"Learning As You Go"

Summary: Bud looks for advice after the twins are born.

Note: You'll have to assume that at least one of the Roberts twins is a girl for this story to work. On a more personal note, I offer a humble thank you to anyone who has read my flash fics, especially those of you who took the time to review. This is the end of the road for me, and I have thoroughly enjoyed working on this series. I wish you all a safe and happy new year. Please enjoy the final chapter of "Father's Firsts"!

Disclaimer: Harm, Mac, etc. are not mine, so don't sue me because I have an imagination and too much free time.

Written 31 December 2004

"Sirs, may I ask you something?" Bud nervously asked two of his superior officers.

"What's on your mind?" Harm asked. He and Admiral Chegwidden had come to the hospital to see Harriet and the new babies after work.

"I was wondering if you could give me any advice about raising daughters."

"I don't know how much help I can be," Chegwidden truthfully replied. "Unfortunately, I wasn't around much while Francesca was growing up. But in my experience, I've found that babies are babies—they eat and sleep. Gender doesn't matter too much until they get older, right Rabb?"

Harm groaned. "I've learned enough about feminine hygiene and adolescent angst to last me a lifetime. Buy lot's of Tylenol to survive the teenage years, Bud."

"Wait until your daughter is an adult, Rabb. One day she'll call to tell you she's eloped." Chegwidden grimaced before adding, "Then she'll tell you you're going to be a grandfather."