her gaze. "I'm sorry, Mimi..."


Erica walked away from her without any word.

"Erica... what have you done..." Mimi whispered softly.

Later that night, Matt decided to head home right away after school. He had a lot to do. He had to look good for this date. He had to look better than Tai. He had to. Matt went straight to the bathroom right when he got home. He studied himself in front of the mirror.

"Man, my hair is still the same," Matt observed. "What should I use? Gel or mousse? Which is better?"

After five long minutes of deciding, Matt settled on with a bottle of mousse. It took him about an hour to finally finish fixing his hair. He just wanted his spikes to look perfect for the date.

Matt smiled in satisfaction when he saw his hair. "Great! I'm back again... I AM the man!" He chuckled softly, admiring his hair in front of the mirror. Wait 'till Mimi sees me...

"Matt! Are you in there?" he heard his mom knocking on the door.

"Yeah, Mom! I'm almost done!" Matt called out.

"Mimi is on the phone, Dear!" his mother called back.

Matt almost dropped his bottle of mousse. "Oh yeah, Mom! I'm coming! Tell her to hold on! I'm almost finished here!"

Great... this is great... Matt quickly hurried out of the bathroom. "Mom! I'll use the phone in my room!" he called out to his mom. He quickly ran to his room and grabbed the phone as fast as he could. "Hello? Mimi?"

"Matt?" Mimi's voice replied.

"Uh, hi, what's up?" he answered.

"Look, um... I was just wondering i-if we could just meet somewhere else," Mimi told him.

"What? Why?" Matt asked. Wouldn't she want him to pick her up at her house?

"It's not because I don't want you coming here... it's just that..." Mimi thought about Erica again. "Um, well... how about we meet at the mall or something?"

"But Mimi, I offered to pick you up. I don't mind going all the way to your house, really..." Matt assured her.

"Um... well, I..." she sounded hesitant.

"Don't worry! I'll be at your house an hour early, okay?"


"Great! I'll be there at five!" Matt concluded. "So... I'll see you there, okay?"

"S-sure..." Mimi replied. "W-whatever..."

"See you later, Mimi," Matt said before he hung up.

About three hours later, Tai and Sora were sitting across from each other at the food court area of the mall.

"Tai, you don't think Matt is gonna stand you up, are you?" Sora asked him.

"Nobody stands me up, Sora! If he does, I'll show him!" Tai replied. Then he smiled at her as he put his arms around Sora. "He probably couldn't get a date after all!" Tai burst out laughing just thinking about it.

"You better hold that laugh, Tai, 'cause here comes Matt..." Sora warned him.

Tai immediately stopped from laughing when he saw Matt and his date. "Sora... s-she IS pretty..."

Sora raised an eyebrow. "Take a closer look, Tai."

Tai playfully took out his mini telescope and looked closely at Matt. "Wha... It's Mimi!" he exclaimed in surprised. Matt and Mimi were walking toward their direction. Both of them wore some rather awkward faces together. Matt was wearing a green sweater and a pair of black pants. Mimi was wearing a pink sundress, and light pink high-heeled sandals. She looked really good. Tai had never thought that pink and green would look good together.

"Hey, we've been waiting here for quite a while now. What took you guys so long?" Sora asked as she approached them.

"We would've been here sooner, but Mimi just had to put her make-up on!" Matt replied, giving Mimi a look.

"Oh come on, chill out, Matt!" Mimi said. "You're the one who told me you're gonna pick me up at six, and you come knocking at my door an hour early!"

Tai realized that they weren't getting anywhere by their argument. "Okay, come on, you guys! We're supposed to be on a date here, remember?"

Matt gave him a look.

Tai scratched his head. "Come on! Our movie is starting in five minutes. You guys don't wanna miss this movie, do you?"

"Let's get going," Sora said.

Tai took Sora's hand and the two walked in front of Matt and Mimi. Oh yeah, Tai? You're not the only one who gets to hold some girl's hand! Matt nervously glanced at Mimi who wasn't paying any attention at all.

