A/N: Well, being sick and all, I decided to watch Holes and was inspired to write more. Heck, this story is actually close to being finished, you know? This story is going to end in a twist if I ever get around to thinking of it. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter.


Quite a few months went by but Logan had lost all track of time. Each day was the same: wake up, dig a hole, go to sleep. The boys of D-Tent had warmed up to her, despite the fact that she was still the only girl at Camp Greenlake. Although she wouldn't admit it, she felt as though she would never be able to do what was expected of her at this place. She dug to build character but it seemed that she was only digging to exhaust herself everyday. So far, she hadn't learned anything from her mistakes by sticking a shovel in the ground and lifting out a few pounds of dirt.

"What does this teach you about illegal street racing?" Logan asked herself one exceptionally hot day as she leaned up against the wall of her hole.

The other boys glanced at her, surprised that she would ask something as stupid as that.

"We're digging to build character," Squid answered, rubbing some dust off his chin, "Or didn't you read the brochure about this oasis?"

"Mm... Very funny. All I'm saying is that it seems awfully strange that they expect you to learn something from making holes in the ground everyday," Logan began to mine the dirt out of her tiny crater again.

As the others went back to work, Logan noticed Bailey had disappeared inside his hole but she didn't see any dirt being thrown out. Out of curiosity, she stumbled over to where the young boy was supposed to have been, finding the hole empty. Noticing a tunnel dug in the side of Bailey's work, Logan wondered if that's where the inattentive kid had gone. "Bailey, you in there?"

Sure enough, after a moment or two, Bailey crawled out of the tunnel, mud spots staining his tanned face. "Look at what I found, Race!"

"What'd you find?" She tilted her head, sliding into the hole.

Bailey pointed to the tunnel. "It leads to somewhere dark. I was almost to the end when you called me back."

Logan bent down on her hands and knees, looking far into the underground passage, an eyebrow arched. While she examined it, the D-Tent boys gathered around to see what was so interesting.

"What the hell is that, Puppy?" X-Ray asked, addressing Bailey, "Did you forget we dig holes?"

Bailey shook his head.

"Well, whatever it is, it's too small for any of us to fit in." Armpit leaned against his shovel. He didn't notice the smirks coming from the other boys.

"For you, maybe..." ZigZag said, jumping into the tunnel with the other two.

Sitting down on the cold ground, Logan looked at the others, "I'll check it out... maybe there's something in here."

X-Ray suddenly changed his attitude. "Say, Race... If you do find anything, you'll let me know first, won't you?"

The girl shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, "Sure, whatever you say."

With that, the other boys left to go back to their digging. ZigZag, however, remained where he was. "I'm going with you."

"If you can fit..."

"Of course I can fit!"

"Suit yourself, then," Logan motioned for Bailey to go first. When he disappeared inside the tunnel, she looked to the lanky blonde. "Are you going?"

"Ladies first," ZigZag countered, hoping to strike a nerve.

Much to his dismay, Logan merely ignored the comment from him and followed after Bailey inside the crawlway. ZigZag sighed, bending down and managing to squeeze himself inside.

It seemed endless to her and Logan speculated upon how long it had taken Bailey to dig this thing. Perhaps all morning. However, just being out of the hot sun made Logan glad that he had made this discovery. She didn't like the fact that ZigZag had chosen to accompany them, though. All thoughts running through her mind were shattered when the ground vanished beneath her. Logan dropped like a stone, rolling down an remarkably steep hill and landing on some sort of cold metal. Laying still for a moment, she waited to see if she had received any injuries from the fall but luckily, she hadn't. ZigZag suddenly fell next to her and Logan couldn't help but inwardly chuckle at him. Both sat up and found themselves inside a tremendous cavern, which was something that a person could only dream of seeing. It was like something out of "Tom Sawyer" or "Huckleberry Finn".

What had shocked Logan the most, however, was what she had landed on. Laying under her were hundreds of gold coins that looked to be from the mid to late 1800's. Her eyes widened and she grasped them in her hands, looking at ZigZag. "My God... Look at all this!"

Bailey walked casually over to them, a huge smile on his face. "Aren't they shiny?"

"Bailey..." Logan began, dropping the gold onto the ground again, "You just found the biggest treasure I'll bet Camp Greenlake has ever known!"