Ok my very first fic on the net (and not to mention my first try altogether at one) I don't own treasure planet or any of it characters or merchandise ***Scroop kidnaps Jim for revenge, but what dose he do to him? who will save him?***

---Scroops Revenge---chapter 1--- As Jim stood at his doorway to his room a smirk slowly develop on his face. 2 years after that night when the Benbow inn burnt down it was finally rebuilt. He dumped his stuff on his bed and went to the window. It had been along time since he had been bothered to look out his window, back then he didn't care about much. The sun was setting and the sky was a deep orangey- red. Jim thought of when that star went supernova on that trip to treasure planet with silver, it was the same colour as the sky at the moment. Jim missed silver badly, he was like a father to him. He almost went with silver when he asked him to escape with him. He often wondered what it would have been like if he went away with silver. Jim let his thoughts play on Silver for a while, wondering where he was, and how much trouble he has caused since then. just then morph flew into his room squawking "dinners ready, dinners ready" interrupting his thoughts. As Jim ran after the pink blob he never notice the yellow eyes staring out at him thou the bushes

"Amelia? Dilbert? What are you guys doing here?" Jim heard his mum yelp in surprise as their to old friends enter the room. "Now Sarah I've told you call me AMY" the feline captain scolded gently. "Oh yeah... yo mum I invited them over before the wedding happened' Jim said "well" Sarah said look at her son "next time warn me ok?" Jim grin up at his mum. Jim looked over at the two odd couple standing nearby. Captain Amelia and Dr Delbert Doppler stood there with small smile on their face. When they aren't agueing with each other they got along very well. Who would of guessed that the lady-shy soc would actually propose to the bossy feline captain. They where to wed in a week or so. After a couple of hours chatting away over wedding plans and Jims early graduation from the academy the happy four sat down for a meal. the eyes outside narrowed evilly with thoughts in his head. At that moment Jim looked up at the window

......'He thinks he's sooo smart... Look at him... Sitting there with out a care... well ... for now at lease If only he knew...oh if only he knew'...... Without another thought the figure slid away into the darkness

"Hey" yelled Jim suddenly jumping up from the table startling everyone there. "Jim what is it" Amy queried. Everyone turned to the window. "I thought I... never mind...I just...it's nothing" Jim sat down slowly not letting his eyes leave the window. 'I swear I saw someone out there' Jim thought to him self. Everything return to normal except for Jim who had that nagging voice in the back of his head that said someone was there watching them... no...it was watching him... Jim shivered and looked back out the window and saw nothing but darkness.

Jim walked into his room pretty late that night. He had stayed up listening to Amy and Delbert story of there latest adventure. It reminded Jim of the stories Silver used to tell the crew on slow night. Stories that scared you but left you hanging for more, with silver using his arm for a shadow puppet. Jim remembered how much he had hate being there but at that time he was starting to enjoy himself. Jim look out his window in hope he might see Silver pop his head up out with that grin he always wore, but nothing was there. Jim sighed as he closed his door behind him. Just then some thing hit him in the back of his head knocking him to the floor hard. As Jim fell and hit his head hard on the ground. As he tried to steady his vision he felt his hands pulled behind him with hard tug Jim struggled as hard as he could. But as he lashed out at the attacker only to has his arm grab in a sharp pinch. He started to yell but all he got was a gag over his mouth and hear a voice hiss in his ear "misss me cabin boy" Jims eye opened wider as he realized who it was but before he could do anything a hard pincher hit him again in the head and into the darkness for real.

As Sarah walked by Jims door she stopped and sniff she could smell smoke, but she didn't mind if Jim was a smoker or not, it was that Jim knew rules of no smoking in the inn. Sarah frowned "Jim?" she asked but no answer came "Jim...JIM" Sarah growled at his door. "trouble Sarah" Amelia asked as she creped up stairs. "the door.." she growled and Amy got the drift quickly "what he do now?" Sarah almost lost it then "smell the smoke" Amy nodded "so you think he's smoking" she queried as she slammed the door open, then squealed and jumped back. "DILBY, DILBY" she cried. Dilbert ran up the stairs to see her hold Sarah back from the fire "JIM" she cried trying to get in the room as Dilbert looked in the room he saw no sight of Jim. Jim had vanished