"Mimi..." Matt whispered.

She didn't move for she didn't hear Matt at all. Matt noticed that they were walking too far away from each other. Matt slowly moved closer to Mimi, their shoulders touching. Mimi could feel herself blushing as she looked at him.

"Mimi, just..." Matt stammered. "J-just..." he gently took Mimi's hand onto his own. "...hold on to my hand..."

"O-okay..." Mimi replied nervously.

The two held onto each other's hand like they were real couples, but their faces didn't prove it. It seemed like they've been walking for an eternity when they finally reached the theater. Matt witnessed his heart beating so fast. Why am I so nervous about this? He asked himself.

The two couples then settled down on their seats and waited for the movie to start.

"Hey, Sora, do you want something to eat?" Matt heard Tai asking Sora. "I'll get you your favorite!"

"Oh, thanks Tai!" Sora answered as Tai disappeared out of the theater.

Is he just trying to show off? Matt thought. He then turned to look at Mimi who was busy singing along with the song that they were playing on the previews.

"Mimi," Matt said.

"Yes, Matt?" she asked.

"Do you want anything? Like, food? Popcorn? What?" he offered.

Mimi smiled and looked at him. "Oh Matt! Popcorn would be great!"

"Okay, wait here, I'll be back..."

Matt approached Tai after Tai finished paying for his food.

"So, Tai... I guess I won after all, right?" Matt told him with a smile.

Tai chuckled. "I didn't know you liked Mimi!"

Matt lost his confidence and turned scarlet red. Suddenly realizing what happened, he turned to Tai angrily. "Just who do you think you are teasing me like that?! Who cares if I like Mimi or not! It's none of your business!"

Tai frowned. "Hey, cool it, man! You're getting mad for no reason. Hey, I admit it, okay? You won the bet... but you get your money later. I have to see if your date with Mimi goes well before I give up my ten bucks."

Matt smiled and crossed his arms over his chest. "You're not confident enough, eh?"

Tai laughed. "Call it whatever you want... but if you are confident enough to make out with Mimi, then I'll double the bet. How's that?"

This time Matt didn't turn red, but he turned purple instead. "What did you say?! I can't kiss Mimi! No way!"

"Are you scared?" Tai challenged.

"Of course not!" he answered quickly. "I don't kiss anyone on a first date! She might freak out on me!"

"Oh you're scared that Mimi might slapped you in the face when you try to make a move on her?" Tai asked.

Matt shook his head. "No that's not it, Tai..." He just doesn't know that Mimi and I DO NOT like each other. What's his problem? "I don't know, Tai... I don't think she wants me to kiss her."

"Hmm... and why not? She seemed to really like you," Tai assured his friend.

"What? Really?" he asked. He couldn't believe it. Was it possible? Could Mimi really like him?

Tai chuckled. "Well, do whatever you want..."

"I just don't wanna go too fast on her..." Matt told him. "But... of course if..." If she really likes me, then it should be okay to kiss her, right? "Okay! You're on, Tai! I'm gonna make out with Mimi for twenty bucks this time!"

"Okay," Tai agreed. "But are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure!" Matt replied.

"Boy... you are going too fast on your girlfriend..." Tai said quietly as he walked back to the theater.

"Girlfriend?" Matt echoed as he looked at Tai in confusion. So he really thinks that Mimi and I are really going out? Whatever...

"Oh Matt, what took you so long?" Mimi as asked as she took the popcorn from Matt.

"Uh, sorry Mimi..." he glanced at Tai who was already busy watching the first part of the movie. "Uh... I ran into a friend of mine in school..."

"Aah!" Mimi suddenly screamed. She quickly threw her arms around Matt for comfort. "Oh Matt! What was that?" She hid her face on his chest. Matt put his arms around her and tried to comfort her.

"It's okay, Mimi... the guy just saw a spider," Matt told her.

"Oh, okay..." she slowly pulled away from his grasps.

