Amon scanned the people before him, this was a joke, it had to be. There he was staring at the largest group of idiots he'd ever seen, all wanted to be Witch Hunters with STN-J.
These morons were making Sakaki look like a pro. Robin held back laughter as they hit air six times out of six and Amon harshly rejected them. People that Amon told to leave immediately did looking defeated.
Three survived the initial test, but none would last the final one.
Defeat Amon sat down with a large sigh, the truth was they still weren't on good terms with head quarters. Getting another person for the witch out break, as Micheal liked to call it would be very difficult based on the idiots he just saw.
"How did it go?" Doujima asked smiling brightly.
"To put it mildly," Amon started leaning forward, "they make Sakaki look like a master."
Hurato turned and glared at Amon, "oh yeah?" he challenged, "I bet I'm a better shot than you!"
It seemed the challenge was on, Amon put money on it and everyone else felt it was better to stay out of it. This didn't stop them from going to the practice range to watch what happened.
Amon hit dead on six times out of six, and Sakaki only missed once and didn't seem phased by losing. It was apparent to everyone watching that he was improving his skills as a hunter.
Sakaki gave Amon the 15 yen bet and shook his head, "I can never hit that one," he murmured.
Amon waved a hand in front of Sakaki's right eye, when he didn't even blink he wondered out loud, "can you see out of your right eye?"
Sakaki brushed it off, "I see fine, my aim is off"
Sakaki saying his aim was off was a lie because if it actually was off then he would never admit to it. Amon turned to Robin, he remembered having the same issues with her eye sight and she was just as stubborn, the glasses she carried with her now made her more accurate and more useful when hunting witches, maybe there was something that could be done for Sakaki.
Chief walked in to the solemn group and cleared his throat, "what seems to be the issue?" He asked casually getting no response he turned on Amon, "well Amon what's going on?"
"Nothing, Chief just a little competition the rookie lost, no big deal," Amon replied.
Sakaki would thank Amon later for dropping the subject, even though he knew that it would come up again.
"I was surprised to see the light on," Chief explained, "you have a lot more hopefuls tomorrow, and I must say if we have to erase many more memories..."
"We'll find some tomorrow Chief, hopefully, did you make sure Micheal programmed it so they would not try out again?" Karasama asked.
Chief looked surprised for a minute then as if it dawned on him he rubbed his chin in thought. Amon took this as a bad sign.
"Chief," he muttered in a menacing voice.
"That's okay!" Dojima said brightly, "Micheal can fix the program tonight and we'll just do the auditions over tomorrow!"
Amon and Sakaki gave her a look that she'd better start running before they hurt her but Robin nodded.
Sakaki rolled his eyes, "this is like that stupid American show...where the really bad people sing..."
"American Idol?" Dojima asked. Sakaki nodded, "I LOVE THAT SHOW!"
"Here she goes," Sakaki muttered.
"And there's Paula, she's like Robin really nice all the time, and there's Randy that's Sakaki if you ask me, but Sakaki is a scrawny white guy-,"
"Hey!" Sakaki yelled. Un phased Dojima continued.
"Amon is of course Simon, tall, dark, handsome, and a tempter with insults that would make any small child cry."
Dojima seemed very proud of her self for figuring this all out, no one else seemed impressed...