Matt observed her. She really wasn't faking it. She was really scared. Oh Mimi, Mimi, Mimi... same old Mimi... he thought. He took another quick glance at Tai. He noticed that he was still holding onto Sora's hand. Hmph... he sure looks comfortable.

"Matt!" Mimi screamed again. Once again, she threw her arms around Matt.

"Mimi!" Matt exclaimed in surprised. Obviously, he wasn't paying attention at the movie so he did not expect Mimi at all to be scared.

"Oh my gosh! That monster is huge!" Mimi said as she tightly held onto Matt.

Matt embraced her back. Somehow he felt rather comforting to hold onto Mimi so close like this. He had never felt like this before. He liked holding Mimi like this.

"Mimi, you're supposed to be used to seeing monsters," Sora reminded her. "We used to have monster friends, remember?"

"Oh... right..." Mimi moved away from Matt, blushing.

Thanks a lot, Sora! Matt thought inside his head.

Another monster scene came on but this time, Mimi did not embrace Matt. Instead, she tightly held his own hand onto her own nervously. Poor Mimi... she really IS scared. Maybe she's just not used to seeing monsters anymore...

A while later, another gore scene came on, and this time, Mimi screamed in fear and threw herself onto Matt's arms again.

"Matt!" Mimi screamed.

"Oh Mimi... a-are you okay?" Matt asked, as he looked down to her. He tightly held her in his arms as if he didn't want to let her go.

"Matt, I'm sorry, but I'm scared...." Mimi said softly.

"Hey it's okay, girl. It's just a movie..." Matt assured her.

Mimi then started to crack a little laugh. "Oh stupid me! It IS only a movie... I can't believe I'm such a chicken acting like this..." she looked up at Matt. Matt only blinked and stared back at her questioningly. Mimi pulled away and looked away from Matt's gaze. Matt seemed rather confused at her.

Now what... doesn't she like the movie?

"I-I'm so sorry..." he heard Mimi whispering softly.

"Huh?" Matt looked confused. He then touched Mimi's shoulders and turned her around so that they were facing each other. "Mimi..."

"You're annoyed at me, are you?" Mimi asked. "I'm sorry, Matt. I just ruined this date for you."

Matt felt sorry for her. "Mimi, of course you didn't... I..."

"Mimi!" Tai interrupted.

Matt scowled at Tai but Tai was busy looking at Mimi.

"Grow up, okay? This is only a movie! Look if you didn't wanna watch a sci-fi movie, you never should've came with Matt!" Tai scolded at the upset Mimi. "You're bothering other people who's watching!"

Matt then stood up and faced Tai. There was an angry look forming on his face. "That's enough, Tai! Leave her alone! Don't you understand? She has her own feelings too!"

Tai took a step back from Matt. "Matt... I..."

"Quiet! Don't you see that she's really scared of the movie? This isn't the time to start yelling at her!" Matt shot back. "How can you be so insensitive!"

"Matt! Cool it!" Sora exclaimed as she stood up from her seat as well.

But Matt just ignored Tai and Sora. He turned to Mimi and offered his hand. "Come on, Mimi. Come with me..."

Mimi seemed hesitant to take Matt's hand. "M-Matt... but..."

"Let's go," Matt said firmly.

"O-okay..." Mimi reluctantly replied. She took Matt's hand and the two walked out of the theater.

After that, Tai and Sora settled back to their seats. The two was silent until Sora interrupted the silence.

"This was all your fault, Tai!" Sora exclaimed, standing up from her seat.

Tai followed her example. "What are you doing?" he asked as he noticed Sora walking for the exit door.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna go find Matt and Mimi to apologize. They don't deserve to be treated like this on their first date!" Sora answered and went off.

TO BE CONTINUED! Read part 2 to see what happens next!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: So what do you guys think of it so far? It took me a while to think of a romantic story based on Matt and Mimi, and I finally got with this story so far. I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I had enjoyed writing this! Thanks for your time reading my first Digimon fic!

-by Mimi Blossoms (aka Aeris_15 in